youre a faggot
She is more orange than Trump on the left
I bet theres some poor sweet girl that she bullied in highschool that's absolutely giddy over this.
She definitely fucks black guys.
Roasties are retarded as usual
Glad I married Asian
What? Why? Was she retarded ?
she had autism
This is not funny at all and I don’t see why people spam her suicide here and laugh at her...
I wanna see her take a gang load of BBC
>she would rather kill herself than have sex with you
i mean if you were just going to destroy your body why not use it?
Anyone find it concerning that normies are killing themselves when forced to live the lifestyle we've all been used to our entire existence?
What a waste, girl had it in easy mode, and did this....
Makes me mad.
not anymo lmao
>A British teen petrified of being isolated with the coronavirus has died following a suicide attempt, according to a report.
>Emily Owen, a 19-year-old waitress from King’s Lynn, about 100 miles north of London, died in a hospital Sunday after trying to take her own life due to fears of the “mental health impacts” of isolation amid the COVID-19 outbreak, the Sun reports.
>Days before she was found on March 18, Owen warned relatives she was unable to deal with “her world closing in, plans being canceled and being stuck inside” during the global pandemic, according to the report.
Owen had been in critical condition since the suicide attempt and relatives later decided to remove her from life support, allowing doctors to prep her organs for donation, according to an online fundraiser posted by colleagues at the pub where she worked.
Get outta here with your feelings bullshit. Cuck.
Autistic people are cunts. Just look at this board.
Built for thick black cock...
HAHAHAHAHA, it's both a geriatric AND extrovert genocide now. Fucking perfect.
Do you actually not feel empathy??
Lmao. She literally couldnt stay home for 2 weeks? What a tard
Why would I feel empathy for a literal soulless NPC? If it was human maybe, but not for a hole.
Tried to find the article, found this beforehand.
That's pretty hot, desu.
But actual article for OP:
its mental strength user
think of it aas.........people like you and me will be built for space travel these normies wont handle it for more than a week
where as we will make a killing from long ass travel hauling freight and impreginating blue women with 3 tits at the space ports and then onto the next to deliver our cargo
You’re all emotional. Get laid. Who cares about a bitch like her other than virgins like you?
She couldn't bare to live 2 weeks without getting railed by stranger Chad dick every night.
> literal 10/10 an hero because she can't go outside
there's got to be more that that. I don't buy the autism shit.
ikr like this is my everyday life
Not for roastie whores. If you ever posted a selfie on instagram, you literally deserve to be strung up on a lamppost.
>hol up
>sucks in air through teeth
>dis ded whitey bitch finna ride muh dick now whitey boi
>Makes me mad.
why would you ever feel bad for a woman
killing yourself over a 2 week lockdown with tv,consoles and your phone is not worth killing yourself over
we must shame her incase the idea spreads
you mock and berate them to make her look stupid thus giving others less incentive to do so
>alone with your own thoughts for a couple days
>kill yourself
Some people can’t handle social isolation well at all and they deserve to be empathized with, not mocked.
Literally everyone has posted a pic of themselves on Instagram...
I don’t want to get laid.
Women are humans, not holes.
Then why wasn’t she dating me.
stuck inside.
have heating and food and all modern conveniences..
"Waah I want to die."
>(((organ donor)))
Good goy. You're just selfish if you don't let your organs get harvested while your body is still warm.
This is actually something that normies cannot cope with. They can block it in every day life by keeping themselves busy with meaningless normie shit.
But when they are left alone to their own thoughts they can't escape the dread they feel when they start to question their normie existence. It drives them crazy.
Im weak or have some empathy still i guess.
Or envy how easy the sluts have it in life, they don’t even have to work.
Bitch was on easy mode, and offed herself.
I pity you, weakling.
Any chance you’re a friendzoned acquaintance of the blonde whore?
>own thoughts
good one user.
imagine being able to seduce any male alive and still killing yourself
What a waste of potential, don't pretty women understand that if they're at least a bit clever and ambitious they can rule the world?
You're built for an oven kike.
They may not have an inner voice but they're still capable of thinking in some way otherwise they'd just fall over dead. Then again I couldn't possibly imagine what they thoughts are when isolated. Static noise maybe?
This, this women could've picked up s videogame controller and became a millionaire. It just boggles my mind how these foids don't realize just how easy their life is.
I’d kill myself if I was stuck in King’s Lynn now.
It’s more likely that you’re bitter about being rejected by her and now laugh at her since she rejected you. Also I don’t think she was a whore.
she was an autist, bro. one of us.
She had BBC withdraws. What a nasty roastie
And there’s the American mentioning black dicks again...
Is there an actual link to this? I have doubts.
>dude don’t be such a loser get a job, go out socialize hurr durrr
>anybody can take the easy way out and stay home all day
is that so
>Static noise maybe?
Fucking gen Z degenerates.
She is not autistic. Autistic girl look manly because autism is caused by excessive testosterone in the womb which leads to the brain to develop like a man’s brain. This is why autistic men also cannot comprehend emotion and read faces because their brain has been fucked up by testosterone.
Moreover, autism is incredibly helpful in self-isolating. Autism causes people to have their own world and stimulate themselves with the sounds/visuals they make up in their own mind.
She had bipolar disorder or some other emotional disorder, not autism. Autism helps with isolation not the reverse effect.
Ok, cuck. Get a life and stop being commanded by women around you so you see what a miserable human you are at this very moment.
not everyone is a submissive bottom like you are
Attention is a hell of a drug
Why are you trying to make feeling empathy seem like a bad thing?
I feel like that’s 90% of posters Tbh, I was in a thread earlier today were like 90% of people said that they think it’s good for husbands to literally beat up theirs wife’s... The genuine hate some people here have for women is insane imo.
Kill yourself, rosbif cunt
Women getting a taste of there own medicine, isnt funny?
Human life is just a sick joke. What a qt.
shills are shills paid or not.
Their good-looks hinders their capacity to raise their intellect.
Since they are good-looking everything in life is literally handed to them.
Thus they make no effort whatsoever to understand the world or to try to learn and become smarter since they get everything they need handed to them.
Usually 10/10 girls are a pain in the ass to live with, horrible nightmares because they live in their own world and you have to cope with it since you want to smash that 10/10 ass.
Until you understand how 99% of 10/10’s are actually mad-crazy-bitches.
Don’t talk to me anymore, cuck. Your opinion is worthless therefore you are worthless.
Stop white knighting chicks and grow up. You won’t get any pussy here. This isn’t Tinder.
>thot goes crazy without validation
>kills herself for attention
Waaaah I can't have men take me to restaurants and pay for my meals now
Waaah I can't go to the beach or other photogenic locations and pretend to be a model on IG anymore
Better kill myself
take your meds.
Oh wait there are no meds for retards.
autism isn't real
it's just an excuse
schizophrenia is real
She was diagnosed with it you retarded Leaf.
No, it's awesome, the world's fucked up because of them, the more that die the better.
This is literally a slave planet because of NPC's
Very accurate and concise
We tried this with prisoners. Voluntary isolation and "vow of silence" for a period of time force time for introspection.
Turns out, some people just can't handle it. Others who do it say it was the hardest thing they ever had to do.
Recividism for this group has been 0%
Damn, that’s some fine white woman eggs gone to waste, this is tragic, she had many eggs, a full case. Sad.
Autism is real. I have it. But, I don’t see it as a weakness. I use it as a strength. Autism gives me incredible observational and analytical skills which makes me a great researcher and writer, especially in the areas I’m interested in. I wouldn’t trade my autism.
You should learn how to empathize.
No, and I’m not a roastie.
What do you mean by that?
Do you think that the people who wrote in this thread were shills or genuine??
lmao these fucking normies, I've been self quarentined for 10 years and these assholes can't take a couple of weeks
You think she would have felt any empathy for any of us? A dumb bimbo who could have had whatever she wanted offed herself because she couldn't go out and be the centre of attention for a couple weeks. Nothing lost.
Many people are misdiagnosed by hack psychologists
Children? Just have one and hope it’s not a boy. Hapa girls seem to do ok. Hapa boys, ugh, they got it rough.
Honestly the fact that bitches are this god damn emotionally unstable and easily emotionally minipulated just show cases how pathetic the average incel is for not being able to bang them.
Girls are so desperate for guys who arent complete and total faggots at this point they will litterally pull down their panties to the first boy who refuses to apologize to them.
Its a fucking carnival of hot pussy for any guy with a pair between his legs.
When self-centered attitudes become lethal. And nothing of value was lost.
who the fuck orders a hot dog at a restaurant
Oh look, it's another "attractive women don't like me therefore I'm going to pretend to be a heartless super villain on the internet" roleplay thread.
The news story is sad, the loss is still tragic and your envy that there are people out there who are more physically attractive than you and therefore have more life opportunities than you is not going to be successfully resolved by being "le internet hate machine". It's pure fucking cringe and makes you all seem like even more pathetic hand-fucking involuntary celibates than we already know you to be.
>who refuses to apologize to them.
Why would they like that?
>You think she would have felt any empathy for any of us?
Some people probably, but not the really really hateful ones which seem to be almost everyone in some threads. Like except for the older people a ton of posters here are insanely aggressive and just seem to want to hate everyone.
>A dumb bimbo who could have had whatever she wanted offed herself because she couldn't go out and be the centre of attention for a couple weeks.
You don’t know anything about her life.
Leave then faggot, we don't want you hereToo stupid to understand the human spectrum
ok cuck
>You should learn how to empathize
Repeat that and thousand times more and I guarantee you that I won’t give any more shits than I do now.
Stop replying to me, I can already see your tactic. Trying to involve me into a conversation and then you’ll wanna date me but I tell you I will do it like many women did it in the past with you: You’ll be ghosted.
I can already see your greasy hair in front of me and your incest porn collection from JewHub.
Thanks. What a waste. How stupid and petty.
>Some people can’t handle social isolation well at all and they deserve to be empathized with, not mocked.
you know the weak dont survive stress situations. thats just the way it is im sorry. if youre sorry about some blonde girl "killing" herself over a few weeks of staying indoors.then please be my guest but thats just, dumb.
who cares theres thousands that die everyday in more horrible cruel circumstances why should i care about something like that instagram bimbo?
Pure sperg nonsense.
Cope: the post
There’s another white knight. Yikes.
Whoa you’re so brave signaling like that. Maybe she’ll fuck your ghost when you’re dead.
this. what she did was ultra retarded. But all the hate in this thread is just teenage edge from incels.
>Glad I married Asian
>The news story is sad
Sure, go with that
>the loss is still tragic
Is the loss of a buffalo to a lion pride tragic? No, it is nature.
The loss of an instagram thot to suicide after she stops getting betabux is also nature.
Kill yourself, paki
Who hurt you?
Just because someone requires more social contact to be happy and sane doesn’t make them weak.
>learn empathy
How do you want to feel empathy with literal degenerate ? This girl is a clear degenerate cannot feel any empathy whatsoever...
I can only guess her final judgment for her “suicide”, Hell is real my friend.
She's had an ass job done to attract nigger bucks. Which is besatiality. Sickening.
>This is not funny at all and I don’t see why people spam her suicide here and laugh at her...
because what sort of retard KILLS themselves over the "fear" of not being able to go out fucking and clubbing and shopping? point and laugh, so others benefit from her negative example of how NOT to live your life.
It's only news because she was FYNE AS FUGG
Or do the opposite and encourage it, we could shill some suicide meme's into the normie sphere and make a bunch of these zoomer zoom of a cliff
only unworthy and faggots cant survive couple years without human contact
You got some separation issues. Get lost, man.
This is what over socialization and over stimulation through constant electronic interaction does.
Yeah but she was also retarded
>"Why would women like guys who treat them like shit?!?!"
Virgin detected.
Fuck off with the white knight attitude, you cucked memeflaggot
Oh. Nvm. It's a white women hate thread.
Her parents said she had Autism. I haven't seen any doctor officially state she had it. Women get misdiagnosed with autism when they really have Borderline Personality Disorder.
How is she a “literal degenerate”, because she didn’t wear a burqa or something??
You get lost.
Some people become really really depressed when they’re alone and can’t go out and maybe she was already at a low point in her life or something and then this happened so she couldn’t get social contact when she needed it.
Fuck off with your 0 empathy attitude.