Why are cuckolds such repulsive people?

Never have talked to a decent cuckhold. Their politics are foul as well.

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How many cucks do you even know

Online, they lurk everywhere. When I mean cucks I mean the literal type who let their wives/girlfriends get shagged by other men. The "open relationship" sort also.

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Intense amounts of self-hatred, and Mommy/Daddy issues.

I don't think a lot of people realize that having a weak/absent/abusive parent(s) can fuck someone up for life. Most psychological issues are pretty much just parental issues.

I never met my father. Though I think it's dysgenics that has resulted in it since they aren't really contributing to the gene pool in a positive way.

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to be cuck is to be like a hard drug junkie
they are destroying themselves
but see no other way for the sweet dopamine fix
take alpha pill
be the best you can be
then push these limits beyond the sky

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Dysgenic? I mean, sure, but then you get 6'4" large-framed uberchads who have a kid with a supermodel-tier 5'9" ultrastacy and then they're kids end up with developmental disorders or some rare disease. Plenty of average people are actually sort of better for breeding.

this user knows in and outs of disease
based depatment will call in

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I have a Prussian code of ethics, I try to be professional as possible.

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Genotype makes the biggest difference. Phenotype is just a good indicator which could easily be completely incorrect.

the real question is, why are you hanging out with - and talking to - cuckolds?

even know any women to be something of a cuck ?


Yeah, and even when it comes to genotype, most average people are actually better off. Lots of other factors come into play. Notice how a lot of hollywood celebs are fucking wack as fuck/pedophiles/drugged out/alcoholics but attractive? Being attractive is nice, I suppose, but there's still some shit that goes awry.


Shouldn’t it be obvious? If you’re willing to share your wife, what wouldn’t you be willing to share? Absolute commies, every one of them

Cucks are far more pathetic sure, but I see far more of these "poly" people around.

this nigga really loves porpoises

The only difference between poly and cuck is that the cuck isn’t in denial.

IMO, poly is more pathetic because you can’t even come to terms with the kind of person you are. At least cucks embrace their filth.

Why do people think of Diogenes as an amazing philosopher rather than an insane hobo? Because he was self-aware.

lol, this

Polyamory is pretty much a fad that these people try to push as "natural" and the "optimal human relationship structure"


porpoises are beauts, he's got the right idea

knew a dude once who had a cheating girlfriend
let him knew that she was going for me HARD
he got extremly pissed we had THE fight
he forgave her but it didn't helped his relationship, she was still doing her things
i have no proof that he was getting a kick of off it
but this seem overall very strange to me
he was 6/10 and she a solid 8
As he was explaining it to me she was way out his leaque and had no chance for anyone better
she did scored half a town i think

I am ethnically Deitsch.

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I think the Hollywood Syndrome is a case of nurture or lack of it.

I have this fetish but a strong sense of shame and distaste for actually doing it. I think most cucks actually feel this way in some level and come up with mental gymnastics to justify their self hatred and coomery.

Poly people may in fact be worse. Poly is not only physical but intamate cuckoldry

I'm 20 and attractive but my father was a sociopath banker who an hero'd.

I recently read "the coiled snake" and realized how detrimental my sexual escapades have been on my spiritual / mental health.

Personally. I think it's a mental illness. But in this age of degeneracy it's often championed as taste. You are the first decent cuckold I must say.

This is why I limit myself sexually. t. Voluntary celibate.

did you say that on porpoise?

I have a friend similar to you. His dad didn't sui, but he was a skirt-chasing, cheating and dishonest fuckhead. Few months ago he stopped hitting up whores and tried just staying monogamous bc he told me it just wasn't fulfilling.

Yeah, nature's good and all, but nurture really makes the person at the end of the day.

for anyone to believe in you be actracted to you
,you need to believe/be atracted to yourself in a sense
get easy in your own skin else you became in spirit what that lady with cat face became

you are weak because you lost GOD

God is with me.

This. You are essentially the entirety of your gene pool with a little less % of each generation going back. Phenotype is just a possibility. It’s why you can get brothers with very similar genotypes but one can be taller and better looking while the other is a goblin. It’s just a shit ton of coinflips over thousands of iterations.

They strongly remind me of the Ostsee.

profound mental illness, often as a result of too much consumption of jewish media and other propaganda.

When I was in my 20's I responded to a bunch of craigslist ads from couples looking for a guy to fuck the wife. I probably banged around 10 wives total, I was the "bull" even though only a few couples used that term. I had some great sex but I stopped doing it after a while because I found that without exception, the male halves of these couples were just downright weird people. They were often awkward to interact with and had controlling impulses. The women were fine. I wish I had never done any of it in the first place.

They are in all aspects of their being, self-deprecating. They hate themselves and feel sexual arousal at their humiliation.

How could you possibly respect someone like this as a friend?

The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life.

It may be. The source is typically a deep level of insecurity that is alien to most people, and your brain turns the insecurity into a fetish as a coping mechanism.

Ex: if you're insecure about your partner cheating or having a small dick you'll eroticize that they actually will cheat in a controlled setting.

Me personally I have a mild neurological disorder so I can't fuck as hard as I'd like to. It's probably hard to understand how that leads into having a cuck fetish but I'm not denying im a little fucked up in the head

Important to note that porn exposure is very much a catalyst for this sort of thing in men who otherwise have no reason to be insecure, and why men at a young age really really shouldnt be exposed to it. If you watch dudes fuck girls on video your brain is going to create strong associations with that

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Lol, what? I've been exclusively in an open relationship for years and I discovered it's the actual secret to zeroing adultery risk. There's no need to hide an affair and no spark when it isn't taboo. Stress less and you won't suffer so much.

The idea that the purpose of life is to emulate viruses is freaking nihilistic anyways. You aren't a more successful person because you contributed to overpopulation. Extreme hypergamy is the only apologia for breeding, and once we automate gene therapy customization, lineage will contribute only epigenetic influences rather than permanent qualities.

> Adultery risk is 0 as long as you openly embrace adultery

Coping retard

I never expected to be monogamous, get it?

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With each passing generation, less is to be expected.


Attractive ppl are just conditioned to be narcisstic retards. If you think more attractive meams worse genes amd lower iq youre an ugly nigtard with something physically wromg on ur face and or body.

Have you considered your family? Personally I find it degrading to both character and relationships.

do the test
no kids?
think about little things
it usually ends with these
open relantionship can only work with both sides partaking and this almost never the idea with some
"well, I can you don't!"
"you never wanted to !" and whatnots
this misght just my experience


It is better to have multiple wives than having an "open relationship".

It’s sad how jewish psychologists try to push it as healthy behavior when it obviously isn’t. Implicit knowledge is completely thrown out in modern jew academia. Most of the things that people just “feel” are wrong usually have evolutionary reasons behind them. Men not liking whores for example would be called a societally created response because they literally don’t believe in evo psych or that humans are animals for some reason. That’s why the entire field of sociology is just complete trash. A literal AXIOM is that humans are just blank slates and 100% determined by environment. It’s a fucking larp and they have the nerve to call it “science.” It’s right up there with boasian anthropology in terms of being actual pseudoscience and nobody but the jewified west even takes it seriously. God damn I hate jews and their academic subversion. They will push anything that implies complete subjectivity and environmental determinism.

Govt trusting statist retard. What kind of cuck would trust anyone to edit their genes. Fucking lizard brain welfare nig.

This is true but becomes dangerous when you become a hyper individual who doesn’t care about the broad scope. Obviously you should be the best person you can but literally not caring about anything else is stupid because we would be nowhere close to where we are today without acting as a collective.

>If you think more attractive meams worse genes amd lower iq

not at all what i said

It means nurture goes into making a person. The point of my post was that being attractive doesn't guarantee an excellent life.

Only thing worse that cillege taught psych is business. Thry teach you how to push govt papers asking for more taxes so pedos can be funded. Like who actually thinks Keynesian economics is not some jew shit?

They try to say that takimg money out of an economy doesmt hurt profits thus making taxes moral. If you have the slightest of wit youd find Keynes a jewish nigger and also a faggot.

Yee you right that physical triats dont guarantee anything. But youre saying if my mom has long arms and legs that doesnt mean anything genetically?

Psychology is a meme field with little empirical basis, thus heavily susceptible to agendas. A psychologist will tell you to embrace a fetish as if its a sexual orientation. But almost universally everyone who is into bdsm and other strange kinks are, as a prerequisite, in deep turmoil. Nobody bothers addressing this.

remeber thet one doctor and botched circumcision
the gender ain't real so kid doesn't have to be boy?
same story

All non super hard sciences are jewified. They got to anthropology and made a larp out of it. There are still good anthropologists but they are not boasian that is literally being disproven more and more daily by a hard science in genetics. Essentially anything with wiggle room that isn’t completely empirical will be jewed and even then they can find a way to interpret data in a misleading way to make it jewed. As 10% jew myself I know for a fact that jews are hardwired to do this shit for some reason. My grand parents are fucking kikes.

Wise man