Why is this country allowed to exist??

Why is this country allowed to exist??

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Because fuck you

best country in the world by far.


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what are you going to do, stop us? Wed like to see you try

The better question is why is YOUR Country allowed to.

You moron, the Jews have already infiltrated every level of American society. In another 2 generations the American will be unrecognizable from our founding fathers' ideals.

I fucking hate Israel.


You are a minority here, faggot.

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this is sweden though


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It's not.

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Israel wouldn't exist if it weren't for the US. You people love to guilt us into slaving away for you even more. The guilt train of bullshit never stops.

OP in the middle

Meme flag

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You use it to ruin the world

Not sure you haven't noticed, but Jews aren't very popular here.

what is the australian anthem?
ah right nobody even knows lol

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To fuck you in the ass kike

trust le plan patriot

It's was an experiment in rampant capitalism. It will end in April, though.

More reason than Israel.

why are jews allowed to exist

wat. how did an abbo get access to Yas Forums?

Step into my Oven and I’ll show you


They have a few good movies

Lowest tier bait, someone paid you 20 cents to post this and over paid by 19 cents

To secure the existence of yours. Your entire existence is reliant on the rest of the world assuming that the will either have to go through us first, or face our wrath after wiping your country off the face of the Earth.

The entire world is in near consensus that Israel should be destroyed. The only thing that keeps them pretending elsewise is the existence of your guard dog.

Are you asking why our milking cow allowed to exist you fucking idiot?!!

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Considering that we supposedly believe in the same God, I sometimes wonder the same thing. Much like a virus, this country has evolved into something vile and grotesque. Deviants proudly flaunt their sins and atrocities and push it on children, and people clap for it like it's a great thing. We deserve judgment and destruction, and it's finally happening. Don't think for a second that you are any better though.

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If you can do better, do better.

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So this parasite can.

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Shut up and ride it, Geppetto.

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Now that we've declared energy independence and actually begun exporting, we're one of the sellers, and of different products than the middle east. Middle east is half overjoyed hallf seething at Europe and we're telling them to nut up or shut up and get circumcised before being forced to praise allah before they get the bullet.

>allowed to exist

> I check flag

> I spy an Israeli flag

> imagine my suprise...
You exist because we pay for your defense, Rabbi. I suggest fucking off.

Why is yours?

The fucking French.

Funny question from an Israeli... Who else is gunna give you free money?

Why do all americans act like edgy satanists? You people are the most vile creatures to ever taint this fine earth.



For everyone to make funny memes about

They dont appreciate everything we do for them. Its time for us to consider a new path.

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More mutt memes

Maybe we should let the Arabs have their way with your country and quit fighting your proxy wars for you.

America is an experiment. The experiment is nearly over.

Why are you lying? If you hadn't cried to us we would have conquered egypt during YKW. Egypt is a shithole country full of ugly brown people like america so obviously you sympathize with them and are utterly afraid of big and scary USSR that you threaten us not to preempt or you'll cut supplies like the little bitch that you are.

USS Liberty. What a filthy kike trick, murdering our sailors hoping to frame Egypt. And yet we forgave you, we continued to support you with billions of dollars and protect you with our military like parents of a spoiled adult child. I hope your reckoning comes soon.

I could ask you the same thing, Israel

Because your government needs it

Don't you the Russians ever have criticisms towards the Russian Government/Kremlin? I'm sure guys got some conspiracy theories and interesting things going on over there.

Open borders for you Saul! Also stop trying to rename Palistine shithead!

at least were a real country.

>full of ugly brown people like america
Which is literally the fault of kikes.

Oh hi Israel. I love you, you're our greatest ally :D

because they are your servants Moishe, stop being coy

Israel shouldn't fucking exist at all. I don't give a shit about historical right or whatever bullshit you put forward. Your entire people should be wiped of the world

A goy farm between Canada and Mexico that eats works and fucks to fund a safe haven strip of land in a desert for dying crooks and pedophiles.

You say that as if there is some kind of ultimate world authority who chooses which countries continue to exist and how... wait a minute