Why americans defend the rich despite being poor?

Is it because they hope to be rich one day? That's pathetic

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I only have problems with rich people who are dumber and less skilled than I am and are only rich because they entertain stupid people.

The rich give money to the poor by paying them for their service

It's because we're all rich here in the USA, you memeflag-wearing europoor.

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"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse."

Go move to a 3rd world country where there are no rich people and people living in mut huts and in houses made from trash.

Watch what the natives do when a rich person comes to town.

Ask them why they offer any services they have to the rich person.

It's like the patron/client system of ancient Rome. Third world yuropoors would not understand.

Cause they're gonna be rich too someday, duh.

Rich people do far more for others than you could ever dream of.

I’d rather idolize a rich person than a poor faggot working at game stop with no ambition.

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ok jew

You can live a very comfortable life on $45-50k a yr salary anywhere in the country that's not the coasts.

Rich people work harder.


Im not poor

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imagine boomer posting that hard

allowing the government to tax the rich doesn't help the average american unless we talkin ubi. otherwise giving the government more money is a waste.

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The average american is much fucking better off than the average anybody else

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Or because they inherited from daddy

all the boomer coping and rationalizing slavery with lies and their broken imagination
how the mighty have fallen

Why do memeflaggots defend the Jews despite not being Jewish. Do you hope to be Jewish someday?

Also, have you noticed that despite being less than 2% of the population, they make up 50% of the 1%?

thats idiotic to a whole new level how fucking delusional is the average morbidly fat amerigoy?

Because in America their are no "poor people". Only temporarily embarrassed millionaires. They've been deluded into thinking that the interests of the rich are their interests as well.

Because taxing them too much would be redundant, and cause capital flight/evasion that would shift the burden onto everyone else who isn’t rich. They won’t be paying 90% taxes, they’ll be funding accountants to lower it, or enjoying life in the Caymans.

You need not love the Billionaire. But it is at least justified to respect the function they play in terms of investment and leadership of companies. Taxation should be to fund the necessary functions of government, not to penalize success.

In terms of a cultural sense. I’d think it’s more of a begrudging respect than slavishness towards the rich. Brought on by a generally middle-class, aspirational attitude that permeates American society. Self-made man ideals that have some degree of merit.

Conversely, while most don’t begrudge the smaller rich, I think there is a broad contempt for the super rich. Toleration, if not more. For, after all, what examples safe maybe Warren Buffet, Tony Stark, or Batman are seen as good people?

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>yeah well you are a fat american
>yeah well you are a bommer

Pretty strong game you got there leaf

Stockholm Syndrome. The wage slaves start to identify with their abusers.

They want to feel like the 40-60 hours a week they spend busting their ass and eating garbage "food", especially from coffee shops every morning, is all justified. Really, they're overworked and their families are all falling apart.

People used to be able to get up and have breakfast with their families, good luck trying to do that these days. And then they wonder why their daughters are dating niggers and their sons are dying of fentanyl overdoses.

>a fat moron can't into reading comprehension
imagine my shock
the arguments are good in this thread
>everyone is riches in the US
>the US is better than everyone
dude your population is barely sentient..
their whole fucking life is upside down

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>Because taxing them too much would be redundant, and cause capital flight/evasion
Implying it's not already happening every day. The average amerigoy is just completely disconnected from reality . He make his own in his head and believe it.

You by being marxist, you think you will become rich one day? LOL. Fucking meme flag.

Holy fuck, people can be satisfied with 45 to 50k in America? Thought I was making a trade off when I left, but I guess not LOL

What exactly do you consider "the rich" ??

Is a millennial that will inherit a property "rich" to you?

The poorest 20% of Americans are richer than 80% of Europeans.

lol dumb leaf

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Maybe, because, I am not poor? I make $1,720,000 per annum.

I DO hate the billionaires. They are traitors who sold our business to China and our culture to Jews.

The problem is taxing them doesn't work for the reason stated above. Even if it did that money still goes to the government that the billionaires control. It's 3 card Monty.

I need a better solution.

You can answer your own questions by yourself.

Oh look, another tranny discord slide thread.

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stay out

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>call someone dumb
>proceed to post a full of shit article written by a kike
never change golem never change

>proud of being a slave
you're disgusting there's no other word

>leaf is retarded
go farm your own milk fella

oh wait

don't worry i'll send some bags as well, faggot cocksucker

they are a young society
remember how nobles were defended by their servants? even if armed? familiarism?
the US is at that stage, need a couple hundred years to develop empathy and to throw off the shackles of their rulers, you cannot hurry this process because it will break their development

I'm in the top 20%, why would I hate myself?

that article is stupid you're fucking dumb and i'm 100 certain your fat boomer ass didn even read that article
you're not only delusional you're full of shit and you spread it everywhere thinking it's gold

which top 20%? there are many

If you convert that income to euros, here you could live quite luxurious in any major cities centre or best neighbourhood. Altho if you aim for house, that goes into league above that income.

Taxing the rich only helps line the pockets of those we vote in

I'm saying you don't need to go to college to own a house and have a family. Especially in my state which has set up affordable loans for couples to move to more rural areas. My sister and her husband bought a house over a year ago at 24 with two kids in a town of 3000 people after living in tbe metro area tgeir whole lives. Mortgage payments are under $900 and jointly they don't make over $60k a yr.

Lmfao you're fucking retarded, also I'm a skeleton cuz too tall
Kill yourself worthless leaf, you don't deserve to be next to us

i support a kind more fair economic system where everyone including the system is just a hell of a lot nicer why do people feel the need to mistreat each other?

>defend the rich
In what way?

Imagine thinking the US is the envy of the world.
Everyone hate you even you.

>US isnt even envy of the world
In the very next sentence
>we envy you!
ok leaf

i actually think your right T,T

They love jews.

jewish mass media brainwashing since their birth.

Thats provably false, Europeans lead objectively more comfortable and safer lives.
