>Australian states prepared to go it alone in tightening coronavirus measures

>Coronavirus hit almost half of Australian businesses even before social distancing, ABS reveals

>Coronavirus shutdown may have peaked in China but Australian exporters still struggling due to airfreight

>Australian ski season in doubt as coronavirus restrictions mount ahead of June opening

>Coronavirus ventilators: Australian government asks carmaker Ford for help in boosting production

>Byron Bay Mayor says backpackers arriving on buses 'completely inappropriate' amid COVID-19 outbreak


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Other urls found in this thread:


i have shit loads of Vegemite and peanut butter but no FUCKING BREAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Can I just get comfortable in the other thread?? Fuck sakes mate, had enough.

I can't stop wanking to the British thot killing herself over corona virus. Reading about her death gives me great joy. I've always maintained that women couldn't last in the life of a sub 8 male. I that normal??

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we need a sticky


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Palascuck egotistical,y demands local statewide elections to go ahead and will cause additional deaths.

She’s breaching federal laws areanging such a mass gathering.

This bitch needs to hang.

This is "the" thread

Also, I thought there was a ScoMo press briefing tonight?

Why havent you taken the Anarchist pill user?
I hope you are a heterosexual I hope and not some gay Authoritarian

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If you've got a rope then go for it

Have you coomed to her though?
UNN FUCK more of her

Was waiting for this thread. FUCK YOUR SHITTY PM AND YOUR SHITTY GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT. Your country is creating an international incident by not allowing Americans with Australian residence to leave the country.

You were normal until you endlessly copy pasta’d your fantasy here. One time was normal, but every thread maybe not.

Don't ask me, I just spy on other flags...

I wanked to her death. Do you want me to post the cum tribute and time stamp?
Stacy couldn’t even live 12 weeks inside without sucking chads cock so she overdosed on skittles. Doctors decided to pull the plug on her life support machine and harvest her organs to save some worthwhile people.

I’m shaping the discussion that will be had after the election, so that either criminal charges are moved against her, or families sue her when they realise their family members died from exposing themselves to the Election Day.

Hope you cunts didn't blow all your savings in preparation for neetbux because this will all be revealed as a hoax soon enough.

>Stacy couldn’t even live 12 weeks inside without sucking chads cock so she overdosed on skittles. Doctors decided to pull the plug on her life support machine and harvest her organs to save some worthwhile people.
Ah, well that’s different. You cheered me up.

fuck yeah

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Just watch Australia over the coming weeks to see why anarchism could never work. Half the country literally has a double digits iq.

I lost it all gambling

Hows Aussieland finding the coronavirus pandemic?

Go on, post it.

Lock the fkn place down already ((population/100*75)/100*15 the number requiring intensive care)-2229 the number of icu beds in the country = a lot of dead cunts.

Low IQ probably helps destruction and anarchy. It doesn’t take much intelligence to burn down shit.

> chaos, anarchy and property damage requires brain cells

oi this cunts doing maths, hes a chink

fuck off chink

its too late kid, my wife has been trying to escape the past 2 days and the lines at Sydney airport are enormous. they're not letting anyone with residence out of the country regardless of citizenship. its going to get much worse because of your shit policies

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>what's for dinner lads?

got me some good tucker here with my cennalink payment, going straight onto the waru

(I shall be positioning these roo tails on the hot coals for an hour or more and then eating the whole lot with my bare, unwased hands)

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boongs are just as bad as chinks

t. Knows nothing about the political theory of anarchism

no one gives a fuck commie


You dont own the concept faggot
AUSPOL is for everyone, not your personal ego wank

Rip missing Daniel anyone else missing Daniel

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Anyone else bored of hearing about this virus yet?

>oh no I can't go outside to consoom retail shit

As long as Foodland doesn't close this won't make a difference to my day to day existence.

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I hope you at least skin it first

who else /unregistered firearms/?

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Fuck off faggot

mum is losing her job :(

Wanna buy some toilet paper?

My mate didn’t years with that Daniel song as his ring tone.

Nice try ASIO. Would if I could desu but I can't.

We gonna bruce Her so hard you won’t want her back

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Central desert mob don't eat bats. But they do eat 'bush cat' or 'bush pussy' (feral cat).

Depending on your view of cats, that either makes them better or worse.

So many flavours of boong though, once you look into it. Salt water mob, desert mob, biggest mob all round this country.

(I'll admit, most are bloody dreadful company, especially when they're on the piss. I seek out the rare good ones and keep them close)

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Rippers close down mate?

just join a local gun club m8

Look at this cuck and laugh.

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Back to cock for cash then

Based Kimberley. Sorry lads we're full.

Cut the dough down the middle by one inch deep which will aerate it, creating a much more dense springy bread. Do it to one then compare with the other, you'll know what I'm talking about.

It's still my ringtone and I keep volume max

not happening lad

Got no vehicle and I'm in a rented apartment so no storage. It's off the table unfortunately.

New Pic released

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no one gives a fuck, commie

you are one, stop pretending your not

shut the fuck up commie, no one cares

>AUS/POL/ is for everyone
>Hasn't made a thread in the last like 4 days
>People are complaining because the threads are not formatted with information
Shut up cuck and do it properly

When she gets back she'll be calling everyone a cunt

Are you fags into gold and silver?

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I went to buy some yeast and it was sold out. I only wanted to try making some bread to pass the time.

homebrew store cunt

The Chad missing brother

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no way

What are you saying user?

I can't stop wanking to the death of Hannah Baxter. She deserved it because she stole his kids. Is that normal?