Are you ready?
Are you ready?
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Why would you announce that you're doing this
I can’t fucking wait to see the niggers eat the kikes in these pozzed up big cities.
So the spics and nigs know when to attack.
Your entire country is about to go to shit. What backwater shithole are you living in to feel so safe?
So it's just a regular day in Cincinnati?
They did this two weeks ago in philly and everything here is fine you dumb basment dweller. If anything niggers are more liable to believe all the hype and stay inside more than any other demographic
>What backwater shithole are you living in to feel so safe
you have some really backwards and perverted logic
I live in an extremely remote section of the country. If I want to see a non-white I have to turn on the TV.
Point them to Jew neighborhoods down the road.
Oh god the random chimp event is real?
All this while they are letting inmates out.
Wait until the Supermarket looting. Then breaking into homes for food...rape and murder.
>be cinci resident
>work closely with law enforcement
>none of this is actually happening
>wonder why OP is such a faggot
A ghost apocalypse would work better, but the virus is more effective than I thought.
Pick up some pepper spray at Walmart
Dont shoot till you see the whites of their skins. Tyrone, give these nights a volley
Website checks out
Explain how none of this is happening?
Alright cleveland anons I need numbers of the people you hate. About to order a lot of pizzas and make a bunch of other prank calls.
damn its like the police dont do anything but harass poor people or something
They're still going to "do" the stuff. Just things like collecting reports and such will be online and not in person. Make sense? Like "breaking and entering" section doesn't mean they won't show up guns drawn for an active event. Just they won't come in person to file the report after.
Live semi rural in a mostly white area of the country. Niggers and spics will be put into camps if they step out of line around here. The white men are actually men and everyone is heavily armed besides maybe the soon to be dead rich boomers.
It won't be as bad as you think, niggers can't read.
>and meth is plentiful
>and gang rape is the norm
>and theft is a daily occurrence
Spare us the "rural life is sooo amazing" crap. It's shit through and through.
>What backwater shithole are you living in to feel so safe?
do you know how big america is, emu?
shitskins are mostly in the cities
and nigga, we got guns
we got lots of guns
>breaking and entering
You can still shoot mother fuckers if they try to get into your house.
Bring it
youre a bootlicking faggot.
i hope you die of aids, shitskin
i cant wait for my new upper to come in the mail today
i imagine civilized people are preparing for this with barrigades and guns as if it was a zombie apocalpyse right now?
Uh oh, someone's gram gram got raped by the Cletus family down the road. Good thing the pastor of the town solved it by forcing her to be quiet. Good, wholesome rural America.
>fucking media
if this is true, then the journalism is intentionally trying to incite an "okay" for increased criminal activites. If those fucking journalist listed it correctly as in "not reporting in person for these activities, versus cops showing up still to deter it" is a huge difference compared to what they are shilling.
I live in So Cal and its only a matter of time before this shit gets really fucking out of hand more so than it is.
stopped reading after "gram gram"
are you retarded, or just a stupid child?
do you drink your soi lattes with your pinky extended?
you sound like a complete fucking faggot
How the fuck is it greenlighting crime?
>oh look the cops will handle the report on the phone
>I still could get arrested
>cops will still respond to an in progress event
>or i may get shot by the cops or homeowner
>just the report is going to be filed by phone
You're retarded.
>Are you ready?
You sound like a product of incest mad that his parents told him his sister is actually his mommy but had to lie because she was hooked on the rock while pregnant with him. The rural areas are shitholes. Stop fetish goggles looking at them.
Oh shiieeeett nigga, what a time to be alive and watch the burgers burn into ashes
Can confirm, also in philly and everything is just quiet because of the businesses being closed. No apocalyptic or even happening level chaos has been happening at all
i expected nothing more from a citiot. you are pretty much a child. everything is brought to you. you live with disgusting niggers, and are happy about it. you live in filth, shit, and piss. you are rats.
you people can hardly tie your own boots.
imagine owning less than 30 acres.
you dont even own your shitty little apartment.
you are a cuck
be back later, about to rip around my property on one of my 4wheelers
have fun in your cuck shed, faggot
Born and raised in rural america. Don't be mad for calling it what it is. Go do some more heroin in the neighbors barn.
Not an argument.
It depends where you live. Rural life is nice if it's in a nice area and not a bunch of trash. ( White or black, etc)
So, no different if you're African American then?
Meetup for White folks.
>breaking and entering
NOW IS THE TIME. Who /raidergang/ here?
lmao, I can't believe they're advertising this to everybody
guys, just do it if you need to - but don't tell everybody you're not going to bother getting involved at all
This entire thing is a destabilization effort. Knowing that, why wouldn't you?
>overblown virus reported by chinese
>spurred to hysteria by media
>OPEC+ crashes the petrodollar with no survivors
>govt sees this as a chance to overreach
>t. NJ bans gun sales, TX bans abortions
And here I am, stuck in the middle with you.
You know looking at this list more it seems pretty reasonable. Assault without injury is like being spat at or something, and the coming to B&E's where there's no real hope of getting your shit back is more of a formality. Lost property? Stolen license plates? Come down and file that shit yourself.
my nearest neighbors are a mile away and are redneck hunter boomers. we're gonna be just fine
low level non violent drug offenders dont belong in prison anyways
I'm sure that our hero politicians have armed guards to protect them from the B&E
Nothing to worry about as long as they're safe
Living in Deliverance territory isn't much better than living in Boyz N' The Hood territory desu.
T. Faggot with a single mom who lives in a shitty low income apartment complex with a bunch of beaners. Rural life takes a big solid dump on suburban/ urbanliving any day of the week
Wonder if they will care if they make off with a bunch of guns
>about to
user, I...
I'd rather be stuck in the burbs than next to some opportunistic / hungry hunters, buddy.
Look at all those things you can now shoot people for doing!
Inb4 the internet tough guy boomer replies with something along the lines of: "break into my house and you wont need the police, you'll need a morgue, boy!"
I always wanted to be a judge jury and executioner.
So much activities like... watching The Price is Right on a 10 year outdated TV?
>we got it so much better
Yep. Firecrackers in frogs. The peak of living.
Retardation. People in positions of power don't really have to be smart.
More or less.
Stay away from White areas. Whites are all dangerous "Racist, Nazi, White Nationalist, KKK" Maniacs.
Go get help in Jewish areas.
>breaking and entering
I cannnnn almmmost do enough mental gymnastics and play enough devils advocate to understand why they’re letting the others slide, but why this one
it looks like they are expecting category 3 chimping at the minimum city wide and will need pretty much every cop in riot gear. it’s the only way to explain this shit
I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re emptying out the jails to use them as a field hospitals too
deep state stronghold fighting back by creating chaos. Burgers are armed though right? You heard them. Cops arent coming. Go do a driveby on some thug criminals
If it’s a nothingburger, why are the police standing down? To sew chaos?
That's why the diversity will be heading towards your home Schlomo.
None of this happens in rural areas unless youre in a small town in a rural area and not a chad landowner
My god.
It's just like The Purge.
We're not like rooland here
because it’s fake.
nobody Faggot #owned