>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Hitlergruß! how's the health? how's situation in general?
Mason Ross
>octo-channers much like Yas Forums-niggers are completely fucking leadbrained retards that are angry about having to speak anglo-speak and because these Lampenmast IQs have the attentionspan of Cardboard (and to learn english you need at LEAST Presspappe) they try to hamfist english to be german despite the fact that there are functional words that already exists. no, of course i get what you're saying, but i think you have to distinguish between chan culture and people who are to dumb to learn a modicum of english
Sieg Heil, Lithuanon! >how's the health? thanks for asking, Kamerad! my lungs wheeze a bit more and my balls felt swollen, but otherwise i don't feel especially ill. i don't have any fever or flu-like symptoms anymore, not even sniffling. maybe still more tired than usual. >how's situation in general? i'm a bit annoyed by how bad hygiene gets handled by supermarkets in my area for example. they have absolutely nonsensical measures in place. how are you?
>lungs >balls >ACE2 ok... this might be a bad news... but I think you do have the chink flu... >hygiene in supermarkets yeah... pretty much same everywhere. I can even bet it is far worse in my country >how are you not great not terrible. was involved in a chimpout of one whigger. situation in general is bad. lots of gopniks returning from the West and it shows directly. all in all under siege be safe, fren. I'm off for some time
Nicholas Peterson
>this might be a bad news... but I think you do have the chink flu... it's only news if you don't know it already i just hope it doesn't turn on me in the next days, i'm now almost 2 weeks in already >gopniks >was involved in a chimpout of one whigger please elaborate :D >all in all under siege you too, fren! cya
Guten Morgen, frens! Ich bitte um Entschuldigund für meine Verspätung. I was out for too long. Yesterday I managed to reach TDG and jetzt bin ich wieder da.
There's lots of happening and I want back to where I belong.
I am alive. And soon others will join the bantz as well. Pleased to meet you, Herr Bernd. I gues we are not properly introduced, as I shitposted here year and few months ago...
How are you holding in Germany today? I've heard some small border town in Bayern (Mitterteich, neben A93) is under full lockdown due quarantine. Too many cases. Fun fact - there is Werk in town, which is still functioning, not sure what they produce. Glass or something? Workers go there through checkpoints, B-Poli there has no Mundkappen or other protective gear, because they don't have it on stock. Sad!
>How are you holding in Germany today? honestly, it's really fucking bad, i already started to notice symptoms myself on the 13th & i barely met anyone, let alone someone from riceland - they have no idea what they're doing and what they do is too little & too late the incompetence drives me nuts desu i hope you guys are doing better?
Everyone in Germany goes full blown retard because of the hoax flu better you yanks bomb the entire site just to be sure
Nathan Torres
We are doing surprisingly good. Unfortunately some elderly people started to drop, 6 deaths so far and 1775 infected (known, to be fair). Some towns and villages under lockdown (z.B. Litovel). Borders shut down, only people who work in Ausland up to 100 km from borders can travel (Deutschland, ¨sterreich). Exception is supply line, aka LKW with food and other necessities. Even though I don't like our government, I respect them für ausgeführtene Maßnahmen. It works, though we are heading for a little bit panick state as the number of infected goes up with increasing testing capacity. It saddens me, that our nigborhood is in such alarming state. You'll make it through, but very, very weakened on aconomical scale. Oh, and if HARTZ IV bites the dust due no moneyz, expect niggers to chmp out. That's my bigger concern in comparison to Corona-chan.
Hast du das mit dem Flügel und Thüringen mitgekriegt, Czechfren? there was a lot of stuff happening here politically that was really beneficial for the right-wing, but now there's apparently some infighting going on
gebrühfd ja, doch ganz gut eigentlich und selbst?
>hoax flu wenn dir die Eier im Sack wehtun und deine Lunge rasselt, reden wir nochmal
>ausgeführte Maßnahmen at least they're acting, eh? better safe than sorry i guess. a little bit of panic can't be avoided perhaps. >if HARTZ IV bites the dust due no moneyz, expect niggers to chmp out. looking towards france and the yellow-vest protests, i have already prepared myself a little bit for civil unrests, comes in pretty handy right now. i kind of hope HARTZ breaks down - could be the last push this country needs for a nice Putsch
Oh ye gods! the dead are walking the earth!!! all is lost, abandon your posts, fleeeeee fleeeeeeeee you fools!!! :D howdy fren... where in the name of all that's sacred were you? how are you doing? how's your health?
>Hast du das mit dem Flügel und Thüringen mitgekriegt I have seen the meltdown, and it was really sad. Clownworld. What's worse, it showed "nuda veritas" that there are effectively only three parties in Germany (maybe two). AfD and humungous "all the others party" (not sure, if FDP or Greenz should be considered as a third party).
>at least they're acting, eh? Ja! We are lucky that our health minister is epidemiologist, so he can explain to those other governmental clowns wtf is going on and how it will progress. And also our internal minister stepped up and proved to be good crisis politician, even though before he was just political zombie. What's good, people more or less united. See, normies are stitching Mundkappen, they provide them to hospitals, elderly, even to us, cops. I think nation seems to strenghten in tough times.
>the dead are walking the earth >i was already thinking to myself if the return of czechbro is a sign of the end times Thread is like always, suddenly this: youtube.com/watch?v=6vDNZP_yNMA
I never truly left. I had some shit IRL to do and this place is, let's face it, like a flame to the moth. I needed to focus so i left for moth or two, but when I tried to join teh bantz, I discovered ban. Jannie-trannie thought I'm proxyfagging or something. So I waited 60 days, then posted something on another board (anime pictures, no lewds!) and bam, another few months due banhammer. So I was afraid to write here, because for some unknown reason my ass was targetted. Yesterday I had nice chat with Herr Genetiker and decided to break through and join this comfy place again. Bloody hell, I missed you so much...
Was haltet ihr von Söder? Wird er doch noch Kanzler? Immerhin besser als Merkel und da die AfD realistisch betrachtet sicher nicht den Kanzler stellen wird, wäre das mMn noch das geringere Übel.
unfähig wie der rest der partei besser wie merkill ? bezweifel ich stark
Brody Bennett
You're right, also czech'em. I fell for the very first and most important rule/meme on this mongolian basket weaving forum. Well, in the end, I'm still newfag it seems :DDD
>nuda veritas yes, that's true, aber sehr schön gesagt the shitshow after that was glorious, all the fuzz about "unverzeihlich" and "rückgängig machen" etc. >there are effectively only three parties in Germany (maybe two) in the past i'd have said two, Christcuck Democratic Union and the Söycialist DemocRats, but now they somehow artifically inflated the Grüne to a full-fledged eco-communist party and the SPD is slowly dying out...but yeah, (((they))) do everything to prevent opposition from even existing >our health minister is epidemiologist wow, you are lucky! >I think nation seems to strenghten in tough times. sadly, it's exactly the opposite in germany right now. being a post-war Kraut hurts >I fear Putsch-chan will have to wait, when you have rabbid T*rks, niggers and kebabs looting the towns. i'm hoping for our Bolidsei to form Freikorps with the local Bürgerwehren in that case >statistik.arbeitsagentur.de/Statischer-Content/Statistische-Analysen/Statistische-Sonderberichte/Generische-Publikationen/Auswirkungen-der-Migration-auf-den-Arbeitsmarkt.pdf >welt.de/politik/deutschland/article163918666/Zahl-der-tatverdaechtigen-Zuwanderer-steigt-um-52-7-Prozent.html all ze pain, i can't see this anymore.. they need to get out, we're full REEEEE >And if you take into consideration, that most of those Zuwanderern are males in military age... You will need to mop the streets first, Herr Bernd. My infected body is ready
Der ist pro-refugee und mit das Gefährlichste, was es gibt. Typischer cuckboomer.
As it stands it's either Arab + nigger migration with most of the current political figureheads and Merz + AdD wanting Hispanics + Asians. There is no zero-mass-migration party on the table.
>SPD is slowly dying out...but yeah, (((they))) do everything to prevent opposition from even existing Well, not to be cynical, but how do you thing Corona-chan effects GroKo? CDU/CSU and SPD have both eldest voters. And just for the fun, AfD is most popular amond middle age (productive) people. It will be really interesting. If I'd be in Merkelschuhe, I'd be more concerned about my voters. She seems to let people intentionally left for dead, As if someone wills it...
Leo Sanchez
Danke, mir geht's auch recht gut. Alle heulen rum wegen Quarantäne und ich sitze hier auf Arbeit fest...
Kayden Stewart
Haste Dich jetzt eig mal testen lassen?
Bentley Baker
>Söder >Kanzler Nein.
>how do you thing Corona-chan effects GroKo? hmm, if the mortality is high among the CDU and SPD, this could make a difference but on the other hand: >welt.de/politik/deutschland/article163918666/Zahl-der-tatverdaechtigen-Zuwanderer-steigt-um-52-7-Prozent.html the "new germans" who are allowed to vote will probably do so for the watermelons in 2021, which is what scares me even more than riots if greenz get a majority by appeasing to teenage femoids and sandniggers, it's officially over
>ich sitze hier auf Arbeit fest Bissu Lebensmittel?
Moin meine lieben, wie ich sehe gibt es den bergjuden noch heute nicht
Carson Reyes
What happened to Tay, did the aids finally kill her?
Gavin Cox
hey there!
aber wozu denn? ich bin jetzt bald 14 Tage krank und immer noch nicht tot - selbst wenn ich mich beim Arzt melden würde, würde ich vermutlich nicht einmal getestet werden, geschweige denn, eine Behandlung bekommen Darüber hinaus verspüre ich wenig Lust dazu, von der (((Weltgesundheitsorganisation))) auf irgendeine Liste gesetzt zu werden, damit man mich für's Lager abholen kann, oder so ähnlich. Da warte ich doch lieber noch ein wenig, wie die Dinge sich entwickeln
>the "new germans" who are allowed to vote will probably do so for the watermelons in 2021 Well, that may be, but I doubt it. I expect nächste Wahlen to be a tie, nobody will have enough to build gubberment. Then "Sanitärkordon" will be created, but I doubt it will hold, because geenz are too rabbid for anything. Weimar 2.0 soon, you already have leftist attacking people. Add some economical crisis and let it fester for a while. And then, for some reason, people will elect Onkel Dolfi II into power :DD