Don't worry so much about money. Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters. That's a quote.
WaPo "journalist" doxxes citizen with 400 twitter followers
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This sounds like a thread about self defense situations.
>"wahhh i don't want to be held accountable for what i say"
fuck off pussy boomer
>let's doxx people because they said something I don't like
zoomers are either completely pussies who can't throw a punch or rabid animals these days
Every journalist that uses their """"influence""" to attack political opponents will be on the wrong side of the Sharpness V diamond sword when shtf
You were the tattletale in school, weren't you.
>targeting a mans family
Surely this won't go wrong. It would be a shame if the man resorted to the same tactics.
Post your family with a timestamp photo then, you aren't a hypocrite are you?
Lets talk about China instead
I am Chinese as my communist flag indicates
Ask me anything
Or go to bed sleeping
Yaaawn so sleepy
>muh economy
yep that's a jew
>fuck with a lawyer in a way that potentially can lead to a lawsuit
Was that retard even thinking?
water your journo early and often
System "journalists" need to be tortured. Justice is coming for them soon.
There was one German journalist beaten by a group of Greeks once for being anti closed borders.
>marc fisher
it's jew-on-jew kvetching
There were some journalists in France that pissed off the Muslims. They don't fuck with them any more.
That's horrible and childish, but a reason you shouldn't put your real info online. Thanks, Boomer computer lab teachers, for learning me that.
Based. You guys afraid of being held accountable for your comments or something?
"Yes Goyim, help us kill off 20 million boomers, then we'll say we have to import 20 mill shitskins to keep the economy going!"
>pulled that shit on a lawyer
Oh this is going to be fun
Journalists doxxing private citizens really is the lowest of the low.
They should hold the high and mighty in check, not normal citizens.
>They should hold the high and mighty in check, not normal citizens.
Unfortunately, this hasn't been the case for a long time. The 4th estate is dead.
Would you like to be held accountable by Yas Forumsacks for your pro-doxxing comments?
kill journalists
this, why say it if you're not ready to back it up. this idiot probably used his real name and website on his Twatter too
Is there a lower form of scum than a journos?
Let's call Marc fishers parents
He's more than just a "journalist". That's a senior editor.
>over 30 years at the paper.
oh my
Let's call his family and tell them how we feel
Post your address.
>fuck journalists
you faggots would do this in a heartbeat. unironically kill yourselves
does he have children? grandchildren?
do what?
>30 years at WaPo
>Losing so bad he's reduced to this shit
How were your school grades user?
checked and kek'd
but still.....think of the damage this scumfuck has done in 30 years.
journalist has to be jewish. nobody else aside from a jew would think this makes sense to do.
but he's right, old people are the sole reason why we live in this perpetual feedback loop of wagekek slavery.
Where do you think pebsions come from?
Let's call this dudes parents and ask if they are proud that their son is a homosexual?
nope. child fuckers fuck a few kids. Journos fuck an entire populace. They enjoy doing it.
when people freely but their real identity on the internet its not a dox. That is just stupidity on the part of the person in question
he's spent 30yrs at the WaPo. his parents long ago died of shame and would've survived if he was a fag rather than a hack.
Why are journalists like this? What fucked-up childhood experiences turned them into the greasy, soulless propagandists they are?
if i had to shoot through a crowd of people to defend myself... it's a self defence situation
zoomers arent old enough to be semisuccessful journalists yet
is this an efap reference
What happened to never punching down? You're supposed to punch UP. What a tremendous fucking faggot.
They're old enough to be scum-sucking fruitbaskets for the neoliberal-progressive elite though, and I never said that poster is a journo
>Worry about if people start deciding to kill reporters
The only ones worrying about such a glorious day are reporters and boomers.
UHF. I member this movie.
no, we wouldnt
we're not thin skinned women that get vindictive because someone said something we didnt like
i know you know this but its just a lie they tell in the moment that suits them. When they do it it's fine though.
>Conan the Librarian
Simpler times, user.
It's the midwit mindset. Not dumb enough to be happy, not smart enough to understand the reality of the world. Being a midwit means they know they're marginally intelligent so they need to create virtue signal shortcuts to project a superficial intelligence. They need to appear smart. Progressive politics, atheism, ect are all hallmarks of the midwit. Not that one can't be progressive and smart or an atheist, ect. It's when multiple superficial emotional based ideological positions are very proudly and publicly held that the midwit identifies themselves.
Cant you just say no that wasnt me? How can they actually prove it was you.
Why does the jew think harassing some old people is acceptable? Someone should protect those elderly from this jew abuse.
That's right cunt, you jew journo fucks will be held accountable for it all. No kvetching now.
Snitches get stitches. You're the kind of person I would gladly murder just to make sure you never reproduce.
>A journalist who is advocating for saving lives over artificial economic growth
Just import some middle eastern refugees, that's been their plan for everything up until now
I'll give you the benefit of doubt, but bruh...
>you faggots would do this in a heartbeat. unironically kill yourselves
Yes, to faggots like this.
I love this image.
They are priority #1
You forgot to fill in the namefield, big boy.