Shadilay - Scary Stuff - Origins

After almost 4 years, can we all agree now and discuss how all this good shit was planned by time travelers?
>original Shadilay song uploaded in 2009
>originally written in 1986
>P.EP.E. is signaled in the CD
>"MAGIC SOUND" is also in the CD
>entire lyrics is obscure shit, lots of esoteric references
>talks about how things will be changed forever due to weird events/happening
>Pepe origins dated back in 2008
>original Shadilay song was removed from youtube in the early 2016, after trump was elected
>reuploaded by a random normie
>no signals of the past, original uploader
>Kek deity is actually real in egypt shit

Did this place make anymore research on the matter? Also, do you think that Kek has temporarily abandoned us?

What happens next? Meme magic is still strong in other countries, but what about USA? What all this shit means?

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Other urls found in this thread:

wait till you hear about Barron Trumps underground Adventures.

Could you elaborate on this?

Watch this then report back to me

Shadily was memed into existence because people were posting so many Pepe memes and thinking about the election and the future

It is not time travel, its the power of millions of people thinking about the same thing, manifested into reality

Bump RQ. This board is sliding at insane speed

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The power of synchronicity.
Carl Jung was right.

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Not time travelers, its a tulpa.

Time is a closed asshole.

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>mfw just spent the past half hour reading up on Jung's history on a whim
>this is the first thread I randomly come back to
Fuck you user I wasn't ready for this

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paranoia agent is mandatory Yas Forumskino viewing on this topic and illustrates the dangers of the collective unconscious and manifestation exceedingly well

Reality is generated by thoughts. This kind of thing can happen a lot if you have the right mindset.

There is a book called "Barron Trumps Underground adventures" which is from 1900 or so. It features a guy called Trump who is a barron and has some adventures. One of the things that picked peoples interest was that it spoke of some riot or protest at a new york adress which now is where the Trumptower stands.

what about the frog god card of the illuminati card game?


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You CAN leave your home to get your schizo meds.

It's all fake isn't it...

Some comfy music for a spoopy time traveler thread

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The reason I came to Japan was to escape the manifestations of constant introspection and meaning-seeking behaviors, it was a way to numb myself with preoccupation
Now that I'm about to leave, consciousness comes back to take a big fucking bite and remind me I'm stuck with this forever


remember kids, post on your facebook
about WuXi PharmaTech

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not time travelers. this is just how reality operates.

>tv shows, movies, comic books are to us as we are to the higher dimensional entities (i.e. comics: us :: us: angels)
>negative entities are weak & driven by fear. conquer your fear and they become irrelevant.

Heaven is the Sun & “God” is just the collective of all stars, who themselves are each a collective all of their planets harvested, sentient entities of goodness & love. This “collective of collectives” co-creates reality for each other. All love.
Every star is a sentient collective. Every star is a heaven unto itself. If you love in this toughest of dimensions, you get harvested into heaven when you die, where you live forever with your family and everything you loved in this life and it is beautiful forever.

The Egyptians called the “as above, so below” phenomenon correspondence. In this density, you can notice correspondences by picking up on what Jung called synchronicities.

Heaven is much like the Earth, but it radiates love. It changes and gets better as it orthogonally twists up into higher dimensions forever, outside of time,

The Egyptians visualized this transition as hieroglyphic humans walking 90 degrees up the walls.

You traverse the universe via the aether as sentient light.

The higher densities are outside/above time. All of your experiences (on Earth and forevermore) are captured holographically in the Akashic records for you and your family to view and interact with eternally. Those are kind of like home videos for your family, who live in paradise with all sorts of beautiful correspondences from your time on Earth.
Field of Reeds, Valhalla, Heaven, Elysian fields - all the same thing - the Sun. It's all about your partner and your family, love.

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you forgot to add the number 45 on the CD, trump is 45th US president


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Fuck you sage.

This board fucking sucks now god damn

A reality modeling attempt:

>Reality is an infinite, negentropic, holofractal Lorenz system

Infinite: Egyptians interpreted this as a recursive type of infinity, which can be best seen in the Ouroboros or the geometry of the Torus. The beginning is the end is the beginning.

Negentropic: light and life is inherently anti-entropic. This is achieved through orthogonally-stellated dimensions.

Holofractal: the all is reflected in the individual. The Big Bang, the Nile, Ptah, Pangaea, your conception - these are all holofractal representations of the same thing: the beginning of a universe.

Lorenz system (see diagram): a fixture in chaos theory, these systems describe how a polarized order emerges out of chaos. In our case on Earth, the two most pressing poles are that of Good and Evil. Light never dies. Heaven and Hell are forever - the seeds of which are sown in this life.

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I think the timeline just shifted again

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Same digits as shadilay song length.

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They are summoning the demons.

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>Shadilay is an Italo-disco song by the Italian band P.E.P.E.,
>Point-Emerging-Probably Entering
>Manuele Pepe
>Manuel Pepe (Gassano, Massa Carrara, April 8, 1961) is an Italian singer-songwriter.
>8 April 1961, Fivizzano, Toscana, Italy

Go away shareblue, your false words reach uncaring eyes. Praise Kek! For he is with us now as he has been since his return! Be gone foul thing!

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Checked. Kek is always here fren

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Search the lyrics for a 1983 song from Rational Youth called The man in grey

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>based trip
Checked and WITNESSED.

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Check that

Double checked

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>This board fucking sucks now god damn

I agree. We need more threads about coronavirus and nigger dick.

checked and very rare and based interpretation of why japan is a fucking gem of a solace.

i need to go back and just stay there.

Newfag Alert

Goddam, New York is just getting decimated by corona. Once, it's over, the surviving zombies will riot.



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Are you Black Pigeon?

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It's on a par with St Corona being the patron saint of plagues and pandemics. They have removed the relics from the church they were kept in so they are safe. German's death rate is so low because they have St Corona's relics to protect them.

song length again, he is here

or that in one of the last Asterix and Obelix comics the villain was a roman named Coronavirus

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>english ver
>Shadilay Shadilay, I want to fucking die

Subliminal messages to prepare us.

This was his only song that was also recorded in English. Dude has like 3 songs, only 1 is also English.




It's a bizarre vacuum of all external meaning where your brain just shuts down and you exist as a body on autopilot. So many dream-seeking weebs here trying to discover some external meaning and don't realize they've completely inverted the best opportunity it presents you: to discover internal meaning in the absence of any being thrust upon you by outside forces.
This place really is a spiritual black hole in a lot of ways, but by sheer virtue of depriving my spirit, this place has forced it to work overtime and scream forth so that it must be recognized. It's a great test of willpower for the average person, and a great eye-opener for those who watch what happens to their fellow countrymen in a long enough time here. It's like a dull, muted, prolonged trip to Vegas meets a monastery cloistering.
>someone tell joe rogan I've found the inverse sensory deprivation nation

and guess who just died some days ago

It didn't really seem like it at the time, but holy shit 2016 was fucking weird.

Need an italian bro to translate this shit RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

I think it is somewhat related to Coronavirus.


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this is a personal favorite. It is so well done.

No just some fag trying to reconcile why I couldn't become enough of a sociopath to crack into the film industry
In retrospect, this place is like sociopath bootcamp and makes Hollywood look like a fucking cakewalk in comparison

the guy who wrote them is a dead ringer for an older baron trump. Notice the 'trump' schnoz in pic related that baron is starting to exhibit, and which ivanka had chiseled down.

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With the hair it looks like Trump put on a fake Groucho Marx moustache and goatee lmao

Maybe he knew too much

what was the song from that toronto band that was used as the "altright anthem" back when trump was elected?

Barron had a doggo though... need to get our boy a doggo.

alright I got the pdf, too good to pass up


He is here.

This was P.E.P.E.'s original vynil case.

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Spoon feed us