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He's right though

Expecting billionaires to act like humans is just vile anti-Semitism.

>billionaires literally have billions of dollars in cash in the bank

Using trump as an example, if you "seized" his billions to fund dem programs, you'd be paying/feeding people squares of finely manicured Bermuda grass marilago, not cash money.

it's not their fault the economy is wrecked, the government is supposed to provide a safe environment for people to conduct business.

I don't think anyone disagrees with this statement.

>let you keep
Come take it if you can, nigger.

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I say let them accrue the money, but then don't bail them out. Capitalism is high risk high reward. In this banana republic, it's no risk high reward if you're a billionaire.

billionaires have the assets to raise cash, yes

because if you don't bail them out they'll dump the company with no consequences to themselves and every employee will be out on the street. Low IQ bait, 2/10.

>accrue this money
You mean, owning stock in the company they founded.

so you're saying they'd finally do something so dumb that people would be willing to rise up and kill them for it. all the more reason not to coddle these scam artists.

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scrooge mcduck theory BTFO

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Most billionaires are only billionaires due to stock holdings. If you seized those holdings it would fuck everyone.

I think anyone who’s not financially retarded disagrees with this statement

>Not knowing the difference between liquid and illiquid assets.
Full retard. The money is because they can't do business at the moment and if they have to sell off their infrastructure to cope for 6 months then they wont be able to recover despite it only being a minor setback in a 10 year period.
If the billionaires can't employ then the government can't collect tax from the employees. The whole economy bombs like Zimbabwe.

corporate welfare is a bad idea and only punishes the people in the long term

let them fail and let new competition arise, this crony capitalism is what all the faggot socialist are freaking out about

who said anything about seizing them? why cant there be a middle ground between full communism and "letting them ruin us with slipshod ponzi schemes and international extortion rackets?"

Stop spamming your SHIT here Mikel. You're a fucking nobody lounge band act who went full retard on Twitter.

A LITERAL FUCKING WHO who once had a one hit band, who now spams Twitter all day. Fuck that Emo Shitlib!

There is a middle ground. It's called national socialism

The only people who agree with the statment are retards whom don't know how assets and networth actually work. But expecting intelligence from children is too much to ask for these days

Only kosher sandwiches for the golem

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Billionaires do have nearly billions in literal cash along as other ways. Dumbfuck

No, but it's their fault for recklessly overleveraging their firms.

If your company cannot survive shutting down for a couple of months due to lack if cash or ability to borrow cash, you deserve to fail.

To be fair, if I had that much money I would put it in a massive pile and roll in it.

why? to fantasize about being indirectly touched by millions of strangers?


Freedom doesn't have a purpose and there doesn't need to be one. Or rather, everyone's purpose will be different. But the point is that we all deserve freedom, as human beings. Anybody against the freedom of others is a piece of shit, inherently.

Obviously there are constraints to freedom that make sense, such as no violence unless it is directed at you first.

>That's what the BILLIONS we let you keep are for, dipshits.

This commie talk is so fucking dangerous. They already think of themselves as one big collective that could rise up and slaughter at a moment's notice. People who honestly don't see what is happening in the West need to wake up. At any time the left could call these nutjobs to arms and millions, literally MILLIONS, of radicals would start killing whites and the rich. Obviously their shit would get pushed in by gun-owning Conservatives, eventually, but the death toll of innocents would still be high...

They think billionaires have scooge mcduck vaults where they keep their billions of dollars in gold coins.

He's right but he's a whiny faggot and a blue checkmark.

They don't you fucking retard. Most of their networth comes from assets and stock. Their actual liquid value is only a fraction of that. John Bezos for example only makes 80k a year, his networth is tied to Amazon stock

What a stupid fucking thing to say. Low iq. Borderline retarded.

>allowing billionaires to accrue all this money...
It’s not up to your stupid ass to allow or not. You didn’t allow shit! They earned it selling you shit that you voluntarily bought.

>we have to pay them every time
Bailouts are not your money dipshit!! It’s the government money. They do whatever the fuck they want with it! You don’t like it? Call your congressman. Government being of, by and for the people is something that died a long time ago.

>the Billions we let you keep?
You let them keep it? Really, retard? That’s what’s in your little communist rotten brain? Who the fuck are you to think you own other peoples earned money?

That guy deserves a visit by mr. 9mm to the head.

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there is, it's called letting htem go bankrupt

And fuck all those people their companies employed. You sure are big brain

>pay them when their companies lose value
>probably wants to raise taxes

>privatized profit
>socialized losses
based capitalism

what happens to all the assets such as office buildings and manufacturing plants?

The government is supposed to give NEETbux to all its citizens.

Money is spent, not hoarded. Hoarded, unspent money is worth nothing at all, and the proportion of money in the economy will readjust to make things affordable. The only problem you have to worry about is if demand spikes higher, or supply drops incredibly low.
do it, at least you'll collapse the system.

Partly correct. None of the shuttered businesses should be getting a bailout because they aren't paying utilities costs as if they are operating nor are they paying payroll or taxes.
The only businesses getting help are essentials paying employees.

>idiots think the rich just keep money in a big piggy bank
Also all the loans are extremely short term, get paid back with interest, and have 0 risk. And the government does it because keeping industires alive is in the interest of the entire nation.

They were the ones selling business to china. They are very much a part of this problem.

Sound alike they need to find a way to liquidate other assets to make sure their businesses stay a float, you know, like everyone else has to do?

That's how you get coronavirus. You need to use noble metals for anti-microbial properties.

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There should unironically be a bailout tax and fund.
Obviously 80% of people cannot manage risk. When recession comes they get their fund money back

Not if the gov seizes it. Argentina tried it, and it resulted in a massive departure of wealth and loss of investment from the country.

>let them fail and let new competition arise,

Most businesses would fail under corona conditions.

>Sell all of your stores so that you can tide over a few months.
Sounds like a great idea. If you're retarded. Individuals have large amounts of savings and relatively little needs while companies require constant investment to stay active. They are like sharks. If they stop moving they die.

It sits there unused.

Yeah, fuck billionaires. Becoming a millionaire is achievable for an average person, but nobody becomes a billionaire without the game being rigged in their favour. Nobody becomes a billionaire without becoming one of (((them))).

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Wow maybe they should have fucking thought about how not having liquidity would be a problem instead of asking the rest of the population to bail them out.


>stock buybacks and outsourcing create a crisis of confidence at the slightest disturbance
>"not our fault!"
Fuck off, you want socialism for corporations and brutal ancapistani bullshit for everyone else.

No one could have expected corona.

Epidemiologists had predicted a coronavirus outbreak for years but that's beyond the point. The point is that large corporations were creating reckless amounts of risk that would have led to the same financial crisis regardless of the trigger. A super hurricane or volcano or fucking terrorist attack could have caused the same thing to happen because of how overbought the market was.

There are companies that keep liquid assets.
Like Nintendo has half of their finances on hand.

Companies that act like times will always be great probably dont deserve to survive.

try feeding african noggos with Indices for Nasdaq and the DJIA

>let you keep
Gotta love how the serfs these days don't know their place. They're lucky these billionaires don't have the god complex to pay enough mercs to take over countries/states for the lulz.
This era of peace truly make people delusional and unaware of how fragile the bubble of tolerance really is.

>The point is that large corporations were creating reckless amounts of risk that would have led to the same financial crisis regardless of the trigger. A super hurricane or volcano or fucking terrorist attack could have caused the same thing to happen because of how overbought the market was.

They have insurance for that. They have no protection against corona because it couldn't be expected.

Yes, they're called banks.

see: Detroit

hey retard most billionaires already leverage that shit to access more liquid assets when needed

losing money is a part of the game. no one is expecting the government to steal their money - just to not hand them free money whenever they lose at market roulette.

>The whole economy bombs
Which is exactly what we need to reset globohomo. Yes it will hurt. Yes we will have to adapt. Yes some probably won't make it. But we'll be better off in the end.

it's weird how every time someone suggests that billionaires should be taxed, someone slides in and goes omg retard they'll just take their money and leave the country if you do that
and when someone suggests that they should use that money for something, it's suddenly all tied into completely immovable assets

who the fuck wants to feed noggos

>when you see it

Insurance wont protect you from the market crashing because something set off doubts about the absurd valuations on companies.

nobody said anything about seizing the assets you obtuse fuckwit

the OP is merely suggesting billionaires operate by the same wealth management principle you and I are expected to follow - self sufficiency.

yes when trillions in credit are issued daily at 0% without end the rules of economics still apply. See you in the streets.

Don't don't actually have billions in cash, and we aren't "paying" them anything.

We buy their assets and then they buy them back, with interest.

Billionaires are taxed. They aren't taxed on their savings and they aren't taxed on the size of their business. This confuses socialists especially those from France.

I like how the official defense for capitalists has become "no you can't use money to help society because if rich people lose their wealth that would actually collapse everything." wow great system you got there very stable

It's pilpul. They're presenting you with two illogical statements to confuse you.

>thinking a pussy actor can defend against what is coming
ok, elon


The thing is this isnt even capitalism, the market is not free and these ridiculous fucking companies only exist because of government intervention.

They always say these bailouts are "for the workers to keep their jobs" so fine, do the bailout but it will be a government purchase of the company's stock at the current price, and that stock will be given to the employees not serving in any management position.

>if a goyim takes a loan he can't pay, well it's the silly goys fault for being financially reckless, now pay denbts or we'll have the sheriff harvest your organs

>if one of G-d's chosen takes a loan he can't pay, well it's the fault of goyim government for not providing a safe environment for business

die in an incinerator you slimy jewish subhuman
bailouts should be illegal, sink or swim faggot if it holds for private citizens, normalfags and poorfags, then it must hold for big corporations and billionaire hooknoses too

corporate socialism is still socialism

Nah, pretty sure it would only fuck their overleveraged asses.

The real world will slap its floppy cock on the face of these people one and they will realize. Money is a just money. Power is everything. Part of maintaining that power is convincing people that the ones with more money than themselves are the bad guys.

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theres no such thing as a truly "free" market its an ancap meme

How's your business doing?


Every time these faggots mention taking the wealth of billionaires remind them that Hitler held Baron Louis Rothschild for ransom and eventually seized his palace/assets.


>No, but it's their fault for recklessly overleveraging their firms.
>If your company cannot survive shutting down for a couple of months due to lack if cash or ability to borrow cash, you deserve to fail.
In theory that's mostly true, but only in a more ideal, less debt-dependent financial/economic paradigm in which EVERY company isnt overleveraged. For a company to actually conduct prudent, conservative financial planning based on retained earnings rather than debt financing and operate within their means puts them at an automatic short term competitive disadvantage versus retarded, status quo companies that do.

Found the faggot
