Makes you think

Makes you think

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>how do they work?

Here come the normie shills larping about the flu.

Because corona patients need ventilators and flu patients don't?

Do people who get the flu need to go to the hospital in America?

I thought the norm was staying in bed, take some medicine and watch it disappear in a few days

Because the existence of coronavirus doesn't negate the existence of all other diseases? Our hospitals have to take care of the load they were built to, plus coronavirus patients.

Who is this retard?


>hundreds of thousands of flu deaths per year
>nobody gives them ventilators in a bid to save their lives, but a few thousand corona cases all need ventilators
really riddles the mind

like 10-20% of corona needs it especially in US where everyone is fat and has high blood its a lot lower for the flu

>Do people who get the flu need to go to the hospital in America?

Yes. We have a mostly-private healthcare system in a country that’s 30% niggers and spics who can’t afford insurance. Emergency rooms legally can’t turn away anyone, so these cretins just go to the emergency room for everything.

And that's entirely because of you fucking kike

Remember when people were spamming that shrek cringe compilation meme at him and he freaked out?

in pimary school we learned the arcane arithmetic technique of addition

you'd think he'd re-read that and understand how fucked the U.S is going to be, but people are just stupid I guess.

No, legally we must go to the hospital to get prescription $85 aspirin and $7000 diagnostic charge plus tip

In the USA there's ~55,000 confirmed cases, thats .02% of the 320 million people in the US. Of those infected only 804 died, 1.46% of the infected and 0.00025125 of the total population. Why are you afraid of a virus that major symptoms are fever, coughing and a runny nose?

Boomer Bill always at the ready

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>What is intensity of treatment.
Nevertheless, Boomers have been fear mongering since the VHS era, and they decided to do nothing anyway.
So let the Boomer Remover run its course.

Muh exponential growth!! 3 million Americans will die of Corona!!!

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Only yours. Most people here understand that the flu typically doesn't kill people by asphyxia. Stupid cocksuckin' little kike ass MOTHERFUCKER. You are SERIOUSLY RETARDED. FUCK YOU. I SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOU.

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He's not wrong.

Fuckin' faggot piece of shit can only respond in memes, bitch? Get the fuck off the board moron you're fuckin' done you little CUNT. FUCK you.

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not to mention the likely millions around the entire world not even tested that just got over it like a common cold lmao

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You are a fucking long haired, no life, pathetic, can't even look someone in the eyes when they're talking to you, bitch. Yet you think you can kick my ass? I don't think I'm a great fighter, but I guarantee I've been in more fights than you and I wouldn't have to try to kick the fucking shit out of you.

bill will not live to see the end of it so doesnt matter

Shut the fuck up retard, you're embarrassing yourself you little fag. You're lucky I'm too busy to fuckin' kill you you motherfucker.

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>at once?

calm down you retarded nigger
I wouldn't raise my blood pressure so high if I were you, not after that McCheeseburger you had today

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Okay? Then I'm gonna fuckin' shoot you you dumb ass. In your fuckin' ugly ass face, faggot. Fuck you. Then I'm gonna fuckin' take a shit into the cocksuckin' wound before you fuckin' pass out for the rest of all eternity, so everybody can fuckin' laugh at your open casket funeral, you fuckin' pathetic piece of shit. No one likes you.

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you're an unhinged schizophrenic.
you're not killing anyone. what you are doing is furiously typing on your keyboard impotently
my cock: V2
your mother's cunt: London

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what a fucking imbecile

> What is capacity planning?

How did such stupid people build a 20 trillion dollar economy holy fuck

>Then I'm gonna fuckin' shoot you you dumb ass

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Cringe, go fuckin' wipe the come off your fuckin' lip before you reply to me you fuckin' queer, that was the gayest post I've ever seen. You're a fuckin' joke you motherfucker. Don't ever test me.

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On this trend America won't get that many cases though. So it's actually even less. The analogy doesn't add up

> I shit thrice a day and my toilet easily accommodates 1000 shits/year
> So obvious it should be able to accommodate 1000 shits in one day too

Yeah but 670,000 people don't come down w/ the flu all at once you fucking retard.

>and a runny nose?
Runny nose isn't a symptom tho

I am so glad I am not you

How the fuck do you even know any of this is real?

There are hundreds of thousands of patients and yet we've seen, what? Three photographs? Ever?

This is all a fucking hoax.

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nor do with they Covid-19 you retarded mong
the only reason hospitals are overcrowded is because of the literal hundreds of thousands of brain-dead boomers and retards (you) across the West that are in mass panic mode because of the media, hoarding toilet paper and flooding into hospitals to get "tested" over the sore throat and sniffles they had in the morning when in reality it's because of how much dicks they sucked the night before and they certainly do not have Covid-19
that's why you fucking sub-human nigger

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Yes they will. Scientists been saying this since late January and so far all their predictions about this virus have come true.

Common flu's don't produce liquid in your lungs that glues them shut if you don't have it sucked out constantly.

That's how everybody feels about your entire family you fuckin' homo. Get the fuck off my board you fuckin' mutt, you're fuckin' done.

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Flu doesn't cause you to suffocate.

Are people really this stupid? Jesus christ you people are morons.

Most of the time now, but if you want s honest answer alot of medicine is paywalled in America and a doctor is the one who says you can get it.

Only people with complications or hypochondriacs go to the hospital for flu, but it does happen.
I didn't stop working and had a flu turn into pneumonia cause I had to work a week or two before I could afford a doctor and medication.
Our system is fucking shit.

yeah but sucking cocks like you do certainly does
so you might want to go get tested faggot

Learn English you fuckin' bitch. Your IQ is seriously about 90, and everybody here can see it except for you.

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>>Virus in a hospital
what does quarantine mean.

Makes me think both you and bill mitchell are retards.

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Seize the means of production..I mean quarantaine goy

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That was so gay, nobody thinks you're funny you pathetic pile of shit. You're practically a fuckin' monkey you pea brained little Jew faggot bitch. Fuck you.

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if you laid off the drugs you wouldn't be trapped in a prison of your own mind like you are, having an aneurysm to an early grave

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Yes. Finally people are waking up

Healthy people in their 20s and 30s aren't requiring ICU for the seasonal flu.

Worst case scenario. Worst.

I'm not fuckin' laying off the drugs you fuckin' pussy. Fuck that, fuck you, fuck your entire faggot ass family. I'll fuckin' butcher your entire fuckin' genetic line on camera before I ever go sober again.

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Videos, testimonials, Italian anons (and some youtubers) talking about what they've seen, etc. Stupid being a schizophrenic nigger.

you're furiously rubbing the last 2 brain cells you have left to practically be frothing at the mouth lmao

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And yet I'm still more coherent than you, with your fuckin' IQ of 95. Now get your fuckin' cocksuckin' ass the fuck off my board bitch. You're humiliating yourself again.

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Healthy young people die from the seasonal flu every year. So do children. It’s rare, obviously, but so are young healthy COVID deaths.

you've been watching too many Hollywood jew movies, Rambo. they've turned your brain to mush
how about instead of watching movies you go for a run instead

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.2% is much less rare than

there are videos and testimonals and jew anons (and some rabbis) talking about seeing gas chambers and counting 6,000,000 ashes
doesn't mean it happened you fucking retard
nigger brain

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> a jog
There's a fuckin' international viral outbreak going on right now you fuckin' stupid faggot. Fuckin' Lieber Disease? Ever heard of it, bitch, or are you too fuckin' busy getting fucked up the ass every night to fuckin' pay any god damn cocksuckin' mothafuckin' attention to anything that takes more than 90 IQ points to comprehend?

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Because they are lying about the numbers to keep people from panic how is this not obvious? China would do that but no one else would?

>Kilgore trout
Shut the fuck up

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Can the two of you fucking spergs get a room already? It's like I'm watching two zoomers fight about pokemons or sone shit.


Yeah he's a real smart guy. Lots of interesting thoughts.

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I said a run, retard. there's a difference between a run and a jog
a jog is what (you) go on when your wife tells you to leave the house for 2 hours while she gets fucked by your black nigger bull
and if a fake flu pandemic is stopping you from leaving your house then simply don't. let the ubermensch master morality gods like myself leave my house and go for a run while you suckle at the teat of the government, sub-human

>hundreds of thousands of flu deaths per year
The flu kills around 1000 people a day worldwide
Corona right now kills 2k and keeps growing

source: your arse
they're just actual flu deaths that your jew handlers are telling you are Covid-19 deaths
you believe anything because your brain is a calcified rock from decades of abuse from s oy, estrogen and fluoride