Why are amerimutt soldiers so weak and submissive in the battlefield ? (Pic: pvt Ramirez & Goncalvez)
Why are amerimutt soldiers so weak and submissive in the battlefield ? (Pic: pvt Ramirez & Goncalvez)
Because theyve actually been in combat muhammed.
>trade bullets with goat farmers
what have you done?
Using your local school as a shooting range =/= combat, Jamal
I guess the real question is why did france let so many sand niggers like you destroy their national identity.
You're arguing with niggers. Only niggers call white people mutt unironically. This is another europoor america hate thread. They spam them all day and are low tier retards about it.
>Said Pedro Wong who elected a nigger and his 1.8m trans couple as head of state
>coming from the french
>The eternal cope
take a trip to Texas or Los Angeles, and tell me the mutt meme isnt real hahaha
Protip, chicanos are look down even in Mexico, Guadalajara is whiter than Austin. Yet, you are getting gallons of their cum as we speak hahaha
americans are shit soldiers
You don;t know what it is like to hear your entire life that killing is wrong only to be confronted with someone who wants nothing more than to kill you, and having to push everything aside and actually take a life. It is really hard, even with all the training. I am willing to bet he either killed someone or watched someone die and was his first time.
This is what, your fourth thread today op?
>Bot tier
I didn't even read whatever the kikes programmed you to say.
I don't care about the opinion of an Argentinian, especially one as obvious nigger as you.
Your envy of america is as palpable as your ignorance.
>Nigger hate threads on the US all day all night
Lots of them are chink bots. They're obvious and usually incoherent. Always insincere .
I'm guessing that helmet propped up on a gun or whatever that is was his buddie's and hes crying because his friend died
>I envy a fat lard who lives in a cardbooard house living paycheckbypaycheck, one car accident or illness away from bankrupcy, getting hammered everysecond by media to bow to BBC, hiphop and cuckoldry culture.
Because they like to twerk their little asses on service when jody fucks their girlfriends in their homeland
Baguette Faguette
France Surrenders to Nazi Germany, June 14, 1940.
Ascendent levels of kek
Fuck off.
also, their army is like what? 2/3 second generation inmigrants with no national identity... the only thing they can do is shoot farmers and they even suck in that...
Yes most likely, but war is minuets of intensity and hours of comparative calm, really works on the nerves and eventually, you just break. Then--slowly, you get numb to it, not completely, but its never the same after.
Your country is a literal shit hole julío
>im screaming at the top of my lungs how powerful we are!! what other evidence you need?!
>yes yes goyim you should have sacrificed millions of yours against germans to save jews and free masons
based golem
You're so desperate for the attention you'll never get. The self-directed comment isn't a bot thing so it turns out I was right at my first guess: you're a nigger.
Keep up the jealousy nigger--even the sand niggers in the US military are of higher social status, and of higher wealth, than you'll ever attain.
You will always be a europoor: your jealousy is palpable. Your Entire country's GDP is less than that of Florida all by itself and your average income is well below the poverty line.
Amerimutt laugh thread?
T. Mohamed Abdul
>hows that socialized healthcare going mohamed?
Still, I prefer this place than the shithole full of degeneracy that is yours. Also, dont get wrong, you share a soil with a bunch of ASIAN billionaires that put the GDP up, the average mutt isnt any richer than the people here. SO... thank you, but no thank you... I prefer to keep my foreskin intact hahaha
Because they don't sit around and do nothing like the French military.
American dream
>Never been to america
>Nigger tier comments
Let the flood of niggers continue.
you've never been there
I cant wait to see america collaps and burn while theyr retarded population fights off for food. Im jacking off thinking about it
Poland is a third world country. What is your point?
>Let the flood of niggers continue.
You will take in EVEN MORE niggers from Africa? How brave and progressive!
>come home from work after mr rashadan ask me to stay after hour, I need the extra money to pay rent and my loans
>use credit card for a 7 bucks order of chinese food
hahaha GDP argument
Good... Stay in your third world shithole.
Yea sure. Your economy collapses every 5 years.
You're not wrong about our soldiers being complete faggots.
But at least we don't surrender before the fight starts.
You fucking lazy, low IQ frogs wouldn't last a day on the battlefield.
Compared to Muttmerica, Poland is a first world country, at least in Poland I won't get robbed by niggers, shot by cops bargaining into my home or get shot at school because a "white" incel got his tendies stolen by the class chad. Also won't have to go homeless after my stay in the hospital because my taxes cover it, just like my stay at the university LOL
Fuck off. Both your countries will be crying for the USA and it’s resources to save you in the upcoming war!
Don't care -- eruopor jealousy from someone who's never been tho the US
Not even bothering to read your ESL copypasta
There is no argument kid--you're a poor nigger and your actions overwhelmingly confirm it. This thread is only still alive because niggers swarm in packs--everyone knows that.
Pic related is an american soldier deployed in egypt with his new friend mohamed abdul
How's your house Jamal? Still standing?
Easy to say when the entire population of Poland is not even double that of New York City. Yeah, you see I know you are uneducated, but at least you could learn a little about crime and stats when it comes to population density.
>so dumb that cant speak other language, neither visited other countries
>murica murica murica
Literally everyone in this thread knows YOU don't own a house. Don't lie nigger.
Your country doesn't even have a military hahahhaha
oops forgot it
This will never fly in your third world shithole
Third world education at it's best. Frogs are subhumans.
The truth is, they cry because of the fucked up shit they are forced to do. Not because of the enemy.
They already killed the enemy’s family, pets, blew up their homes, schools, shot gram gram right in the face. Europoors are too stupid to realize that though. They actually forgot about being cooked alive at Dresden.
>misfit foreigners fighting for France >>> native French fighting for France
Literally illegible. Stick with the ESL copy pasta.
>the average mutt isnt any richer than the people here.
Shitskin IQ, go rob a tourist Julío
>talking about other countries soldiers
Wew to the fucking lad. Of all the things, you really thought that was something a frog could talk about?
I don't need to fucktard. I can speak ONLY English and live better than you. The fact that you must speak English only reveals American superiority even more.
Like srly... what the fuck is pic related? not even niggers in africa looks so chimeric hahaha
ITT niggers that never touched guns make fun of white people using reddit tier logic and nigger tier insults.
>Many of these america haters are chink bots
>neither visited other countries
>>murica murica murica
Logic fail... Navy vet here. I've seen more shit than your subhuman, lazy filth will ever see.
>weak and submissive
>You will always be a europoor
He's from Argentina though, which is a South American country. If he's European his roots are likely further back in history than even ours. We need a different term for these South Americans, they are some of the most obnoxious human beings on the planet.
no one wants to see your family photos
cor bros are fucking based on pol and even more in real life
based ustase
awww its the same mutt that pops in every thread about the US. 2nd world niggers like you eat shit. simple as
>haha those bullets aren’t lethal, an idiot fired them at me!
YOU are our military amerigolem, why would the countries of Europe have a military when we have the perfect slave race begging us to let them protect us from the ebin commies?
Honestly that sums up the late stage of the Iraq war aswell as the entire war in Afghanistan, It was just advanced colonial police work.
Early stage Iraq on the other hand was different that was combat but a very skewed one sided story as Iraqis couldn't do shit.
Have you ever lost a friend on the battlefield?
>Navy vet
So an uselles spic? LOL
>European White
Imagine being such a incel. Get lost cuck
Too bad the Soviets got their asses kicked in Afghanistan. Kek..
>Pajeets and chinks billionares lured by degeneracy pushing the GDP up
>Live paycheck by paycheck, probably dying with debt still unpaid
hahahaha so fucking delusional
>no one can refute this
Logic fail... So you assume everyone is a spic retard?
Cmon dude. You just got to ignore it and laugh. He’s not wrong. It’s utterly pathetic the state of our country. Just sit back and watch clown world burn.