At the risk of abuse from a fringe group among gun lovers, why on earth would a hunter, say...

At the risk of abuse from a fringe group among gun lovers, why on earth would a hunter, say, need high capacity magazines? It's not like a deer is the enemy and will shoot back while you're reloading! Perhaps, instead of banning these magazines, however, there should be a ban on all private handguns except for use at ranges where they must be kept? I don't know why anybody would need 30 shots in an automatic rifle.... Just saying if you need that you probably also need glasses..

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I for one love Jews.

My Japanese girlfriend thinks guns are cool and she really enjoyed going to the range when we visited America.

Mental health care is not mutually exclusive with firearms ownership.
Anyhow, praise our Zionist overlords.

pls dont corona me


I have been shooting a .22 since I was 10 years old. Target practice & hunting. I went on to have a full military career with many years in the combat arms. I have fired most every weapon available to the IDF over my years of service. Competition shooting of targets was a great hobby.

I have a problem with high capacity magazines. Far too military & in terms of hunting, well if you cannot hit game with the first round or two you are, imo, not much of a hunter. Not much need for any hunting or target practice magazine to hold more than 5 rounds.

>the rest of the American people
You mean New York?

>forgot to use a memeflag.

The laws against high capacity magazines are to help enforce bag limits mainly. They dont apply when hunting nuisance animals like wild hogs

My Japanese girlfriend thinks Japanese should be able to carry guns to but we have something that protects society better than that actually:

Kikes are not allowed to be licensed to practice law here.

>pack of wolves
>groups of armed men looking to kick in your door and tie your family up while they rape your girlfriend in front of you then execute you all for no fucking reason at all.
Overall the founders meant for us to have them to defend against tyranny, both from foreigners and our own government

Same should apply when jews are hunting palestinians, if you can't bag a Pal with 5 rounds you have no business being in the IDF

>I can't imagine the reason for something
>Therefor you can't have it
Is that how it works in the US?

The revolution will be for a fascist government, kike.

>Kikes are not allowed to be licensed to practice law here.
Citation needed.

>You mean New York?
Not for much longer hopefully

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Statistically, gun owners are more likely to shoot themselves or a family member than to use the gun for self defense.

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Which one are you OP. You're probably the goblin right

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Here is your reply.

The point isn't that you can win pitched battles against a professional army with all its ordinance, as a rag-tag citizens' militia with small arms. The point is that you CAN FIGHT. You can bleed them. When they come patrolling through your neighborhood, you might be able to take a couple of them with you. Hell, you might even be able to run away and do it again; they couldn't engage in endless "manhunts" for everyone who resisted them. They'd never feel safe and there could be shooters behind any window.

Of course, they COULD call in the artillery and air-support and level your neighborhood, sure. What would this get them though? Well, it would piss a lot of people off when innocents died and play into the hands of rebels. It would make a lot of the soldiers in that professional military seriously consider whether they were doing the right thing or not. Finally, it would simply kill people, and NO ONE wants to rule a nation of corpses.

The aim of a tyrant is to control, not to kill. What they want is to be able to have militarized police & gestapo point guns at people and cow them into submission to whatever dictates they want to impose. If citizens are instead waiting behind their doors and ready to shoot first when the jackbooted thugs come around, they've already failed.

So, the point is to fight. If you resist, you're not being controlled, and you're also undermining attempts to control others who can't or won't fight. Yes, you might die, of course. However, that's why Patrick Henry said what he famously said, more or less.

"As long as people can resist, they can be free, and tyrants can never succeed." When you're talking about using swords, knives and clubs against modern military weapons though, it ACTUALLY becomes pointless, because you can't bleed them at all. They'll just shoot you with beanbags, rubber, water cannons, microwave guns and other submission devices.

That's why Americans having guns is so important.

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Gas yourself.

Israel should not allow gun ownership to reduce suicide and murder of family members, I agree

Multiple assailants in a self defense situation. Plenty enough reason.

The reason for massive killpower is to kill you, commie.

Statistically blacks are more likely to commit violent crime against whites than the reverse.

see: If you want to protect yourself or your family, keep your home gun free.




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Yes they do. My rights are spelled out in the Constitution, the law of the land, you are specifically prohibited from depriving me of them.

Heres a statistic:

0% of unarmed white people mugged by a nigger defend themselves by shooting their assailant.

>my rights to demand
Yes, you can demand. You're not gonna get it tho.

Hey jew, you with the nigger IQ, school shootings are going down. FUCK THE JEWSA

False. On paper, blacks are convicted of more crimes than whites, but there is no proof this is because they commit more crimes. It has been shown that blacks are targeted more by law enforcement, but there is no proof that they actually commit more crimes.

Wow you have completely changed my mind with these numbers that you just pulled out of your ass with no citation. I think I will take my guns on a boating trip and make sure they suffer an unfortunate accident.

Holy fucking kek

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>a well regulated militia
what did they mean by this?

>Fighting a rebellion Against a theoretical fascist government
Lmao I think you mean for

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I 100% agree. Do you think I could become Jewish?

Come on dude, you have to bait harder than that.

Shut up you fucking jew

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this is why we hate you OP

>”you’ll never need guns to fight off a tyrannical government! Just hand your weapons over to the state!
>”the trump regime is full of nazis! Tyrants who jail children and gas babies at the border! We must protect ourself and our community from this fascist nazi regime!”

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The second amendment isn't about hunting retard. Where in it does it mention game or hunting?
Perhaps the biggest strawman of all time.

what if there's more than one jew though? No, I think I'll keep them just in case you get any ideas again.

In the USA it has NOTHING to do with hunting.
It's to overthrow tyrannical government.
That's why they are allowed to bare arms.
Are you not aware of this?
Or purposely lying?

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

>implying I hunt

>theoretical future
I think you misunderstand.
It's a neoliberal government and it's already here.

Well equipped is what they meant. They didn't want the militia men showing up lacking basic equipment like a rifle.

>let government murder you and your children like they did at Waco

Come here and try to take it yid

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Yes it does, end of conversation faggot. Its not a question. Weve already made our decisions. Go cry more, and get raped by a pack of feral niggers while youre at it because youre afraid of guns.

Keyword here being "well regulated". If you're gonna boast how you're "law abiding gun owners", you can start by following common sense gun control laws.

Strawman meme
Jew trying to police others liberty's
Your the exact kind of entity that makes them need a 30 round mag.

The need homing bullets that find synagogues as well.

>pump kids full of mind altering psychiatric drugs from pre-adolescence
>destroy all sense of community and identity
>force a society where children are raised by strangers and single parents
>alienate entire segments of these same kids when they become young adults
>offer no actual help to people with mental health issues other than more psychiatric drugs, which are always just a crap shoot whether or not they will work as intended or have devastating side effects (suicidal and homicidal ideations)
It's the guns fault!! Ban the guns and white males!!
Fuck you disingenuous kike.
It goes in all fields.

Show accidental gun statistics vs. lives saved by firearm protection. You are a liar and a retard.

Hey schlomo, how about homogeneous neighbourhoods were police don't have your supposed luxury of selection? Black ghettos still have far higher crime rates than comparative whitebread dives. Hell, even rich blacks commit more white collar crime per capita at that level of income.

Israeli jews tend to have a strong disdain for their diaspora. It wouldn't surprise me if OP wanted to see them all get disarmed and killed simply to perpetuate their victim complex.

We'll follow our common sense self defense 2and ammendment rights instead. Eat schmenkricks, jew

a well balanced breakfast, being necessary to the health of an adult, the right to prepare and cook eggs shall not be infringed.

This'll be fun - sage when you reply guise

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You don't know what "well regulated" means if you think it means to restrict what we can own. It means the militia must maintain a certain standard of equipment similar to an Army regular.

People want guns to fight off niggers when shit goes down has nothing to do with fighting off the government sorry

You're lying. The 911 call rate is the same, or exceeds, the arrest rate.
Than means everyone is racist against niggers.

Or else niggers are just the niggers we all know these fucking thieving, murderous, raping niggers are?

>hunting deer with a handgun
>ban high capacity handgun mags except at ranges
>30 rounds is too much with an automatic rifle
Now that fren is some nuanced bait. Top fucking tier. Try it on /k/ yetm

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Whatever, Schlomo.

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Most people on here view their governments as the enemy anyways. This line of argument wont work on people who feel like animals backed into a corner, it's not about public health its about survival at this point. All of these practical questions hardly matter anyways because at the end of the day all progressives will want you to have is debt and the correct views, not guns.

I think you better stick to Hebrew, Indyk. You live in an authoritarian state where 99% of people outside the military can't have a useful gun, and have come to believe it's "for the greater good" that way.
My ancestors didn't agree, and they shot those people. Gun control is just another social construct, and it's totally irrelevant if you think the US system is backwards- we like it that way, fuck off.

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Is it really so hard to accept that some people just like to play with lots of noise and fire? I despise sport hunting, as it is an appalling form of waste and animal abuse, and subsistence hunting, as it is unsustainable. However, I don't go campaigning against hunting, because these things don't affect me and don't adversely affect the stability of society. Likewise, somebody dumping 100 rounds out of a dual drum magazine into a target for giggles isn't affecting anyone except themselves, and nothing except their pocketbook. There are no real fantasies of "fighting a tyranny", as most would like to think we've moved beyond that kind of thing. Only idiots obsess about these ideas, and then fail to understand the full scope of implications wrought by both sides of the argument. These same idiots have stockpiles of hundreds of budget ARs stuffed into cheap safes thinking they're going to grow extra arms (or friends) to fight a government that can't even figure out how to manage a mild flu.

Its really safe to just mind your own business. You are many orders of magnitude more likely to die falling out of bed than you are to some shit-headed Joker wannabe shooting up a crowd using more than 10 rounds at a time.

I am going to smash the windows out of a synagogue tomorrow because of your post. My city's police are not prosecuting vandalism, and a bunch of other minor crimes, until choronachan fucks off so I don't even have to be sneaky about it.

You'd think after 70 years of fighting Palestinians with makeshift and hand-me-down weapons, the kikes would have realized how fucking useless gun control actually is.

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Dress in blackface and steal something shiny such as gold menorahs or whatnot when you do it so the police just assume that it's typical nigger vandalism and not a "hate crime"

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