Congrats Pablo
Does include whether I was a depending in 2018 but not 2019 thats what im curious about
>my income is likely too high to receive a stimulus payment
fuck yeah. the wife and i make close to 100k combined, but after deductions and credits we make around 55k
thanks TRUMP!
ITT poorfags.
Just curious, do you have to pay that back from your taxes next year?
No, that would be a loan
Only getting $1,200.
I am barely making ends meet. Why should somebody on Welfare with no job get almost triple the money that I do? I’m working and paying for my food and rent. They are not working and the government pays for their food and rent. Just why?
But it wants the GROSS income, 100k, not the net of 55k that you entered.
youre a fucking moron nigger
Imagine getting this excited over lunch monies
please be trolling, and not this retarded.
mcdonalds for a month
>4 chitlin
Might as well neck yourself now
because they don't want poor kids becoming poor adults and putting a bigger strain on the system
niggers gunna nig but if you leave behind the poor crime and poverty just keeps going up. giving poor nogs money is an effort to try and save their kids from crime/poverty. if laqcreshia doesn't get 4k she might have to resort to crime, she gets caught, her kids are now wards of the state because she's in jail
nigs gunna nig but surely you must understand why they get a bigger social safetly net. would you rather make 30k a year and get $1200 from the gov or be on section 8 housing and get 3k from the gov. you're in a much better position than those poor nigs in the south side of town
hes a leaf and retarded
>T burger on VPN
>1 guy gets 1K
>1 guy and 4 kids gets 3k
>That means the single guy gets more
Burger education
Welcome to the current year United States, hard work is punished, bad decision making in life is rewarded.
So all your funding goes to spics with 10 kids lmaoooo this keeps getting better
>why are they getting more than me?
You have 0 children. They have 4.
>tfw didnt file in 18 or 19 taxes
How do I get my NEETbux? Im not a dependent.
>get $0 because I got off my ass and got a real job
Thanks a lot, Trump.
this is an accurate and reliable tool
que dios bendiga a los estados unidos
Get on my level, plebs
On the one hand I made $400 last over a year, on the other hand this has made me rethink my life choices now that 1200 can last me several years
Actually my biggest expense was buying the fucking masks and food in advance
So? My job doesn’t pay me more for having children. If they would, maybe I could afford to start a family. But if I am a female and shit out kids the government not only puts a roof over my head, food down my throat, food down my kids’ throats, Medicaid and CHIP... but now they also get a check for MORE MONEY because OTHER PEOPLE ARE OUT OF A JOB? It’s fucking bullshit, no matter how you spin this.
$0 stimulus check for me. That’s what I get for making six figures as a chef at Wendy’s I guess.
>weak bate
No question about dependency status
you didn't make anything last. your parents took care of you lmao
you wouldn't be able to survive on 15k a year, let alone $400. kek dirty leach
Why is Wendy's food so awful?
0$ for me and my wife but I'm cool with that, we are more than ok. I'm glad you peasants get to feel special for a day.
lol, White Mans Burden
I make 6k in 30days ahahah you are so poor ... go away
Thats like 72k a year? Its literally nothing.
I keep asking this and never get an answer. In 2018 I was unemployed half the year then around June-July I got a job that pays $100k. I didn't make 100k that year despite that being my salary more like 50k since I only worked half the year. Do I get Trump Bux?
Combined, Adjusted, Gross, Income
Looks like I'm getting 1200 burgers, neat
What does that mean I am not in finance
It’s a line on the first page of your tax return. AGI. It’s the total amount you (and your wife, if applicable) actually made that year, less deductions.
You're an idiot.
Lets say you were unemployed all year until December 30th, you got a job making $1 million and started on December 31st. You work 1 day and make around $2700 that day. when you file taxes your income would be $2700 not $1 million
I went to my tax guy and owe 1800 in taxes from last year, do I have to pay that before I get the 1200 stimulous check? Can't get a straight answer.
* sips tea *
>be me
>didn't file 2018 because living off nontaxable gov benefits
>haven't filed 2019 for summer job yet
>student non dependent
Did I really just get fucked or will they eventually look at my 2019 filing for Trumpbucks?
ITT: Poor fucks who don't make at least 100k.
It's based on 2019, or 2018 if you didn't file in 2019 according to an CBS(?) article I saw.
You have to like july 15th to file, why would you be fucked?
You idiots need a calculator for this? Lmao
It's unfortunate I will not qualify for myself due to being an ineligible reconquistador, but I was told that I would still get a DD for my 4 niños, that's $500 each or 2k. Suck it gringoys.
Pay denbts goy.
Illegals get nothing
Every site says "if you filed 2019 already or what you filed in 2018."
Factually speaking I'm neither of those categories.
Yes we do, if we had qualifying children 16 or younger.