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Normalfags ruin everything
We all know fema has tons of coffins and bullets but how much food do they have
Do you want us to be the next Italy or Spain? No? then:
Yes honey
No. I have to ensure my employer and the retards I have to put up with gets it and suffers.
Good goyim
Nice cope slave cattle
Anyone have an updated version of this graph?
What do you mean?
Non essential NEET, rents due on the first.
>if everyone doesn't stay home, people might realize just how utterly useless and unnecessary i am
this is sort of like the government shutdown, except for the useless fucks who obnoxiously gloated about "automation" taking everything over, only to watch their own cushy existence go up in smoke in the blink of an eye
I am unironically outside all day everyday. I love how the city is almost completely empty. I visit my favourite coffee shop every morning, too.
>Do you want us to be the next Spain or Italy?!?!
Reminder this is part of the show. Probably the main feature of theatre de corone. Get the American people begging for European style authoritarianism. Western nations were immediately shut down, the American people would never accept this from their government, they would think it's the Boogaloo.
You have to get the American people to want to be under control. It will be a disaster in the USA for this reason. So the people accept the idea of government locking down your town for the greater good.
>Do you want us to be the next Italy or Spain?
YES! Fuck Amerimutts and fuck boomers.
>the American people would never accept this from their government
kek, what on earth makes you think that?
>expecting boomers to listen
You realize they are the dumbest, worst generation ever right? Let them fucking die, the rest of us will just get the flu for 3 weeks. No biggie.
>believing chinese numbers
The chinese are going back to work while thousands are still infected and dying.
If there was no failed quarantine to blame it on, the American people otherwise would not accept the military coming down their street saying stay in your house and dont go to work, you can no longer get-together in public, etc.
This is absurd unless you think the virus stats are real and quarantine works.
It's already inside you
makes me really fucking horny
John Burn-Murdoch shouldn't do anymore graphics
Fuck the chinks. Kill them all.
> the American people otherwise would not accept
the American people are demoralized sheep, they will accept whatever is thrown their way whether it's Martial Law, the PATRIOT Act, or just accepting it when the federal government burns children alive (Waco). Don't put your faith in modern Americans, we are hardly any better off than you are.
This graph is retarded. The line is going to flatten even if nothing is done because you go from 0-10 and then the upper marks are in the 1000s.
New chart
>Flatten the curve
Lol no
Are walks outside safe? So long as I actively change my trajectory to avoid people?
yes, this is not some airborne virus. Just goes after dirt bags who dont wash. So 98% of the population.
It is airborne.
The airosols remain suspended in air for multiple hours
Nice corona sliding there juden
I wonder why people only count deaths
Like if I become a half lung mouth breather who's brain stops functioning properly and I have to be on disability for life is that somehow better for the population?
I want to know how many fucking boomers we're going to have to take care of after this is over, there's a lot of steps between alive and dead
If half the population can no longer take a proper breath because their lungs are scarred that would probably be way worse than the number of deaths
The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" or "Assad is gassing his own people" or "most of the world is going to be underwater soon." Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is calling the coronavirus an outbreak of mass delusion and panic. youtube.com
1) Dr John Ioannidis, Prof from Stanford University, points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05% and that generally the data has been insufficient.
2) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80. People are simply flooding into hospitals to die there who ordinarily would have passed away peacefully at home.
3) Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff.
4) Italy, the cause celebre of the overwhelming of medical infrastructure, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began.
5) Panic about the virus causes many to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of people.
As Dr Wodarg says, the way this works is, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created.
They gladly accept all kinds of shit from the government. Apparently they are okay with people being arrested for "illegal gatherings" (because fuck freedom to assemble), state ran "COVID19 rumor and misinformation control" program, being stopped by cops while walking home from a store etc etc. Not only are they okay, the cattle cheer and applaud. Demand more restrictions and ask where they can report people not complying with a police state. Fucking sickening.
Nah, go back to normal, bulldoze the dead. Tired of this shit.
as someone who endured hurricane katrina in new orleans I have to say has it correct
>iran and china's perfectly quadratic curves
what a fucking joke
No there might be black people out
>muh lung function
this is true of all pneumonia
It's not flattening....
WTF is going on in the US?
What do you think of this image? True, fake news or psyop?
(tl;dr: L-strain more lethal and S-strain less lethal but gives immunity)
Shut up cunt. The virus is a big fat nothing. Government lockdowns will cause far more damage.
If we don't 'flatten the curve' hospitals will be overwhelmed and thousands will die of unrelated conditions for no damn reason
Jew York is becoming a hot zone of infections. Hopefully everyone there dies.
We're all gonna fucking die, oh God...
>L for Lethal
>S for Safe
>(source) Dude, trust me
Yeah, nice larp
Fuck you, you slimy faggot pinko fuck.
new york
wee line go up
the chincs are prolly farming rice and the italians are fucking kids
>Flattenin' the curve
>Straightenin' the hills
>Someday Corona might get me but my dad never will.
orange man says stay inside
orange man bad, therefore no one stays inside
It's essential for any viral bioweapons program that you concurrently create a non-deadly strain that is similar enough to form antibodies that immunize your own population to the deadlier weaponized strain.
So I find it easy to believe.
Can't afford it my nigga. My wife is about to have a baby. My boss already fired us so we can work under the table and get unemployment. Might get one job a week at best because of this shit.
Only Italy and the US are reporting actual statistics
look at how perfect the iranian and chinese curves are
japan isn't even really performing testing. The testing there is restricted to avoid panic
>hospitals will be overwhelmed
why was there no concern about this for the last half century as large size cities of unnecessary immigrants were brought in?
i'll flatten your fucking face, chink
Oh yeah, da jooz want us to stay at home and fuck over Wall Street instead of getting a virus and dying. Can I roll my eyes any harder.
Thanks for the replies
orange man wants to open up by easter fuckwad
It's only getting worse and worse, covid pandemic being a major step in the wrong direction. They further crush the American resolve with things like this. It is about getting Americans used to and wanting big gov to take over every aspect of their life
The next time this happens, the people already know what motions to go through, they will want quarantine. It will then never be lifted. Once they want it, social lockdown will never end, welcome to 1984
Italy's starting to look like that tho.
Didn't people hate their lives before this pandemic do they like life Now?
negro please
before normies
>Slurgh aargh we're going to *cough* DIE
after normies
>It's nothingburger stop ruining our economy.
But it's true.