The Normalfag Question

I can't believe shit like this happens, it looks more like a Yas Forums parody of normalfag lifestyle. Do normalfags genuinely can't stand being alone and staying in so much they literally kill themselves? How the fuck is that even possible? Are they incapable of living on their own? What the fuck is wrong with them?

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I tried to kill myself last year with a ride on mower and was hospitalized for 4 months.

Don't do it. I'm now pregnant with a baby girl and love my life.

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She had autism
Natural selection

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what the fuck is wrong with them? you mean what the fuck is wrong with US???

Tits or gtfo

>isolate socially
>die anyway
Darwin is getting his dick sucked by angels in heaven lmao

inb4 the leaf posts something about bbc

digits and you get a miscarriage

Sometimes i wish some bluepills

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>plug someone into social media the moment they are old enough to form a thought
>be shocked and amazed that unplugging them has some kind of adverse effect on them
And it's only going to get worse



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thot mad that she cant thot. Big news here!


kek is protecting the baby



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U must pay the toll toll to enter this boys soul

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She autistic you dumb fuck

men normalfags seem to be doing fine but women literally cannot live without attention especially from men. it makes them go nuts

Is her pussy retarded too?

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nice miscarriage faggot

this whole site is autistic and we have no problem staying at home

>I tried to kill myself last year with a ride on mower
>with a ride on mower

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Pussy Millennials and zoomers. Literally exists for likes on social media. Pathetic, it's not their fault it's GenX parents like me. They've got nothing to worry about and never had any hardship, thus they make up memes like Climate change to stress over.

Autism is a meme made up excuse for shit parenting. It's really that simple.

Just fucking lol. meanwhile i havent left my house in 3 years.

>muh autism
Okay champ.

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normalfags have pretty much had sustained social contact/ validation from others their entire lives. It's the reason why normalfags are so happy and rarely think about anything important in the world. Positive social reinforcement for them is essentially like being on a lifelong opiate drip. It even has the exact same chemical structure and effects (oxytocin and dopamine). Without this constant positive stimuli they are completely lost in this world. They don't know how to make heads or tails of anything that doesn't revolve around the social world. Most normalfags die without even once considering our place in the universe.

Momokun a cute

>implying this entire site isn't an underground malaysian basketweaving forum for autists


>I tried to kill myself last year with a ride on mower

why do grills suck at everything

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oh no she couldn't take advantage of tipping culture anymore, poor thing

You've been spamming this thread for more than 24 hours now.

>tipping culture
Why are you millennials so obsessed with ruining the word "culture" by associating it with fucking everything?

I thought autistic people generally lack social skills and prefer being alone?

The reaction of that thot is actually reminiscent of drug withdrawal symptoms, so it would actually make a lot of sense.

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They even suck at sucking dick

that's literally what it is you fucking retard

never change/pol/, never change

Check out the arse, it’s times like this I wish I had a night shift job at the morgue.

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> fake tan


It's almost as if humans are social beings.

>Most normalfags die without even once considering our place in the universe.
Ah yes, I forgot that the autists of the world have convinced themselves that they are modern philosophers.
The problem with this world is precisely the obnoxious pandering of freaks and weirdos.
The 2010s are an example of what happens when you let these creatures free and even make them think they deserve a place in society, that they fuck it all up.

Weirdos need to be bullied so they either man up, or they fuck off forever.

>live meeting from home for work
>have to pretend the containment thing is hard to pass as normal

Only if it ain't white, otherwise she will be Emperor Barron Trump's 13th bride

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Some do sure, some are awesome. I used to fuck this fat chick every other week, best cock sucker ever. She never tired of licking my balls and cock.

Fuck me, Jimmy Savile has arisen from the grave!!


I don't believe she is autistic. She's just your average thot. My guess is that Chad left her


Case in point.
The normalfag worldview is so weak they have a meltdown at the mere mention that there are people not following the same inclinations and want to engulf everything in their hivemind.
Back to the herd, user.

In other words, they are weak. As God has promised, first will be last and last will be first. This is a massive turn around event, and I'm already profiting tremendously, especially in terms of psychological strength and self-control

Is yours any strong, when I see constant suicidal threads all over Yas Forums, or regret over how they wasted their lives, when even the girls who come here are pathetic outcasts who cut themselves?
>dude, I have no job, no friends and I can't talk to people without having anxiety attacks, I truly am enlightened

>with a ride on mower
I'm dying to hear that story. But first tits or GTFO

pro tip: she wasn't autistic, just look at all the makeup and effort that went into those selfies. you have to be extremely integrated into society on all levels to care that much about self-presentation.

Roasties are so addicted to sex that they’ll kill themselves at the first sign of no cock carousel

Normalniggers hate themselves, they need others to feel whole

We can't defeat her

>it's perfectly okay to kill yourself when you abstain from socializing for an extended period of time
I can socialize just fine and abstain from socializing whenever I want. Also, I hope you do realize you've just legitimized the hedonistic, rootless modern lifestyle with the following sentence:
>ah yes, I forgot that the autists of the world have convinced themselves that they are modern philosophers
So thinking about anything other than sleeping around and social media likes is fedora-tier? Okay champ.

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You fucking retards. She didn't kill herself. She was killed by the hospital for her organs. She was a organ donor. Girls don't kill themselves. This shit is fake news. I thought pol was smart?

Kek is protecting this babby lmao

Thinking about what?
All people think here is what other trivial shit to be outraged at in the name of a society you don't belong to.
It's been the same throughout history: there's two groups of people, the decent people who just want to have a normal life, and the idealist scum who burn the entire world into the ground periodically in the name of their schizophrenia.


I have a job, very few strong friends, and social anxiety is a meme.
You combine a lot of bullshit in a single post:
>Yas Forums is the den of 'that guy' at school (which hasn't been true since at least 2012)
>I know your life in autistic detail from a one liner post, of course all of it pejorative
>Yas Forums is one person
>Even worse: I post here yet somehow affirm my detachment from and superiority to others, basically Yas Forums is one person except me
Your post is a shitposting bingo. Back to plebbit.

Kek has spoken

>strawmanning this hard
What a big brain you've got there, I bow my head before thine prodigious wisdom.

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oh shit, what have I done

>Yas Forums is the den of 'that guy' at school (which hasn't been true since at least 2012)
It still is, it's just what used to be a fun place is now filled with older people who are bitter because they wasted their youth.
And no, just because you constantly post Twitter screencaps and you swallow every single stupid buzzword and meme that comes out of Twitter doesn't make you one of them.

>Yas Forums is one person
Nowadays it is.

4channers also cannot stand to be isolated from others. Communication online is a form of socialization.

Counter post. Baby will live.

That's called autistic camouflaging, which is very common among higher functioning autists

Now what's the problem if they apparently manage to fit in? Well, they will never pass 100%, it's mentally draining and will lead to a total meltdown sooner or later. Or even suicide like in this case.

kek has spoken again

(and again)

>chan is one person
>Nowadays it is.
Except for you, of course. Am I right?

t. simp

>grey eyes
not really white.
no of the values was lost

>dies in hospital
>after trying to take her own life

I say it was a rather resounding success myself.

It's more like she had the opposite of autism: Social obsession. We don't have a codified mental illness for it, even though it's just as bad and causes people to suffer extreme anxiety or psychotic episodes when alone for longer than a day.

I haven't left my house in like 9 years other than to go to work or buy narcotics. Every year or so i end up getting a girl to come fuck me for a few months then she leaves me because she doesnt want to be with a psychedelic hermit devoid of ambition beyond exploring the inner realms. Its great. I'm in a constant state of "wut" and i wouldnt have it any other way. Well I lie i want some better tools and more high quality wood to build shit with.


are you matt mccusker?

Good riddance


>Weirdos need to be bullied
Die, nigger. Soon you'll get the holocoofs in that 3rd world nigger shithole of yours.

Women are the most normal. It's normal to not to endure in social isolation. Therefore women will manifest abnormal behaviour, because they are the most normal. Think about this.

>I move in, now move out, hands up, now hands down!
Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
Breathe in, now breathe out, hands up, now hands down!
Back up, back up, tell me what you're gonna do now!
Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (What?)
Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Come on!)
Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (Yeah)
Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'

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normies are just weak, obedient debt slaves

Based. I'm so sick of losers taking an online personality test and then convincing themselves that they are super intelligent deep thinkers who have superior brains to everyone around them. That line of thought alone is evidence that these losers have sub optimal iq and cannot comprehend anything beyond their pathetic self-flagellating fantasies.

>unplugged from social media
but she was unplugged from the outside world

>all people think here is what other trivial shit to be outraged at in the name of a society you don't belong to
>it's been the same throughout history: there's two groups of people, the decent people who just want to have a normal life, and the idealist scum who burn the entire world into the ground periodically in the name of their schizophrenia
Well, that sounds like a massive projection to me. Ironically enough, it also sounds like a dissertation of teenage edgelord.

>le survival of the fittest, I'm the fittest, not like them feeble sheeple

Also, is the refusal to participate in the degeneracy of the modern world tantamount to being a schizo throwing fits and having meltdows? What the fuck are you trying to say? Thots killing themselves over not having enough likes on social media or breaking up with chad is somehow an acceptable behavior now? Whores riding the cock carousel, brainless chads taking advantage of it and the frenzy of social media is now the sphere of the so-called 'good people'? Would you kindly enlighten us as to what you're trying to say, our great philosopher and le fittest specimen?

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holy shit nookie

Most people here would also die if they didn't get (you)s regularly. It's the same shit. You are all normal, get over yourselves.