Why isn't hentai legally considered child pornography?
Lolicons should get the rope.
Why isn't hentai legally considered child pornography?
Wtf is an onion link
Onion is a satire newspaper.
Funfact: I've had debates with liberals who cited the onion before.
Nerve gas
Because there are no children involved.
Yeah lolicon is gross and gives anime lovers a bad name.
Its a deepweb link every one of them ends with .onion
Stop being this new to the internet
8.4/10 troll
This nigga don't know about the deepweeb lel.
Thx pedo, none of the other answers made sense
Meanwhile in the west, top-rated pornography is all incest shit
Onion actually means soi. S-0-Y.
If you type S-0-Y normally it will translate to onion. He actually means a S-0-Y link.
cut a weeb and a pedo bleeds
It's indecent. That's pretty much the extend of it.
Whats Qatar like during the quarantine?
You're better off not knowing
Yep. I'm afraid to tell any of my normie friends or family that I like anime because it's so strongly associated with pedophilia these days. Drawings of naked kids need to be banned.
Post link plox.
Quit using their language and call them what they are. PEDOPHILES
I wonder who the artist is?
>Why aren't games where you can kill for fun legally considered murder?
>It's, like, literally the same thing.
I argued with one here once, and they probably all use the same cope.
Basically the character was 5000 years old when I called him a pedo. What it comes down to, though, is that if the depiction is clearly an adolescent/child, then you're beating off to what looks like a child. There's no way around that. Giving it a back story that it's some 5000 year old witch or whatever the fuck is just mental gymnastics because they're beating off to child like features. They're pedos in denial.
Fucking zoomers can't into TOR
Thanks fren
Stfu pedophile
Not the same thing , pedo !
is this convicted or reported. Do you know that japan has a 99% conviction rate because they only pick up the cases where they sure they will convict someone by making them confess. They will isolate an suspect up to 14 days torturing and if not plead guilty they will be put in an extremely overpopulated cell untill trial.
And because rape can be very hard to prove and troublesome process it would be logical to just drop the majority of cases because they want to up keep theri 99% conviction rate.
False equivalence.
>Why isn't hentai legally considered child pornography?
It is. In Japan it isn't enforced as it should be.
Just recently Yukiyoshi Ohashi got caught with loli stuff, instead of jail he got a slap on the wrist.
Because I would rather a pedo to jack off to lolicon than going outside and fucking a real kid, also by your logic videogames, tv shows and book depicting violence of any kind should be banned
>in denial
I think they only deny it to non-pedos
Inside their minds and inside their degenerate little communities I think they all know it’s true.
They deny it so we don’t lynch them as they deserve.
Are you serious the only people who use the derp web are druggies and 13 year old kids who watch too much Youtube
Victimless crime.
Do pederasts really not understand that the problem is that the act is harmful to the child?
False equivalence , you retarded mexicain !
Why not neither?
I've never seen evidence to suggest the presence of child erotica reduces sex crimes against children.
but the meeja told me it was a hotbed of illicit goods and activities. They wouldn't lie, and it's really just a big meme?
>all these fucking newfags
Things that totally happened. I too ask Japanese hentai artists about their references and they willingly divulge. Do it all the time. They totally give me the time of day.
You're so morally weak. Why should either behavior be encouraged and allowed?
Why not hold a higher standard for your fellow man? Why not strive towards virtue and excellence instead of vice and degeneracy?
Good point
Yeah because the black Market is accessible through Google
I guess we should start peoducing softcore child pron then ?
Victimless crime and the pedos get something to fap to.
Why do Japs love those stupid dolls?
You can't really ban drawrings. They try to in Europe and Australia, and completely fail.
It really doesn't matter what you want. You have no power or say in the matter at hand.
Child pornography is not victimless. Drawing a kid with pen and paper is
I bet that if you take out the pakis and sandniggers it's lower than Japan.
Also as that Swede said they have an extremely high conviction rate because they only go for cases that they are certain
And the seething continues
No you just don't like those things being compared. Killing for fun is objectively bad and different than doing so in self defense, but if it's being done in pixels on a screen there's no actual victims. Obviously real kids shouldn't be raped, but characters don't have rights for you guys to be bitching about it so much.
Explain why. You're just appealing to the fallacy fallacy.
niggers like OP are why the kikemasons feels ideologically empowered.
Jimmy Savile was no paki.
Why should I care what someone jacks off to? Why not instead of going for the people who jack off to fantasy and never touched a real child we go for the producers of real cp who groom and abuse kids?
Also , how is Japan lower on sexual offences ?
In Japan women literally get groped on trains everyday and no one dares speak.
i wish he would draw less back alley little girl rape and more amazon jungle girl foot stuff, but with less pigman and minotaur womb destruction
a place brainlets think they're safe to indulge their degeneracy but it's not
Because they don't report so it don't exist for them.
Asians in general like to sweep things under the rug and pretend everything is fine
>Also , how is Japan lower on sexual offences ?
>In Japan women literally get groped on trains everyday and no one dares speak.
you are getting your understanding of japan from pornography again I see
Never go there, understand?
You belong in the oven too, but you're now at the bottom of the list
>by your logic videogames, tv shows and book depicting violence of any kind should be banned
When people see violence on screen there's no visceral, real reaction. There's no adrenaline secretion telling you to fight or flee. There's no gut turning "I might vomit" feeling. There's no empathy with the person being hit/dying. When you kill someone in a video game there's no emotional conflict where you feel like you've killed someone. There is a distinct disassociation from reality when watching media/playing games.
Porn, of any form, is inherently different. The lizard brain sees it as reality, and that's why there's a physical response to it. Consciously, you know it isn't real, but subconsciously you don't. Not to mention the fact that you can train your subconscious what to respond with arousal to, just through repetition - this is how people end up liking weird shit in the first place. You're basically training your brain to find children attractive, and on some level already do since you're fapping to depictions of them in the first place.
This is a false equivalence and you know it.
why are GTA player are not considered as mass killers and should be detained before doing something?
to be fair most weebs aren't doing themselves any favors either.
Considering you have an honour based culture unlike a guilt based one it's not an unreasonable assumption
>why isn't fiction considered reality?!
>No you just don't like those things being compared.
No,wrong people do feel good while massacring beings in fiction,they do feel good with the gore and everything,they do feel good killing people , stop the denial
You just want to ban what you dislike and not what you like can stay free