Why is Yas Forums so hateful?
Why is Yas Forums so hateful?
/zoom anarchy general/ when
Because fuck modern education
Whoever is doing this is doing the right thing
The hell is Zoom?
Fuck chinks, niggers, Jews, spics, and, most of all, jannies.
lmao, make sure you all record the teachers' reactions especially.
>familiar forms of online harassment make a comeback
lying fags, we've been here all along, now they get hit for the first time in their NPC dazed days and all of a sudden it's a comeback.
Ill be sure to sene my link the next day of class, lads. Some of these niggers need a good wake up call.
>t. Union member
Its a webcam conference call service educators are using to conduct online classes. Its actually pretty comfy to be able to sit at home, listen to lectures, and not have to be around niggers and their dumb kangs shit
Expressing hate is cathartic. That's why I come here.
its like skype or google webx, i think.
You could also look it up. Lazy niggers.
Why are we being blamed, what the hell is Zoom
video conferencing software
So ripe for Duck Tales then.
I do because my kids are in them
You cant have the links because fuck you
What the fuck did we do again?
Instructors send them out whenever they schedule a class. What needs to be verfied is if whether or not the links sent out to join the class are tied to the individual. Otherwise, this idea is already dead in the water.
Why is Zoom so insecure?
Yas Forums did it
>haven’t ever seen a link to whatever this nonsense is
I’d blame it on but the only thing going on over there for the past 8 years has been amateur porn
>false flag attack your own shitty skype ripoff
what the fuck is zoom
>t. neet loser
What an opportunity to drop redpills.
Should go to a zoom and ask about how long would it tske to bake 6 million cookies
this is why they're mad
We live rent free in their heads. Kek.
Oh yeah. This.
>Yas Forums
>8 years
>amatuer porn
Exactly why I don't use Yas Forums anymore. Nothing but coomers and faggots now
>*hacks into conference call*
>*starts playing TGSNT*
>Yas Forums posters
I never even heard of Zoom or know what it is until that screencap. What a load of shit.
>t. productive goyim
Its mostly retards on Yas Forums
Now post 2020
Yeah I seen a live seminar linked here like 5 days ago. Everyone abused the 'lecturer' it was quite funny but then again I'm pretty juvenile...
Yeah, I don't know why they would blame Yas Forums when it's obviously not Yas Forums doing this. I'd blame Discord, since everything that goes on there is obscured by thousands of individual chat rooms.
So is this why threads keep showing up from people calling for raids on zoom ?
Basically now when professors spew their kill whitey shit some Yas Forumsack in their class shares the link with his pals and they call the professor a commie faggot.
Yas Forums isn't hateful, it's all these paid professional shills from Russia sowing social discontent by forcing anti-West meme 24/7.
He warned us about their tricks
Sometimes hate is the proper reaction to things. Like commie teachers.
The MSM has been proven to post false flags here so they can report on it, it’s fucking insane
and just like that an easy million in outrage advertising was nearly wasted
>Yas Forums is responsible for everything.
Everyone I don't like is Yas Forums.
>anno domini 2020
>being a retarded faggot mutt
generation zyklon eternally based
You confuse hate with trolling. That doesn't mean Yas Forums isn't hateful also but people here love a laugh.
we have a single code that is used for the remainder of the semester. like it was written down on the chalkboard; think of it like a phone number, it's the same for everyone and every meeting.
I don't see why not. I hate your guts OP and your'e a faggot. KYS yourself .
This is why you shouldn't be here forever, old man
I would do this but all my classes are super small so the profs would know it's me
its like skype but for zoomers
hence the name
Why not just have every student have to click a button for a unique link to the chat. That way if people spam these things you can find out whose student’s link they were using. How is this company on the NASDAQ and can’t do something so simple? Might as well use Ventrillo if your not gonna get simple features why even pay them?
Yes. In soviet russia you demoralise demoralisation.
Has anybody uploaded the Christchurch footage, yet?
I've never seen anyone on Yas Forums posting about doing that.
it's always been full of coomers and fags.
get a job fagget
bro im in your kids class too give the link to redial them on the holobongo
>da nger
>the nigger
Even the kikes at vice understand that you NEED to make a thread first before claiming Yas Forums is doing anything. The way this bitch puts it you would think that there are generals about this. Unles the threads are in Yas Forums
>Zoom class
Are THEY trolling US now?
>tfw a teacher cant even control an online classroom
they are shit teachers, its the equivalent of having students fucking during geometry class
Have we? I haven't seen one. Only happens on Yas Forums?
I feel like we get way more credit that we deserve. I’ve literally seen nothing about this and didn’t know what zoom was until just now.
You can't even mute the other retards though.
Can someone post the ed edd and eddy edit of bakers math
i've seen a couple threads but not near what they pretend we are doing.
I also haven't seen any zoom raid threads here, but if we aren't doing this already, we should be. Sounds extremely fun.