COVID19 : Conspiracy theory #1

Looks So Logical....
After all Chinese Stock Market didn't crash....
American and European Markets did....

Destroy other markets and be ready to capture them in every way

How to dominate the world quickly?


1. Create a virus and the antidote.

2. Spread the virus.

3. A demonstration of efficiency, building hospitals in a few days. After all, you were already prepared, with the projects, ordering the equipment, hiring the labor, the water and sewage network, the prefabricated building materials and stocked in an impressive volume.

4. Cause chaos in the world, starting with Europe.

5. Quickly plaster the economy of dozens of countries.

6. Stop production lines in factories in other countries.

7. Cause stock markets to fall and buy companies at a bargain price.

8. Quickly control the epidemic in your country. After all, you were already prepared.

9. Lower the price of commodities, including the price of oil you buy on a large scale.

10. Get back to producing quickly while the world is at a standstill. Buy what you negotiated cheaply in the crisis and sell more expensive what is lacking in countries that have paralyzed their industries.

After all, you read more Confucius than Karl Marx.

PS: Before laughing, read the book by Chinese colonels Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, from 1999, “Unrestricted Warfare: China’s master plan to destroy America”, on Amazon, then we talk. It's all there.

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Worth pondering..
Just Think about this...

How come Russia & North Korea are totally free of Covid- 19? Because they are staunch ally of China. On the other hand South Korea / United Kingdom / Italy / Spain and Asia are severely hit. How come Wuhan is suddenly free from the deadly virus?

THE MOST POWERFUL country in the world. So use the cripple the economy and paralyse the nation and its Defense capabilities. I'm sure Nancy Pelosi got a part in this. . to topple Trump. Lately President Trump was always telling of how GREAT American economy was improving in all fronts. The only way to destroy his vision of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is to create an economic havoc. Nancy Pelosi was unable to bring down Trump thru impeachment. work along with China to destroy Trump by releasing a virus. Wuhan,s epidemic was a showcase. At the peak of the virus epidemic. ..

China's President Xi Jinping...just wore a simple RM1 facemask to visit those effected areas. As President he should be covered from head to toe.....but it was not the case. He was already injected to resist any harm from the virus....that means a cure was already in place before the virus was released.

Some may ask....Bill Gates already predicted the outbreak in the chinese agenda cannot be true. The answer is. ..YES...Bill Gates did predict. .but that prediction is based on a genuine virus outbreak. Now China is also telling that the virus was predicted well in advance. that its agenda would play along well to match that prediction. China,s vision is to control the World economy by buying up stocks now from countries facing the brink of severe ECONOMIC COLLAPSE. Later China will announce that their Medical Researchers have found a cure to destroy the virus. Now China have other countries stocks in their arsenal and these countries will soon be slave to their master...CHINA.

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Just Think about it..
The Doctor Who declared this virus was also Silenced by the Chinese Authorities.

I think you're giving China more credit than it deserves

China wouldn't be successful without the guiding hands of the (((globalists)))

based OP, same thought. watch as they will rise from the ashes in the coming weeks.

>Lately President Trump was always telling of how GREAT American economy was improving in all fronts. The only way to destroy his vision of making AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is to create an economic havoc.

you are right about this, but the REASON behind making 'america great again' is completing the investigative effort into sentencing the (((globalists))) for crimes against humanity

This is about American patriots vs the Globalists, China is just a pawn in all of this

There's a lot of bark about China, but it will always be on the end of the (((globalists))) leash

Before maybe. But now China is much stronger.

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What about Iran? They are friendly to China but were hit hard

it's possible they get hit this hard by the flu every year.

Bro do you think the world will forget this when it's all over? China is going to get assfucked for the next 20 years. Literally everyone will hate them.

A few weeks ago it was the US that made the virus, but now its China?
And now people like David Hogg are calling out the CCP as being evil?
Left and Right attacking the CCP?
Sounds like the narrative is changing to ultimately have a conscious "CCP GOVERNMENT is bad" and the US will try and destory it.
Remember: Iran calls us the Great Satan, not because we are evil devil people, but because whenever a country makes a deal with the United States, it will eventually call for a massive amount of dept to collect.
If debt cannot be paid, souls will be a nice replacement.

pretty much in agreement with everything your saying
>How come Wuhan is suddenly free from the deadly virus?
CCP control the media more than kikes do at this point

Chinese markets have recovered to levels they were July last year.

It's pretty clear who are the winners and losers here.

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Interesting. Source?

Why is the image of Xi shopped?


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>China’s growing investment in bio-science, looser ethics around gene-editing and other cutting-edge technology and integration between government and academia raise the spectre of such pathogens being weaponized, he said.

>That could mean an offensive agent, or a modified germ let loose by proxies, for which only China has the treatment or vaccine, said Giordano, co-head of Georgetown’s Brain Science and Global Law and Policy Program.

>This is not warfare, per se,” he said. “But what it’s doing is leveraging the capability to act as global saviour, which then creates various levels of macro and micro economic and bio-power dependencies.”

Very likely true.
she posted the other pic in a different tweet

Nvm, I see it now.

Not surprising.
It's estimated the CCP has at least 10,000 Chinese posting propaganda at any point in time.

So if I read this right, China is going to swoop in last minute, and be the Wests saviour?

Nobody other than shills said the US made it. This was obviously China, has been since the start.

She's a feminist activist of some rice religion now living in Australia. Why should I think she is telling the truth?

not in terms of people. extrapolate

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Yes. Look at what they're doing in Italy (for one example). They've undermined US influence, now they're "helping" countries to build their own.

What better then a virus to whip up more anti u.s sentiment in iran after the whole soleimani air strikes.

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try harder

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Also who cares if CCP has internet shills. They should. Every government should. Doesn't mean I am one. I posted objective information. Look at Shanghai stock market compared to US or Australia. Barely budged. How do they do it?

And risk a civil war within China to remove Xi? He's already lost face hugely world wide.

We're their biggest market and now even our normies are racist. They're fucked. Made in America just got ten feet taller.

Wouldn't surprise me, but I'm hoping you're wrong

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go away CCP shill. Chinas stock market is manipulated as much as every stock market is.


This was from a thread a few days ago

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>staunch ally of china
lol how clueless are you? can't believe I was starting to take this seriously

Alright so how come China's hasn't moved? Lost a bit of money on the Nasdaq recently did you? Even it is fake people who had money in Chinese stocks are sitting tight. I'd rally be 'fake' rich here too

Because China bans short selling.

Just like you can never truly own land in China you never truly own the stock hence its lack of value as a tradeable item.

>7. Cause stock markets to fall and buy companies at a bargain price.
This is where this theory doesn't make any sense, property is regulated by the government, if western governments realize they are in danger, they can nationalize everything the chinks buy and then either sell it back to their people or keep it as national enterprises

I completely believe this is exactly what happened honestly.

Youd have to be retarded to believe this.

The Chinese released the xirus

WW3 is happening & plebs don't know it yet.

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>implying it wasnt (((them)))

see the virus smuggling by canadians to chinese labs

>Because China bans short selling.
Based. Other markets should copy them

No. Its a terrible system that forces people to burn along with their savings in the event of economic trouble. Like buying a car without a steering wheel.

You cant even own land in China as a Chinese citizen. You literally have to rent a plot of land with permission from the government. Everyone rags on capitalist landlords, meanwhile the CCP is the sole landlord of over 1.4 billion people.

absolutely based

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>forces people to burn along with their savings
You mean what is happening right now everywhere else? "Just hold on" they say. lmao

adding more

after all this ends, an mega international body for regulations of all matters will be shilled by our politics

changing the rules of the game in (((his))) favor

Why would they spread the virus in their country first though? That's stupid.

>Just hold
>Hold on or well seize your assets and you'll never be allowed to own a home or take out a loan again, serf.

The west holds its laws in higher power (most of the time) than the people who follow them. In China the law is the word of the party and don't think for a second that party has any interest other than bolstering its power.

Stop being a useful idiot. You're smarter than that.

Your vision of the world is very cloudy. There are just as many scams in finance in the West. At the end of the day, everyone who invests in Alibaba still has their money.

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Do they though? What's stopping China from turning around right now and saying "Alibaba is ours now"? It wouldn't be the first time.

Your entire world view relies on the fact that the CCP is a benevolent entity with your best interests at stake. Very naive.

It's fucking rediculous. I've spoken with defense people in New Zealand and Australia who straight up told me that they know who and where all the Chinese spies/combatants are in their country and they could realistically exorcise them in one night if they had the chance. I'm sure its similar in the US. But that will never happen because for the strength of western military power it's useless without permission from the political end. And the political end loves the kickbacks and boons it receives from China and will continue to grow fat off of them until its too late to undo the damage.

>property is regulated by the government
other than in the US which has some (very selective) bans on doing any business with specific chinese companies, the rest of the world [including canada] allow chinese co.s to buy up to a 100% stake in a company if there is no other bidder.
>if western governments realize they are in danger
western citizens realize they are in danger. western governments are more or less complicit. see: italian government promoting hug a sick chink month back in feb
>they can nationalize everything
american co.s use capitalism to their advantage until it is time for bailout due to their highly leveraged gambling. they know the government must intervene because their business (like airliners) are essential to sustaining a functional modern society. however, they do not want the government to ever have a stake in the company (see: boeing CEO)