So, I read you faggots shitting on each other's races all day long...

So, I read you faggots shitting on each other's races all day long. I read you shitpost on how porn is the jew's tool to force us into slavery, that mixed children are bad so on and so forth.

This last statement picked my curiosity: why are mixed children at disadvantage? we see in nature that dogs which are pure breed are weaker, more sick, more aggressive etc.

Attached: h-MIXED-CHILDREN-RACE-IDENTITY-960x540[1].jpg (960x540, 123.18K)

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What race are you?

white, curry nigger. What's your point?

op is turkish

I see no argument there, mutt.

I am not pushing for this shit, I couldn't care less what you do. I am just trying to understand why you faggots criticize this so much.

> Be my friend
> High IQ ethnic German
> Have kids with a Han Chinese
> Kids look Chinese
> One kid has seizure issue (higher risk due to mixed race)
Race mixing is bad for mules, no different for humans

> we see in nature that dogs which are pure breed are weaker...

Wtf are you talking about ? Why don’t special forces use mutts if they are stronger and healthier ? Pic related.

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So you are a white man who sees no downsides to racemixing and you want Yas Forums to enlighten you?

>nature that dogs which are pure breed are weaker, more sick, more aggressive
But thats wrong, specific breeds are used for specific purposes mutts are used for nothing.

Why compare dog breeds which were artificially created and human races which evolved naturally?


Blacks have extremely low IQ. Whites have high IQ.
Mulattos have somewhere-in-between IQ and it shows. Look at Brazil.


Why do white people want to keep making mutts when they end up incel school shooters anyways? Or are you trying to feed the Jewish Engine? I think you get enjoyment out of this.

>why are mixed children at disadvantage
They have no culture, allegiance or sense of belonging. Also pic related.

Attached: mixed children are shit.png (727x404, 46.82K)

Come back when you're willing to post from an actual country.

Absence of an absolute culture, differences between mother and father that makes them confused. They try to walk two paths at once and do neither well. Their lives are ones of uncertainty, their purpose is bleak and obscure. No matter how closely they listen to one parent or honor one culture, they end up offending the other. Two games, two sets of rules, one life.
The only solution to this is what we witness today, the destruction of old cultures and worldviews and replacement by (those in charge). The children generally put up no resistance to it, and are absorbed into consumer pop culture unless they are incredibly strong and self determined.

I seek arguments why anyone would say racemixing is bad from the point of view of the kid.

>picked my curiosity
piqued - sounds like "peaked/peeked"; not "pict".

Based user.

No identity = the perfect consumer for international capital

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They’re ugly and culture less unless they live in a melting pot like the jewnited states of amerikkka

Identity crisis

belgium is not a country, has no culture or relevance, therefore op opinion is irrelevant.

Let me dumb it down for your IQ level.

Attached: nigrefication of Europeans.jpg (459x446, 42.3K)

In breeding, similar but different enough produce the best offspring. That’s probably why America became what it was. Europeans and all that. Too similar or too different is dysgenic

try having medical outcomes of medication be reliable or getting a transplant mutt

In the past, at least in America, this was not a terribly big deal because America integrated people from all over the world in a melting pot, that is to say an absolute standard. And this was more less a western christian standard, even asians who came adopted Christianity. Except for one (group) that remained autonomous. Now we have a secular jewish standard as the media is dominated by secular jews. And it is in the best interests of this small minority to break americans into groups of small minorities.
What used to be an offering of a hand up to a place based on merit in order to stregthen the nation as a whole becomes a hammer splintering groups into ever more bite size pieces.

made me kek

Purebred != inbred

Don't forget Asians have a higher iq than whites

the "hybrid vigor" meme is only benifical when the population has become so inbred that its affecting the health and well being of the species.

This term was coined back when dog breeders would encourage UN-natural selection for their business.

compared to pure europeans,mixed people are more at risk for mental health problems, among other things.

Someone just post the info graphic.

You basically start a new race. However it hasnt been tested as much through time.

They selectively choose their best students to represent IQ scores.

Fair enough, although the difference is minuscule in comparison to the gap between whites and blacks.
Mind you that I do not advocate for hapas either. The difference in cultures will leave the kid feeling like it belongs to neither.

Most mixed dogs races have a shorter life exptancy than normal bred races wtf?

Also mixed children are not homogene and will never be fully white or fully black. They just lack culture since they dont really belong to any.

Yeah pretty much. Go out to any farming province and you're bound to find a village of retards.

i actually only hate shiteyes.

Attached: shit eye.jpg (556x604, 78.11K)

My fking god you are stupid. KYS
Make it legal to hang racemixers.

Well, for starters, dogs and humans aren't similar this way, at least not to the degree you're thinking of. If this is the basis for your argument, there's no need to go further. You're literally equating humans and dogs, which is clearly not the same thing.

>Most mixed dogs races have a shorter life exptancy than normal bred races wtf?
This is simply not true.

those are some true german sheps. not those froglegged mutts

Attached: race ruination.jpg (1170x482, 141.67K)

but the part about race mixed children is and you know that :^)

white chick I know has two girls with korean dude. poor kids are in the hospital every 6 months with (((issues)))

>we that purebreed dogs are much weaker
Do you get your animal husbandry lessons from Twitter?

Jesus, pointing out false statements doesn't make a fucking kike ffs

How would OP describe wolves?

Mutts are used as pets

Really just mixed with niggers. Most others aren't that bad.

The case with dog breeds only shown that inbreed populations have less desirable traits that others. This leads to a significant heterosis when crossbreed. In a population with a wide genetic basis (i.e. humans) this doesn't occur.

>be indian with brown eyes
>wife is black with brown eyes
>our kids have green eyes

ya get fucked faggot, all traits white have are genetic mutations of genes we have

Mixed race children are typically rejected by both races.
That brings up a moral dilemma, do you force a life of criticism onto your child for the sake of progress?

FYI before you spread your opinions around as long as there is significant genetic distance between two members of the same dog breed there is no problems that will arise.

Same goes for livestock and even plants. Actual inbreeding between close genetic relatives is an issue which is why it is important to keep track of an animal’s lineage. Using horses as an example, prize race horses generally have their lineage tracked back more than ten generations and for cows it’s advised to know the lineage to produce the best possible product, whether it be strength, milk, or meat. Not that half of you shills actually care about anything other than your own ignorant opinion though you’re just as uninformed as the racists you actually hate but maybe that’s just because you’re W*lloon trash.

Belgian Malinois actually (figured that was poignant). Shame what the breeders did to the German Shephard in the name of “aesthetics”. Now you gotta go to Czechia to get a decent working Sheppard...

Attached: 6D6A907D-6DF5-454F-AEFE-222B013A0FF0.jpg (316x375, 32.47K)

lmfao nice story mutt
thats not how it works

the only way it COULD be possible is telegony. which means she fucked a ton of white aryans in her past.

In a way, yes. Most Caucasian traits can be viewed as improvements on more basal/rudimentary ones.

Nah, they actually do have slightly higher IQ. We conduct the scores and Asians in the west also score 105. Don’t be like the leftists you claim to hate and deny any science you don’t like.

False premise.

Issue mix kids have
Lower IQ if white mixes with black
No bone marrow transplants
No organ transplants (as they are not genetically simmler to either parents)
More prone to depression
More prone to mental instability
More prone to anti social personality

Great, then make some proper white children. We need them.

Mixed race kids almost always have identity issues. They have no true home. They inevitably face discrimination from both (all) races. Go get to know some mutts, you have plenty in Belgium. See how long it takes before they bring up their mixed blood, before their insecurities and self-esteem issues begin to show. It won't be long.

Racemixing is never ideal, but this is a good point. Nigger genes really are the equivalent of nuking a bloodline. Much worse than White/Asian, White/MENA. High nigger content is why Puerto Rico is such a shithole.

street shitter detected

pure breed dogs are way clever than a mixed dog.
not kidding

based Jap