Capitalists will argue against this

Capitalists will argue against this.

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imagine thinking that an alternative to a flawed system is a communist pipe dream that fails at implementation stage

It's funny how capitalism on a bad day looks like communism on a normal one.

let the free market decide commie faggot

Only in instances of growing population (ie mass immigration)

It's like they say. Under capitalism, you occasionally get bread lines. Under communism, you occasionally get bread.

the idea of perpetual growth if flawed because scarcity exists.
socialism also doesn't work because scarcity is a motivator.
Nothing works.
There are no solutions.
The only way to stop humanities problems is to completely destroy the universe in such a way that life can never exist again even if there's another 'big bang' or whatever.
For human problems to stop you have to kill god.

>it cant even survive
First, it's still alive. Second, it's not a slowdown, government is literally shutting down businesses.

I don't know if that is true or not. I don't think you need limitless growth. I think people taking advantage and a growing state who all rely on interest payments and banks creating currency need limitless growth. I'm sure there could be pretty self contained systems that some economist or philosopher would argue for.

But aside that, last me ask: Does communism not require growth? I mean people need to labor and create more goods and services to improve living standards, no?

Capitalism dies if it adapts to the needs of human lives
Humans die if they adapt to the needs of communism

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This. Communism without people working isn't feasible either.

>All that can exist in this world is the status quo. ANYTHING else that is not the current system is a TOTALITARIAN COMMUNIST regime that will 100% no doubt end in BREADLINES and MASS STARVATION. Every and any alternative to the current judeo-neoliberal extortion scheme is LITERALLY MUH BREADLINES IT WONT WORK HURR LOOK AT HISTORY BOOK (I never read).

Seethe, Cope, Dilate, Get a Job, and lastly for the love of god please take your meds Schizo

Good job not using an argument.

It's funny how communism needs propaganda to sabotage capitalism in order to be a viable solution, but left to their own devices most people would naturally choose free market capitalism over (((their))) hunger games bullshit any day of the week.

Its Keynesianism not Capitalism. Capitalism, in it's TRUE form, requires a free market and a currency that cannot be arbitrarily inflated. Capitalism requires prices to rise and fall. What we have isnt capitalism anymore. We are just abusing the word.

and communism relies on crapitalism. Your point?

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>wrote an entire paragraph of butthurt seethe
>y-you’re mad!!!

Absolutely seething

>Capitalisim relies on 100% constant growth.

And the only way to get that growth is from weaker companies dying and other companies adapting and growing from their corpes.

Imagine believing communism and capitalism are different systems

All the ones seething about capitalism are commies though, that's literally the system they want.

Not like we have a free market now anyway, if we did we wouldn't have any bailouts, loads of more companies would crash and burn right now and the price on masks would be high... for a short time.

>Waaaaa! Real markets have never been tried!
Fuck off with this nonsense

>not even telling him to have sex

Both destroy culture.

In a way this person is right. Modern American capitalism is based on unlimited growth. This is destroying our culture and our land. You know how many fields, farms, and woodland I've seen be destroyed for cookie cutter suburban homes? It's disgusting.

As other posters have noticed. You are a low iq, stuck inside the box thinking faggot that does nothing to push the world forward. Or in simpler terms you're a fucking npc. Read a book or something brainlet.

The commie is right. But Nat Soc is the only answer. Also fuck all royal nobilities.

...but it is surviving...

Commie pig should read her fucking history. Capitalism works when it's not rife with greed and has some oversight.

No it doesnt, thats bankerism and speculation.

> imagine thinking our current system is capitalistic

also, pic related

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Seething bernout cope

OP was right, but also this

there's no such thing as a static culture that never changes

A communist country wouldn't suffer from a pandemic like this because half the population would already be dead from starvation and murder.

First off capitalism has it's benefits.
So does every other economic system *you* know of.

Unfortunately there are economic systems way better than the ones you know of. With actual systemic benefits for everyone involved. With greater profitability than capitalism and actual endless growth without the corruption of a sociopathic, amoral, dumbass society that it currently creates.

she calls herself a communist yet her phone is a capitalist product

3rd option?


try to be less butthurt and more perceptive

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They don't necessarily destroy culture. That's not their goal, it's just a happenstance.

The goal of both capitalism and communism is the same: Mass production. Profit. Wealth. Production. Work. Production.


All that matters is what you produce and how rich it makes you. The distinction is merely that the communist believes in communal materialism, while the capitalist believes in individual materialism. But they are both materialism. They don't care about the wellbeing of the people, their spirit, their culture, their existence or survival. Those are all secondary to the pursuit of profit and production.

That is why the capitalists and communists fought on the same side in WW2. Their differences were insignificant compared to the threat that national socialism posed.

A threat that peoples' lives matter more than profit or production numbers. A threat that the government exists to preserve and sustain the population, preserve their history, and build them up to be great; not expand GDP numbers and grow stocks.

these are also the same people who think we should have unlimited mass immigration so their stupid arguments are null and void

This panic is basically communism 100% of the time

>As other posters have noticed.

they are not very perceptive and neither are you

Yet they are all theoretical and capitalism is / was the best example for such a large country. A couple major problems however..

1. unlimited growth. Companies should be split as they get too large. They become inefficient and only serve to ruin themselves and others.

2. company should not have rights. They should be held accountable for actions and people should not be able to hide behind them.

3. Existing laws and rules should be applied which they aren't.

4. Companies should not be allowed to lobby in government.

BAM you got her! OH WOW how will she ever recover?!

You get it.

Now think of an economic system not based on materialism but something even more valuable that will literally never stop growing.

Put profit in an abstract term. That will help you understand.

All current economic systems are different varieties of shit.

Basically every country is capitalist. Even "communist" (freedomless, fascist) China has stock markets, with all its elites being 100% capitalist at this point because capitalism is in fact so rational, successful, and lucrative- that no other system is capable of fighting against it with fearful conformity or brainwashed ideological ferver alone...

It's really weird how most Chinamen support communism honestly. Even if their lives weren't being threatened, you would think they'd realize it's complete bullshit whereas capitalism actually allows workers to own tangible shares of the companies they work for.

There are too many people everywhere. Be unborn

It can survive just fine, it's the libshits thinking they can live a communist life that are going to fail.
Eat shit gook.

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Top kek... saved into my memory bank


it isnt capitalism you undeducated idiot
it keynses central planning.
keynes said that during good times we are supposed to make more than we spend but we didnt. we just kept taking loans to afford social spendings(so cpaitalism like)
you have only yourself to blame idiots
and jews who tricked you

It doesn't though.

We just are poor because we're socialist and we can't afford our government.

Communism relies 100% on constant work. It wouldn't even survive a 2 week slow down for people to avoid dying from a virus outbreak. Imagine thinking it could ever be viable.

Well fuck better convert to communism. It’s time for the revolution.

You're defending economic systems with histories of failures, yet I'm the one not perceptive?

You, stuck in old ways of thinking, in old paradigms of thought, are more perceptive than I am? Do you know how new things come about? By completely reframing the problem and understanding it from a different lense.

1. Unlimited growth is possible, viable, and good for EVERYONE. It's not possible if you define growth incorrectly, which all current economic systems do.

2. Companies should have rights. Else there would be no incentive for them to actually grow under the new definiton of growth.

3. No comment

4. Duh

It's kind of like IQ. IQ isn't a good predictor, but, it's the best we have. Capitalism isn't a good economic system, but it's the best we have. People who shill for communism are literally shilling for an objectively worse communistic system, when instead they should be working on making the capitalistic one as "most good" as possible.

Government ponzi schemes depend on endless growth. These schemes are the opposite of a free market and socialist in nature .
A free market literally only requires authoritarians to fuck off. Under this system, people are free to form communes, or co ops, nonprofits or whatever kind of organization you want. You just aren't able use violence to coerce others

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Go and work for free commies, keep the system functioning and prove everyone wrong. It is your duty to report for work.

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How fucking absolutely retarded do you have to be to not realize that the balls deep socialism these twitter faggots advocate rely EVEN MORE on people going to work than a capitalist society? Do they think the virus would somehow magically not infect someone going to work involuntarily vs. voluntarily?

This is why anyone you meet who advocates for socialism is so fucking braindead that they truly do rely on someone taking care of them

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They are starkly different and just because they share some goals doesn;t make them the same. It's like saying that a horse and car are the same thing becasue they both take you from point A to point B.

huh what a smart amateur economist. Bet she’s nobel prize worthy

Under capitalism empty shelves last for days. Under socialism empty shelves last f-o-r-e-v-e-r.

No. Capitalism is not the answer. Neither is communism. Fucking think outside of the box. It's so fucking simple.

I'll give you a hint. What currently exists in humanity that always keeps growing and is a good thing?

it's not. capitalism is NOT based on "endless growth" that's the fake banking system that jews put on top of capitalism to be able to control it.

Normal free market is just people working and producing things to trade for other things or money, it has nothing to do with "endless growth"

That's retarded, capitalism is simply the academic title given to the concept of post-bartering trade

Absolutely untrue. Capitalism has an inherent boom bust cycle. Anyone with just cursory knowledge of any school of macro economics knows about the boom bust cycle. Capitalism still seems to exist even when the system stagnates every 7-12 years. Its hardly the failing of an economic system that the united states is focused on cheap labor and short term profits more than any other developed country which also has capitalism. Its for sure not the failing of capitalism that a virus killing aging populations IE. Half of america is forcing america to suspend its markets.

>It's so fucking simple.

No it's not. If it was so simple, and better, then it would naturally dominate.

American free market capitalism is pretty solid. Everything is open to corruption and jews have corrupted it into ultra hyper capitalism. Nobody goes after the corrupted aspects because the jews have bought enough power and influence to get away with it.

As others have said, the alternative isn’t fucking communism. If people care so much, then come up with your own alternative. Don’t adopt a jewish idea from over a century ago that applied to a specific era in Europe and has failed gloriously in all attempts to have it installed.