Roasties loosing their shit in quarantine

The memes are real.

Normies and females can't last a week not going outside.

Attached: quarantine.png (620x573, 220.01K)

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Blambo, take off your things!
Blambo you must heed my instructions!

>Roasties loosing their shit in quarantine
Good think we all stocked up on TP

fucking normies I havent left my house since last year

Is this one of those feminist art displays?

desu senpai I am starting to lose my mind as well. I just ordered three kits from china to make two fake Rolex datejust and a fake Explorer I.

The operative terms are extroverts and neurotypicals, user.

haha.. I'm going fishing

Lol I'm at work. This is fucking gay.

Ironically I just started seeing an introvert girl that doesn't go out much. Met her completely by chance.
Maybe I'll have some company during the end of the world after all.

Do you normally work as a shill but during your off time you shit post without a vpn?

Normalfags can't stay alone and indooors for a few days and then call people here mental cases? They are gonna be jumping off their balconies FOXCONN style at this rate

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Flag checks out. How much did you pay?

Poor girl is suffering withdraws from the BBC

When you haven't ridden the cock carousel in 7 days

normalfags are by definition extremely insecure, so it makes sense that any amount of self-reflection would make them suicidal

I heard the dating apps are a goldmine right now.
Set up a profile on tinder/bumble.
Instant matches with a dozen girls on both apps.

I only got so triggered after your tribe tortured me for weeks.

>Celebrating a world where the air is poison and all human interaction occurs over webcam and hazmat suits
Typical nonwhites.

Tfw quarantine is no different from normal life

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I went crappie fishing this morning. Was using 4 lb test and a little crappie jig with a 1/32 oz jig head. 3.2 lb largemouth came up and smoked it. Awesome fight on light tackle.

>Normalfags can't stay alone and indooors for a few days and then call people here mental cases?
That's WHY we're mental cases to them. The immense pressure of being at home is unfathomable to the normal.

jokes on you I've been a NEET, nearly a hikki, for two years now, AND I have a vagina. I haven't left my room except to pee for the past three days. checkmate atheists.

it's psychosis induced by thinking you might lose a chad you've been fucking lately and thinking you will have to settle for an ugly guy

This is the world that leftism created. You can't go outside and business is reduced to homosexual bureaucrats never having to look a man in the eye again. Everyone enjoying this is a scumbag.

I’ve been playing Dota 2 and Fortnite every day with the lads. It’s not that hard being a NEET apparently.

Imagine the smell

Imagine having only a 3 year window where you are legal to fuck and before you lose almost all attractiveness. After which you lose all worth as a person. You'd be freaking out too if you were told you have to stay inside for weeks. She's losing like 2-5% of her "life".

Good, wield them in.

>ohhh man I love being a single woman living in the big city there's so many cool new people to meet and bars to drink cocktails at!

Based on how my dating apps are blowing up I’m not surprised

Some just want to talk but I already fucked one yesterday and have 3 lines up over the next week.

>make jokes about the apocalypse
>ask if they want to share a quarantine date over a bottle of wine (or 3)
>give them the option of your palace or theirs no pressure

It’s like a pussy machine right now

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This might be the funniest post I've seen on pol in months.

I don't get how people can't enjoy staying at home. All my stuff is there, my pets are there, and I've spent a lot of money on buying nice things so I can be as comfy as possible.

If anything I usually feel like I don't get to spend enough time at home. If there's a total shutdown here honestly I'm going to be happy.

>and all human interaction occurs over webcam and hazmat suits
>'death stranding' has you in special armor delivering packages to people locked up in their own homes for years that use holograms to see you because of the conditions outside
kek Kojumbo predicted this

Attached: Death-Stranding-4K-28.jpg (3840x2160, 769.75K)


Women used to having sex with random men are the new incels.
I am amused.

Anonette, will you make an honest man out of me? :')

What the fuck is this bamboclaat Section 8 speak?

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some spicy arbiatta going on there

Thanks for confirming Mutt's law for the yuros

based human ruins

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It might be, but I don't see any pee or poop so I'm not sure.

They need validation from their peers. Its a form of phoney confidence.

I was in China during coronavirus, and this went viral over there. Some fem sexpat Tina losing her shit

Is Jamaican actually

>a week not going outside
must be nice having that option.

Sounds like you’re not losing your mind, but have been honing into your inner jewry.

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It's really not for them, either. They just sit around on their phones all day normally. It's just that they can't handle being told they can't do something.


people who cant stand being alone with their thoughts are shit people

I think you figured it out.

Here you can get arrested if you don't have a warrant for going somewhere essential, it's fucked

that was all over Yas Forums too
based flora

18 is only the age of consent in 1/5th of us states.
everywhere else younger

Imagine don't having a personality and hobbies, they can't stand their own presence kek.

I'm comfy as fuck at home, reading a lot (The Holy Bible, Greek philosophy, Jungian Psychoterapy, The Pali Canon, Market Wizarts etc), making money trading stocks, doing some academic research about error correcting algorithms, studying random signal processing, programming market analysis tools, playing with my cat, exercising, meditating (using Theravada Buddhism techniques) etc.

Yes, I'm a MGTOW chad.

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To be fair, if I was sealed inside I'd have freaked out a bit too, but I was still able to come and go from where I was

i have nothing and i still prefer it

Where can I subscribe to your blog?


My life didn't change at all. I go to work and go home and that's it.

ask your mom

I cant relate, im an opiate addict and either I am too high or too sick to go out and have it not suck

they're just women who want a provider if shit hits the fan. Girls gonna suck your dick for toilet paper

Unfortunately, my work site issued me such a document. I'm legit jealous of neets.

Already regularly working 60 hour weeks. Soon half of my coworkers will be finding any excuse to get out of it and I will be there non fucking stop.

>imagine not going outside

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Nice larping but the pic of the condom was too much try harder
I came to post exactly this
the whore can't exist without chad abusing her

>TFW when you're ani-social and you only go out to buy food.

Literally othing has changed in my life thus far.

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