Is gold actually better than paper money or is that just a myth?
Is gold actually better than paper money or is that just a myth?
Have you tried printing more gold?
better in which sense? more valuable? we say something is valuable just based on rarity, so nothing would be truly "better", if you look at it this way. but uhm, i think paper money is easier to store and all that shit
Have you tried Alchemy?
Where do you expect to make transactions with gold?
Silver. EO 11110
i'd make some transactions in her pants, if you know what i mean
I'm not sure I follow
You can kill someone will a gold brick better than with paper currency
It's basically for really paranoid inbred preppers who expect a global collapse any day now. In their fantasy world society will break down and we'll all be trading gold coins again.
In reality gold is a terrible long term investment
Gold will always hold value.
Paper money will not.
Have you tried using gold at the grocery store or to pay your electric bill?
Penis in girl penis.
Gold as a currency is perfect for a global community of 500.000.000 residents.
>paper money
>literally paper
>can print near infinite amount
>(((fed reserve))) can print whenever they want
>how can you put value on something infinite?
>tangible has value
>does not grow on trees
>stands the test of time
>(((fed reserve))) cannot make more of it from thin air
>finite amount, so actually put value on it
gee I don't know. Why do you ask questions you know the answer to already?
Let's answer this question with a counter question. Could kikes still manipulate goyim cattle if thefinancial system was so easily understandable to the lay man? You have your answer.
Just buy paper gold like your average investor.
>the financial system is too complicated
dumb ppl should just be killed off
I must try that some time. Heft my bag of gold onto the glass counter top, cracking it in the process. Reach in and produce a doubloon, to the astonishment of the miserable peons looking on - select the merchandise i wsh to exchange it for etc.
You can breeder reactor with a Mercury isotope to make gold, yes.
Fiat currency is a meme. Gold is a meme. The concept of value itself is a meme.
Anyone who claims otherwise is coping.
starting with you moshe. soon enough.
you print
money is worth less
you murricans cant understand it because your kikempire makes your currency the base for all others
useless shiny metal has no value
This. If there is a collapse, who the fuck wants gold? They're going to want food/medcine/ammo/guns ect
>Why do you ask questions you know the answer to already?
Probably good to know the cons of doing something before you do it lol. I remember someone making a good argument against gold but I don't remember the exacts, was wondering if anybody else could provide it.
actually the hadron collider in CERN was able to synthesis gold by colliding atoms at near light speed. although we did create gold out of thin air, it was only an atom of gold for like a nano second
so basically, we can use Alchemy in a way. The Hadron Collider is shaped like a transmutation circle after all.
Gold will never be better with the feds printing infinite money. They literally control how much anything is worth. All facades of the market being fluid is out of the window.
>is that just a myth?
Are you retarded or something?
We say things are valuable based on supply and demand, not just supply. Brain amoebas are rare, but not valuable.
The value of many goods is volatile. For example, bitcoin. But also things like the latest fashions (which change in demand wildly), or certain agricultural goods (which change in supply wildly).
To be good as a currency, it must be something of consistent value—not volatile. Therefore the supply and demand must stay at a stable place. It also must be malleable, but not have an expiration date. Gold fit the bill for a long time. As the population grew slightly, we could mine more gold to keep up with demand and have the value remain stable.
But since the population grew dramatically over the 20th century, the demand for gold grew faster than demand could keep up. So we switched to something else. The US dollar is backed by the US economy generally, PLUS world oil markets in which oil is bought and sold in dollars. We rely on those external markets as a source of demand that allows us to increase the supply of money. However, we may be straining that capacity. The second the petro dollar ends, the value of US dollars will crash.
And if this coronavirus fiasco has taught us anything, it’s that just because “experts” don’t see something coming doesn’t mean it’s not.
Yes, currency must be backed by something finite and physical, it would be better to base money's value off the trees that make the paper then to have Fiat currency
ok nigel suckadick
paper backt by metal or paper backed by nigger soup.
take yar pick.
it is retarded to ask questions now? Sorry I don't claim to know everything.
Forgot to add that gold has some amazing real world applications as well, specifically with electronics
How many Europeans do we have to sacrifice to summon God?
The point is money that cannot be inflated is better. The reason gold statard is an idea is that it stops anyone from fucking with the money. No posibility for monitary policy.
Except when the jews shave the coins.
ohno user this is too complicated
if there actually is a true global collapse i'm not sure gold is going to be worth that much more than paper money. it is not practically useful in any way other than a cultural consensus idea that shiny metals are valuable
All currency is backed by something. It’s not good anymore. Now it’s the overall credit rating of the economy, determined by the trust that lenders (who have skin in the game) have in that economy. Right now the US is abusing the fact that it’s money is partly backed by global oil markets.
gold is also mined by privates
the second you make gold backed currency you effectively handed the world economy to them
Nope it's all the same. It's all made up.
there's always downsides to every argument, some more than others.
Just look at our economy, fucking feds just printed trillions of dollars to keep the markets afloat, and bread still costs the same. How the fuck does that make sense? Why the fuck does banks need to charge interests on loans? Just ask the (((feds))) to print more money.
There was an incident a while back where someone was paying their employees in gold/silver instead of dollars. His home get raided and swatted by cops, all employees were tied and bound while the feds just ransacked his office. Literally treated worse than murders or pedos.
I don't need someone to tell me how things are, I just read between the lines and see how they act. Pedos get better treatment than a small business owner paying his employees in gold and not monopoly money.
I think you meant to say sovereign, you are after at Her Majesty's behest
petro dollar
I hate it too, it's effectively modern slavery. We're not picking cotton in the fields but stuck inside a wage cuck cage working ourselves to death.
>here was an incident a while back where someone was paying their employees in gold/silver instead of dollars
if I was in a pinch, I'd probably eat paper money before gold. Good question OP
Yeah. I do think as we enter a post growth economic world, we need to carefully consider what backs our cash. But I don’t think it’s gold, or any specific thing. That is too unstable, because you’re essentially putting all your eggs in one basket.
What people don’t understand is the point of cash: cash is meant to be stable. It is the shortest term “investment” you can make (time scale: 0 seconds), so it better not be volatile. You want to ensure that if you liquify you’re wealth, you won’t lose it suddenly. Sure, you won’t gain more either; but it’s supposed to be a temporary safe haven. What this translates to is that cash is supposed to consistently be able to buy the same things, over a long time scale. The minute you get deflation or inflation, you have a serious problem.
This is why it’s stupid to think we can just print more money. We can’t. That will decrease the value of money, and therefore it’s purchasing power. Ie, the price of goods will increase. All the Yang gang regards failed to see that if you give everyone an extra unearned 1000 dollars, you just increase the price of goods a corresponding amount, unless it comes from the earned income of other businesses (ie taxes). And that comes with its own issues. There is no free lunch.
got a link for that story?
Yeah it's great to have a economy backed by debt!
Many countries have vast amounts of gold and silver stockpiled
Better to have mining companies playing a large part in the economy then to have bankers creating money out of debt and having a strangle hold over the entire worlds economy
Crumple up a bunch of dollars, stuff them into your coat like a liner and you can use them as insulation when its cold.
why does gold always look fake on pictures
will look for the article. It was more than a decade ago in some flyover state.
In the meantime, look at this.
tldr: the goys must pay their taxes through our monopoly money
Gold was traditionally used as a currency because of how effective it is against jewery. When they crash the economy, which they have frequently been doing since Moloch brought them here from hell, paper money is worthless. Gold might not feed you either, but a gold bar can smash a kike skull really well. So while they have been expelled from over 180 countries and let those records survive, they purged all records of the gold bar smashing. In germany this old tradition was called Judengolden. It was more common than expelling them but they managed to completely memory hole it. Hope this short history lesson helps.
Heating metal up to millions degrees celcius and putting it close to the pressure of what's found in a black hole with create the precious metal.
Why gold?? Buy food and water. Like WTF
all of them
The US economy is anomalous. And because of the anomaly, Americans are literally the most disgusting, gluttonous, and infantile people that have ever existed. But I also feel sorry for them. Banks have gutted their culture, denying them one of the few “non-economic” pleasures humans get to have. They really are a group with a mass mental disorder.