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Is pewdiepie still a thing?
also, who's this cunt?
I unironically enjoy the fact that PewDiePie went from annoying let's play faggot to far right internet Nazi and is so fucking rich he can drop red pills on his young as fuck audience. He may have bred an entire generation of people who hate the libs.
Greatest redemption arc.
This isn't anything new
>I've criticized pewdiepie before
>t. a literally who commie nigger
Oh boy. what a gr8 utube deb8. Guys, will the YoUtUbE DrAmA last a generation?
The comments are so fucking rough. These are underground NPCs, they were left behind in y2k.
youtuber who got started 10yrs ago and because of his location, language speaking skills, and the way youtube filters content by region he systematically had the largest pool of users searching for videos allowing him to easily get millions of views just by posting a video because, as stated, he was by default the top search result from eastern europe to canada.
Let it be known, this man is claiming that he is white...
No shit he has been racist for years. I dont get why people on Yas Forums hate him when he is fucking Yas Forums incarnate
What is he than? You understand how many white people have dark hair and eyes? Literally most of Italy,Spain,Portugal,France south and southeastern Europe have these features..
A racist who is fuxking marsia, a spic
Why did he shave the spot connecting his mustache to his beard?
This has already had a nuclear grade debunking. It's not even up for debate anymore.
King of youtube, meanwhile you get .02 cents per (you) to shill against landlords
aint life a bitch, leftykike
this is the most retarded shit I've ever seen dog whistles aren't a real thing
Leave Felix alone, he’s a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong
el atrocidad...
fuck and kill the leftard/kike/tranny combine then rape their corpse
>t. raid
what did you all shut up ? that was peasy
Pewd aint racist this is just controlled opposition for kids
YOU are controlled oppo for kids , that why noone believes your crap
Edgy western kids wanna be hip so they wanna look fascist after a while something else will be mainstream and pewds will propagate that. It won be long now until trump is out of officer and the paradigm will shift again. Im sure the next movement will be a reaction to this doomer shit
Roll up the memeflag and retire.
basically, eat shit faggot yid
Wow, what a fucking nigger
>Conor Kavanaugh
Bad enough he's named Conor, but he has to look like *that* as well. What a creepy faggot.
here more faggot salt , testify your chloride salts
Fuck you not all of us have perfect beard genetics
Well that does it, I'm subscribing lads!
One Drop rule.
Those features are from nigger invasions and Muslim conquering. Eastern Europe has roach blood. So no, dark hair, dark eyes are not white.
Imagine being OP and such a huge fag that you make a pew die pie hitvid every six months to boost your channel.
That Goblino can pass as a fellow "white" Brazilian.
Since He has Pitch Black Hair.
That's indicate Arabic, Jewish, Hispanic, or (Russian-)Mongol ancestry.
I want to break his fucking fascist teeth.
Quintessentially anglo
bitch please, this man is ridiculous
He's not. And even if he were, him donating money to non-whites (exclusively, mind you) would make irrelevant anything he might say.
Furthermore that you are so desperate for a leader, a figurehead or someone to rally under, that you will cede great power over your ideas, and 'movement' to someone who do not even share your interests, views or goals, is fucking dangerous and utterly retarded. Luckily for you dumb shits he's too scared to do anything but publically denounce and humiliate you.
I get that you faggots are impotent and powerless (and very much in denial about it) but this would only make it worse.
(Another highly ironic thing to point out, is that many of you seem to revel in humiliation, for this is what it always leads to, with these pathetic 'memes' that are not memes, for that is not how memes work)
Nationalists recruit from centrist media. You can always find a route to NatSoc wherever you go, they put their roots everywhere.
it's honestly hard to tell Amerimutts and Jews apart, you know. But I agree with your sentiment.
A Jewish communist? I AM SHOCKED! SHOCKED I TELL YA!
he's pretty openly red pilled
He recently made a hilarious video about Supergirl and its really funny. I really enjoyed it because I skipped all of the Yas Forums threads on it because their were so many threads about TV shows back then that I was starting to get sick of them and now I know how hilariously bad that show was.
Looks very white to me.
No, I think it looks good actually.
Only idiots believe that Pewdiepie is actually /ourguy/. Pewdiepie does not, and has never been a pipline to the right.
The guy in the video, who overreacts at some stupid jokes Felix has made do a lot for our cause. The demonize popular figures, making us look better, and they perpetuate our memes that Pewdiepie is a "Alt-rightest", therefore more closely aligning his fanbase with us.
This is how it works:
>Young Zoomer watches and enjoys Pewdiepie
>Young Zoomer watches this video
>He hears these stupid claims which even he can prove or rationalize to be false
>As a result he's repelled from the left, because they're attacking a figurehead he loves
>Zoomer is desensitized to accusations of "racism" and "homophobia" because he already know they're likely bullshit
And then they're only a few crime statistics away from coming to our side
he’s Irish
Once you get to know the typical jewish features: the darkened, heavy-lidded bug eyes, the overly-lined lips, and of course the noses and pointed face shapes, it can be easy to pick out most of them.
Many do blend in, but that is often intentional, something they've bragged about in writing for at least 150 years, used as a tool for parasitic subversion.
>What is he than?
Non white. Looks like a beady eyed jew. Probably just some asiatic spic though. Disgusting either way. I hate gross looking non whites
I especially hate people who say this. Turks and arabs living in italy are not italia. Italy is german
>Le geographical location meme
Didn't know they hired irrelevant and pretentious youtubers as shills for Yas Forums
pewds is a NEET unto himself. Hes rebelling against himself. This is blackbelt sudoko shit
>KEK bros
I want to build a guillotine, will you try it with me?
the Balkans, Eastern Europe, France and Iberia had at one time a large blond population as they were invaded by Germanic migrator tribes and they settled those lands in the 3rd, 4th centuries. It wasn't until the Sultanate of Rum and the eventual Ottoman invasions that 'Slavs' started to look like the mutts you look as today. The Romans and Greeks are the only people that consistently had darker features and not even as dark as today. Illyrians were described in a similar light as the Gauls and Germans.
Yeah that guys a faggot. Just like you OP.
Thanks for the laughs, topkek leftardedness
tl:dr the Balkans have been subject to DNA replacement and genetic warfare by shitskins for 1700 years now.
looks white
he's just a basedbeard leftist
>Memeflags being retarded
Everyone knows who Pewdiepie is, the user was asking about the video man
That racist has a smoking hot Aryan girlfriend 10x hotter than any girl you will even get within 5 feet of, and is a multi-millionaire.
I hope we inadvertently cause his video to trend and people see the comments section
felix was always /ourguy/
Whiteness is becoming more obscured. I bet you all think I'm white
*if* the pendulum ever swings back to the left it will be long after you are 6 feet under.
my advice to you would be to sit down, shut up and stop wasting your limited time on earth trying to postpone the inevitable death of progressivism.
Fuck off spic
kek, you mutts are worse than hapas
>Complains about being called a mutt
no Irish man looks like that, not even the dark Irish with Spanish in them
I would think you were white, some sort of anglo tho
>criticizing immigration to your country is racist
This will lose them so many normies.
Go to 3:55 he literally calls out the Jews. He's a beast. I think last time around 2017-2018 when he was going HAM he thought that the alt-right was going to take over the collective conscience of gen Z so he was trying to be on the right side of history for more viewers. Then it turned out that the right wasn't growing as fast as he thought so he stopped the dog whistling for a while. Now he's back at it which makes me happy because I think that he believes again.
This gave me corona virus.
What was your first clue?
>Wow, what a fucking nigger
Was it this?
>Death to all Jews
Or how about this one?