Fuck your health. Get back to work

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Seethe more kike. This is the most annoying psy op yet.

Republicans really do just support the enslavement of humanity. No denying that whatsoever now. The dollar will always be almighty to them. Human life or pain and suffering is meaningless in their eyes

>Fuck your health
virus is literally less lethal than the seasonal flu
>muh 8,4% deaths!!!!!
only severe cases already in hospitals are tested so these stats are totally biased and misrepresentative


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The jews care only about their shekels.

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Stfu moron. The suffering will be much greater if faggots like you dont get back to work. Do you even think before you shill?

>kills less than flu
NPC script.

>literal hospitals overburdened and people being sent home to die and not counted in the statistics.
>too many dying to even bother counting in italy.
its definitely a nothingburger alright

You first, dumbfuck.

This user is healthy, I haven't even gotten a cold or any symptoms of a cold in about 2 years now. I don't think I'm risking much if I go back to work.
Would rather go back to work than risk losing my job over this shit.

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>tfw cook at a care facility and essential now more than ever
damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Yes France but the seasonal flu is a while set of viruses, and this Coronavirus hasn't even gotten started yet. The US has passed animal deaths, then automobile, then gun violence. Now strap in and get ready, we're blasting off.

We need to set up the ground work for a better future. We can't stop now.

A great depression will kill more then a virus ever could

You picked the wrong avatar, here have one more appropriate.

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>Fuck your health
38 celcius fever and a dry cough?

Yeah, let's halt the economy.

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69D chess

aren't the boomers running the economy? if they won't it just crash anyway?


all i want is a fucking job

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Do coins come out of his body if he gets wounded ?

>Seethe more kike. This is the most annoying psy op yet.

jew-d chess, trust it

This, but unironically.
It would accelerate the collapse.


>less lethal than flu
>has killed less than the flu
Is a different point, and yes it is true for now however growth is a thing that exists

You know that your socialist garbage system is paid for from the profits of people who actually run businesses and work right? If they go out of business, you have no money for gibs and you will starve and die. Do you understand that? People who get money stolen from the productive and given over to them by the state really should be euthanized. Why do you think your life has any value at all if you live off the state which means living off better people? You are nothing but excess ballast on humanity. Why wouldn't you kys?

Imagine putting short term stock regains, that would happen anyways, over a much more healthy, prosperous long term future. Is nobody thinking about the children? And I don't mean just their own...

Quasimodo predicted this.

>you'll never see a Sopranos episode that takes place post pandemic
it hurts

That's an average day in Europe.

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Life isn't fair. Welcome to the real world.

>having an NPC image saved + parroting what other anons say doesn't make me an NPC, lol no u.
Fist yourself.

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Get back to your mom's basement

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>22000 deaths
This thing has spread all across the globe and is highly contagious. Christ i wish everyone would just get a test so we can see that 70 percent of people already have had it for weeks and people would calm the fuck down.

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You never had a job anyway. Kill yourself, the world won't care.

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>Christ i wish everyone would just get a test so we can see that 70 percent of people already have had it for weeks and people would calm the fuck down.
they are in very short supply, much like your brain being in short supply of cells

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the time traveller knows something we don't. Relax

About its killed about 1 percent of people under the age of 50. And it doesnt even specify if and what underlying conditions those people had. I still dont understand why we all have to stay home. If you are over 50, or you are worried about you just quarantine for a month.

I never stopped working you commie nigger.

>nooooooo you cant take money from jeff Bezos and Zuckerberg to give to workers who've been disrupted by a crisis
Why do Americans think in such binary terms, and why does it so often apply to Yas Forumsacks who simultaneously believe in jewish conspiracies. What do you consider to be the valid function of goverment, if not looking after the collective during times of strife?

Stfu migatard, that excuse won’t work this time.

He didn't mention anything about fairness, jewish filth.

>You never had a job anyway.
I didn't? Was it all just a dream?

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South korea tested just about everyone and still was close to 1% when they had fast care, healthy population and no hospital overload. Where do you get this conspiracy bullshit about the death rate being 0.01-0.1%?

How China destroyed evidence of the outbreak

Looks like Stone Toss but drawn with someone's foot.


It's more generic but at least less annoying than the failed Bernie spam. You can't blame trannies and TDS whacko for feeling threatened while Trump's approval keeps going up and hes more than doubling the amount of votes Obama had during his reelection campaign while breaking voter turnout records

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Newfag detected.

That ship already sailed. They have the cover to fire whoever they want for whatever reason.

I said death rate of people under 50 years of age

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t. Short bus passenger

>muh polls
You only care about polls when they say something nice. Otherwise it's "fake news". His overall approval rating is the lowest in the history of approval ratings.

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But I understand everyone has accepted the fact that Trump is gonna win again and you just need to seethe a little. I don't blame you for that

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but those polls were fake news
Donald Trump is your President
and until the election
the polls are considered accurate until proven otherwise
there were plenty of people, myself included, that thought Hillary Clinton had that election without question
possibly rigged in her favor, like the primaries, but she had it in the bag
until she didn't

Nothing you just posted contradicts what I posted. He's the only president who struggles to even get up to 60% approval.

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>but those polls were fake news
Everything that you don't like to hear is "fake news".

Dipsjhit your own pic says Trump is doing better and has more approval than king nigger did.

Do you think you’re going to live forever anyway?

No? It says the opposite of that.


the polls were wrong
she lost
fake news
what is so hard for you to grasp?

Donald Trump is your President of these United States

I am not a boomer ya fucking idiot. This virus means nothing to my health.

When I'm humping my fat wife with my half-hard weiner, freshly ruined by the morning's libedo-ruining BBC porn and I just can't cum, I mean I'm about to go full softie mode and I really need help - I picture Trump's beautiful smile, his commanding hair and stern jawline. I imagine it's his double chin I'm fucking, and I pretend my wife's labored breathing is his cool down from sprinting into a school shooting, unarmed, saving 136 children from the Democrats. I coom. I coom so beautifully.

Why did you greentext his post with your inane, nonsensical garbage?

>the polls were wrong
So when the polls say nice things about Trump it's also possible to say that they're wrong. HURR DURR

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i thought we were now comparing corona to car accidents instead of the flu

>his approval rating is lowest in history
What I posted just proved you wrong. He hasn't even hit bush level lows and the lowest belongs to Truman at 22%
And when the media that's notoriously biased towards dems and against Trump is forced to admit he's doing good means it's probably much higher
And that last one wasn't polls. It's the official vote count showing him more than doubling the amount of votes Obama had during his reelection while breaking voter turnout records and his approval rating is currently higher than Obama's was at the same time in his presidency. Which is why you feel so threatened. I don't blame you. You last few TDS trannies left have 4 more years of seething

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50% of those being hospitalized are in their 20s and 30s

>80% of infections are asymptomatic
>100% of the population will be infected

flu fags fuck off

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>Coronavirus hasn't even gotten started yet
This. We are still in the early phase of the pandemic. People just don't get it.

>What I posted just proved you wrong.
No, it didn't at all. Did you even read what you posted?

Nope. Not unless you're saying Trump doesn't have a 49% approval rating. Because according to your pic thats higher than king coon at this time.

Cope tranny

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we could open back up somewhat if you could get americans to wear masks as the japanese have done but 1) we don't have the supply and 2) lots of people wouldn't wear them anyway because they think this is just a cold

At this point, you are legitimately being obtuse
She polled to be the clear front runner
everyone thought she was going to win, even people here
she lost
the polls were wrong
fake news
I don't know how to actually get that through your head