Do other countries also do this?

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Do the media really hate him that bad?

Its all fake news.

media are terrorists

Yes, also see the couple that ate fish tank cleaner because it sounded similar to the thing his top advisors were hopeful for.
Anything they can do to make him the bad guy.
They are out to twist his words and in a live format they can't.


They hate him yeah, but they aren’t wrong about misinformation he’s spreading desu.

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All leftists media should be banned.


He's literally holocausting us

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>Do other countries also do this?
Depends on whether or not they approve of the leader

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No. Most leaders have university degrees and are not only known from reality TV.

>trumps approval ratings have been going up since the briefings starting airing

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People are home. The ones who are politically unengaged are seeing him more than ever before and realizing that he's not the monster that the mediakikes pretended. Now they have to shut it down so that they can go back to lying uninterruptedly.

its shit like this that makes me wish Q was real.
alas, these commies will never be rounded up and will never, ever, get the rope.

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China probably does hehehe


Oy vey, stay scared, goyim! Don’t listen to Orange Man.

fucking moron

yes they are.

Like 5 people have died already because they ate fish cleaning products because Trump hailed it as a cure.

your fedora is showing

They have a budget to spend

>bought degree
No one really believes his iq higher than 70.

Times Trump said dumb shit: often
Times Trump actually lived up to it: mehh not that often

Bombing Iran is a perfect example.

Yes, worse even.

goalposts: moved.
youre a moron.

How is that trumps fault? Fish tank cleaner is not a medication, also the part that makes them really stupid it’s not like those people had corona virus and were sick and desperate, also I think it was one idiot.

Do euros actually believe this?

>media puts out reports saying chloroquine is helping reduce illness duration
>trump repeats media reports

the media told them.
also, the media never lies and has nothing but the best of intentions for the west.

The truth is "misinformation" when a propaganda campaign is in play.

Yes. Funny part is, I believe he can literally order them to cover it. Or he could stream it and cuck their viewer volume.

Not really. All leaders have degrees that are backed up by universities and can be checked. His 'degree' is just one big mystery.

yes really.
stop fellating men. It is destroying you.

Show me where Trump said to self medicate.

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In my travels, I've never met more propagandized people, including idiot America. At least most Americans know that the media is full of shit, regardless of their stupid political leanings. Everyone talks about CNN and shit, but their nightly viewership is equivalent to like 1 county in New Jersey.

Oh you funny tulipfag.

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Everybody knows Trump and knows he like to show off. What are his grades?Why are they hiding them? Why is it a big mystery? Answer: he bought it.

doesnt matter to me I use the link on

Lol..... You dumb bastards. 1 person died. 1 is in the hospital. Trump never told anyone to ingest fish tank cleaner. You must be part of the German stock that came from that vast Russian rape back in the 40's.

Good luck in life, Jerry. You need it.

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>What are his grades?
Tulipfag... what are you babbling about here?

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Never say never
Odds of the US surviving this without balkanization are only about 75% at this point and slowly falling
Just make sure you know what your goals are if law and order disappear and your memes dont have to be dreams

>everyone knows
now you are resorting to logical fallacies to prove a point?
if everyone knew it, then why do you have to work so hard to demonstrate it?
fuck off shill.

nothing better could occur
get bent, chomskey-ite

I don't think they legally can to be honest. I may be wrong but if the President wants to address the nation they have to air it.

The odds of you surviving this without being a fag are 0%

You're a cunt

He's a show off. He likes to brag about everything he does, owns or says. Thats a fact. Except one little thing. His grades and his 'degree'.

They bitched about him not leading or taking charge and when he does they want him to stop. They'd be complaining just as hard if there weren't daily briefings. They'd be saying he's absent, doesn't care, etc

You know what we haven't seen in a while?
The presidential alert that appears on everyone's phones.

>he's a show off
goalposts: again moved
he shows off - like many men
you wouldnt know about that, would you?
your "men" get pegged by their wives and you fellate niggers under bridges
fuck off troll

The media hate Trump because he hits back. They hit him, he hits back. He calls out their bullshit, and they cry.

This and the fish cleaner shit was the straw for me on CNN. They're very obviously seeing a decline in revenue because of social media. Nobody cares about their content anymore but old folks who will be nixed by the virus. I'm ignoring all information from them now.

Can they at least identify all the "misleading" information trump is putting out there?

You're thinking of oval office addresses, they have to be carried by broadcast TV/Radio, it's part of their license agreement for using public airways. It's not illegal but they can have their licenses stripped, at which point they'll either cease to broadcast, or be breaking the law by broadcasting on their former frequencies. These pressers don't have to be covered by anything, in the past the majority of press briefings were never carried live, you would just have print journos in there feeding relevant info to the channels, Trump bump is real though so they started covering everything in that room.

The Chloroquine fiasco where he regurgitated an anecdote but there was no real evidence for it while Fauci had to get up and tell everyone that it was unsubstantiated.

You know exactly what I'm saying. And you know its true. You are trying to hard now to defend something you just can't defend. You know, and I know that he bought his 'grade', and thats the reason his grades during his years there are such a big mystery.

An anecdote is a brief, revealing account of an individual person or an incident.

what trump was doing was regurgitating news of early tests results of a french study as well as koren and chinese results that found using malaria meds helped in faster recovery and preventive measures. actual evidence. not "sources close to the president" said he used russian salad dressing type anecdotes that you are us to shill

That’s one, and it was an off the cuff statement. The ops image was plural- can you add more lies?

Got ya. Thank you for explaining.
Well in today's day and age they actually should stop showing the pressers,and the president should just go on some live streaming platform and stream it straight from the WH website.
The networks would die, as they should. They will also never agree because he does get their ratings up.