(Serious) were Egyptians black or caucusoid?

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They werent black user

Mixed, Cleopatra is said to be light skinned Egyptian scripture. However according to roman scripture she was light brown.

I thought she was a born roman

Mediterranean brown. So not Nubian. Several thousand years so plenty of mixing in that time.


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Neither, They were Egyptian

Pretty much like the average Arab complexion?

She was Greek


yes, they were. Egypt is and has always been an african nation.

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Her husband was roman I think,

99% same as current native North African population. Everything else is cope and LARP by niggers and wh*teoids with superiority complex

Monte + Negro
Mountain - Black
People who live in Montenegro were aware they are black

Ancient Egyptians were more related to The Greeks than subsaharan Africans.
This Being said. The descendants of the Ancient Egyptians, the Copts are not exactly white.

I think she was from the Caucasus mountains.

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No they arent, they are a Mediterranean nation, specially a North African one. Like Carthage

Dublin originally comes from the words, Dubh Linn. Black pool. Does that mean that the people there were Niggers? No.
Same applies for Montenegro

egypt were white and then they start mixed with niggers. thats why egypt rip

nice cope, cavemaggot

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WHy are you bigoted to ugly people user

What did they ever do to you

They were the same skin tone as phoenicians, assyrians and other ancient levant civilizations. They were less tha 200km away from egypt when there's 3000km of inhospitable desert between egypt and niggers.
Niggers were unironically made to think they were black solely because ehypt is located in africa.

I always thought them to have the same genetic makeup as that of those from the middle east.

this thread doesn't belong on this board.

What's even the point of twerking? It's not arousing or anything. It just looks dumb.

They were most akin to Berbers or Modern Copts, more than anything else. With degrees of Greek, Levantine, Semite, and Persian admixture. Blacks were there and had some influence, but only really in the south, if at all (And one singular dynasty).

Nigs trying to claim it are coping for lack of any meaningful civilization in Sub-Saharan Africa before the White Man. Whites are right in seeing them as closer to us than Blacks, but ultimately, they are somewhere in between us, Semites, and other intermediate North Africans.

Refers to the darkened soil of the Nile after flooding, retard.

>What did they ever do to you
Attempted to rewrite and whitewash african history

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Arab/Mediterranean would be my guess.

I always thought the Copts were the last of the non-arabic Egyptians left

cleopatra is literary a descendant of a greek general who served under alexander the great you retards.

Closer to Persian, SA a shade lighter but still close enough.

Go to bed hans, you can't write history anymore.

Then why did they ban blacks from entering certain regions?

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The Egyptian myths are clearly Indo-European. They have the primary characters. An omniscient deity typifying the rational, legal power in man creates the universe out of pre-existing watery chaos. Moreover, it bears stylistic similarities to Ancient Canaanite myth which is even more evidently IE. Greeks considered the Egyptians to be the fathers of all their myths and scientific knowledge. Pythagoras, for instance, probably got most of what he knew about geometry from them. Egypt was probably one of the earlier Aryan conquests, like the Hittites.

They were happy with their pyramids and shit. I don't think they really cared what race they were, just as long as they had fancy architecture.


Germans know they are fucking niggers

because you're reading historical fiction created by europeans. Try some original sources.

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What is the name of that book?

Lol, nah. IE and Semitic mythology were just quite similar. Sumerians, Hurrians etc. had the same stuff.

Honestly most Persians are darker than Arabs. The average persian looks close to a Pakistani.

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They were Phonecians.

>were Egyptians black or caucusoid?
They were Egyptians, you mongoloid

> using twerk as its own onomatopoeia

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That’s because Hurrians were influenced by the Urartians who were influenced by the ancient indo European Proto Armenian tribes. Which can be clearly seen on the impact Indo European had on these languages.

The ancestors of the Persians migrated to southern Iran from the region of Afghanistan, so this is no surprise.

Syrians are much lighter, for instance.

I think they are closer, generally, to what the Ancient Egyptians actually looked like. Caste-like ingroup preference will do that.

They were semitic.

have you ever seen an Egyptian ?
they are basically arabs

Sumerians existed before the breakup of PIE and they still have all the features you mentioned. As did the early Egyptian dynasties. How were the IEs supposed have influenced those cultures?



Ancient Egyptians existed thousands of years before modern racial classifications. "Black" had a completely different meaning to them.

They were black. Europeans have been trying to white-wash true black history for centuries.

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The Roman Empire ruled Egypt two thousand years ago

Semitic, then mixed, then everything changed after the 22nd Dynasty.

Carthage was a phoenician colony. The Carthaginians were from the Levante. Not Northern Africa.
That’s the thing. Genetics doesn’t work that way. Looking at mtDNA och ne can conclude that the Egyptians hailed from the Levante maternally. Not Northern Africa.


Black people 150 years ago in places like the congo

He’s right and you’re wrong she is a descendent of Ptolemy

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