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FTN 299
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I would also like to discuss the last hour of the last FTN, please payarchdukes
Yes, it is vitally important we discuss
Feel like there's going to be a lot on butthurt on this one based on the way they talked about Coronavirus.
La Creatura
If only I had the last episodes pay hour so I could discuss it with you
Yes. Let's discuss. Can someone please post a link in order to facilitate the conversation?
Lmao@jewhands putting the last part of sunday ep behind the paywall especially at hard times like these. really showing their true colors
Can't believe these dorks are going with the virus is real.
FTN 298 bonus hour:
Nobody gives a fuck about any of these cringe fbi agents.
Freefags for the win
I like Jazzhands and FTN but they have really shitty takes sometimes. They believe in the coronavirus bullshit and also thinking the moon landing was real. YIKES
for fucks sake... whats happening on america with these chimaeric beings?
>Thinking the moon landings and cornoavirus aren't real...yikes.
Do you get out much?
FTN has been wrong about everything for the last year. Their mental gymnastics have gotten increasingly complicated.
This extra hour is just more fake virus propaganda. I think Mike knows what's up but he's just going along with it cause Sven is going full aggro grug about it.
Provide examples please
Lol. What have they been wrong about?
They were wrong about the GOP not taking the house and senate in the midterms.
Alot of these guys have just never figured out that the whole concept of the "crazy conspiracy theory" is a Jewish gay op that has served them extremely well.
They are political commentators not soothsayers
I don’t think they were wrong so much as they severely underestimated how far the Dems would go to rig it. They really should have known better than to take the odds at face value. Anything other than that though?
That was back when they were tying themselves into knots explaining Trump's 4D Chess. Thankfully they don't do that shit anymore.
Mental gymnastics right now is Anglin. He has gone full alex jones calling coronavirus a hoax. Hes going to have egg on his face in 2 weeks.
when did steve urkel get a sex change
Most political commentators were wrong about that. I don't hold that against them, I'm just answering the question. I agree with you both.
Please paykings. My job has been classified as essential and I need something to listen to while I work
>FTN 299: Trust the Line
Introduced...POORFAG FRENZY!!!
I have embedded the direct download link to the last FTN mp3 within the following two links! They expire in 1 hour and once they're opened, they're destroyed forever! Whoever opens the link first gets the show! Everyone else can kick fucking rocks.
Let the games begin!
Aight they're gone, anyone else?
How do I even get behind the paywall? What’s the current link to The Right Stuff?
One more for good measure!
That's nice, I'll wait for a non asshole to post it
Thank you, you are officially a non asshole
Thanks boss
Therightstuff dot biz/paywall
Buy a prepaid creditcard with cash if you're freaked out about doxx.
underrated pic
OMG I can't believe the bullshit they're saying in just the first ten minutes. If you think this virus is bullshit you are a "plan truster". Wait til they get rid of cash and start trying to push a vaccine on you. Are they still going to push this hysterical virus propaganda then?
My God, how high do you think her IQ is? She looks like she might have telepathic or telekinetic abilities too. That's a class 4 mutant.
Big Brain.
God damn you, pleb...
Catbox here: files.catbox.moe
>Wait til they get rid of cash and start trying to push a vaccine on you.
The virus doesnt need to be fake for them to do that.
I think I may have to stop listening to this show, at least strike and Mike is still good.
Wow, that is quite retarded
Let's discuss last week's Jazz and Jessie as well
Thanks, payking.
They're retards. There is no nuance in their takes at all. It can go either way whether this virus is real or fake and gay and there is legitimate arguments for both. Jizzhands is a binary thinker. That's why he went from making endless excuses for Trump for 2 years to having to call him an orange faggot and state how he doesn't support the president multiple times every single show for 2 years.
>discuss the last hour of the last FTN
what would you like to discuss user?