>Neil Ferguson, Doctor Behind Coronavirus Doomsday Imperial College Study, Revises Predictions
>500k deaths to 20k deaths

This projection fed nearly every model ie: covid act now etc.

The amount of damage to our economy and other measures like rationing will cause more deaths than the actual virus. This is going to be the biggest data scandal of our time.

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could have been entirely averted if the fucking cocksuckers in China behaved like normal, grown-up adults and shared their data about the virus with Western scientists so they could get an understanding of it.
Instead, they sat on it until it became a problem, refused to share data, and made the West go into this thing completely blind
Fuck the Chinese
Once we've recovered, it's time to go to war again.

Anybod believing the pozzed ICL deserves everything coming to them.


What an idiotic opinion. It's time to stop blaming outsiders for our governments' failings.

Should he pay with his life? Or be held responsible for all the suicides since he yelled fire in a crowded movie theater

China is commie. Comunism kills people. Nothing new.


I was wondering if this will be the death of this computer modelling, much like how the 2016 election was the death of polling companies.


It's time to stop not blaming outside governments for problems that we have that are their fault. Fuck China.

arresting doctors trying to warn the world makes them pretty guilty.
>hurr merica made it
believable if chinks weren't medieval tier bugs

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What an idiotic opinion. It's time to stop blaming one party exclusively. It's the chinks and our governments' failings.

this is a really interesting take

Oy vey! Why wont you die for me goy!?

>no link
OP is a faggot

nigger we already passed 20k. the fuck are you on? which is more likely, he fucked the numbers the first time, or he's trying to limit the damage of his numbers going wide now, and save face?

I work in medicine you fucking retard
The government can't act if they don't know what the fuck is going on
the CDC and NIH were begging China to tell them what the fuck was going on since early december and they outright refused to share any data
and they continue to refuse to
Every other country publishes data openly, except China.
Not to mention the ruthless theft of supplies to daigou it back to China

Happeningfags BTFO, time to reopen society.

>we are already over 20k deaths

it has only begun. happening deniers BTFO.

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>Argument From Authority

>An argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate), also called an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam, is a form of defeasible argument in which a claimed authority's support is used as evidence for an argument's conclusion. It is well known as a fallacy, though some consider that it is used in a cogent form when all sides of a discussion agree on the reliability of the authority in the given context. Other authors consider it a fallacy to cite an authority on the discussed topic as the primary means of supporting an argument.


But also this in the sense that our governments failed by completely selling out to the chinks over the past few decades.
Half of Washington is on on China's payroll. We need to purge every one of them.

Deaths, not cases. Anybody who thinks people die from corona is a fucking retard. They literally used a cruise ship as the worst case scenario perfect test case where no one could leave as the virus spread and only 11 people died, probably all of other causes. Fucking pathetic. Every public person who promoted corona should be hanged.

Yes? Models change when situations change. If we'd have wandered around like normal, there would have been a fucking corona massacre. Now it's an annoyance for the next three weeks or so, and we can probably open all the schools again by May. We're going to have to keep the refitted ITU wings for at least six months in case anything goes the shit again, of course, but I think this little Send The Maligerers Home And Fuck Off With Your Bullshit Elective Surgery experience may warrant becoming the future of the NHS. Perhaps you should pay for non-essential surgery/wasting hospital time after all?

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So we should’ve been more critical of the initial narrative that Corona was a major threat sooner rather than blindly trust (((authorities)))? Good to know.

That outcome is based on the assumption of a successful lockdown of a few weeks and contact tracing. Not a do nothing scenario.

Exactly, chang. CCP needs to stop blaming others on their failings.

Those were numbers based on the UK
And the UK didn't do anything until like a couple of days ago.
And how can that possibly be enough way after the fact to make it go from 500k to 20k?
I mean for a while they were just like, whatever it will sweep through and herd immunity.
Did the herd immunity work guys?

I hope this kills that stupid global warming cult...

Again, Yes? There's a reason the rest of the world uses British healthcare data, the NHS offers unprecendented access to statistics about European health going back fifty years, all in one centralised place. You'll find no better datasets on how white people respond and recover from disease. Other country's job was to interpret and localise these stats. Sweden, for example - a country where everyone stays 2m away from each other in public at all times - didn't need to do jack shit to survive corona. Except the nigger imports, but who cares if they all fucking die? Indeed, here in the UK it's muslim invader males who are dying en mass, almost making up a quarter of all corona deaths. They are thick, arrogantly disobedient for no reason at all, and many pretend not to speak English when it suits them, and now they are dead because of this hubris.

It all works out in the end. We renationalised the railways during this crisis, as well as pumping a shittonne of cash invented out of thin air into the banking system. Something anathema not even six weeks ago. Yeah, a bunch of waiters and Alibaba flippers lost their jobs, but really, are either professions? The NHS got an even bigger injection of cash than preciously planned, too, so corona was really godsent. Parents will never complain about teachers ever again, as well.

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Hmm. Surely anyone who has followed the happening knows some of the projected death numbers were exaggerated since Covid-19 kills very few young people and hardly any kids. If you look at how the virus spread out of China it means the amount of carriers in China was far beyond the official number. China's official number of infected is 81,285. I say there have been at least a million carriers of the virus in China and probably more considering how it has spread everywhere. The estimate in this country is that there 20-30 times more infections than the official number (900+ at the moment).

The real risk from the virus was always in its ability to completely overwhelm the healthcare system. Restrictions were certainly necessary. Without them the death rate would be higher for all serious illnesses, not just Covid-19 itself. But 500,000 Covid-19 kills in the UK alone always seemed extreme.

You know a lot about this, don't ya Hans?

the chinese intentionally weaponized the spread of the virus

>>Neil Ferguson, Doctor Behind Coronavirus Doomsday Imperial College Study, Revises Predictions after a visit from two very nice CIA men
>turns out it's nothing so BACK TO WORK GOYIM

>the authorities were wrong
You're fucking retarded.

They should have atleast pretended to be anything but slanty eyed bug people and not eaten bats.

he probably forgot to carry the 1.

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>Neil Ferguson
Can we sue the Jews ? They fuck everything up.

Probably, actually.

Oh look he is doing what Trump/Israel want, how surprising that science says what it’s paid to say.

This, China must pay for what they did to the world


based as fuck

the fucking irony

there are many coronaviruses and they kill 100s to 1000s every month and NO ONE who is not a professional epidemiologist even notices much less cares

fuck off happeningfags, you were rused, the jews just tricked your and ruined your countries AGAIN and you still don't even realize it

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I’m quite happy to call the quarantine off. It will be the fall of civilisation. Good. And yes the cure is going to be nearly as bad as the plague if we attempt to stop it, hard luck baby boo’s. That is what the governments all want to balance, except America and Israel who just feed at a trough like pigs, because of their greed they will continue to fail spectacularly as they have only failed and misinformed and deliberately lied thus far. The chances that you will be dead by mid summer just went up by 20% x however many times you get infected if you stop trying to fight the bio weapon tier virus and go into denial, or much higher. But don’t let that stop you. Enjoy, I know who to blame later - includes ITT.
>boo hoo I don’t want this to be habbening. I promise I will serve THEM faithfully from now on if I can be ignorant again.
Tough. It’s happening. you are getting starved into complying with billionaires and like vermin you submit. Low.

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The numbskulls who wrote this study, which is the sole basis of the authoritarianism going on right now, thought that our answer was to keep the quarantines going for over _EIGHTEENTH MONTHS_ until we got a _vaccine_ -- yes, a vaccine for a _seasonal flu_. I quote: "Intensive intervention will need to be maintained until a vaccine becomes available (potentially 18 months or more.)"

On the other hand, these are the words of Dr Dick Sibley, a leading vet, in The Times last week:

"Casting doubt on the brilliance of the Imperial College scientists, he says that his heart sank when he learned they were advising the Government. Calling them a ‘team of doom-mongers’, he says their advice on the 2001 foot-and-mouth outbreak ‘led to what I believe to be the unnecessary slaughter of millions of healthy cattle and sheep’ until they were overruled by the then Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir David King."

Instead of using the only case-study we have, the Diamond Princess, as Dr John P. A. Ionannidis does, which reveals a death-rate of as low as 0.05%, the authors use mortality-rates from China to calculate a death-rate of as high as 4%. But there is no basis for taking this as a premise, and, as Dr Ionanidis says, "we must reject the use of mortality rates from China, Iran, Spain, and Italy to make projections about potential U.S. casualties." (

There is _no way_ at this early stage to tell whether somebody died of the coronavirus, or died and happened to get tested for the coronavirus before dying, as Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says. ( Indeed, according to Oxford University, half of us are already infected. Where are the results?

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Looks like all you jews on wall street are learning a valuable lesson about who really runs the world.

For future reference, people should stop taking expert opinion as the infallible word of God.

We're over 22k dead you fucking nigger

The CCP put saving face above the well being of literally humanity as a whole. It really should have accepted outside help and been transparent about data at a much earlier level.

>>we are already over 20k deaths
>it has only begun. happening deniers BTFO.
for the UK, not worldwide homo

It's no coincidence that Dr John Ioannidis, who has been rightly calling the coronavirus a hoax from the start (), was the author of "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False." Most people are going along with this for the same reason as they did with "Assad is gassing his own people" or "Saddam Hussein has weapons or mass destruction" or "the earth will be underwater soon," or "we can money-print our way to economic prosperity," because they can't fathom the idea that, when the whole mainstream establishment tells them something, it can possibly be wrong.

So are we dying or are we recovering i dont know what to think anymore

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China has had 8 million users disappear from social media and chat groups. Anyone that believes china's number is an absolute fucking retard. They're close, if not there already, to Double Digit Millions of deaths

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>could have been entirely averted if the fucking cocksuckers in China behaved like normal, grown-up adults and didn't fucking eat raw bat
fixed that for yah

pizza arrangement ?

The entire history of Germany is unironically blaming outsiders for your government's failings.
Fucking hell, your nation came into being because of that, you straight up invented muttification with the formation of your tumor of a nation

based texan

but the science man in the sky told me we were all going to die and to welcome a global depression was the only answer

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It's pedo talk between Hillary and Obama. It's pretty fucked up and obvious

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