Guess it's not just a flu, bro. The flu is actually worse

Guess it's not just a flu, bro. The flu is actually worse.

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i'm not going to even explain why that's a brainlet post

It's been here since late December latest.
I'd bet a cool $5 we already had a million cases easy.

It's fake

Oh were on the fast track to 2 mil. It's fun.

Don't like 50m people get a flu every year?

OK, joomer.

I honestly think many of us were exposed way before china reported anything
this either might be a nothingburger or an incredibly delayed mutant virus

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What timeline do these "It's not happening" fags come from?
It sure the fuck ain't mine, I've never seen anything like this in my life.

You are right, its nothing. Better send everyone back to work. Its perfectly safe...... hahahahHAHAHAHAHA

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Stop watching the propaganda spewing media. This is only a "emergency" due to the panic/overreaction the media caused in effort to hurt Trump. WAKE UP!

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Seeing how many people want to call this nothing on Yas Forums made me realize how stupid this board actually is.

You see this more or less year. It’s just not breathlessly reported on.

This but unironically. You don't stop a nation over something as tame as pneumonia.

>didn't fall for obvious propaganda
This is the weakest bit of shilling I've seen.
You should be fired.

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way more than 2 mil in the US will contract this eventually

They come from the social media perception management timeline where there are more shills because it's easier to find people who will stay at home and grind shekels on forums by posting disinformation.

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So I guess our media caused it to be an emergency in Italy too? China? Spain? Iran? France? That's some pretty powerful media.

>Critique of how the statistics collected are biased
>But look at my other biased statistics! They say it isn't!


>Some retard in November 1939: WW2 isn't as bad as WW1 cuz da death toll isn't anywhere close!

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I know, right. Just two more weeks, bro.

The only reason we don’t have 2 million cases already is because of the social distancing measures taken.

globally maybe. In Ameritard land. No.

>last week
>only 50 dead it's a nothing burger

>this week
>only 1000 dead it's a nothing burger

>next week
>only 10,000 dead it's a nothing burger

Are all deaths attributed to flu based on testing? Wonder how much of the flu morbidity is actually corona.

>would need two million confirmed cases
Is that a challenge, Blue check mark?

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Auto accidents are literally worse than this cold virus. I can’t believe that our press is so firmly in China’s pocket. The good news is that this is really waking the average citizen up to how bullshit the media is and how shitty chinks are.


Even if it was 50k it would still be a nothingburger. More people get killed by smoking than this virus.

Just to remind ourselves that the coronavirus is a hoax:

1) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80.

2) Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.

3) Pneumonia annually kills over a million people. After several months, the coronavirus has (allegedly) killed only 20,000.

4) According to Oxford University, half of Britain has already been infected with the virus for some time. Where are the results?

5) The tales about the overwhelming of medical infrastructure are specious. There are innumerable ways to explain them. Mass hysteria, induced by the lockdowns and the media, causes many people to flood into hospitals who ordinarily would have stayed at home. Panic causes many people to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming health resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of patients. Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff. Italy, the cause celebre of the flatten the curve narrative, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began. (

6) As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says, we are manufacturing a pandemic by testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Those who die _with_ it, not _of_ it, then get added to a meaningless pile of statistics.

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Not much or we'd have had a "bad flu season."
It was average.
It was probably just counted as the flu, people not being tested, never enough to raise flags.
Took the same people the flu was going to take in most part.

Then why is Clay Travis (or you OP you massive faggot) sitting on his fat ass inside shitposting on the internet instead of going outside because it's just a flu?

In the states usually they test for the flu first due to shortage of covid tests

I want to see total deaths when this is over, so we can see exactly how many more deaths we had over this period than years past.
Something tells me the total deaths will be about the same as last year meaning the people that died were going to die anyway.

Post this on /sci/ and they'll rightfully bury your entire edifice of intelligence


>implying those behaviors would change regardless of how serious or not this or any health issue was.

>What timeline do these "It's not happening" fags come from?
>It sure the fuck ain't mine, I've never seen anything like this in my life.

then you are blind? just a year or two ago? a bad strain of the FLU killed 61,000 in the USA alone. Barely made the news. It was a ... strain of flu that caused pneumonia, killed mainly the old and sickly. sound familiar? The ONLY two differences...
1) this corona is being media panic-hyped for clicks and ratings
2) this corona? is on pace to be LESS deadly than that years bad flu strain.

Im saying before the corona panic. Someone with flu symptoms that dies is written off as flu without confirming it.
I’d bet we are near the top of the infection curve because the virus has been here since november at least.

That Oxford Uni report was brutally argued against by Imperial College and other epidemiologists

Maybe, just maybe, depending on where he lives, he is trying to avoid getting machined gunned by soldiers enforcing the quarantine.

This. Car accidents kill 40k a year, 9% of that is literal children.

Flu kills more kids than this does.

Maybe it's the dad in me, but i'm more worried about shit like RSV, Flu and Car Crashes. Those kill babies.

>I want to see total deaths when this is over, so we can see exactly how many more deaths we had over this period than years past.
>Something tells me the total deaths will be about the same as last year meaning the people that died were going to die anyway.

BEST year for USA flu deaths: 10,000
WORST year for USA flu deaths: 61,000
THIS year (including corona): not even close

>I've never seen anything like this in my life.
>why are you pointing out facts when the elite told me this was bad?

I love how brainlets actually believe that world renowned doctors and scientists around the globe are incorrect about the seriousness of covid-19, but this shithead mouth breathing sportsball commenter knows more than all the experts

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why don't you multiply COVID's mortality rate (8%-10%) by the number of cases of flu per year and then say that retarded shit.
the thing is, CoVID is as if not more contagious than the flu, so it's not even a stretch to calculate the death rate that would occur if as many people were to contract CoVID as do the flu annually.

30,000 USA deaths is an "average year" for flu deaths.
are we NOW going to have a "panic" every fucking winter, with lockdowns, shutdowns, and people hoarding stupid shit?

We will have well over 2 million cases in the US in a month.

appeal to authority

Right! It's a global conspiracy!

The media etc are certainly taking advantage, but it doesn't diminish the reality of the virus.

>not taking zinc and vitamin C
Grow up kiddo

when did the flu overwhelm hospitals?

except its not that high a mortality rate. quit making number up.

>two more weeks
lolno it's already more than flu deaths, but there is no point in explaining to a mongoloid

>We will have well over 2 million cases in the US in a month.
based on what evidence? and on (you)r qualifications which are what exactly?

The ICL panic-mongers have already been forced to revise their figures. They are not reliable, and their reputation was already in question to begin with. These are the words of Dr Dick Sibley, a leading vet, in The Times last week:

"Casting doubt on the brilliance of the Imperial College scientists, he says that his heart sank when he learned they were advising the Government. Calling them a ‘team of doom-mongers’, he says their advice on the 2001 foot-and-mouth outbreak ‘led to what I believe to be the unnecessary slaughter of millions of healthy cattle and sheep’ until they were overruled by the then Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King."

The elites didn't even care about it initially. They were more concerned about racism against chinese.

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When the media breathlessly reported that flu symptoms were cause for alarm 24/7 for months straight.

>Angsty liberal medicine nerds who have spent their whole lives dreaming about a huge health crisis so they can finally feel useful and important are totally not exaggerating the severity of this virus to make themselves feel useful and make le Trump look bad.

shiggydiggy stayathomehub

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>He thinks 9,000 people will die in a week

>Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities
Stop reading right here, that's how it fucking works you smooth brained moron

>lolno it's already more than flu deaths, but there is no point in explaining to a mongoloid

average flu deaths in an average USA winter year: 30,000 on average (10,000 low to 60,000 highest)
covid deaths in USA so far: just over 2000, and warm weather right around the corner.
this is actually a decent flu death year in the USA, media hype notwithstanding.

Sports Reporting = Statistical Analysis


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How so appealing to authority? The vast majority of public health experts don't exert any authority over me, they're going to know a lot more than Clay the retard sportsball man

Because the flu doesn't get the quarantine response the China virus is getting.

>Stoped reading right here, that's not how it fucking works you smooth brained moron*
Reading that level of retardation gave my brain an aneurysm apparently

This is something, I know too many healthy people getting fucked up by this.

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anyone can google cornovirus stats and flu stats then see which is bigger. has nothing to do with 'world renowned' scientists

>Flu enter NY
>People slowly die through out the year

>Corona enter NY
>400 people in ICU, 40k infected
>Italy is losing 700 people a day

Yeah, I'm gonna say you're fucking retarded.

Flu deaths are an estimation.

Swine flu estimated deaths are 10x~33x the number of confirmed deaths.
Therefore, 2k corona confirmed deaths means 20k~60k estimated corona deaths

>Italy too? China? Spain? Iran? France?
Have you ever seen Italy in person? China? Spain? Iran? France? Do you know anyone who has ever seen them with their own eyes?

Didn't think so.

Lol bodies in NYC are being kept in refrigerated trucks because the morgues are full, sure it’s just the flu

how the fuck do people know that some of the flu and pnumenia deaths weren't cov19 deaths mislabeled/untested? seriously how stupid are people? and the idea that we all had it and miraculously were just immune to it? fantasy world thinking

Some sanity at last, thanks.

>That Oxford Uni report was brutally argued against by Imperial College and other epidemiologists
The people who made the model that Oxford discredited, don't like Oxford's numbers, wow, much surprise

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Yeah. A million cases of people with no symptoms

>just a flu goyboy, go to work and pay your taxes
>don't forget to consume

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I can't believe flu killed 6 millions just since last thursday.

Hospitals are overwhelmed all the time. It’s not like they are half filled during non-flu season
Now you get everyone panic if they have a cough . Of course they’d have more
Than the normal amount

Imperial college has backtracked on their muh 2 million shit.

I'v been to Italy and China. The fuck does that have to do with anything?

This is Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's whole point. You cannot provide a death-rate or even show that the coronavirus is harmful at this point, because it is too early to compile reliable statistics. If you test everybody who is about to die for the virus, you can get a high death-rate if you want, but the practice is scientifically meaningless.

This is why China can claim, in one moment, that their country is overwhelmed by the virus, and, in the next, say that they are completely free of it. As Dr Wodarg says, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created.

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MAGA tard confidently espouses sportsball retard Clay's expert public health analyses over people who study it for a living.

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Given that the virus most likely originated in the United States back in the summer, it has been here for almost a year now and has probably spread throughout the population and infected tens of millions of people. I wouldn't be surprised if in the final tally it actually had a death rate lower than the flu.

Because you cant

Always. US Hospitals are 4 patients away from being overwhelmed on any given night between September and May.

How many people are infected by the flu every year ?

>The ICL panic-mongers have already been forced to revise their figures.

Comparing Foot and Mouth and then forgetting Swine Flu?

Look at Italy and Spain who agreed with Imperial.
What measures should they have taken according to the great Dr. Dick Sibley a

Face it.
The Tories and the US have chosen crisis management rather than a proper lockdown because their mates in the city save on Pension liabilities

considering the pandemic is only just ramping up in the US, don't you think it might be wise to wait until the end to make comparisons?

Because you're obviously 12

We make fact based analysis. Ignore the shills

As of now it's only hitting Jew York hard. Of the confirmed cases where I live our hospitals can easily handle it considering most of those confirmed cases didn't even go to the hospital. Also it probably has been in large cities since January at the latest but unnoticeable since a very mild case is just a few coofs and sneezes which is like a fucking cold. My girlfriend and I woke up three weeks ago with a coof and a little sore. I really wouldn't be surprised if there's a test for antibodies later and we both had it.

>This is Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's whole point. You cannot provide a death-rate or even show that the coronavirus is harmful at this point, because it is too early to compile reliable statistics. If you test everybody who is about to die for the virus, you can get a high death-rate if you want, but the practice is scientifically meaningless.

Well, naturally. SARS estimates were ~2%-4% during the epidemic.

Maybe we can have some idea if we look at closed cases death rate and open cases death rate and see if they are converging to something.

Yeah, better sit in self imposed imprisonment. Do you even have an analogue of trumpbucks there, or you're gonna starve next month?

>confirmed cases
This phrase is worthless without widespread testing

They just back peddled and said half of UK is probably infected and the peak will probably be in 2 weeks and there are enough national hospital beds.