Heimbach will be the next Natsoc Leader to debate Destiny (per Killstream)

The debate will be over the following question: National Socialism or liberalism? (Killstream, April 4).

Matthew says he is talking to Striker and Enoch (among others) to help prepare.

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>pic related

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Who the fuck is this fat Jew? Another Jewish Eceleb you retards are shilling?

They need someone more thuggish to cut over Destiny's pilpul, as well as someone more socialist to make destiny look like a disgusting detached weasel
He could work

>fat degenerate cunt
>this is the best of American Alt-Right
You burgers make me sick.

oh wow I can't wait for some nazi bro to get shut the fuck down in the first 20 minutes. Honestly why do you guys even watch, your guy looks like a goof the first point every single time. Then they argue over semantics for the remainder of the debate while you retards claim you "destroyed" him. Only Enoch was ever able to make solid points against him, and enoch still looked like a goof for the majority of the debate. You had your little fag Jim on their and he looked like an absolute fool. I watched one he posted the other day debating coronavirus with some e-conservative and the guy was making false claims as his opening argument. Why can't the online right debate or even defend their ideas for two mintues. Why are they so mentally incapable?

>national socialism

guys i checked the polling on this and it seems that nobody in the world ever wants anything to do with this ideology?

its weird

did something happen? like in the past for people to not like it?

Checked and imagine even watching this nonsense. Every supposed “alt-right” figurehead is either Jewish or a federal agent. And Destiny is what, a professional videogame player? Wtf is wrong with you retards?

Ok rabbi

Fuck off Noone here cates about your cryptojew glowfag debate...
Eceleb threads made by faggots get out

no its weird?
every poll i have seen on the matter shows it as the LEAST popular ideology?

Im not a history buff was this tried before?

My dude, have you seen the original NSDAP?
Half of their street brawlers were gay communists. The second from the top guy in the party was a gay street brawler.
Goebbles and Himmler weren't exactly lookers. Goering was balloonic.
Hitler had a weird relationship with his niece, who then killed herself, and he modeled himself after a painting of Odin, having previously looked like a Jew (when he had a long beard).

Destiny presents initially as arguing in good faith. And non-scumbag people, people worthy of trust, extend trust. Destiny then twists the knife by playing dumb, whatever, the whole list from the Goebbels (?) paragraph. They need someone to just cut over the top of him, belittle him etc.
Fuentes actually did the best, despite being hampered by Catholicism. They need to go really personal against DesTiny. As personal as possible. At his relationship. At him being small. At this things influencing his political thinking. At his callousness. Just pull out all the stops.
Perhaps Heimy will be able to do that more than others. We'll see.
But there is currently no Hitler who can really be both soaring and totally confident and willing to do absolutely anything.
That's the kind of force it takes to defeat the tiny man.

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The man is 30 years old, 4’3, and calls himself “destiny”. Wow yeah really looking forward to what this guy has to say. Maybe if I need help leveling up my character on my gayass computer game I’ll give him a listen.

Stop paying attention to this faggotry, it's pointless banter designed to lure in autists for ad revenue. It's all just one big circle jerk, and you're in the middle of that circle begging for it.

Of all the people to choose, why fucking Heimbach?

The weight is of little concern. It's shagging your mother in law, drug use and assaulting your father that makes him degenerate.

They also need someone who's willing to present white suffering. To go into what it means to have a massive suicide rate.
Who, if destiny jokes about that, is willing to quake with genuine righteous anger and suffering.
Someone who will make little man look like the small souled, spiteful ant he is.

It's a prank.
But yeah, he's imperfect.

>Striker and Enoch
why would you take counsel from people who couldn't beat your opponent?

>My e-celebrity can beat up your e-celebrity.

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>In order to beat destiny we need to go full ad hom
This is my point, e-conservatives are braindead.

>debate Destiny
I see absolutely no reason why people continue to indulge this monumental faggot. All you have to do to completely destroy every single argument he will EVER produce on ANY topic WHATSOEVER, is to simply point out that he is an unironic, self admitted, actual KEKOLD. This alone invalidates all of his positions.

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turn off your proxy Kyle


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Blood sports should come back with different hosts.

Sorry bro but the masses are feminine
And so is tiny
He can only be beaten by a spiritual woman (someone shamanic like Hitler) who also has a masculine side
The bug's followers are feminine too. They're swayed by emotion.

> 4'3"
Really? No way - no-one is that short!

> training with Enoch and Striker
Gimme a break, all Destiny has to do is /point to who Heimbach is/ and /what he's done/. This whole debate won't be a good look.

Do the wignats have a humiliation fetish? None of these guys are solid enough to withstand aggressive questioning about economics or history.

At least when Fuentes debates Destiny, he comes off as charismatic and funny so even Destiny fans beg to see him back on.

> Dear Sir: Your ideas intrigue me and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

... unironically, despite my use of the meme.

Prove it, fag. Last I knew Heimbach was sucking hotdogs at some small-time Detroit skinhead gang after his adulterous hillbilly fuckfest went awry.

He isn't physically fit or an Aryan.

He's 5'8"

This glasses-wearing, 100 lbs. overweight faggot should be really convincing to the masses about the benefits of white supremacy

Why is it only losers like the lardass in the OP that care about this shit?

Isnt it sad that the only person who willing to debate dissident ideas is an autistic perverted little dwarf who argues on bad faith?

These thing are just trying to make the other look bad to the audience which is already largely on the dissident side. They should stop pretending theres a pretense of trting to convince each other of the merits of their ideas.

If he was 5'8" his height wouldn't be a meme.

I conquered OCD long ago as a child, to include blinking.

Your image is powerless.

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You're simply wrong about that.

Well they can say they “destroyed” each other because both of these guys will have different goals.

If the right wing guy can get destiny to accept a premise or catch him in a logic pretzel, then they win...which enoch did several times as did several others before him.

If destiny can make them look like low status grugs or make them appear, at face value, to be nonsensical, then he wins. Hes done this before.

The whole thing is stupid because the audience is likely 95 percent already committed to what they think. I think the only thing left to do is drop any pretense of a good faith debate and just shit talk the other side

young Goering was as chad as it can get

Every short fuck is “5’8” “
The little guy is 5’5” tops.

Just stop seriously, Destiny wins every time its just humiliating our side.

Heimbach should change his name and learn a trade, because the cuckbox incident has permanently excluded him from the hateosphere. He is a narcissistic assclown who ruined the lives of the kids who joined TWP because a fat nigga wanted to fuck his MIL

Look it up

>excommunicated from the church he wanted to larp with

How is he a national socialist again?

>Why can't the online right debate or even defend their ideas for two mintues. Why are they so mentally incapable?

Because they have pack mentality, they just go from one conspiracy or trend to the next and keep changing their ideas.
They just thrive off going against the grain so some dumb reason.

I didnt knoe he was excommunicated. Source on that claim?

Dunno something to do with a butthurt jealous loud mouth.

Lol Why is it always these pseudo Jews who debate

i think that bitch savored a little too much flavor

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I see he's picking his targets easy, shame about Mike Enoch still completely fucking him into the dirt. Even Striker the retard got some zingers in when he wasn't sperging about music

Someone explain to me what the point is in two powerless nobodies arguing over ideologies in their extremely online worlds?

It may be the most pointless exercise of all time.

The internet has become the stage for ideological, political and intellectual warfare. Just look at the shit show on every comment section anywhere.

Destiny has 95 million views. People who watch videos online also do things in real life. Destiny is affecting how millions of people think and perceive the right. Why is this so hard for people to grasp. Online =/= irrelevant. Trump controls the world with his Twitter account ffs

What's the point? Seriously. All "debating" with Destiny means is you make a case and it against nitpicking and rabbit holes that are all done in bad faith. It's like that CIA college psy op they did to Uncle Ted lol, where you write an essay about you believe and the researcher just attacks everything you believe as harshly as possible just to see what your brain does when that happens.

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Doesn't matter if it makes no difference in the real world. You can pontificate about ideologies and how you think the world should be all you want but everything carries on exactly the same whether you fuck around online or not.

They continue to pass their laws, society continues to spiral towards depravity. You'd be lucky to find a single one of these extremely online people who would dare say anything they say online in the real world.


I dont why but i thought this dude was in prison for killing his dad? Could've swore i read that somewhere.

I really don't understand the point in watching 2 nerds debate their irrelevant meme ideologies but millienals are into it for some reason

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Trump doesn't control anything with his Twitter account. He says something true but in a stupid way and the media shits their pants and everything carries on as usual according to plan. Nothing is different than if Hillary won, except maybe things are moving a bit slower.

The people who affect the way the world works have infiltrated all the important parts of what shapes society, education, media, the justice system, the police.

Imagine unironically posting e-celeb threads.