Daily reminder that it's your duty as a citizens to pour cement into your apartment's toilet if your Landlord gets...

Daily reminder that it's your duty as a citizens to pour cement into your apartment's toilet if your Landlord gets uppity about delayed rental payments.

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How do a few non-paying tenants bring down the whole ship?

>but what about all the maintence costs?!
>even though i haven't made a single repair to the building since 1970

Financial system is leveraged to hell and back.

kek, too fucking true

every landlord acts like they're paying through the teeth to keep these buildings standing when in reality they consistently put in the lowest effort possible and that's only after delaying for weeks or sometimes months in the hopes that you'll just give up trying to get shit fixed for "free"

I thought these emails were a meme, but I literally got one today. The email came down to
>your rent is still due on the first
>if you have money problems contact"Housing support agencies, religious organizations, and local/federal government"

Good way to be homeless for life

Literally worst idea ever. Just flush tampons if you want to be assholes. They say flushable. Unless its specifically in your lease no tampons
they cant do anything n must fix plumbing to keep code. Only fools get caugh.

Sounds like someone has a death wish

Daily reminder that this is a slide thread

There is a run in cement happening right now. Get you cement before it's all gone and it's the first of the month. Don't be the last. Toilet paper does not clog well enough.

Daily reminder: landlords are trash

Stop renting slums you poor fuck

This isn't a slide thread you fucking schizo, nobody needs to slide your crazy occult LARP shit because only schizos are interested in it. Landlords being cunts after establishing a chokehold on local medium tenure housing stock is a legitimate problem that effects people's lives directly, that's why these threads exist.

I have zero sympathy for anyone over the age of 23 who cannot ride this out. I also have zero sympathy for businesses that cannot ride this out. There has been a decade-long bull market. Everywhere has been hiring. If you were so retarded that you spent 100% of every paycheck, then you deserve to fail.

Exactly. If the landlords can't survive with people refusing to pay for a few months, that is the landlord's problem for not preparing appropriately.

>of you don't pay everything collapses
>an empty apartment pays no rent

Ok boomer

That's a two way street. A competent landlord knows how to save up to take care of things because you never know if a tenant is going to flake out or ruin something or just that something expensive shits the bed. But if you can accept that a tenant can't make the rent or that a lot of tenants can't make the rent then the landlord might not be able to eat that.

t. former property manager

Is anyone actually sending any of these viral landlord emails or are they made up by people trying to get some quarantine dopamine?

>agree to pay a set amount each month to live somewhere
>can't pay the previously agreed upon amount

Anybody who has a 401k knows you can't take money out of it until you're old or do some sketchy thing to borrow against it. It's a bullshit email.

If it's a world where tenants can't pay, as a landlord, you'd rather not kick somebody out whom you know to be a decent tenant who usually pays on time. Then you're stuck trying to find a new tenant and that's often a toss up. And you generally don't want to wind up taking on a section 8 case if you can avoid that.

>pour cement into your apartment's toilet

Sound like something a nigger would do.

>I don't care how low you have to stoop, you're gonna have my fucking money or else
Landlords are no different from mob bosses.

I'm listening to one guy on the radio saying he's looking at maybe 85% of his tenants not being able to pay up. Now he's talking about what happens when you can't pay your water bills, or whatever else you might have to sacrifice.

I sorted out a situation before the city water board for a landlord once when I was pretending to be a property manager. The original charge was something like $600 due to the original situation that honestly the landlord had mismanaged. But by the time it was resolved they ran that up into the thousands, and that landlord was damn lucky the water company didn't have its act together and I had enough evidence and cleverness to get the whole thing struck from the bill. The city will eventually just throw a lien on the property and have it sold or knocked down or whatever else. The government is the top of the mob. Landlords are just middlemen.

>Landlords are just middlemen.
inefficient middlemen
it would be better if cities put up their own appartement buildings instead of relying on sketchy middlemen

i had to rent for four months in between selling and buying a new house and it wad the most infuriating experience of my life, the minute i signed the contract the landlord didnt give a fuck about maintenance, package delivery, anything, i signed a six month lease but i bailed on the last two that simp landlord spammed me with so many fake legal threats that i hired a lawyer and sued HIM the minute i lawyered up all his threats vaporized i legit feel sorry for people that have to rent their whole lives

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City workers are just the next layer of middlemen above landlords. Some landlords are real pieces of crap, but I'd rather have a landlord who has a chance of giving a shit than let the city manage anything.

The city is means of redress against a landlord or a property management company that's fucking you over. If the city administrates everything then you're really fucked trying to get anything taken care of if you get the shaft.

Landlord are nice for providing shelter when it's cold outside

I had to manage an eviction like that once. The landlord was furious, but state law made it damn near impossible to get any money back because of the technicalities of the situation and even after going to appeals court they decided the tenant was in the right.

Some landlords get really vindictive though and chase you across state lines and whatnot, so that's always a gamble.

>"Commit crimes, goy"
>"Go to jail, make the landlord pass the cost on to the other goys."

Nothing suspicious here at all. Do your own dirty work, faggot. If you hate your landlord YOU do it first, you pansy ass little kike.

No shit. Not just will you be legally liable, no one will ever rent to you again.

OP thinks we are gullible niggers.

fake and gay.
>no email address
>no mention of company
>no mention of community
>no finger prints what so ever
Fucking commies are the worst. Made up bullshit to spread their failure of an ideology.


Rent prices are a problem but we need an actual solution that doesn't end in us going to jail for being niggers .

You mean the projects?

Please dont. I work for the landlords and have to fix that.

>Encourages people to destroy landlord's property.
>Still can't understand why landlord's have to chargs so much money.

You commies are retarded and I'm glad every single one of you is miserable.

As long as those useless shits pay it back in a month or so.
No free rent though.

I'm a landlord and if someone did thati would sue them. They might be to poor to pay but the judgement is on their record for ten years. That comes up everytime they try to buy a car, rent etc.

This is a commie shill thread, dude.
"All housing should be public" is code for "The government needs to own it."

Now imagine ALL housing being literally government housing projects. That is the future they want. Like feudalism, but with more diversity.

This is not a serious thread. It's a bunch of Bern-out Bernie bros unwilling to fight Biden and Woke-Capital.

yeah i definitely took that gamble i had the money to pay the rent plus whatever legal fees and penaltids i just wanted to fuck over that landlord as much as possible kek i am grateful though he makes me appreciate being a homeowner

This shit tier slide thread again. Come on vlad youhave no power here.

>Adam Smith EXPLICITLY calls out Landlord scum in WON.

me too

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This. Every competent landlord figures in at least a month of vacancy per year (sometimes more depending on the town and market they're in) before buying a property to determine if they can still be profitable even in tough times. I always assume every house I buy will be a vacant money pit and only pull the trigger on houses that still appear to be profitable regardless. I'm not sweating my tenants mssing rent this month, they've all been good to me so far and I already figure in about 6 weeks worth of I rent oer year anyway

Don't bother bro. Literally every singe economic model that exists (aside from semitic debt slavery) despises landlords. Communism, fascism, ACTUAL free market capitalism - they all see landlords as a burden on the real economy.

But the rats will jump on any justification to excuse their worthless parasitic lives and will twist and turn anything until it fits their agenda - and that is YOU, never having a home of your own, constantly paying for something that you will never own.

that's true. not just independents but property management companies, who get no sympathy from me, are having to put something into place. And it has to be equitable, you can't show any preferential treatment, and even if you are fair and reasonable some douche will fuck it all up for everyone. Good renters know this, and good landlords appreciate good renters. But the definition of 'good' is subjective.

You know having a landlord is optional right? If you don't like paying rent you could buy a house, or move to a trailer park.

Russia is really forcing their landlord meme propaganda today

This is why I insist that government employee labor unions are a criminal enterprise and should be stopped. The ones who manage redress are the same ones initiating it.

Some moron poured cement down the drain near where my father lives and they had to spend 9 months digging up and replacing roads and sewers. Cost millions to fix.

They were able to trace it to his house and he got a massive fine but still nowhere near what it cost to fix the issue.
That was an accident but he was very close to serving prison time.

Landlord here , I am continuously amazed by the absolute brainlets Such as yourself. Yes, go ahead and cause damage to your rental unit, the same one you signed an agreement for and paid a deposit. That's the surest way to make sure not only do you get a victim, but you don't get your deposit back, you're probly get sued for more damage, and now you will have an addiction on your record so you won't get approved at another rental.

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This looks fake.

It's a pretty dick move. I've seen mainlines that were clogged all up just because tenants decided it was a good idea to flush a crate of ramen noodles (???) and all the toilet paper in the world. It gets to be like a reality tv show sometimes.

And then it backed up all into the basement because a huge storm came through and the collective water pressure from the people living up hill backed it out, so obviously something else was fucked up downroad in the sewer system.

Rent from a corporation, not an individual. Corporations have deeper pockets to sue and bend over backward to avoid litigation and bad press. Individual kike landlords have no such pressures. If you sue them they will just fold up their LLC and start again. It is more expensive to rent from a major corporation, but you get what you pay for.

>thinking landlords are actually the lords of land
Brainlet, OP.
Reminder that the government is the only real landlords.

Divert your aggression against your government, ie. the actual landlords. Fucking brainlet.

Fake and gay.
Commie scum making shit up as always

It's laughably, childishly, obviously fake and OP is a transparent moron. Sage garbage.

>year of our lord 2020

>russian OP
>supporting socialism
Will you guys never learn?

It does seem like the kind of caricature of an evil landlord that the commies believe in.

Ive got a friend who was really sensible and saved all his money when everyone else was partying and wasting their money. He bought a house and renovated it and now he rents it out.
Hes just a normal guy who worked hard and made good choices not some kind of james bond super villain like the commies imagine.

And that won't cause mass unrest in this country because ?