Why are so many burgers still so deeply in denial over the Covid-19 pandemic...

Why are so many burgers still so deeply in denial over the Covid-19 pandemic? It's just going to get worse and worse if you tards keep ignoring and denying it. This shit been brewing up for months now, are you guys just pretending you didn't see what it did to China?

Attached: received_643692383120698.png (587x538, 255.36K)

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>It's just going to get worse and worse
Certainly, if shit like this keeps happening:

Trump is downplaying it so /ptg/ is obligated to downplay it.

Go back to /cvg/, chink cunt

Remember that post when you die coofing on the floor in a third world meme hospital

It's crazy, how do they look at the worldwide impact of this virus and keep lying to themselves that it's "Just the flu". You know these guys were watching all the webms from Wuhan, knowing that China was downplaying it all.

They can't even grasp that hospitals have limited space. Some people want to be ignorant, nothing we can do.

Post the in hospital photos and put an end to the madness

What is HIPAA

It's over, you faggots tried and got close but it's nothing. Accepted it, four more years loser.

Deny it? Hell I’m looking forward to it

I'll remember what you Trump shills did when we're in a great depression

Why are Australians shills for the global psy-op?

What is a cell phone camera

Oh please you're a lying ass larping fucking faggot

Biden is a pedophile and would have fucked the response up even more than Trump has, which is a lot. It hasn't even started.

>Be me
>Don't leave house
>Go onto Yas Forums where everyone else doesn't leave the house
>Constantly parrot "Do you know anyone that has it"
>No one does since we all never leave the house
>Pandemic ravages the US
>Everyone on Yas Forums still insists it's fake

Nice digits cunt, yea nah, can't be arsed to care anyway.

Attached: BAIT.png (720x741, 872.05K)

China has 3k deaths total, lmao

>so deeply in denial
Because they're pussies and scared. It's a fine showing as to why we never get anything done outside of " peaceful " protesting. They're cowards.
They balk and scream about a happening and then when something finally does shut down clown world they whine and bitch and even go into deep denial.
I'm ashamed of my countrymen. Because there's hardly any men in it.

More people dead from flu this year but you will be tricked by the MSM because you're a retarded fairy faggot and at worst you believe random social media clout chasers from China

>they aren't acting scared so that means they are scared

This while thing is a pen test on the general public...to get them leaned out ,desperate & disoriented from being stuck inside for 6 weeks or so...
The next 2-3 waves AFTER the "vaccine" will be the real thing & I suggest all anons get ready for Electric Flugaloo once the internet goes down.
This whole thing is "off"

China had to weld people into their houses and straight up execute heaps or people to achieve that, we all watched it unfold throughout the start of the year, you've suppressed the memory. Plus why are you so trusting of the CCPs numbers?

>distrusts Chinese state
>trusts social media chinks trying to get more followers
Boy Bruce you sure are big brain

Because it's just the fking china flu and I cannot believe you actually believe in the jew media hyping it up.

>it’s going to get worse
>it’s basically nothing
It’s been two weeks already: just give up

It's more contagious and more lethal than the flu retard, plus the critical condition rate clogs up the hospitals and rapidly depletes resources, this is already happening in the US. This causes many secondary deaths in people that never even had covid but couldn't be treated. I've honestly always admired the United States, my country cucked on gun rights and free speech, but you maniacs are running headfirst into the plague and total annihilation.

Sometimes it seems Trump gets his facts and comments directly from /ptg/.
An endless cycle of morons parroting each other...but it's also amusing to watch.

>they aren't acting scared
Whining non stop about society being shut down and then displaying total denial that a problem even exists and it's just JEW subversion to shut down the economy despite the fact
> Globalism now in question and doubt even by the left
> All the liberals went and bought guns
Every time we turn around there's another right wing benefit and lesson from this virus.
I'm not scared. I hope it kicks societies fucking ass. They need it.
But I'm not in pussy ass denial either. That is fear.

Superiority complex

>China is 3rd world
>Chinese are weak, only Asians get infected
>We healthy Caucasians have no problems even when infected

100% this. Cultists walking into the gas chambers.

It's the same people behind the q user bullshit. Kushner runs a shill farm. There's easily two dozen of them who will shitpost a thread to death at any given hour. It's really quite amazing.

Hapas are created when a gook woman settles for a middle class white man because all other chink men didn't like her.

Why is everyone so worried about it? Corona chan has something for everyone
For the 1488ers
>stopped the kalergi plan in its tracks with honest to god closed borders
For the autists and bible thumpers
>everyone has to live like an austist now, the meek literally inherited the earth
For the qtards and people with basic human morals
>billionaire pedos can't murder children as easily
For the accelarationists and neets
>kick started UBI
For the doomers
>smug satisfaction about calling a happening
For the zoomers
>removing the boomers so you don't have to play with the shit hand the millennials were dealt
The only people this is hurting are normies in the service industry. Before you boomers get butthurt all you have to do is stay at home, if you have at least one person who loves you enough to do your grocery shopping during this you're at zero risk.

So I work at a car dealership, a busy one.

>Last Friday we had 80 appts, probably 20 walk-ins.
>Nigga we aint distancing, my corp don't give a fuck (I complained about this at first.)
>I remember a lady leaning towards me to try and hear what I was saying, (Less than 2 ft) I was speaking loud too I. She was over 55 easy
>For every 10 people I help, 5 are over 50.
>I've seen 70-80 year old mother fuckers taking 20 mins to get out of their car coming in, YESTERDAY
>Somehow no one has it yet, I feel great actually
>Just yesterday we begin practicing distancing. Not allowing face to face check in.

Still I've interacted with far more people than maybe anyone in this thread lately, definitely over 150 if you count the whole week. And I feel fine. I know it has a 5 day incubation period but, I definitely didn't get it last week. I'm off today. And I know there are other dealerships in the area almost as busy, and none of THEM have got it either? I just find that odd. That's why I'm asking lots of questions. I don't know either way yet but there's always more to the story.

The Governments are gaining more control by the day.

This is what I;m saying I want the happening to happen but it like half of fucking pol just forgot all the shit China HAD to do to get where there at now,,
Shit they still fucked it up bc they opened up one of there citites and got 45 new cases already. GG HUMANITY

If China didn't lie to everyone about its numbers we'd probably be taking it a lot more seriously

> h1n1
> swine flu
It isnt event that bad. Fucking christ look at the actual god damn numbers and compare them.

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

You understand it's pretty retarded to compare the numbers of a contained pandemic after the fact to an ongoing pandemic that hasn't even come close to peaking yet, right?

Honestly look at the numbers and see the direction things were heading in before countries stuck preventative measures in place, can you even begin to understand how stupid you look? What do you think italy and spain would look like right now without lockdown?

I think you mispelled Soros.

They have a sand castle made during low tide, after people start getting uncomfortable big changes will start happening. Guns have been flying off the shelves in past two weeks in both our countries.

This fucking virus is no more dangerous than the flu if youre under 70. This whole lockdown is fucking stupid


Who is that fat arse and is that really his daughter?

If not, investigate.


This guy was 49, had no pre existing conditions, and was also an athlete.

Much more contagious, much more lethal and heaps higher critical condition rate, this "just a flu" cope is retarded and believing it could get your retarded ass killed

Why do abos sniff petrol to get high?

>And I know there are other dealerships in the area almost as busy, and none of THEM have got it either? I just find that odd.

The first confirmed case of the Shanghai Shivers was reported in mid-January. This thing has had about two to three months to spread around and infect everyone. If you think logically about it, the real peak of this disease probably happened in February. Remember, cold and flu season doesn't really end until April. My guess is that it got mixed in with whatever cold or flu was floating around and people passed it off as that. Even if you went to the hospital and they tested you for flu, the tests would not pick up coronavirus because nobody was looking for it in January and February. Of course, I could be way off and we're headed straight off a cliff but I don't think I am.

Exactly this.

Oh wow what is statistics to your one data point you fucking idiot


Its not at all more lethal, unless you are over 70. In fact the number might eventually show its far less lethal than the flu since they are only testing people with specific symptoms and even then sometimes not

You forgot
>dismiss all claims of people saying they have relatives and coworkers with it as shills
Otherwise spot on.

There are several Jewish cabals vying for power. Soros is in one, Kushner is in another.

My dad thinks he had it last November. He had all the symptoms, I remember, and had recently had a near heart failure so it had him hospitalized for nearly a month. He couldn't breathe. Obviously he wasn't tested for Corona but he thinks it was it. I remember Big Jim's Worn Tire Sale posting about a hospital in Kentucky that was locked down too. That was in November.

Cause it still immediately invalidated your statement, "Fucking idiot" >Only a threat to people over 70
>Nah here's a 49 year old athlete, so your stupid ass can get fucked.

Sit down, bitch.

Everyone is fucking retarded. This virus is the last thing you have to worry about when governments across the globe use this pandemic as an excuse to erect a police state. The fact that you retards see this virus as black and white (ie a deadly virus and a nothing burger) aren't bothering to look at the grey in between. /cvg/ is just another /ptg/ at this point but you faggots are too egotistical to notice you're just a giant circle jerk.

I worry about both, the virus itself allowed to run loose is catastrophic and the excuse it gives the powers that be to seize even more power is terrifying. That's why these burgers acting like a simultaneous global pandemic and global financial crisis will just blow over any day now is so mind boggling.

There hasn't been any definitive evidence that show Corona permanently stays in your system, there hasn't been any definitive evidence that Corona fucks up your lungs or makes you sterile as the sample size is way too small to be considered reliable data and there hasn't been any definitive evidence stating that all of those young and healthy people that died from Corona were actually healthy to begin with. Your letting the retards in /cvg/ brainwash you into believing their speculations without taking a look at the bigger picture. Fact of the matter is the virus has been in most countries for over 2 months now but the fatality rate is still pretty low regardless, and a large portion of those fatalities are from boomers being refused hospital care in Italy, despite the fact that the tards in /cvg/ have been claiming there's going to be a large spike in deaths since the beginning of February