The severity of the covid-19 and lockdown measures are alarmist and based on fake COVID act now data

COVID act now is refusing to release the code of their prediction models. Their models are also based on the Imperial College UK projection that is being rejected by the scientific community. The main fundraiser of COVID act now is a 2020 dem analyst whose dedicated work before the virus was taking down trump. Politicians are acting based off of these alarmist models and willingly acknowledging the junk data.

COVID act now's own charter states that they are not trying to predict the future, they are trying to cause immediate reaction.

This scandal is going to be the largest data scandal we have ever seen, it will make cambridge analytica look like peanuts.

COVID act now is banking on Trump losing in 2020 and a year delay in models showing our reaction and trigger happy policies caused more deaths than the actual virus

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Other urls found in this thread:

here is the source

The fact shills are letting this thread slide says something about your post.

so do the dems control literally every other country in the world too?

fuck kikes, fearmongerers and hoax shills

>promised total healthcare system catastrophe if states did not enact immediate draconian measures

This guy is retarded, NYC is literally under hell fire because they've run out of hospital beds, the number of infected is rising rapidly, supplies are running out but he thinks thats all not real because some dem posted a link to it?

I like it how he doesn't cite anything.

Any other country in the world have a local equivalent to losing 3.2m jobs in the aftermath of lockdowns.


NYC also had local leadership that buried their heads in the sand about coronavirus until 10 days ago. After all, it wasn’t politically correct to suspect there’d be coronavirus in some parts of NYC

Sheep follow the herd

THE MEDIA controls the dems not the other way around

When America catches a fever the world gets sick

Hell South Korea had this whole thing under control because of their mass testing and quarantining strategy. The US's number of infected and deaths is climbing every day but Trump declared victory over it? Many healthcare systems are completely overwhelmed already.

Oh absolutely, Bill Deblasio didn't wanna close schools because he thought kids couldn't get infected. Suddenly teachers go on strike to force him to close the school and now a NYC principal is dead because of the lack of inaction.

If theres anything wrong here its how stupidly unprepared the US was for this.

NYC is in a crisis because cuomo didn’t buy ventilators in 2015, they chose rationing towards the youth

Its not just about ventillators, NYC hospitals are out of beds, out of PPE, sure out of ventilators but thats only one piece of the pie. Healthcare workers working round the clock while even they themselves are getting sick.

All the while the number of infected grow, the deaths are increasing. If the hospitals are at max capacity now they're gonna be at max capacity tomorrow when the problem is worse and every day after that.

>meme flag
Can your shitty psy op talking points fuck off? No one cares about your psy op virus

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I don't care anymore. Let it loose, and let's see who's right.
If you're right, I'll get a weak "I told you so."
if I'm right, you'll be dead.

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Well yeah, a quick look at lockdown cities.... they are liberal run cesspools

Go fucking cry about it. Its all fake till its in your neighborhood, kills your dad and shit.

You're the one crying no one gives a fuck about your fear mongering psy op

>Can your shitty psy op talking points fuck off? No one cares about your psy op virus

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Lol same meddling as in global warming nonsense.

The Dems are but a tentacle of the beast known as globalism

You realize this world extends beyond the US, republicans, democrats etc., right?
Take your meds your fucking shizo

>Hey the OP's twitter dude is wrong, theres already multiple hospitals all over NYC and surrounding areas that are completely overwhelmed
>NO ITS ALL PSY-OP SHIT (what ever that means) ITS FAKE AND NOT REAL

Lol I just hope it devastated Israel, but probably not as it’s fake.

the beds are a misdirection. accomodations can be made to provide care and swing beds in other offices/floors.

it's because living like rats means you die like fucking rats. It doesn't mean it isn't real.

stay mad Israeli. This psy op is waning.

You don't need a model. Just look at the cruise,ship and South Korea. It has been long enough to see,a pattern. The cruise ship,had something like 715 cases, 10,deaths and 680 recovered. South Korea had similar percentage breakdown. The countries that fair worse do so because they have their hospitals swarmed. I compared the death rates based on age with thus virus with that if the flu in previous years. Interestingly, fewer children between 1 and 18 due of this than the flu. The numbers otherwise seem to be similar in age group as the flu. However, this virus does seem to be slightly more lethal than the flu, but nowhere near happening fags predictions.

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it would be nice to have some proper sources but I tend to think this is accurate.

analysts predicting doomsday but not sharing code seems to be a common theme these days.

Thank you for baking a new one user. This should be a general btw.

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>the beds are a misdirection. accomodations can be made to provide care and swing beds in other offices/floors.
Thats what NYC has already tried to do, they're occupying multiple hotels in the surrounding area but there simply aren't enough supplies, not enough of anything.

you don't build a hospital based on pandemic volume. 9 out of 10 years would have a surplus of beds and organizations wouldn't be able to fund them. It is very normal to utilize other floors. The problem is the ventilators.

There is a bed shortage because there is a shortage of rooms with ventilators. You're putting the cart before the horse here.


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btw, I am still not convinced this is a psyop or just the consequence of putting retards in charge.

for anyone with a lick of common sense, there is very little incentive to want to move up the corporate/political latter.

Have any pics? I have seen A LOT of people ask for them and no one is giving any up. Hospitals here that claim they are overflowing are not even using their overflow employee parking yet. Hmm.

it's not worth it. They lack perspective and experience. so they're just going to keep on with their heads down, and ignore all information you provide. It's an unassailable defense, really. They're always going to have an evasion, which should clue them in that the position isn't a logical one. The difference is, you'll run out of facts long before they run out of delusion. I have family dealing with this first hand. I'm dealing with it, first hand. but I'll always be a shill making shit up for jewish masters and dnc paychecks.

The Dems are just the American branch, my leaf.

how are you dealing with it?

Pics and proof please. Lots of people asking but not one single pic or video of these swamped hospitals. The one around me isn't even using employees overflow parking yet. And they are 'swamped'. This is just a cry for Daddy fed bucks.

Yeah where are the pics of these overwhelmed hositals,? Still waiting.

Dems and rep. The whole system is setup and run by kikes. You dont think trump is a tool playing "drain the swamp"?

All part if the shoah

Good lord look at all my typos. Anyway, hope it made sense. Btw, a 90 year old woman here in Washington at that nursing home beat the vurus. I know that's too positive for happening fags, but a nice story anyway.

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>100,000 recovered
>25,000 dead
>mortality rate of ~15-16%
>1 billion people dead if everyone gets infected

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testing in US began in earnest, what, a week and a half ago? how can we have any idea of the true death rate and spread with so little baseline data?

does data exist on how many people suicide or go hungry due to shut down economy?

what are the ramifications on children development on taking them out of school for extended period of time.

all i see is 'muh exponential growth' from so called health care expert. I am not convinced anyone is looking at it holistically.

Your partisan retardation is going to get your entire country killed you stupid fat bastards. Now get back to work like your president said.

>literally every other country in the world too?
Not all of them just those with Rothschild banks

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primarily EU countries immediately after Brexit.

>testing in US began in earnest, what, a week and a half ago? how can we have any idea of the true death rate and spread with so little baseline data?
Testing has been around for a month but the actual amount of tests and who was getting them was so puny and insignificant that you're right about the baseline. People with symptoms are being denied tests and end up spreading it more.


What's the purpose in citing another paper from the imperial college if their first one is already being questioned?

what the fuck are you talking about? This disease can be intense. You don't want to contract this.

Heres a video, these aren't hard to find dude. It walks about the hospital and shows how stupidly run down it is due to all the excess patients.

good point

The funny thing is liberal strongholds like NY and LA will get fucked over the most from this. If you live in a large Dem city you are just cannon fodder for your masters to amass power.

honestly, not well. I'm getting to the point where I want everyone else who denies it to feel this pain. I just want them all to suffer, for diminishing this and being so stupid. I'm at a small trauma 2 ER. I've been in code medical for days, and we barely have any cases compared to other places. Not only that, but the fucking EMTs keep ignoring the code medical, and bringing us patients, because other places are worse.
You want to know something fucked up? we needed platelets for a patient. The blood bank refused us, because it's their reserve supply and it's for emergencies. I watched a patient die, because they didn't consider it enough of an emergency as he coughed up his lungs. We went through the motions, but he was gone. and the doctor tried to make me tell the family. I'm a nurse. and he tried to make me tell them, because he didn't have the balls.
but I'm making it all up, right? shill goy here. gotta make those shekels for posts, oy vey!
I'm just so sick of all of this. let it spread. let others feel the pain. I've had enough. I may just not go back.

Nothingburger bros your time is now. You need to rush every hospital emergency room and ICU in your general vicinity and get vids and pics of this massive hoax. Get right up in their faces and tell them they're lying. These people are mislead and don't have the virology training you've all acquired in the last two weeks via twitter and YouTube comments sections. You need to set them straight, right now.

you have first hand experience with it?

My wife is a doc and the hospital is a ghost town because all the fakers and fake emergencies are non existent because of the scare.
She has a free week off and many of her colleagues are getting a full month off.

how old are you?

As of today there are literally only 5,000 people in New York hospitalized due to this virus. 1200 of them in ICU.

I mean I live in NY but not NYC, the cases are doubling every few days, largely because of increased testing but people have been denied tests weeks ago and now showing symptoms, its pretty wild.

If you live in NYC you will be sacrificed to feed the narrative. This isn't anything new.

The people who funded these fake studies should help fund the compensation for the people who lost their jobs.

uhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh

my sister works in municipal government where they all agreed to essentially shut down everything. I asked, 'what about poor people not getting paid and going hungry?'. She responded as if they hadn't even considered it.

>1 single hospital in a shithole city
>let's shutdown the entire fucking country and functioning economy

Didn't canada just freeze rent, mortgages and shit?

Do some investigating.

How can you tell yourself your drastic decisions are rational when you admittedly have no idea what's going?

>mortality rate of ~15-16%
lol that's not how it works

>I'm getting to the point where I want everyone else who denies it to feel this pain. I just want them all to suffer, for diminishing this and being so stupid.

You got your wish with me. I made fun of the covid hysteria. I contracted it. It was brutal. I am in recovery now. My body and brain were cramped up, it was hard to walk, I forgot what season it was, strange dreams. I can walk around now pretty good. Hydration was important. I used ibuprofen a little to help with inflammation.Berry vitamin b waters to keep my heart muscle active.

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Fuck off kikeflag. Show flag. Also NYC hospitals were exhausted before any of this.

I live in nyc everyone is running to hospitals out of hysteria after one “ah hem”
>meme flag
Of course.

Jesus Christ kill yourself it's literally the fucking flu you stupid homosexual shitskin.

i know BC did. Ontario, not yet. I got an email from my landlord yesterday with paragraphs of hysteria and last paragraph essentially stating 'please still pay us, but if you can't email us directly and we will try and sort something out'.

>crisis actors
You shills don't even try anymore.

>I'm completely unware at how bad the spread is
>post a video I haven't seen a video
>hey heres a video
>oh just one? I'll ignore the fact that neighboring hospitals are already straining hard with no supplies

my drastic decisions? i am just asking questions which apparently is not allowed.

What about different strains?

Yet another Deepstate misinformation campaign.

I mean you have no idea of knowing because people are still being denied tests because there is no mass testing yet. Sure they have the ability now to process 5000 tests per day but its not enough to keep up with the infection rate because so many people were denied up front when they either had symptoms or had contact with someone with no symptoms but were also carriers.

You sound like a retard

does any data exist for the load on hospitals? can we compare to previous years? concern on my part is that hospitals will bandwagon corona to cover for years of poor care.

Different strains haven't been identified yet but either way the treatment procedures haven't changed for different strains so it doesn't really matter.