/BG/ - Blackwashing General

>A biracial girl faces the constant threat of getting targeted because of her colour in a Nazi-ruled Germany. Moreover, her lover is the son of a prominent SS officer.

black anne frank? do these people really have no shame? is there a level these propagandists won't stoop to?

kangz thread

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Id pay to watch black Anne Franke


>shieeeet kong

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>achilles kang


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I hope one day all the black people wake up and realise how essentially demeaning to them this kind of bullshit is
100 years later and they’re still dancing like minstrels for a white liberal middle class

>56% nigress writes fanfic about fucking a nazi
Yeah, no. It's pretty harmless, not even racemixing propaganda, just sheeboon lasting over whitey.

Uh oh

Germans had absolutely nothing against africans
Americans on the other hand...

Fuck those white whores that fake black liberation for attention

bozzer cancel the licensing fee

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>Nigress Frank and her Aryan lover
Might be worse than the Wolfenstein debacle with the main baddy's hambeast daughter overtly going after BBC. Think it said she had a mutt kid too who just so happened to be a hyper-genius because "lmao subtlety".

Sounds a lot like reality. Nazi women wanted Negro husbands really bad

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Why do they always fetishes a nazi ruled government setting? I thought they hate nazis and glad they were defeated and gone (actual world war nazis)?

wait is this thing or just a shop?

Wtf are the heavy bombers they use in pic related are those Fw200

real film made by a british director. haven't seen it, but her filmography is BLACKED af


>we wuz SS man lovers and sheeeet
who believes that bullshit

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Black Anne Frank is something only a kike could dream up.

why do they keep trying to rewrite history... *sights*


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She’s cute though unlike the rat faced goblin Anne

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have a (you)

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roasties rise up

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David Shittingfield



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There's legitimately fucking 10-12 NAZIS BAD tv shows being aired at the moment. These Jews are ridiculous.

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Isn't that awfully tight on his oversized jigaboo lips?

Shut the fuck up, bigot. It's actually whitewashing.

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There's still apologists for this bullshit on Yas Forums. They took every single girl in Geralt's wife and made them shitskins, with the exception of Ciri, whom they TRIED to make a black as midnight Nigerian until people freaked out and said they wouldn't watch the show.

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>no sound on webm
>have to imagine what he's saying
Ooga booga nigga, yuh, ooga booga

>Tfw your CO has to publicly reprimand you for bleaching your african qt when you know damn well he strokes black pussy more than a witch when hes off-duty
Its not fair.

That don't stop kikes

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Where is this? I want to COOM on that gigantic ass.

It seems they are making a new retarded tv show about 'ze evil nazis' every week now. What type of moron watches this non-sense?

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why now? what are they worried about..?

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guys, in 40 years nobody will remember these pieces and their makers won't have graves.

ugly sheboon, jesus christ

>primative cave people where niggas
Of course. White/east asians are the next steps in evolution

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>you will never coom in your high yellow house nigress

>beauty pageant
pretend these weren't always just showoffs for whores who suck old mens dicks for modeling gigs.

burn it down.

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funniest part is the regular population thinks the pozzed movies are flat out boring and don't see them
for example, all the artsy no name films that won oscars no one watched but the big money makers are things like Fast and Furious films
hell even that Harriet Tubman film did well because they made it into an action film, which,is why critics panned it

WIP, additions welcome (not welcome).

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found the jew

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Gotta keep that anti-nazi propaganda strong.

This is a good point. There is something extremely attractive to the American public about living under ""Nazi" rule. Women especially, would rather be a member of an (underground) #resistance than a free, capable, responsible member of society. Reasons are 1) Women crave strong leadership, and if they cannot find a good, strong mate then will seek the next best thing i.e., a criminal wife-beater, or a fascistic state of some kind. And 2) this has been drilled into the American collective psyche as a whole through public education that the greatest heroes are the ones from Germany and the Civil Rights Movement, that these times were the most fascistic in history, and that the highest and best form of personal achievement is to reenact these struggles in your present environment.

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The thing with this is that they are referring to WHG (Western Hunter Gatherers) who were dark skinned. But that doesn't mean that there were pale Europeans 10,000 years ago. There was the SHG (Scandinavian Hunter Gatherers) and CHG (Caucasus Hunter Gatherers) who were pale skin. Not only that, but there were a group of people known as the ANE and some had blonde hair.

But the DNA of WHG (who are Caucasian by the way) show that they had dark skin.

Keep seething kike

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I said "Nazi Germany"


So the sheboon was both 1st and 4th? And who's the qt in the 3rd picture?

what the jew does here is posting demoralization propaganda

Nah I'll translate for you
"Aight muh fucka this how it gonna go i need aw you newport menthaws from tha back and all da colt 45s you got muh fucka. Stick dem fringles in a bag too bitch i hungreh"
>After the owner fights back

This is correct though. The blond hair/blue eyes phenotype only appeared a few thousand years ago in Europe.

Hell, there are millions of people native to southern Europe and the general Mediterranean region that look like this right now.

They are playing the orcs, right?

To control the narrative and use it to control us.

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>ww2 history
Never happened kek.

So where do the hands touch exactly? Asking for a friend.

Well you would need illumination or you would not be able to see the niggers.

Hollywoke really hates gingers

I miss him bros

Hitler scared the international bankers so much, that 75 years later, (((they))) still publish lies about the man.


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