Why are white canadians

so poor?

My parents immigrated here from India when I was 12 and now I own several Tim Hortons and basically a millionaire.

I also need to hire immigrants, cause the white canadians are usually on drugs and never show up to shifts.
If they do, they're so lazy and stupid, it was a waste of my time and money to hire them.

I also don't hire white females anymore because of all the #metoo stuff and how crazy they and how often they call the police on their boyfriends over nothing.
Im not getting sued by some white canadian gold digger prostitute

Why are white canadians so poor and trashy??
They're all skinny scrawny beta manlets with nasal voices who sound like they are constantly whining.
They're huge faggots.

How come the only rich people in Canada are Indians and Chinese people??

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canadians have always been somewhat northern hicks, only with the import of ambitious and status-oritented minorities did their simpleness become apparent

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You have to go back Mr Poo. Shitskins don't belong in the west.

Indians are too dumb to poo in the loo but they can become millionaires in Canada by the age of 12. Sheesh guys, this is pretty embarassing...

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all the ambitious people flee to the United States

White Canadians are entitled liberal faggots. They rely on third world people to run everything. Whites don’t work in Canada. It’s almost like a weird form of slavery. My home country is fucking trash.
t. Peterborough user who moved to Texas and got into fracking.

Yes, they are on the look out for white males in canada.
It's funny really.
They hire women who hate them, for every position available and then suffer under them.

I only hire foreign females cause I know they won't call the cops on me for simply being a male.
Females in my culture still act like females. Not passing their pussy out to every black drug dealer and paki with a BMW around then have their own men arrested for nothing.

Oh and free college has made a bunch of liberal faggots. If they would learn about actual things that matter it would be acceptable. All the learn about is how mean we are to Indians.

Great for you raj you got interest free loans and tax breaks a real Canadian would never get simply because you are too retarded to use plumbing and some idiot liberals felt bad for you keep this shit up and you will be sent home soon enough.

Most obvious chink larping as poo I've ever seen

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desu he could help you with your muslim problem, as he stated:
>They're all skinny scrawny beta manlets with nasal voices who sound like they are constantly whining.
>They're huge faggots.
Sven you wont solve the issues yourself, importing half a million indians to get rid of muslims would be the best option you got left.

>muh handouts excuse

How long are white people gonna use this pathetic myth of an excuse for? Even if immigrants do get some sort of break how do you justify yourself being poor when you're established and raised here and had much more educated and opportunities to thrive? I mean the world was in your parents fingertips and they still blew it, pretty embarrassing honestly.

They literally moved in to the apartments next door to me and drilling holes in the walls to install microphones because they never heard of stick on sonar imaging cameras. lol

>>>Time for your meds

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Yes, they seem to be quiet happy to live in filth and be dumb lazy welfare collectors.
It's sad how true Trailer Park Boys is. That's your average leaf. Trailer trash good for nothing loser.
I get all those boomers who say they go through employees like crazy in canada. All the whites are lazy idiots.

Good luck to you wh*toid. Maybe you'll be Bubba's bitch when your GF says you raped her.

The females in your culture aren't females and if your people were so great, you wouldn't have had to flee to the West. You're a subhuman poo and always will be.

Who said I was poor? Why can’t you do this shit in your own countries? people are getting sick of it. Start making your plans to leave.

>I own several Tim Horton
how did that happen did a fairy sprinkle franchise licenses on you ?

>Good luck to you wh*toid. Maybe you'll be Bubba's bitch when your GF says you raped her.

did you run away to the west because your peoples country is a shit hole?

Lol shut the fuck up no one’s lazier than the pajeets who harass white to copy their homework

I wasn't born white and in canada, that's how

My parents owned textile factories in India before we moved here. Think we came here on your piss poor hand outs?

Know what a "textile" is, white boi?

Canadian Pajeetas only want white cock

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>I wasn't born white and in canada

how was the transition from street to toilet? you use a toilet now right?

LOL GF AHAHHAHA!!! I'll be too busy working, drawing and playing videogames to fall for the reproduction trap.

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Why should I work when immigrants are paying for my welfare and social services? This is the best time to not be a wage slave, especially with the internet

Aren't you worried niggers are going to rape your mom and sister if they leave your compound??

Dunno. My aunt and uncle live there since the late 80s and they buy new cars out of boredom basically. They're loaded.

It's just Anglo incompetence imo.

Why won't you answer my question, it was a simple one.

how was the transition from street to toilet? you use a toilet now right?

I know this feel brother. When my parents came here from Nigeria they drove taxis and waited tables until being able to purchase enough rental properties to live on while putting me and my siblings through college.

But for some reason Americans think we used magic juju to get As in class and work hard for hours each day.

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>Whites don’t work in Canada.
Lol, stay mad mutt.

>My parents immigrated here from India when I was 12 and now I own several Tim Hortons and basically a millionaire.

Good thing nobody would ever lie on the internet, and Indians are known for their honesty

Your attitude is another part of why people are sick of your peoples shit keep talking and waking them up to reality you retard insecure 3rd worlders move to the west get a small bit of success and suddenly think you are big shit.

Stay out of the Toronto area you fag.

Sounds like the life of an incel.......
At least you wont end up in jail or with a criminal record over false charges.
They tell women in Uni to report white men to the police or employers for everything.

Glad you made it out fellow peterborough user, that place really is a special hell

> As in class and work hard for hours each day.

gonna need to pick one Siphosiso

>I wasn't born white and in canada, that's how

"Tim Horton". That's a Punjabi name, isn't it?

No Survivors.

>The females in your culture aren't females
Same to yours buddy, American women are fucking gold diggers as far as I'm aware.

Because each person only has so much mental capacity and most of theirs is wasted on liberal bullshit.

>They tell women in Uni to report white men to the police or employers for everything.
Lol okay retard.

Belonged to some no name diddler hockey player who started a coffee chain in the 1970s.

You canadians are so far behind the USA , you're obvlisious to it

Also now owned by some corporation in Brazil.

Not everyone is is a shiftless Yoruba, Enzokuhle. We’re Igbo.

then you are not representative of the average indian. You moved to canada because your own country is a shithole. So at the end of the day the average indian in india is less competent than the average canadian.

Not to mention the lower average iq and the general state of the india compared to canada.

LOL see any news stories of POCs getting charged and arrested for approaching females? Nope, just white men.

Extremely based brother, good work up there! The whites are even worse in the US, they think capitalism works for them even though I literally won't hire them except for janitorial work. I love seeing them come in for work, mop the my floors, and leave.

Yas Forums is schizophrenic and op is always a faggot
make better threads OP

>My parents owned textile factories in India before we moved here.

Boy I sure fucking wonder how you managed to make money. Fucking retard Poos. I cannot fucking wait until you fuckers pack your shit and go home, because I assure you that day is coming.


Okay there davinci code, I knew women make false rape accusations when I was like 10 lol. You assume everyone is retarded. I know like 10 guys who ended up losing millions of dollars in houses and property from divorces alone.

how do you whites feel about me emigrating to your countries?
I'm ready to get into your culture and work hard as always.

I sure you're proud of your fellow browns ruining our companies because some filthy Jew wanted to hire cheap fucks who are even more nepotistic than they are. There won't be anywhere to run to.

nepotism and ethnocentrism at full display. Prime example of why there should be no immigration.

do you have any proof or are you just going to type like a woke-schizo?
Indian CEOs in most top companies afaik have improved it a LOT.

canada doesn't have a culture. Its just cold and work and everyone hates everyone else

>with nasal voices who sound like they are constantly whining
Slav Chad leaf here, this is so true. Anglo leafs are always personally weird and out there.

You're part of the problem. If you're truly white, then have sex with a white girl. Make white children.

So? You bunch brag about how you’ll only hire other whites regardless of competence. Why is it only bad when we do it?

>Belonged to some no name diddler hockey player who started a coffee chain in the 1970s.

Funny that they don't have the same sort of chain all over India, with high standards of food quality and hygiene, since you Indians are allegedly so entrepreneurial. It's almost as if you can only flourish in white countries

>You canadians are so far behind the USA , you're obvlisious to it

At least you admit you're not a Canadian, and never will be

LMAO and your proud of that or something? Females can't sue men for everything they own in shitty india.
Just in your jewed countries of "females first"
You're all cucks.

Enjoy dying alone cause you can't go near a female cause you're a white man.

Go back to India then you fucking faggot.

(you) don't know what kind of food chains exist in India, you're too poor to afford to visit.

I literally started my own company. Do you not know what nepotism means?
If you mean hiring people who do the job the best is ethnocentrism then I am practicing it. There is law against it.

You Sikhs talk big but when it comes down to it you are the most self destructive submissive people ever. You sided with white brittish over hindu dravidians in like, every major conflict and we still think you are poos lol. Now modi and his hindu nationalists are gonna replace you in your own country ( or it will be the muslim pakis) because when it comes down to it, sikhs are the jews of India. You are both a shitskin and a race traitor.

Sure. As long as you work and pay your taxes, I don't care. Have at it.

I don't see myself working anytime soon, but I'm interested how you got into fracking. Is it hard work? Aren't you ever worried that more leftists like AOC will become influential in the government and seek to ban fracking?

the same applies to indians tho. POC's can also get divorce raped.

I started my own company retard. There won't be anywhere to run because I don't need to run, you do.

Once I make a couple more million off you poor white trash canadians who such down Tim Hortons cause it's your "culture", Im moving to US and living on the beach.
Keep your country loser. It sucks.

>(you) don't know what kind of food chains exist in India

I would never patronize any food place whose owners shit in the streets and wipe their asses with their left hands

> you're too poor to afford to visit.

Well the rupee is so much stronger than the Canadian dollar after all, right?

I've heard that you guys are unironically the nicest retards.
My relatives who moved from US to canada last year all have nothing but praise for you guys.

Subcontinental Indians in Canada actually have a household median income that is not that far off from whites; in the US, they have one of the highest. This is because any immigrants in a foreign nation will likely (if the selection process chooses the best candidates. For ex., an individual/family immigrating to Canada based on the points system) do better than the native people for the first generation or two. You are selecting the most competent and intelligent people amongst a very large population - thus the individuals who actually immigrate do fairly well in their new countries. The problem lies with when their children and grandchildren are born. Their descendants will have an IQ and other abilities that are closer to the racial mean, which is lower in the case of most Subc. Indian Ethnic groups.
My question to you, poojeet, is why the fuck are you in a white country, built from the ground up by white men, with infrastructure that far exceeds anything your faggot poojabi parents or you would've been around in your shitskin country - all whilst still having the audacity to talk shit about the people whose country you've inhabited on a Mongolian Throat Singing forum? Back to your own country, you don't belong here and you're clearly not appreciative of what you've been given.

We aren't allowed to be successful. The only companies that can get away with hiring white men only are small town construction, and that's because shitskins and women can't hack it. The ones that do make it in the trades are in big companies that can afford to have shitskins and pajeets holding clipboards and wearing white hard hats.

I actually think this post is real. Should be too difficult to locate all the THs franchises -- there cant be more than a few Indian families that control more than one store...should it?

I don't even have to doxxx you, I just have to post it here. Enjoy being found out.

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You're a fucking monkey. :D I'm not TRULY WHITE. I identify as a collective of cells encoded by DNA for the purpose of survival and longevity.

What's the point of having children if women nowadays are literally programmed to freeload off you then take all your shit.

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What the nigger is a Tom horton?

>Slav chad

No such thing, all slavic men are abusive alcoholics with odd, ball shaped skulls.

Is this what canadians look like?

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bed bugs and cockraoches are more a canadian thing eh?
You'll be surprised who actually made this post then

I actually think this post is real. Shouldn't be too difficult to locate all the THs franchisees -- there cant be more than a few Indian families that control more than one store...should it?

I don't even have to doxxx you, I just have to post it here. Enjoy being found out.

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AHHHH HA HA HA HA lookit this weakling manlet.
Definitely single mom material. Probably never met his dad.

>muh materialism and ego
>if he actually read up on his religion, you are supposed to be totally against that
Kys faggot.

LOL I look 600times more aryan than all the mutts on here. :D and I'm only about 90% white.

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>bed bugs and cockraoches are more a canadian thing eh?

None of those where I live. Are you sure you didn't bring them to Brampton with you from the old country?

>I literally started my own company. Do you not know what nepotism means?
the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives or friends, especially by giving them jobs.
>There is law against it.
Doesn't mean that you won't do it. Brown people are fairly ethnocentric and favour their own kind instead of being meritocratic in many cases i've seen. Which is why there should be no immigration.

you look like an ugly girl DESU

Last time I checked, your government buildings are infested and it's from all the whites who work there.

>Keep your country loser. It sucks.
Which is why you had to leave india, yes? It is your country that sucks, shitskin.

LOL I CAN DO A JUMPINT ROUNDHOUSE KICK and LIFT LIKE 200pounds for 5 reps. Sorry im not an obese fucking burger guzzaling lard like you are.

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Peterborough deserves a nuke. I can't believe I wanted to move there as a teen. As an adult, I've worked there under multiple companies, and every person I saw on the streets are some of the most pathetic people I've ever seen


I see plenty of poor shitskins in the inner city
Mostly asians poos and niggers
What fucking planet are you on?

It's Pat!

>your government buildings are infested and it's from all the whites who work there
>in government

third world trash is vastly over-represented in the public sector due to "diversity" hiring policies

>I actually think this post is real. Shouldn't be too difficult to locate all the THs franchisees -- there cant be more than a few Indian families that control more than one store...should it?
I wouldn't be surprised if most franchisee owners in the GTA were people of Indian descent


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You're not allowed to leave canada. No one wants canadians moving to their countries. Literally no country will accept you unless you have millions of dollars.
You're quarantined to this frozen country cause your trash white genetics and ancestry.

hehe im Sikh and have had white poon then you incel. Also we are cooling here then you guys BC user. youtube.com/watch?v=aDE_ecFcwWM

I like eastern European white women the best otherwise I enjoy hindu girls as well.

>im Sikh and have had white poon

I hear the east side of Vancouver is a great place to find crackhead prostitutes

>I also need to hire immigrants, cause the white canadians are usually on drugs and never show up to shifts.

Nobody wants to work for a fucking shit skin. So Canadians just half ass everything. Enjoy the new niggers that Justin Faggot Castrodeau wants to bring into this country.

I just broke into my neighbors house and stole everything they have. I don't understand why they don't have anything in their house anymore. Must be because they are lazy. This is satire.

That's why you're skinny weak and pasty looking.
Cause you can do round house kicks....

LMAO go watch more yugioh or something weebo

Ya, I have life beyond trap anime and posting on an incel board.
Unlike yourself

Lmao fucking canadacuck, if I earned success why shouldn't I be able to share it with who I want? Ethnocentrism is a fucking meme, if you adopt more indian ways and stopped being prejudiced against us maybe I would hire you. Anyway, your country is too cucked to listen to you so your opinion is worthless.

Whitoid cucknadians are the worst beings in existence to be considered human. They are dumber than niggers, yet more deceitful than chinksects. More greedy than jews, yet more terroristic than mudslimes. Anything and anyone is better than a whitoid cucknadian.

The average indian immigrant is not the average indian. Immigrants to canada are already above average because they are chosen based on a points system amongst other reasons (eg being able to afford plane tickets and other costs associated with immigration, knowing a second language, etc)

>No one wants canadians moving to their countries

There are a million Canadians living in the US alone. You're really not very good at this, are you?

if you think nice = fake smiles everywhere you go then sure i guess Canadians are nice

There's no free college in cucknada.

>Anything and anyone is better than a whitoid cucknadian.

And yet you or someone in your family chose to immigrate to a country founded and built from the ground up by whites. What does that say about you?

Also countries willing to accept migrants usually only accept somewhat HNW individuals.

This is a LARP, the majority of Canadian companies are forced to diversity hire and as such end up with shit employees who do little work knowing they cannot be fired, welcome to Canada.

My indian bro.

Wh*te canadians are over-represented in crime in BC. Pretty sad statistic, considering the privilege they're born into

>There's no free college in cucknada.

Not unless you are some Chink brought over on Canadian tax payer dollars or some low IQ inbred nigger from Somalia, who get free gibs from our shit-tier socialist faggot Prime Minister Justin Castrodeau.

>'Own' franchise fastfood joint
>Call others trashy

Why are curryniggers so far up their own ass as soon as they make a little money? You literally equate your own self-worth to how many breakfast bagels people in your area eat.
You invented nothing, you contribute nothing, you just mooch of an existing brand. You're a bugman drone and have delusions of grandeur. Neck yourself.

Hate to break it to you user, but a good portion of immigrants, especially the non-whites born here, get here through family immigration

Out here in the boonies a farmer (who wasn't even born in Canada) had his house burn down -- he had no insurance -- and the locals housed him while they built him a new house for free... I'd call that nice. I would agree that people of all colours in places like Toronto can be pretty horrible, which is why I don't live there

Angel investing, mortgaging, loans, etc... isn't owning.

This is an FYI for anyone on this board.

because pajeets share all of their families resources, all 40 live in the same house, and big turban still beat their wives into submission for showing ankle

That the cucknadians live by lying and paying shills to lie everywhere instead of actually making their country exist at a standard higher than the 3rd world.

As a white Canadian I compeltely agree with you.

We're lazy and trash for the most part. There are quality Canadians, but they dont interact with the plebs (old money).

That said, most pajeets coming here come with millions already, go into criminal business and suck pennies wherever they can.

Lol it’s usually the opposite where I’m from

Seems like you're a Hindu or muslim. They're usually this narrow minded and discriminatory.

Canada is an icy dump like Russia.

>We're lazy and trash for the most part.

Crypto Jew.

no one is forced to do shit. and we own more of our own businesses then you guys you immigrated Sikhs the most. They are some of the best off Indians in india as well because they have land and business acumen. I own a business and most of my cousins and friends are self employed. You guys cant hustle. and that's in point blank period.

even the most popular music coming out of Canada is coming from Sikhs lol.

LOL, some good bait in this thread.