This just came out of italy, looking at the total number of deaths, many cities had spikes much higher than their official covid19 death toll, which means THE ACTUAL MUMBER OF DEATHS IS 4 TO 10 TIMES HOGHER THAN THE OFFICIAL NUMBERS.
Other urls found in this thread:
Data for Bergamo, the epicenter:
average march deaths: 628
official march covid deaths: 48
total deaths march 2020: 1128
this means more than 10 times the official covid deaths
Lol it’s actually significantly lower
based on what data? Trump tweets?
when resources are being used to treat chinkypox those in heart failure, stroke, renal failure, and so on cannot get treated and then die.
>install new 5G network
>use 60GHz mm-wave
>microwave O2 molecules
>old people can't breathe
>blame virus
Meanwhile, they're using the pandemic shutdown here in America to covertly install 5G networks at public schools.
lol you’re actually sucking on my wiener right now. don’t stop. look at me.
obviously. the entire world is closed because of this fucking bioweapon.
> on Yas Forums
well fuck me if I ever saw this coming.
yep, and no one wants to tests dead bodies and risk getting infected, just wrap it up and bury it
> Given the decline seen in the last few days after the peak, flock immunity has likely been attained in Nembro.
Actually thats normal in a situation like this. During a pandemic, all-cause mortality goes up as well. This is because the healthcare system getting completely saturated and overwhelmed results in care that would've been give to "normal" patients being diverted.
Then make those official numbers.
Si, ma sono sempre vecchi e obesi, magari sono morti di infarto per isteria del Covid-9.
Yes, indeed but they are still old and obese people, maybe they died of heart attack because of Covid-9 hysteria.
Meno vecchi = Meno pensioni da pagare = Meno negracci da importare.
Less old people = Less pensions to pay = Less niggers to import.
>This just came out of italy
Italy again.
Italy has the largest population of elderly in all of Europe and the second largest in the world.
The Elderly say hi by kissing on the cheek. All that combined with the 1 to two week incubation period while the virus is contagious makes for the current storm in italy.
The numbers actually work perfectly with the 4% overall fatality rate.
The math works perfectly.
4% is still high as fuck dude.
People were saying the real positives are like 10x the official number of positives, so real death rate would be like 1%, like on the diamond princess. But now that we know that death numbers are also vastly underestimated... the picture doesn't look too good. 4% if the virus infects 60% of the population would mean 8 million deaths in the us alone
>what is causality?
A pandemic indirectly kills through resource demands as well
>4% is still high as fuck dude.
>People were saying the real positives are like 10x the official number of positives,
What's not being taken into account with your numbers and the numbers I've posted is the people that have it and have not been tested. What's been proven is that around 80-90% of people who have it show little to no symptoms at all and therefore do not get tested. The way and rate that this virus spreads 80-905 infection rate is not in anyway an overblown presumption.
If we take the 80% infection number into account (not the 90%) the fatality rate drops to 0.24% of the world's population.
the mainstream media most certainly won't publish those numbers as it doesn't scare the public, it does the opposite.
Stop fucking worrying.
based and checked
>Italy has the largest population of elderly in all of Europe and the second largest in the world.
Not for long
>that image
I'm going to make this real easy for you.
Why is covid-19 called covid-19 and not covid-01?
it's actually much lower you fucking idiot habbeningtards.
just imagine the thousands who hardly have any symptoms who never get tested. i know a handful of people in my town who for sure had it but never got tested. mild symtoms. its a big nothing.
Ok, it's much lower. Why do they need to lie about people dying of "underlying conditions?"
If someone wasn't going to die immediately and then they die because they got corona, they died of corona. Why do they get to hide the numbers this way? Why do they need to skew this if the death rate is going to be much lower?
You posted data that is a prediction of emissions based on previous trends dumbass. That means the area shown usually sees high levels of SO2 emissions. Here is a screen cap of the area is question. Notice the giant smokestack and steelworks? Do you even know how stew is made? Also, there is barely any fucking sulfur with humans to be oxidized. If it was burning people, where are the carbon emissions? The phosphates? Or what about ammonia from burning proteins?
Kill yourself.
Yeah, that’s the WORST PART OF MICROWAVING. Every time I heat my food up all the fucking oxygen gets microwaved and it kills my grandma.
What’s the *realistic* death rate for this?
The WHO and govts are not nearly competent enough to record the death rates correctly and even if they were I doubt they would release them accurately without lying.
Rumors are China has between 100,000-1,000,000 deaths by this point, Italy has the benefit of being a developed nation, but what will this do to countries with high density and worse infrastructure? Do you really believe the “”official”” 3.5-4% death rate will stand?
i don't follow what you're saying
explain like im a retard
Explain why the death curve is the same in UK?
because we are only human
Oh no, there's only a 96% chance I live...
This is the data I've been trying to get on China and other countries this will be the true metric of how bad the coronavirus is.
When someone has an underlying condition and dies from "complications" in the hospital due to coronavirus they don't count it as dying from coronavirus, rather the underlying condition. It is really dishonest, because the people weren't necessarily going to die immediately of their underlying condition, but because of corona did die. They should be categorized as corona deaths, but they're not.
how do we get it for the us? we're hiding death too
The real CFR in the U.S. will be
This is bullshit.
The cause of death should be the underlying condition.
If they just got healthy they wouldn't have died.
Jews did this. It’s our generations holocaust!
>people actually think chloroquine works
Can whites just fucking die already?
You're all retarded.
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100x more people infected then is being tested/confirmed making this flu not very lethal
>Oh no, there's only a 96% chance I live...
That's like someone putting a bullet in a revolver, then throwing it into a box of 3 more empty revolvers then telling you you have to reach in, grab one, put it to your head and shoot. I know you'd not be so chill as you are now.
If the underlying condition wasn't going to kill them immediately/soon but corona did then they died from the virus not their condition
It depends when and where they usually publish their death statistics for each month.
And then what you do is look at the historical number of deaths as a percent of the population year on year.
The only reason they died was because of the underlying condition though.
Nah the media is underreporting deaths.
They don't want to cause panic.
how do you know they are not counting them as death from corona? i've heard otherwise.
>the MSM doesn't want to cause panic
Brainlet post.
This is what I'v heard too.
wu-chan sunbathing
We all know Italy is trying to scam money out of Germany with their bullshit death rate, bambino. Relax
Proof? You have none.
Coronavirus 500,000 Infected, HALF OF ALL NEW YORKERS TO GET COVID-19!
The most dangerous thing is the economy collapsing you spurdo brained Russian. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron who gets his opinions from news pundits
Would the flu have killed them?
They probably have gotten the flu in the timeframe they have had an "underlying condition" - how come they didn't die of their "underlying condition" then?
dumbass it's because of the year, nothing to do with the number of different kinds.
>What's been proven is that around 80-90% of people who have it show little to no symptoms at all and therefore do not get tested.
They do though. They go asymptomatic for a while, but then they inevitably develop symptoms. Everyone shilling the "MUH UNDERREPORTED CASES" meme are either panic controllers or retarded.
Italy came out and said their deaths were skewed because they were not subtracting those with underlying conditions from the total
>They probably have gotten the flu in the timeframe they have had an "underlying condition"
Ummm, no.
So you're saying all of these people have never gotten the flu or anything of the sort during the time they have had their "underlying condition" or else they would have died?
>be in Italy
>die in a hospital that has people with corona
>don’t get tested
>get marked as a corona death
This is dishonest
Those could be people with hearth attacks etc dying because corona fucked your health systhem in the ass
Wich is what my goverment has been telling us for weeks now, a lor of people will die during this crisis because corona is fucking up the hospital
Had a seizure or a hearth attack? well bad timing cuz there is no place
It's short/code for "novel coronavirus ID 2019." they just tried to get ahead of calling it wuflu or coronavirus
I'm saying all these people had there underlying illnesses for many many years before they contracted covid-19.
>They don't want to cause panic
They already have you stupid shart.
You're retarded if that's what you got out of what I said.
That's not what happened at all, they are saying the people tested positive but were erroneously counted because they actually had "underlying conditions" - how is this accurate if their condition wasn't going to kill them any time soon? How much life would they have had without corona?
And nothing else killed them (e.g; the flu) before they contracted corona. And they possibly had long lives left even with their "underlying illness" that were then cut short because of coronavirus.
You are saying they were always going to immediately die?
>You posted data that is a prediction of emissions based on previous trends dumbass. That means the area shown usually sees high levels of SO2 emissions. Here is a screen cap of the area is question.
You fucking retard, Wuhan was at a complete lockdown then, industry stopped, only critical areas like power plants, heat-water plants were running + food supply chains.
Who said those weren't present as well?
If you go to a hospital with a condition that they could normally treat and you end up dying because the hospital is overrun with coofers and they couldnt help you... ultimately Corona killed you too. Just not directly.
>don't want to cause panic
>daily case and death tracker
>headlines: "21 yo dies of Covid-19!"
>have to read the article to find out it was a quadriplegic or some shit
The media is loving every minute of this.
>not even 6 million dead
>can't burn enough
Kys magashills
I wish people would wake up. Coronavirus is no deadlier than the flu, & I doubt the actual deaths are that high. These numbers are about as overly represented as the Holocaust "6 million" deaths.
I'm saying they deserved to die for not getting healthy and resolving their issues.
Not my problem.
So how many dead pasta niggers does that end up coming out to?
>oh no not the jewish usury scam!
Obvious paid shill
>You are saying they were always going to immediately die?
If they have an underlying condition, then any number of diseases could take them out easily. Maybe they live for many more years, maybe the flu takes them out in Oct.
>People die of other causes that means we are lied to
okay, you need to chill.
>hurr durr it doesn't have the same death rate as ebola, SARS or MERS so it's safe for everyone to get it
there's nothing "novel" about it.
Ok but that doesn't resolve the issue that they should be categorized as corona deaths or not
Writing their deaths off to underlying condition is a propaganda tactic
Did you spin the chamber of the revolver before putting it in the box?
But the flu didn't take them out before corona did, corona is the immediate factor to their deaths.
underlying conditions could mean anything from minor issues to major problems
No it isn't.
In fact writing their deaths off as causes by covid-19 is disingenuous and propaganda.
Happeningfags just can't let it go...
What prompted their death? Their underlying condition that they were living with? Or the contraction of the virus?
Their underlying condition.
You're a fucking retard. "comorbidity" is an extremely broad category. If someone has slightly high blood pressure, and corona kills them, its much more disingenuous to peg their death of high blood pressure. If someone was a smoker and covid killed them, they didn't die from smoking. You have /ptg/ levels of intelligence user.
When they only had their underlying condition they were alive though