>be me
>live in city and about 25% of the girls I know have an onlyfans, patreon or what ever else
>most of these girls if exclusively aren't cam girls, are servers/bartenders
>Corona Virus hits and their simps are out of jobs
>they're actively being more slutty and begging for money on social media
>"Hey, I'm selling my photo sets and videos for half off!"
I think a positive out of this, is the stupid cucks that enable these dumb skanks don't have money anymore and have to prioritize their limited cash flow.
Other urls found in this thread:
White knights incoming. Brace yourselves.
They’re eager to show their efforts here their crushes. May they get laid and stop being cucks.
Simps don't exist during crises.
That's one of the few bright spots of this coronavirus shutdown. If you think about it, the rise of e-thots/camwhores has been in the period after the great recession, so they haven;t had to deal with a recession hurting their incomes yet. With more and more simps losing their jobs, and unable to donate to these girls, these women will have to either get a real job (difficult with the whole country shutting down), get more desperate and whore themselves out even more, or try to latch onto a beta provider to take care of them.
You faggots don't have autism, you have schizoid and sociopathic personality disorders. The fact you'd make fun of this poor dead girl reflects that.
Bet a bunch of you are jealous trannies, too. You're all going to die soon enough so don't worry about the future.
I've seen them whore their-selves out even more. It's getting ridiculous.
You're faggot loser incels with defective genes who would be thrown into camps in any fantasy state you can dream of. Detritus for implying this innocent autistic girl was a whore because she was pretty.
I would have paid $1 to watch her jam a broadsword up her ass
>normies getting so devastated by the fact that they can't go out and party that they are killing themselves
How can an autistic person be a normie, discord tranny?
>be hot girl
>claim to be autistic because it's trendy right now
>kill yourself
>potato-niggers white-knight for you on a namibian ladle carving forum
>not donating
Trump bux are going straight to these girls
>be a fat/emaciated sociopathic schizo
>claim you have autism because you think lack of empathy is a symptom
>get clapped by anyone in the upcoming crisis because you're a faggot who can't cooperate
>insult dead girls online because you're an outright misogynist loser
I'm sure there are some guys so mentally damaged they will give every last cent to these girls and end up homeless in the process, or steal money from their family and then kill their parents and brother after being found out, but I'd think most guys would prioritize food and shelter over donating to a girl that wouldn't even touch them IRL.
Based brit eThot
You seem to be projecting bro. You're the angriest one in this thread.
Calm down tough guy.
>moralfagging this hard
lmaoing at your life rn my dude
You’d be surprised, user
Not my heckin thotorinos!
Back in the day women had to live with betas, gammas and omegas in order to drain their wallets. Now women have figured out a way to get men's money without even getting directly in touch with them.
Let's just admit it, she needs a big black cock inside her blonde pussy.
She was autistic you sick fucks
>Defending dead thots on Yas Forums
Newfaggots ouuuut! Reeeeee!
I have HFA (Asperger's) like she did and I'm considered very good looking. I know what it's like when people assume you're not autistic because you're attractive.
None of you will make it if you're willing to stoop as low as I've seen in some of the threads about her. It's disgusting.
>a few days at home
>goes completely insane
Yes they do. Why the fuck do you think this thread was created and was posted on Yas Forums before? You pasta nigger
>I have HFA
Yes, we can tell. Stop posting.
I think the best thing to come out of this Corona shit is seeing the normies losing their minds and killing themselves because they can't go out and socialize/garner attention. Meanwhile the social outcasts and recluses are treating this shit like it's a normal day.
It's fascinating in a way to see the different mindsets at work.
>Oh no I can't go out and see chad...better kill myself XD
>Oh look we can't go outside now. Well I wasn't planning to anyway, this is a normal day.
Fuck whores.
>I'm considered very good looking
post face
Fucking leafs with no respect. I see your point but that image is too fucking far.
I can excuse sloots for whoring out for easy cash.
What I cannot EVER excuse are men who pay for this bullshit or men that defend the sloots and paying sloooots for bullshit.
What the fuck is wrong with dudes these days?
>commit the hairy kerry
>dies in hospital
As usual, women can't do anything right.
every Brit has autism
>insulting dead autistic girls because you get rejected constantly
Started on Yas Forums in 2007, you queer bastard. Laughing at the misfortune of bad people is fine, but this was a young autistic girl who got obsessed with the fear of the virus and went too far.
You've no values. You're just going to have to take my word for it. I get compared to Sean O'Pry.
She had autism apparently, likely the reason why.
>Laughing at the misfortune of others is fine
>Unless they have the same social disability as me
Imagine being this much of a hypocrite sperg.
>I have HFA (Asperger's)
You don’t have to tell us. It’s obvious, Mr. 0/10
>Started on Yas Forums in 2007
Sure you did faggot
>You've no values
this is the internet retard
>You're just going to have to take my word for it
fat ugly fuck confirmed
post gut
>I get compared to Sean O'Pry.
I don't know who that is
You're the trap poster again aren't you?
But yeah how did you know?
imagine being a 10/10 girl in her prime and killing yourself because you can't leave home for a few days
I literally can't conceptualize it
It's lulzworthy if they prey on weak people, sure. What did she ever do to harm others? Look good?
Seems I've struck a chord with all the ntgger incels lurking around. You're going to miss pre-covid society. Malicious faggots like you will be rooted out by the good people around you and put down. I don't care what beliefs you profess to have.
Everything I said is true, tranny.
Cause you're a d&c incel faggot
It's bretty obvious
Waste of genetics
like this?
Innocence is a meme. You just identify with this broad so your tiny tiny empathy censors go off because your little sperg brain tells you : ZOMG IT'S LITERALLY ME.
Follow in her footsteps potatosperg, do the world a favor.
This is better then porn
>Everything I said is true
pics or it didn't happen
I'm not a tranny
>muh d&c
lol retard
nice buzzword faggot
The eternal simp always exists, probably get worse
You’re promising too much. Simmer down a bit. Keep it believable.
Nobody rooted me out so far. Neither will anyone.
But why are you so focused on the dead whore? Wanna attend her funeral?
based leaf
Cope, your posting is as obvious as the Swede
I'd bet your iq is in her ballpark as well
white knight
Cavaliere bianco
This has all been massively blackpilling on female nature and I don't think I'll ever be able to have feelings for a western woman again.
Think about it, you give women absolute freedom and what do they do..? They become sluts, prostitutes, gold diggers, they kill their babies, they shame men for having preferences, they fuck dangerous criminals and neglect their children.
How can you possibly see these people as your equal ever again? Misogyny is the only correct response to all of this.
avoiding contact with people is literally symptom of autism.
because autists are not good at speaking their minds. they find it exhausting to make conversation going.
your 3rd point is literally proving right the person you tried to riddicule point earlier
this thot just wanted to get some sympathy as she couldn't handle being independent strong women.
needed to find explanations to why she is not dealing with the situation as she is supposed to according to jewish media that raised her
your lack of understanding pushes me to belive you lack dick
good afternoon i hate women
pathetic simpoid defending literal whores...
>It had autism
So kikeotics shapeshifting whispering in her ear again.
Thats like saying a soldier in world war 1 is a psycopath because they kill and all the gore and hell they had to experience.
I wouldnt say that. I would say they are humans who adapted to the reality of the new world. They are professional soldiers.
You see an enemy soldier, you shoot him, you take his food, and his boots if theyre nice. Then you get on with life.
The absurdity and horror of the situation brings about whats called “gallows humor”. The exposition of which i would predicate means they are not insane.
>your posting is as obvious as the Swede
congrats faggot, you can recognize patterns
You should keep a list of anons that you recognize like I do
>I'd bet your iq is in her ballpark as well
baseless assertion, you're just saying that because you don't like me
physically created for the sole purpose of engaging in coitus with large black penises
So what was she guilty of? That's sociopathy you're thinking of, what you seem to have. I do have a bias because I know how hard life was for her, but I'll persevere and proliferate my genes.
I have nothing to prove to a tranny who won't even disclose what country they're from.
When you're forced to actually cooperate with people within the next year they'll very easily notice you have sadistic tendencies and won't want you anywhere near them or their families. Enjoy.
I really pity the poor beta faggot that ends up marrying this twat
Don't worry.You'll find another thot to throw your money at.
>unironically has a list of people
What, is your memory really that bad?
Prove she was a whore
Wow. Ugly, stupid and a whore. This gross bitch got the hat trick of dumb.
>who won't even disclose what country they're from
I'm from america
The blonde whore would immediately date you if she saw your lame efforts lmao
>the very last second of that webm
big lel
Autism is a fucking meme. Retarded/Not Retarded. Pick one.
>is your memory really that bad?
No I just like lists
>but I'll persevere and proliferate my genes.
she was guilty of attention whoring roastie
she dug her own grave because of lack of dopamine flow she usually get with attention.
isolation=no attention and she's gone as many other girls
The symptoms of dick withdrawal are more fatal than black death.
>stupid cucks that enable these dumb skanks don't have money anymore and have to prioritize their limited cash flow.
Not necessarily. Those simps will find a way. As for the thots being "dumb", they are not dumb for exploiting a freely available resource. They just have a different model of morality.
>t. Retarded tranny that can't remember 22 people
What the fuck is "stuck inside"? She clearly doesnt mean it literally. Does she actually need to constantly go to clubs and bars or she'll kill herself?
this post really pissed off the transfaggots who make women hate threads
stop larping as a man you stupid shitdicked queer
to soon
He does get worse. He uses circumstances to leverage sex. He ceases to be a simp and becomes a predator. Which is all a simp really is. A man who cannot understand women and resorts to material strategies to woo women.
Who says anything about marriage? Any hole's a goal.
your post really reeks of samefaggotry
i'm not clicking that. You put a link to a webm as a meme flag instead of directly uploading it here. This glows
The NEET shall inherit the earth. I love this phrase.
Imagine you fool her into thinking you have 6 mil followers on instagram and she sucks your cock like life itself.
Must be easy
I'm not a tranny REEE
He's irish. The niggers are fucking his potatoes more than he is
she's already dead. she can't have sex with you. GET OVER IT!
Your heroic efforts have not been in vain good sir, and thus you are hereby granted a pussy pass.
Too fucking bad she is fucking dead, so unless you are into necrophilia, a virgin you shall stay.
too soon user, c'mon have some respect
This unironically. There is a reason it's ugly men who resort to it in general with he occasional exception of a pretty boy dark triad
lmao dumb roast beef btfo!
This is the third fucking thread I've seen of this stupid bitch. At least use a new thumbnail, you horny simp niggers.
You're a discord tranny, so piss off back to discord you tranny
That last second is fucking hilarious lol
It's a Yas Forums link retard
if you're been here since 2007. why not take a good look at this. mr white knight
I read the article. She was lucky that she had an older sister and a supportive family so that she was shown how to interact with others and able to hold down a waitressing job rather than go to university. It's common for young autistics to want to fit in and maintain relationships but not knowing how.
You don't have autism, you're an antisocial schizoid.
Soldiers killed and were killed in the world wars because they believed they were defending their families and communities from death at the hands of the others. How does that have any relation to repeatedly insulting an autistic girl who had a panic attack and killed herself? You're a queer.
Is it starting to set in that you're not real men, and never will be? You have no values, edgy little cunts. You stand for nothing.
>I get compared to Sean O'Pry
I very much doubt that. Most aspies are delusional though so I wont hold it against you.
you're ugly so you're out of luck
Whores will line the streets just like weimar
>hurr u discord tranny
I don't know what to tell you
Also I'm only vaguely aware of what discord is