Pic related, Prince Andrew with Ghislaine Maxwell, probably the closest associate of Epstein (who happened to "die" on Tish A Bav with 33 days inbetween his indiction and "death") and an underage girl claiming to have been abused by Andrew and pimped out by Epstein which Andrew had a really hard time explaining.
We know CIA is involved in the childtrafficking for satanists due to instances like the silsby case connected to comet ping pong throgh some CIA lawyer that also is involved with some orphenage or ted gunderson talking about having evidence of a cia childtrafficking ring where the children are used for sacrifices
So obviously Epstein too was one of those intellegence operations
Also on Maxwell mintpressnews.com/ari-ben-menashe-israel-relationship-jeffrey-epstein/263465/ On that link >gislaine maxwells father was (((former))) intellegence operative >suddenly starts a media empire that totaly isnt some propaganda Op by the same intelligence >funeral gets visited by 6 heads of the same intellegence service >totally didnt stay in the IC and there is no way his daughter got dragged into it as well
So I came across pic related which is the albumcover from the band Silbermond (pretty popular here in germany) of the Album "Schritte" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silbermond Now let us look at the cover. First we see the wings, mimicing the image of Ra holding up the Sundisc . However instead of the Sun its a Pentagram thats hold up, a symbol of Venus and Lucifer which is here presented as the sun, the biggest and brightest object in the sky that gives the light to let live exist, basically the perfect symbol for God Then the single eye The Peackock feathers in the back, a Symbol of Melek Taus, the angel which the kurds worship because somehow by denying Gods command to serve us humans he would be fullfilling the earlier command to only serve and subjugate himself to God and thus would show true allegience (basically Satan). He is also the Angel created out of the Rainbow coloured Light of God, or likely the one through whom the light gets fractured into the 7 Colours like through a Prism (Think of that Pink Floyd Logo of the light going into the Prism/Triangle turning into the rainbow) basically appearing as the Triangle with the light radiating out of it through the Illuminati Eye in the Pyramid. He is the lightbringer, Lucifer, which rebelled against God because he refused to serve Humanity, Satan. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melek_Taus
Did you know that Alefantis (whose restaurant features the Masonic Shriners Moon and star) has connections to a CIA lawyer connected to the Silsby case? youtu.be/P8urOO0d7n8 Original was deleted, but this features the clip at 16:45 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.
Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccobie archive.is/e03eX >children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.
Furthermore the "Friends of the Orphans" orphanage is the very same orphanage Laura Silsby took the children from when she was caught with 33 of them (pic related for more on this) archive.fo/ox7Fa >PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.
tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices including the orphanage that Silsby got the children from. Silsby was also scrubbed from the AlertSense website so you dont see her working there anymore. really makes you think
youtube.com/watch?v=K2c1siCGv78 around 13 min states how his info about a CIA kidnapping ring is just ignored, and how the childs are used for sacrifices this is coming from this guy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Gunderson >Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI. Doesnt mention Masons, but we know they are the ones active in the highest Echolons of the government, so guess who has the power to make the CIA kidnap children shut up the FBI Also youtube.com/watch?v=OTnN-8BDswI
Citing another user on germany: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/209504658/#209544956 >i posted it allready in another thread its about a black metal neo pagan guy from germany, who killed a boy , a german varg virkernes if you like, and there is a documentary made about it from the 90s at 39:39 he gets arrested in william pearce hometown in virginia ,he was hiding at william pearces after fleeing germany) at a cafe he got arrested..look closer at the cafe. >so much for this shit >youtube.com/watch?v=IMQo4b2AGd4 pic related is the Cafe. Shows its internationally connected, and he, Hendrik Möbus, was also harbored by vocal anti-christian Dr. William Pierce
Super Mario Bros 3 It features the checkered floor, common mason symbolism for this world, its duality, them rising above it to become players with us as their pawns hidden from our view. however inside the game you see also everything bolted to the background, platforms on rails moving instead of flying as usually, etc, all just being decoration for a stage that mario is running on, i mean it even has it opening up with a curtain like in a theatre play.
Super Mario 64 furthermore has you being followed around by a cameraman to record your every step.
In Super Mario All stars you have all the people gathered on a checkered floor again, having friendly chatter, including fucking bowser in the dark until the moment the light goes on, where they fall into their roles they are meant to have for everyone else youtube.com/watch?v=tySdQ1l_hGM
Which leads me to some other questions: Why is Bowser invited for party games and cart tournaments, even inviting the enemies into his country for the tournement? Why would peach, who is constantly kidnapped by Bowser following the invitation? Why can peach be so easily be kidnapped over and over again when she should be a well guarded princess? Why is it always the same scenario?
The answer is because all the conflict is staged. Its masonic propaganda made to entertain the people and keep them busy just like propaganda here is. There is also the case to be made its all just to entertain peach which may symbolizes a deity that would wreck everything if not entertained through this play. youtube.com/watch?v=4y0T5T2iLRU
Also dont forget the typical white gloves Mario as well as Masons like to wear
Satanism is about the rejection of God and his values, embracement of his teachings. >19The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. >22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Also all the stuff God forbids throughout the bible, from faggotry to racemixing, and general degeneracy, is what satanism is all about, complete egoism, materialism and hedonism So Satanism is embracement of all the degeneracy that God forbids and which the kikes push and and enduldge in. By allying with Satan you ally in any way you ally with the kikes. At the foundation of all satanism there are a bunch of ultra retarded SJW whose entire philosophical basis is that God is a tyrannical fascist and a bigot for not allowing them to stick their dick where ever they want. God demands selfmoderation and aspiration to become something great. (((they))) believe these laws, instead of guidelines and advices for prosperity and a good life, are chains and limitations holding them back from doing what they want, from their self fulfillment, from basically sticking their dick into every hole they can find. That is the foundation of Satanism, forsaking Morals and laws so you can be a degenerate piece of shit, living like an animal according to the flesh, living as the BEAST So in the end its mostly about "muh dick"
This is in front of the IRS building 5000 Ellin Road. you see for once he 2 pillars boaz and jachin, symbolizing the sun and the moon, famous freemason imagery. also probably representing the 2 temples (like the twintowers were too)that got destroyed on tisha bav, a jewish holiday associated with destruction of their 2 temples and other misfortunes. the 2 pillars are seperated in 13 parts. In Base 12 mathematics ancients used across the world and is still used today (12 inches in a foot, 12 months in year, 2 times 12 hours a day, 12 Zodiacs, etc.) 13 is the end of the old and a beginning of the new (world order?) Also there is also the 13th zodiac being the serpent bearer en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiuchus like the serpent in garden eden.
The pillars are black and white, symbolizing the duality of good and evil, as above so below etc. with the hands doing the as above so below gesture even.
The pyramid is a symbol of hierachy. Also in old times they thought the gods live on the mountains, so people build their own mountains (zygguraths/pyramids) to reside upon them with themselves being the capstone, the all seeing eye overlooking their realm In this case on the pyramid is written „we the people“ together with the constitution on the black part, the white capstone on the other hand, the top of the hierachy, the godlike elite is seperated from the constitution and its rules, literally above it
>brock Remember correct the record? That clinton shill group run by david brock the ex lover of james alefantis? How likely is it the employees were people from his ex lovers pizza parties? How likely is it they all sent at least one application to be a janni? How likely is it at least one was accepted and was then shared in the office toget rid of any thread they want? How likely is it that this is the case for all shilling groups out there?
also shows a pretty good connection between the Laura Silsby case in Haiti to James Alefantis
Well, dressing up as clowns is a shriner thing. Its probably a hint at the masons role, being clowns that put on a show to distract and entertain the people. Also "It" comes to my mind from Stephen King. A Clown Monster chases Children. In the book its appearently the case that the children fuck another and thus the Clown doesnt want them anymore. They lost their innocence and that demonic creature doesnt care anymore. I also tend to believe that Clowns are meant to resemble Nephillim. The giants are generally described to be pale with red hair (white make up and red wig), they devoured everything Humans produced and in the end even humans themselves when there was nothing anymore (the big mouth) and the big shoes like the giant footprints across the world
Lincoln Sanders
>David brock died of heart attack >Andrew Breitbart died of heart attack >Justice Antonin Scalia died of heart attack Hmm.
I dont think Brock is dead, but he did get an heartattack a month or so after that post, and ever since it got really quiet about him. Also pic related was suspected to be Podesta ordering a hit on Scalia
You're right. Mistyped. Also on the subject of shady Podesta email posts, this one always stood out to me: >Podesta: I am all for making an example of a suspected leaker, whether or not we have any real basis for it. Anons say he was talking about Seth Rich as the leaker, but idk.
Its funny really. The DNC servers were downloaded locally. The Podesta mails come from Podesta clicking a bit dot ly fishing link telling him its to reset his password for securatiy meassures. Yet the whole blame is put on russia.
Remember that back int he day witches were the likes of Podesta, Clinton, Abramovic, Epstein etc. which they burned here some witch trial docs swarthmore.edu/SocSci/bdorsey1/41docs/35-wit.html >Sect. VI. It was a Religious Family that these Afflictions happened unto; and none but a Religious Contrivance to obtain Releef, would have been welcome to them. Many superstitious proposals were made unto them . . . but the distressed Parents rejected all such counsils, with a gracious Resolution, to oppose Devils with no other weapons but Prayers and Tears, . . . Accordingly they requested the four Ministers of Boston, with the Minister of Charlstown, to keep a Day of Prayer at their thus haunted house; which they did In the Company of some devout people there. Immediately upon this Day, the youngest of the four children was delivered, and never felt any trouble as afore. >But there was yet a greater Effect of these our Applications unto our God! [...] >when she was asked, Whether she believed there was a God? her Answer was too blasphemous and horrible for any Pen of mine to mention. An Experiment was made, Whether she could recite the Lords Prayer; and it was found, that tho clause after clause was most carefully repeated unto her, yet when she said it after them that prompted her, she could not possibly avoid making Nonsense of it, with some ridiculous Depravations. This Experiment I had the curiosity since to see made upon two more, and it had the same Event. Upon the Commitment of this extraordinary Woman, all the Children had some present ease; until one (related unto her) accidentally meeting one or two he of them, entertain'd them with her Blessing, that is, Railing; upon which Three of them fell ill again, as they were before. while there certainly were wrong accusations, many I believe to have been quite real
I can’t see what it says but I agree with you. I also hate how it protects rapists like Weinstein and I hope that we will be able to create a better more humane system in the future somehow.
I believe Lucifer (which they worship) is just Satan before the fall The serpent in Eden is identified as Satan >2He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
Revelation describes Michael BTFOing Satan and throwing him to earth. Earlier Satans fall is described >18So He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. which i believe is a good link of Michael to Jupiterian deities and likely this is what Jesus related to when saying he is the morningstar.
Eitherway we can say from this that the serpent is satan is the dragon is a fallen angel. Lucifer brings knowledge, the serpent did exactly this, so we can assume that Lucifer is Satan as well. The aztecs have Quetzacoatl, the feathered serpent that brought them knowledge, like the serpent in Eden, and he is identified as the planet Venus which is Lucifer when appearing as morningstar
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucifer >Lucifer (/ˈljuːsJfər/ LEW-si-fər) is a name that, according to dictionaries of the English language, refers either to the Devil or to the planet Venus when appearing as the morning star. Just like the Venus, associated with Lucifer, and even called Lucifer when appearing as morning star, The Lucifer will at some point not the morningstar anymore, not Lucifer, Satan that was Lucifer and then fell. Same as the Pentagram, which gets drawn with the Earth and Venus, can be a symbol of protection (when pointing up) or of evil (when pointing down) having the same symbolism behind it as the planet Venus and Lucifer/Satan has
The 2 (Venus and Saturn) being connected (via Lucifer-Satan) gives also then some connections to the bull symbolism of moloch when he ruled possibly back then still as lucifer and thus is the golden calf as Venus is the planet that rules over Taurus
Also relating to this is Prometheus who brought the fire (knowledge) and because of this Pandora (a woman like Eve) unleashed all the Evil (Sin)
daily reminder that Lucifer/Satan is but a social justice warrior . Where God puts up laws to encourage self moderation and decency and make people the greatest they can be, Satan is the one that tells them to ignore the law, that they have free will and this freedom and liberty is the highest value there is. Sadly people dont realize that its about freedom to be a degenerate piece of shit and liberty to do evil, and as such even many christians support this thinking they are doing good with their tolerance of evil as the evil likes to hide behind fancy words.
You know the GADSEN "dont tread on me" flag? >19See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. Or even in Genesis >15And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Thats what is promoted, not stepping on the serpent by respecting ones liberty, not realizing that what they call freedom from Gods law is but enslavement to the flesh and sin
These blisters look like pic related (there are worse pictures, but i cant tell if they are really from Porphyria or not, so I keep it real). Now how is it treated? Among other stuff healthline.com/health/porphyria >blood transfusions
Remember those bloodlible accusations against jews all the time where they supposedly snatched children to drink their blood? The vampire stories about people drinking blood and not being able to step into the sun? But there is more:
or this here, episode 33 of the series, 33, the masons favorite number youtube.com/watch?v=_kO0Zowa1To injecting instead of drinking or bathing in it, but still the same theme and as you mentioned the recent media attention and start ups on this issue.
So through that bloodlible back then, and probably even today, they tried to negate the genetic errors they recieved through the bloodline of the serpent even though through all that mixing they arent as likely as they were back then among (((them))).
Also fearing the cross (christianity) and archenemy is the man-dog combination (werewolf) that were used to hunt down the childsnatcher vampires
Some connections between Saturn and Satan. Where as Gods symbolism is around the Sun and light Saturn stands in Duality to this. In example in Alchemy the Sun is Gold, perfection, whereas Saturn is lead (base/ruin) Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God. The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism) Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity. The 6s in its seal (pic related) The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon. Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again Saturn in Astrology is ruling the Karma which Buddhists say traps us in this world just like the Sin which Satan brought, brought us into this world
Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego. The square in pic related, which incorporates the origin of the Masons Logo is even associated with Saturn en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square#Europe_after_15th_century
ayys again replacing spirits here is a fun thing i tend to do. Whenever I see a story, wether of some abductee, in a movie, anime or anywhere really, speaks of aliens I translate it into demons or angels. Then suddenly it makes a lot more sense i feel most of the time. One example the movie Venom, the "Symbionts" from space that go into your body and take control and give your superpowers, demons To Love Ru, that "Alien" with that weird tail like a devil. Her name being Lala SATAlia DEVILuke, who is really good with technology (as the fallen angels brought knowledge) whose father is the ruler of the universe (Satan, ruler of this world) Or Hirugashi, story is (alleged by the plot so far, as i didnt finish it yet and there are some misdirections) that Ays crashed in a swamp, spread some desease which make people go mad and smash each others heads in, claimed to be parasites, and the guardian god suppressing the symptoms. Totally not demons posessing the people and being repressed by some well meaning angel Madoka Magika. Turns out the "Extraterrestrials" make a deal with the girls granting them a wish, which in turn gives them magical powers. They also use "technology" to lock your soul into a gem, and they do this because every magickal girl will eventually fall into dispair losing herself and turn into a "witch". This transformation grounded in despair unleashes huge energy they ayyys harness to prevent the entropy from destroying the universe. Basically Demons promising a faulty deal to feed on your despair and keep the system running
youtube.com/watch?v=Nj1Ofd7JjHg 0:30 Quagmire says he learned cooking to get chicks, adding "I mean how do you think NBA players get all those chicks? They're all great cooks! Except Kobe Bryant, his secret is different"
Now what are the chances the secret relates to the following Kobe Bryant basically tells kids to build an altar for "inspiration" while talking with a serpent, calling it a "musecage" youtube.com/watch?v=Ab7znwmU5LQ continues to proclaim how the "dark muse" aka the stuff that makes you anxious and worry or doubt is probably stronger than the light muse which motivates you, telling you to let yourself be propelled through fear and rage to turn your into a BEAST. Quoting a guy in the comments (from another mirror of the video that is deleted) >Another "coincidence " is that when LeBron passed Kobe for the all time scoring the score was 54 74 which in esoteric terms equates to 9 11. shortly after Kobe is dead.
And if someone is interested I made a discord server some while ago since the threads were shut down all the time. People on there are autistic but knowledgable discord gg/zB2c4k
baphomet is the perverted embodiment of the unification of opposites what God seperated in the beginning is united back, destroying the duality, like it was done with 9/11 symbolically
body of man, and head of the beast, female tits and a male dick, the dark and the bright moon, pointing above and below, the head forming a hexagram (afaik usually associated with the material and the world) and a pentagram (afaik the spirit). weirdly a goat isnt among the animals associated with saturn. The Goat symbolism likely comes from Capricorn, the zodiac that Saturn (associated with Moloch, just like Baal, Cronus (eating his own children like Molochs childsacrifices) and of course satan) rules. So they push trannies to bring this bullshit to the next level, and yes, most of the higher ups are trannies to exactly for that reason
Also it basically underlies the believe that there is no good or evil, that all comes from God, and that (((they))) merely embrace the side of creation others deem ugly and which Christ told us to reject and overcome and follow the spirit instead, pursuing the flesh, embracing the beast, the beast/goat being in charge, being the head In example while normal unification of male and female results in new life being born, thus being a unification of life and creation trannies are the same principle, unification of male and female. but their endresult is infertility and usually suicide. they are a unification of death and destruction. a mocking of Gods creation and order
Supposedly the priesthood of moloch all got their dick cut off and dressed in drag, but i didnt really confirm that yet
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebis >After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body the Hermaphrodite. Greek myth iirc states originally man and woman were attached to another on the back, and eventually seperated which is why we search our whole life for our soulmate. Some even claim Adam was androgyn until Eve was taken out of him. They try to reach a divine state of being by becoming genderless, hence so many appearent trannies among (((them))), and thats also the reason as i see it they push trannies into the public mind. You can see it like this, the normal way of how man and woman comes together is one of the most holy things, creating new life. The way trannies unite this is one of the most perverted ways, the lowest which is what (((they))) aim for in the first place
The black and white floor also plays into this, symbolizing the world made out of this duality.
>IP range is banned from making threads. Same. I share most of the same religious views as you and I'm also banned from making threads. Yas Forums mods hate the userbase.
There is literally 0% chance the cia and nsa was unaware of epstein weinstein and israels impact in human trafficking.
It was systematic eugenics as retaliation for ww2.
Any and all non-croneys were targetted to weaken the genetic population of the masses and create and elite genetic leadership.
Clearly that strategy has failed.
Luis Howard
All the super mainstream videogames are like that. Megaman is not too popular and the opposite because it's full of Christian symbolism. A cross item fully restores all your energy for everything and X and Zero series are full of Biblical names and references. And of course Megaman is being phased out of our culture and very few zoomers have even heard of him outside of Smash. I haven't played Castlevania much but I don't hear much about it either which means it's probably pro-Christian too so (((they))) don't want it to be popular anymore.
Isaac Hill
well, I wouldnt go so far to deem any spiral a pedo symbol. Mainly the triangular spiral seems to be one as well as the heart spiral. The Spiral in general I believe is rather a symbol of for energy, which is ever expanding.
yeah. One of the reasons the "fuck jannies" poster became one of my favorites.
Carson Ramirez
Fucking bookmarked, thanks german bro
Jonathan Ortiz
Satan is a guiding principle. Jesus understood Satan perfectly.
These people misunderstood Satan. You are doing the same. Reconsider if you wish to save your soul.
Joseph Gray
well, its ages ago that I played megaman, and didnt play it that much so I cant recall, but generally yes, pretty much all mediums are full of franchises with different occult symbolism. Personally it seems that the Japanese use the symbols mainly to portray things, in example good and evil, accurately, where as most have it vice versa. Interestingly seemingly at the same time pagans raided the board to shit on Christianity people also started attacking anime, despite it being the only medium left that portrays traditional genderroles and supports values like selfsacrifice, heroism, truth, going against all odds as long as its the right thing etc.
Also interestingly the Christian threads have the most vile, slanderous and aggressive shilling I see on this board here.
nothing to thank me for. All I have comes from other anons in earlier threads, and God leading them into the right ones to help me understand and piece things together. I just try to get yet some more info, and as such its the logical think i give what I have first so others can add to it or link some other stuff >Do onto others as you want them to do onto you Also its my way to say thanks to those who gave me the info, so that there effort lives on by the info being spread >Freely you received, freely give.
Check yourself dude. A tree is determined by its fruit
Benjamin Bailey
Brayden Ortiz
this is essentially how it works Freemasonry is just one of the recruitment grounds of Jews. They promise money, influence, fame etc through networking and secret magic knowledge. This already attracts a certain kind of people. Through out the ranks and the initiation rituals in them they filter out who is willing to do evil to advance, starting with harmless stuff, then some minor faggotry, bigger faggotry, until you need to rape a child and murder it to get into the actual big boys club. Along the way they are sure to record everything of you, look who is willing to do some favors, in example if you are a cop overlook a speeding ticket, or ignore some other crimes of fellow members, getting more dirt on you until you are entirely blackmailable and become a puppet pacified with drugs sex and some money. Freemasons is where Kikes recruit willing traitors from. The "good Masons" are just usefull idiots paying membership fee to help disguise it as a boring gentlemans club thinking they get some deep philosophy or something, while making some charity from time to time and make it appear as if there is nothing to see Always shoot the traitor first
the masonic symbolisms is understandable and the theories about Peach and even Mario are correct (protip: there are two marios) Yes, SMB3 is a play. But i don't believe the whole Nintendo is on it. It was just a coincidence in this case.
however have a bump for your great thread.
Luke Nguyen
Im sure you are all aware of the "hidden hand" symbolism, that gesture in painting or photographs of various people from Napoleon, to Mark and Stalin, where they put a Hand into their Jacket/Vest to hide it from view. The "hidden hand" that moves the puppets behind the scene. Those that control everything without people realizing to keep the illusion of the play going.
Pic related MASTER Hand (Master Mason etc) from Super Smash Bros. Here is the Story Line behind Smash Bros.: You are a child, you have a bunch of action figures, puppets and such of your favorite characters. You are bored so you imagine these cross universe battles between these characters and replay them with with figures. These are the matches you play. The last Match is always against the MASTER Hand, the hand of the child that is moving the toys. Note that its basically a white glove like the Masons like to wear.
youtube.com/watch?v=g_2OPd25FOw youtube.com/watch?v=IRvNrMk-n6o&;;;;;;; A more indepth analysis on Smash Bros focusing on the lore and the meaning behind the hands in the game. Its kind of cringey, nothing about satanism and occultism and all that evil stuff, but still worth looking in
I dont know user, I feel these are a bit too many coincidences for Nintendo not having at least some Masonic influence/inspiration
Ghislaine Maxwell has retired. Rachel Chandler was the 2nd generation of Mossadi assets that lured important people into sexual blackmail. This shit is going on from the times of Babilon, where the evil jew reached the position of cupbearer for the king, manipulating the kingdom from the shadows.
One example is Sennacherib, legal king, opposed by some ((( Marduk-apla-iddina II ))) who appears in Isaiah 39 ((( Old Testament ))).
Rachel Chandler was going out with Eminem when she was around 14 years old. She always blackmailed for israel. She also posted that image of the security camera inside the temple on epstein's virgin island.
Jace Sullivan
midland.agency/ thats Chandlers modeling agency, look how all the models have that dead stare in the eyes. What are the chances you can rent the models as prostitutes? What are the chances Victorias Secret is the same, that you can rent the models as whores, even the underage ones? What are the chances this is the case with all modeling agencies, also providing cover for agents to travel across the world under the disguise of modelling
Alexander Thompson
Solve and Coagula. Revolution. All the revolutions has been pushed by the evil jew. French Revolution, Russian Revolution. The 60's