Joking and memes aside, how should China be held accountable for their disgusting habits ruining the world?

Joking and memes aside, how should China be held accountable for their disgusting habits ruining the world?

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they should be nuked. Then napalmed. Then nuked again.

put them to more work making our products
work is the worst thing that could ever happen to someone and the chinese should be doomed to work more for shitting up white nations like this

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Create a bio weapon with flu like symptoms and release it on their country.
But this time for real.

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Nuked with what? Nuclear weapons have been proven to be a hoax.

They're just big bombs, retard.

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>Nuked with what? Nuclear weapons have been proven to be a hoax.
>They're just big bombs, retard.

Then just use big bombs, you double retard.

>t. actual retard

Is nuclear power a hoax too?

we need to nuke those motherfuckers into fucking glass. every fucking disease comes from that hellhole, i dont get why people still try to defend it. its a shithole in every way imaginable.

You can't hold them accountable, user. They are not white gentiles therefore they are innocent.

sanctions, bring back manufacturing & make friends with Russia

Good bait

ever heard of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings? 2 bombs send by the US and blown up 2 places in japan resulting in over 3000+ casualties.

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Prove it.

cant prove something that aint real

Those were atomic bombs, not nuclear weapons.

We should back our words with atomic weapons. We don't have any, so it's down to you burgers.

Japan: Unleash Godzilla

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Show me evidence they're fake then. Miguel Serrano said they were fake, but he was full of shit and fairytales.

>Those were atomic bombs, not nuclear weapons.

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invade steal their gold and the natural resources every person in the west gets one chink women for rape and a chink kid as slave labour

Because the good people of the world have empathy preventing them from doing what the evil people of the world do. It's a paradox.

no more peeing in my coke

Nations should distance themselves from China
People should avoid things from China and demand for jobs to come back to their respective nations while accepting the jump in prices
China should be seen as dirty, corrupt, inhumane, while we should appreciate the cultures subjugated by China. China must be seen like an artificial country
Once nations stop being so dependent of China then we should support separatist movements until China looks like Pic related

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I'm for genocide personally.

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At bare minimum sanctions on all CCP/CCP member assets.

yeah that came ou badly, lol. the guy's full of shit, he cant prove that they arent real cause... well, they are. "nuclear weapons arent real" is the dumbest thing ive read all day.

Canada, the new Australia. gr8 b8 leaf

those masks were made in china, retard

They have to pay in nukes dropped on India after we deported all 50 Million of you back to where you came from.

Yea. I have seen the inside of one. It's just a billion gerbils on wheels. The ones that die of exhaustion are then burned as additional fuel.

>Breeding with insects

I can't understand how someone catch yellow fever. One of the worse paraphilia desu

no, i mean like, people still talk about china as if it were paradise. well, at least where i live they do. every commie cunt here glorifies communist shitholes

fuck off racemixer

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when youre a virgin, any pussy is pussy

If you look at Chinese social media they're asking themselves the same thing about the retards living in guangdong and other places that practice eating stupid shit. The fact is people all over the world are just like the Chinese peasantry and are completely fucking retarded the real problem is the government. Good govt, less chance of a pandemic. Retarded govt, you get widespread ebola and sars pandemics.
CCP lied since day one, this virus probably came from that fucking laboratory since they started destroying lab samples, denying entry to foreign researchers, disappearing whistleblowers and NOW projecting it onto the US and trying to get the headstart in a conspiracy narrative that blames some american soldier for sabotage. They are the slimiest fucking cretins that ever lived and I hope someone in the politburo pulls a coup and has this fat shovel-faced piece of garbage xi jinping put on a spit and roasted.

I don't really give a shit about the masks, chink. I care about the Chinese workers at this company, who appeared benign, essentially becoming agents of a the Chinese government apparently acting on their orders at the drop of a hat.

Lies on that scale won't last. Especially now.

meant for >Plot twist, I am actually retarded

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oh and using the whole pandemic that THEY started to try and make themselves look like some benevolent world leader in tackling it.
if i could repeatedly see this fucking slope weasel glassed i would die a happy person

>over 3000+ casualties.

3000? try 200000

Are you saying the current virus is a hoax?

still over 3000 lol

All chinese should be deported back to their homeland. Then they should be blockaded from the rest of the world. No travel, no trade.


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Those are 2 names for the same thing.

big if true

>while accepting the jump in prices
oof, that won't sound good to people but i find no flaws in your post

All mainlanders absolutely have to go. the WHO is a primary example of just how insidious CCP's tentacles are. You can't trust any of them.

I am sure the new jobs will offset it just a bit
But I believe people are wrong in believing they are entitled to get anything they want for cheap

manufacturing is already leaving china because wages there are going up and it's getting too expensive

i suppose people will be less careless making things last more therefore less pollution and production

Free eggrolls on side

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I can only hope, but cultural change like that takes generations. There are already some threads promoting that, but they are hardly mainstream

Pay for damages.

Not that they ever would.

Canceling debts to countries they have enslaved too.

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Every country should put an embargo on China and let them live in their own authoritarian hell hole.

Should cancel our debts with China to pay for the stimulus and losses because of their pandemics.

from now on, winnie the pooh will be uncensored permanently in china and jinping should be nicknamed as winnie the pooh internationally and only be directed like that in every media including meetings. as a start

i imagine, years of getting used to a certain lifestyle will take time before changing it, first worlders will catch on but can't have that same hope with 3rd worlders and immigrants