This is now a clubhouse for all the alphacucks who are outside the salary range for $1200 gibs

This is now a clubhouse for all the alphacucks who are outside the salary range for $1200 gibs.

Been having fun picking up some good stocks?

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I'm in both ranges baby

Can you say 15 dollar premiums on my options this month??


Only good ones were made 2001-2002.

fuk u niger

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How did you feel when you realized how short life is and that you're going to die soon?

I loaded up on Boeing at $95

Yeah I'm sure an S4 from 19 years ago is a better buy than just getting a new one.

You have any open contracts? I decided to buy into some retards shilling PLAY at $4 and it's been hugely profitable so far. I have a one month holding period because of work so I can't just take the profits yet so I hope this piece of shit has some steam in it for the next few weeks.

I don't know the idea of death is kind of exciting. I mean I'm in no rush at all but it's not something I ever thinking about.

Nice good pick, iirc that's been the bottom so far assuming quarterly earnings are accurately priced in but I think we're on the rebound. just wow

enjoy the zero gravity experience m8

Air travel is fucking over buddy. Even when this corona season is over, ain't no one getting inside those flying Petri dishes

You bought a turd m8

it’s never going to be over. it’s going to come in waves forever.. there’s no stopping this. life is forever changed

bought a lot of bitcoin this week

death is easier to face when you've actually done something with your life.

proof you bought well.

Boeing will never be over - it's basically a national firm.

How do you know? Are you dying?

any other hot tips?

Have you ever driven anything over 125 hp lol the S4 is the most fun I've ever had in a vehicle

The best part is two months from now when no one gives a shit about quarantine anymore because it's summer and everyone wants to get the fuck outside and this increases tenfold

Yeah my gut tells me to sell off on Friday since Mondays have been brutal but I actually think Boeing is on the up and up.
People will start flying again because flights are cheap as shit and then everyone will start flying because everyone else is flying. Everyone will forget about the 737 and Boeing will go right back to stock buybacks and they'll be $350+ EOY

unironically drive a shitbox miata for a summer and you'll experience more fun in a car with 125hp than anything with even 4x that horsepower amount

bitches love cute convertibles btw

Personally I'm building a dividend portfolio (PRU, EPR, ABR, PLAY (but play dividend is just meh). I have restrictions on what I'm allowed to do but I don't need to ask for pre-approval for DRIP investments so it's just easier on my end.

A fool and his money
Enjoy the ride boys

we're all dying, jacko. face it now or face it when it's at your door.

A girl will never pick a shitbox Miata even over a piece of shit A3

Not as of today.

I used to fuck with DandBs when they were in the 40 buck range. Did well with them. PZZA has been consistently good for me. I did AMD a lot from 12 on but stopped when they hit 30.

I'm dumping money in Exxon but I don't think they'll come back as fast because they have OPEC to deal with. But if 2015/16 showed us anything, they already overcame this and fracking is a silver bullet.
I'm enjoying my ~80% return

only virgins think girls give a shit about cars beyond colors and how it vaguely looks

I want petroleum but I'm still scared shitless of it.

You're literally the one who brought it up retard lol

I suppose if it gives back you can always sell before triple witching but I think you're pretty in the green right now

But I doubt you didn't do anything to face it, that's my point. What did you do?

>Driving a 2.0L turbo 4

Might as well be in a Hyundai. Get more cylinders nigger

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I went back into BAC 2 days ago after selling a few months back at 30.

I have a history in oil and gas and aerospace so I'm pretty comfortable with them and they're obviously biasing my investment strategy. I can see how O&G is scary because it has been a wild ride since 2015.

I had a 93 mr2 turbo t top when I was 19. I loved that thing.

It's a 3.0L V6 turbo??

My pops just got absolutely nuked on OXY so I guess that's why I'm shook a bit. I mean you only lose if you sell but man that's a bit of recovering to do.

My mom married rich and I'm looking at about 1-2million when they die. Probably within the next 10 years

Never worked a day in my life

Fucked 30 some tinderellas so far and all I do is smoke weed and play video games

NET is holding up well.

Oxy was great almost a year ago to the day.

miatas are fun nigger just whip one

nothing more entertaining than doing drifting every intersection top down spring day ripping through gears like its a race car because it's such a low powered shitbox you're not doing 100mph in 2 seconds before you have to slam on the brakes because some dumb boomer in a tahoe pulled out without looking


have fun with your oil leaks and trying to sell that shitbox after it loses 90% of it's value

I drive a Hyundai and buy only S&P 500.
Yes I have a Norwood 4 bald spot.

your life is terrible. i hope you notice this for yourself before you waste too many years.

Genuinely curious have you ever worked a day in your life? That's a good inheritance but it's not enough to survive on your entire life unless you move to like Mobile, Alabama and do nothing ever.

I don't doubt they're fun at all, wouldn't lose my mind worrying if it was getting door dinged all the time either.

Oh yeah like I'm gonna run out to the garage at 2am

Geez why did this recover 50% better than it's 1 year average?

Ok thanks I'm worried sick.

That ain't rich, nigga.

Bought a bunch of TSLA at $400.


>its another thread where OP brags about his leased $40,000 BMW/mercedes/audi

>Get more cylinders nigger
Thank you for saying what I was thinking. I myself drive a V12 Twin Turbo. 4.6 o-60 mph. Mercedes. I'm also bidding for POTUS46, I need a fast car, I have things to do, places to go.

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the mercedes S class.

only driven by chads like kim jong un, saddam, and based wayne.

>when you've actual done something with your life
And what exactly have you done, retard? Cause you made more that 75k you think your life is respectable? America is a fucking joke and so are you.

She's real fun. 2004, has everything except distronic, rear window door shades and xm stereo.

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Bunch of pennies i’ve been following for a while that are all suddenly doing well lol.

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>buying vag

Lexus master race

>only driven by chads like kim jong un, saddam, and based wayne.

Thanks user, if you're ever in Santa Rosa, we can meet for taco's at my favorite place and if you're not nuts, I'm happy to let others drive my car. It's note like you're sleeping with my girlfriend, it's pretty close.

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lambdog posts a real pic, OP posts a pic he found on the net
lambdog confirmed real nigger

>Lexus master race
More like.
Lexus masturbator race

How's my Boomer mustach coming.

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>lambdog confirmed real nigger
I'm a real Sean King.

This is River road

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fixed it.

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Steven King killed John Lenin for the Russians

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just barely over but i dont get 1200. looking at bank stocks trying to decide who will do best with their bailbucks. considering biotech too but idk anything about it. im just an accountant.

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Yeah right ausfag whenever you're old enough to even be allowed to drive a turbo car in that shithole you're invited back.


Wtf is this list lol I went through the list and half of them dumped from $600 to 25 cents

no stop you dont mean that

This looks like hot crowded gamer garbage. My ford has the same buttons but doesn't look like a fucking R.A.T. 7

Looking at buying some long term LEAPS in the 5G sector. I'm very bullish on these.