Capitalism has failed

Capitalism has failed.

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Unfortunately, all leftist solutions undermine my ethnic interests

You sound uneducated.

Yas Forums is socialist now. Don't even attempt to argue for your failed garbage.

fat and autistic is not an ethnicity

totally ripped off this book cover

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Retarded mutt


>Hong Kong doing fine
>US doing fine
>SK doing fine
>capitalism has failed because I said so

countries with capitalist healthcare systems are doing far better than countries with socialized medicine.
this disease broke out from a communist totalitarian state.
Capitalism is humanities last hope right now.


> This time it's gonna work, bro
> Source: dude, trust me.

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this is what a planned tranny shill thread looks like.

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change “democratic” to “national” and I’ll buy three copies

what's on your mind, bud?

Lefties who enjoy cutting off each other's cocks and then spreading globohomo under the guise of communism while subconsciously knowing that if the workers ever took over production the freaks, such as yourself, would be the first to be lined up against the wall.

I begin to understand why the virus was made in a lab and spread to the world now... A means to try and justify jewmunism. Intredasting.

based japan posting

Your mom failed when she banged a nigger and made you

>US is richest most powerful nation in the world.
>Our free markets have even lifted hundreds of millions of Chinese and Indians out of poverty.
>We lead the world in medical research, food production, and tech development
>Hurr durr cApITaliSm failed guys!!!

>1 post by this ID

Capitalism strives on failure and death, that's why it "works" if you only take its own goals as a measurement.

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Ok but what about the socialist like countries that are also struggling during the pandemic

2020s LETS GOOO!

Immigrations and replacement of people is a product of capitalism.
Only thi that counts in capitalism is profit and consuming.
It doesn't matter if there are 60 million white natives as consumer or 60.000.000 immigrants niggers a slonf they consume.
Niggers are even better consumers since their low IQ make them unable to questions the lies propaganda sell them.

Why do you do this boring shit on discord instead of making actual friends? The reason that all of your friends are internet avatars is probably the same reason your life is in shambles. Go outside.

>Yas Forums is socialist now
*national socialist


God you fuckers are pathetic.

>I'll appeal to your racist side to subvert

> most race mixed nation in the world
> nation that gavés jews most power in history since only things that counts in capitalistic society are shekels.

Fixed for you

In the western world*


>This is the best marxist argument he could muster, and it's one of the better marxist arguments
So marx was a moron and his movement has repeatedly failed in the west because the quality of the consumer is an important factor in the development of the economy.
Markets have their own ecosystems. The bell curves of intelligence will never allow to truly stupid groups to reach the height of economic influence.
Because of this, we have modern advancements as the smartest consumer class has inherent protects from shitty products.
Do you see where I'm going with and how this is not applicable to Italian medicine or Chinese consumerism? Communist are at the bottom of the curve, they are the intellectual niggers of the modern era.


Then start your own country and show us better. Otherwise, you're just a subversive shill.


i'd rather read the book with the same anti-capitalist gist written by an adolf not adler

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lmao post physique faggot

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I am not a Marxist you dumb burger and not even a socialist.
And Italy is not a communist country.
And Italy is always been one of the most advanced country for medicine productions and before the last years recessions it was considered amongs the 5 best nation's in the world for Healthcare.
Imagine being American and have to pay for skin to skin contact when your wife give birth.

> The bell curves of intelligence will never allow to truly stupid groups to reach the height of economic influence.
Retarded argument. Following your argument we can say that the most intelligent group in the US are actually jews and whites are not as smart as them since jews are the most influent group.

No I will go to war with redneck flyover retards.

I am so sick of you dumb hicks.

Stick to making moonshine and killing your brain cells there is no use for you anymore. The USA was not founded so a bunch of fat fucks can ride barbie jeeps down a dirt hill because muh peach schnapps.

Seriously your culture in the midwest is the only thing holding this country back. You are on so much fucking thin ice. You will never progress us further into ignorance any longer.

Dark to Light.

You failed not capitalism

Capitalism isn't perfect. So are we better off trying a old morally bankrupt failed system....... I don't think so.

>judaism has failed us
>the solution is red judaism
You making the same thread over and over again isn't really winning the hearts and minds of Yas Forums

>I am not a Marxist you dumb burger and not even a socialist.
Then stop talking like one
>And Italy is not a communist country.
They're literally sucking chinese dick for attempting to save their communist healthcare
>And Italy is always been one of the most advanced country for medicine productions
which is why they're in the midst of a collapse literally right now
>Imagine being American and have to pay for skin to skin contact when your wife give birth.
>Imagine thinking most hospitals actually charge for that
>Following your argument we can say that the most intelligent group in the US are actually jews and whites are not as smart as them since jews are the most influent group.
not how you spell influential or did you mean affluent?
Asians are typically considered the most intelligent in the US, but Whites would be the top category in terms of earns and intelligence if the parameters didn't allow mexicans and blacks to claim they are white.
You used a flawed metric to prove you point. I'm not surprised, you are from Italy after all.

>Capitalism isn't perfect
the fucking understatement of the century
>yes i am getting genocided by a pack of rabid jews that are using my system as a cudgel to beat my head in
>yes it's not perfect

This is bait but I would love to see the day when pink haired urbanites get so delusional about their prowess in war that they launch the first strike against farmers and hunters in the midwest. Best day of my life.


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die from corona.


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Well then what's a better system?

Capitalism actually promotes competition, and competition promotes improving of products since this led to have more power on market, the better your product is the biggest is the chance people will buy your product.
Uneruglated capitalism on the other hand promotes the creation of oligarchy, the most rich and influent one can impose their will on market and thst means imposing their will on the people, since in capitalistic societies everything is subjued to the market and the only thing that counts is having a growing GDP.
We can even argue if capitalism actually promote competition based only on the quality of the product.
How many big companies actually sell quality products? Most of the times they sell low suit product that they assemble in some shit hole country with few bucks and sell them for hundreds of dollars thanks to a smart strategy of advertising and social pressure and conformity.
The more the people is likely to feel for market tricks and to not question if he really needs that product, the better is for capitalism.
Following your argument on the curve bell it makes even more sense to actively replace smart people in their country with dumb low IQ consumers, since that will prevent the most influent groups in the market to lose its position due to impossibility for low IQ people to teach the height of economic influence.

As has socialism.
Let's strive for a third position.

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national socialism

Anybody who thinks socialism would work is literally retarded. The fact that people would even mention it's name is proof that capitalism has worked. It's afforded the opportunity for petulant children to have it so good that they could entertain their stupid ideas instead of starving. You don't know human nature. You don't know history. You live in a mental bubble and you're willing to risk the entire nation for how little you know. Luckily for you, America is a free country. Which also tells me you've never been to a socialist country... where you have no rights and can be thrown in jail for going against the government indefinitely. I truly pity you and your friends. Rest assured, chirping on Yas Forums isn't going to progress your agenda though. So for that, thank you for the laughs at your expense.


1.Can you give one example of it working?
2.History repeats itself everytime it's been tried (those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it)

> Asians are typically considered the most intelligent in the US, but Whites would be the top category in terms of earns and intelligence if the parameters didn't allow mexicans and blacks to claim they are white.

Then since whites Americans are the most intelligent and therefore the most influent in markets, why are they unable to protect their interests? Why whites Americans are always under attack and they can even regulate their own societies to protect them and their interest? A racism, homophobic, antisemitic accusation is enough for white people to lose everything they have.
Whites Americans are the only one that have to play by the rules and the first false step they make will shut them down forever.
Other races can literally shits on you in advertising, Hollywood movies and mass media and you can't even say a fucking n word.
Muh so influent.

>1.Can you give one example of it working?
sure peace time national socialist germany
>2.History repeats itself everytime it's been tried (those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it)
there will be no repeat of white genocide
just a thousand year mutt slave caste ruled by moisha adlers

Capitalism at its core is just an ideology based on greed. Is it any wonder why it fails.

You missed the cannibal trannibal thread. It’s ok. More of that coming.

This leave to options:

1.whites are a masochistic race that likes to use its own influence to create soocieties where they can't protect their interest and are under constant attack from other races.
2.Whites are not the most influent in market (and that means not the most intelligent keeping inimd what you stated before) so more influent groups are using their power to undermine white people.

You do realize that it's regulations that are in fact what cause a shitload of centralization of powers, right?
Some are good, some are bad. Environmental regulations are what allow us to produce more environmentally friendly cars. At the same time, it keeps cheaper options from reaching the market because they lack efficiency deemed to be environmentally friendly- an inherent and necessary restriction on the freedoms allowed in Laissez-faire capitalism to allow progress to be made at the cost of competition.
Failing to regulate the financial sector allows for an insane amount of bets and debts based on intangible goods to take place. These inherent freedoms allowed in Laissez-faire capitalism are only destructive to the host market.
On the other hand, as seen in Arizona where Buffet successfully suppressed Solar energy, corporations can be too powerful. Corporations ability to lobby weak government positions without the oversight of the sovereign is also a massive issue.
Marxist Socialism attempts to correct this by removing the corporations and the very foundation they sit on; profit and property. They address the inherent grievance in lost of freedoms with the State, one which they promise to remove when the time is right under vague circumstances.
This is also the problem with Fascism and National Socialism. Profit and Property are subject to the state.
The only true choice is a restricted constitutional democratic meritocracy. One must be awarded citizenship through merit to receive the right of property and profit and the standards for citizenship should be applicable to all who wish it.
Only then can the powers of market be allowed to thrive in a healthy and self-sufficient process.

Holy shit the actual state of Italian education is embarrassing if this is how you understand the argument.
Go back and reread the argument so I don't have to waste time correcting you.

merricans getting rekt

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>another episode of ‘OP Is A Stupid Faggot’
Yawn. A re-run.

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