It's Just The Flu

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-26 at 1.26.30 PM.png (1264x740, 155.21K)

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You're right, it is.

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Could be six million!

that's optimistic

So they are opening up the abortion offices again?

It will be 1 billion in the USA by april 1 screencap this

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Imagine being the asshole that wrote that headline based off the morning Mockingbird brief for fearporn of the day.
Consume the media goy! Drudge is one of you!

Find me when it actually happens

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If you think for one second that I'm going to let our economy collapse over 80,000 deaths over a 6 month period, you have to be out of your fucking mind.

>80K deaths
Is... is that it? Boy, I'm sure glad we cratered the economy for something that kills about as many people as the common flu.

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Sure, we’ll hold our breath

99 percent will be 60+ with more than one health complications

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You're an massive idiot, the actual flu has had longer head start on corona than the whole written human history is long

Meanwhile corona started within last few months from one infection

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I'm sure there are many over 70 who are sickly in our nation. These are those who should self isolate and take extreme precautions. All other statistics show America and Germany are statistically identical, the true pandemic will be economic and social, nothing else.

3 million people die in the U.S. every year.

LMFAO @ 80,000

Doubt it. But even if it happened, thats fucking nothing.

In the best of times, about 7,000 Americans die every day of usual causes: old age, heart attacks, strokes, homicide, suicide, car crashes, industrial accidents

That would be about 200,000 a Month, dying from natural causes

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it's true. we have 2.8 ICU beds per 1000 people. russia has like 7-8, and the countries that are hotspots have a fuck ton more than we do.

i'm a resident in nyc, and we have people dropping dead. literally. every 5 minutes there's a resp code. we're running out of supplies fast.

Yep but the regular flue has a higher mortality rate for lower aged groups than this strain

This strain kills the shit our of the old and sick but objectively kills less young healthy essential citizens

80,000 is extremely conservative and on par with bad flu years. There were projections going around just a couple weeks ago that were saying 480,000 dead was an OPTIMISTIC projection.

I bet Drudge is making a fuckton of money during this lockdown.

Use rantingly for your news, not this shill-con-artist.

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Well Italy has been at capacity for over two weeks and have had zero reported preventable deaths due to overcrowding

Triage is what they call it buddy

Yeah the British scientist that sparked that fucked up and corrected if and it went from like 2 million and 500k Brits dead to 2k deaths in all of the uk lol

so right on track with a seasonal flu that has no vaccine then
nothingburger confirmed
drudge is zero hedge 2.0 now

>Well Italy has been at capacity for over two weeks and have had zero reported preventable deaths due to overcrowding

>we've come full circle and shills are unironically citing Drudge Report again

italy's death rate is 8x ours. they also have a much older population. we have already overtaken them in numbers infected. we're a much larger population.

why the fuck is Yas Forums of all places buying into this fear mongering propaganda?? it LITERALLY is just the flu

Exactly. I get that 80k sounds really scary, but that's just a slightly worse flu depending on the year. I don't think people realize the flu can actually be pretty brutal. And 80k won't happen, check these digies.

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Yes bud what are you denying?

I hope the death toll is high and all whites

Cool we also have more ventilators and a you get population

Nothing you said changes this the best case south Korea and worst case Italy shows a less than percent chance of death for anyone under 45 and only 12 percent of anyone under 50 needs a ICU bed

The flu largely disappears outside of the flu season and then reinfects the population starting from just a few infected people.

>2.42% of the US population. Mostly boomers. will die.
>shut down entire country so 330M people starve to death.

>Cool we also have more ventilators

Younger population*

Yep bud

I like your cope

What will the hysterical left do when our industry has been shut down and inventories and supply lines run dry? They really can't conceive beyond their moral posturing to "do good."

Only 80k? That's not nearly enough boomers removed.

if you really want to get into it, cars are a massive thorn in americas side, but that is a story for another day

i will say though, as long as people aren't noticing how much cars fuck up their lives....the usa is asleep

What will they do?
Switch over to Communism.

Another boomer who doesn’t understand time. Amazing. We exploded in cases and it takes at least a week or two to die. You are comparing two data sets that are not comparable due to time since infected. If anything it just shows how retarded this country is because it spreads so fast. Literally how did you boomers make it through life without understanding this simple shit? Oh yeah factory job bought a house at 22 lol.

Italian hospitals have been at capacity for over two weeks and zero preventable deaths reported due to the overcrowding.......

where does the flu go when its out of season? ibiza? cancun?

That article is two weeks old. The world has changed a lot since then, friend-o.

(((Drudge Report)))

It's a good think that they aren't in charge. Trump has shut nothing down at the federal level.

Reality is that you have less spread in America because we are spaced further apart and right private transportation. NYC is getting it's shit kicked in, but nowhere else is; even with Washington being ground zero with a massive head start.

you dumbass i am an actual researcher not a boomer, jesus fucking christ. do some fucking data exploration it's all fucking available. i'm fucking published, so fuck off faggot zoomer.


massive nothing burger blown up into a double decker with cheese.

What are the demographics? Specifically interested in race.

Yes the infections have grown meaning they are more overwhelmed and zero reported deaths due to it

Prove me wrong

C'mon lol, everyone knows it fly south for off season.

if it's nothing, and it's being blown up into something, then there is something.....see how that works?

>Reality is that you have less spread in America because we are spaced further apart and right private transportation.
The best part about this whole thing, and the left will never admit it, is that it's exposing just how poor socialized medicine programs are and how Americans being spread out and driving cars is actually a good thing when pandemics hit.

The estimate is 80,000 total over the 4 months, not 80k every day.


Much more funny is how tight as fuck everyone in the left and even Trump is about the fact a lock down can't work in America since we don't have a functioning border

white boomers, niggers don't live long enough to be affected by covid nor do they come in to the hospital for anything other than GSW's.

I read that article earlier. Go through it and look at how shit-tier the content quality is. They don't even source the study or provide any backing on it's quality or the quality of those who participated in it.

Why are you so eager for people to die? I’ve never seen people so disappointed at good news.

>jude report

I'm not sure if you're joking but that is actually what it does. The flu seasons for the northern and southern hemispheres alternate.

That's actually less than I was expecting. 80k all over the US isn't that bad over the next 4 months. I expect with the huge precautions taking place, that number is actually a bit high.

But why do I have a feeling that Drudge is fear mongering.

The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" or "Assad is gassing his own people" or "most of the world is going to be underwater soon." Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is calling the coronavirus an outbreak of mass delusion and panic.

1) Dr John Ioannidis, Prof from Stanford University, points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05% and that generally the data has been insufficient.

2) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80. People are simply flooding into hospitals to die there who ordinarily would have passed away peacefully at home.

3) Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff.

4) Italy, the cause celebre of the overwhelming of medical infrastructure, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began.

5) Panic about the virus causes many to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of people.

As Dr Wodarg says, the way this works is, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created.

More like 80k in NY alone

*6 gorillion goy

Give it month and a half tops and we see that number.

Lol the shock claim still uses the miscalculated 1% death rate

So what? Asians?

Seriously want the breakdown by percentages if you have them. It sounds like susceptibility is like SARS was, meaning Germanic whites have an incredibly favorable matchup. It would also explain why Germany has done so well despite keeping borders open longest.

Are you lost boy??

It will hit 144,000

end of the world is canceled, all you faggot that fell for this shit need to stay quarantined tho.

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You replied to yourself. Damn, I was hoping to get some actual insight.

Because the political and economic regimes of this age deserve to die for being unable to prevent this or contain it.
Fuck your law
Fuck your rights
Fuck your values
Fuck your everything dude
This whole sense of “nature must conform to my ideals” is literally insanity
Liberal democracy/communism was always an insane death march to extinction, not progress, not the universal aspirations of mankind. It was all a lie to make use produce 3 milllion mansions and only 1 million hospital beds in america it doesn't work that way. If you do want to know something, it's affected by temperature, humidity, and wind speed.

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50k dead from the flu since october

Gotta get in on that sweet, sweet fear mongering clickbait article cash before the truth of this farce is revealed, huh?

We have been following this before the msm go suck a dick shill

Who really cares? Stay self isolated and collect some Trump Bux. When you have mentally recovered, venture out and resume your life.

Reddit is claiming 16-35 MILLION COVID 19 deaths in the next 12-18 months because DRUMPF. It's on the front page right now.

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4k, tops

Dude 80k is insanely low.

Watch the fucking interviews with actual health care workers in hospitals, they’d have nuked la and nyc already to halt spread. They know what’s up.
The death rate when hospitals work and have ventilators is ten percent of resolved cases.
2 million will die in California alone.
In the first wave alone.

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Maybe the "flu" wasn't a flu, ever think about that?


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My DACA calculations say no more than 11k-17k



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The thing is there's a huge bias in testing. They don't test you for the flu unless your symptoms are bad enough that you end up in the ER.

Same with coronavirus until just recently. So the people who were literally dying were the only ones getting "confirmed" so you see a false death rate of 10% for it when it's actually probably 1/1000 across the entire population.

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50-150 million deaths worldwide is realistic.
3.5% * 70% = 2.45%
2.45% * 600 million = 14.7 million.
Reddit is retarded and cannot into math.

2.45% * 7billion = 171 million, btw.

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So you are a legit medic, but that means you are a bureaucrat and not a scientist.

My genes can determine all sorts of precise minutiae about me. To think these genes wouldn't impact susceptibility is just asinine.

So answer the question. You said that whites and blacks aren't appearing as much. It means it's Asians and Hispanics, meaning this chart is probably a good one.

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fpbp and /thread

lol are there that many even infected?
this is a grand standing horse shit show, a vacation for corporations with a bunch of spooked house cats doing what their state mommy and daddy telling them what to do.

>only 12 percent of anyone under 50 needs a ICU bed

previous graph had US ahead of Germany in ICU beds or similar measure of healthcare capacity.
Also Germany is not properly reporting deaths.

Wu Mao