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>tfw we were the chinks all along

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I might shoot a nigga over a chicken sandwich but not TP.

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Don't know why people are so terrified of not having t-paper

Most inconvenient outcome is you just have to take a quick shower after you crap.

Lmao whitoids acting like bugs. The irony. THE IRONY!

that doesn't look like social distancing

I don't get it either. I certainly wouldn't enter a scrum for TP. I'd be paranoid of getting the virus from somebody in that dogpile. Fuck those idiots.

Lmao, I just got a bidet instead.


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I went to ALDI last Saturday near me and not only was the store totally dead, they had a massive palette of TP there. Only thing they were still low on was pasta, but I can very easily live without that.

>global emergency happens
>supply of TP, a daily 'essential, is threatened
>Amerimutts will STILL not get a bidet
even the whites are mutted in that shithole.

so this is how normalfags "prep" the middle of the crisis

Why is the store not limiting one pack per customer and having hem calmly queuing? Why are they just letting the panicked cattle Romo about the china shop?

Why is all of this so badly managed!?

>muh superior white society

>white people
At least half of them were not white.

id rather die of tp shortage than go to hell for butthole pleasures

just because you and rest of the world like jizz shot all over your asshole doesn't mean we're all faggots

>TP hoarders are in every western country
>let's only insult the Americans
The amount that foreigners think about us is astounding. I'm glad you care about us so much that you would worry about our priorities but why dont you just worry about your own?

>items in shortage and produced domestically
hand sanitizer
toilet paper
paper towels
>items not in shortage even though imported

you would think with the travel/import bans there would be something going on with foreign products but that's not the case. why? too soon?
>going to stock up on coffee and sugar

>not having your own toilet paper fort by now


This was pre-corona, just a Joe Biden rally

A coffee shortage would accelerate chimpouts 100 times over. I know plenty of people who will rip out someones throat if they dont have their morning cup of joe.

>All of those spic faces
My heart wants this to be some third world shithole south of the border but my brain knows this is some American town.

almost, soon

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Do Americans really

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coffee is one of the first things I stocked up during my prepping phase

try the spaezle, no onions flour and some protien

Like hogs in a trough

Lol, just fucking squat over the shower and blast your anus if you run out. Simple as.

Is this in NYC?

>diversity makes us stronger
well would you look at that

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You keep that uppity air about you, your muttistan won't last long anyway. Everything will be over before this century ends. Cracker here actin like he's still in a 90%+ white society from the 1800s lmaooo

The struggle is real

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omg why aren't they social distancing!!!!!

why are Americans fighting over toilet paper, i still don't get it, there's an abundance of it

1) because really paranoid inbred people are buying it all
2) because it's imperishable, so there's literally 0 reason not to stockpile a bunch of it
3) because the government is not letting prices rise, so there is a guaranteed shortage

Considering there's like two Caucasians in the entire crowd, it must be NYC.

glad i bought months ago

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>Make everyone line up six feet apart.
>One free roll of TP per person, limit one per week.
>$19.95 security fee.

Look generous, not price gouging, keeping people safe, profit. Could there be anything more Jewish than that?

Bought months ago plus doing three squares per wipe. 2 wipes max per shit. Then jump in shower for a quick rinse.

the average americano use 1 roll a day

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Are Amerilards insectoids?

Fuck I miss it already. So good.

When you don't have to poo you don't need toilet paper.

Ahh the life of urbanite scum.
Enjoy your concrete lead ridden chinese virus quarantine zones.

This. Rent free.

So glad I bought a house outside of the city. My local grocer had no problems like this. Also glad I am armed and stocked up. Urbanite democrats can starve and kill eachother in their socialist cuntholes. Don't come out here, we are ready if you do.

Who the fucks uses one roll per week?
I use one in a normal day, or if I have diarrhea one and a half

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It's well known the amerishart suffers from overflow diarrhoea due to their fibre free diet. This is what causes pant sharting but they are actually constipated. So the Surgeon General recommends that once a week a patriotic american inserts an entire toilet roll up their rectum. The impacted stool inserts into the tube and the perimeter of the roll both soaks up watery overflow and wipes on its way out.

to be fair those are dead, it's just the sodium in the sauce causing their muscles to contract

You must be trolling.

red pill me on a bidet. Does it power wash your ass hole? does shit splatter all over? wouldnt you need soap? what about warm water does it have that?

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>flatten the curve

HaHaHa. No TP for your bungholes. Coronachan has spoken.

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you active homosexual if you use it

They're all Mexican muhammed

>That white bitch trying to grab another pack of rolls even though she's already holding on to one
>That look on her face as she turns towards the camera that suggests she has no clue what's going on and is just doing what everyone else is doing
Christ, to think these sorts of people live among us is insane.

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How do you dry you damp asshole, sand nigger? Or does the third world just walk around was moist shit particulates slicking around their shitter all day?

Washes all the way up there...all the way up. Doesn't splatter shit all over. You can start with a low flow then dial it up. It doesn't appear that area is cold sensitive. I use mine in the winter and aren't bothered with it.

Unless you buy a real japanese-style toilet it's just inconvenient anyway.

When I lived in Germany my host father made Käsespätzle with homemade bacon sauce (I didn't even know bacon could be sauced) and it is one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten in my life.

Proofs or it was liquid suffocating them?

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