ITT: Realistic predictions no hysteria

Trump wants things re-opened by Easter. What is going to happen? I'm slightly scared

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People will be slightly less obese.

fat, unhealthy boomers will die and the rest of us healthy chads will go back to work

People are already getting really bored of this shit and settling back into normalcy. Easter is a good bet, maybe even a week early.

NYC will remain cucked for the rest of the year, though.

The damage is already done. Both from a virus stand point as well as economically.

By Easter the virus will have ran its course because people are retarded and can't stay inside.

So hypothetically the fed could give elites credit cards which pay themselves off every month via off-the-books money-printing in software?
How could such a thing be detected? Aside from the cultural rot of course.

How will things change post covid?

what do the doctors say to do. idk I haven't been paying attention. I'm full on cumbrain at this point

Obviously communists will want to delay things.
Just a few more weeks and we'll see if we can re-open things... just a few more weeks after that...a few more weeks and it will be all better, you'll see.

Nah bro the virus is just getting started.
We have at least 6 months of this.

The moment everything is reopened the virus will spread freely. There is no possible scenario where it doesnt spread to anyone who goes outside. Millions of dead old fat diabetics. Literally no scenario where this does not happen

It's going to make the spanish flu look like allergies

12 more oldies die than would have if we stay quarantined. Economy still tanks because that’s the plan.

Shit already hit the fan for you guys. You're already well on your way to the single worst outbreak in the world. Might even break H1N1's record before May. So Trump has little choice: a lockdown will have people suffocating inside their homes regardless, but I'd still say it's the best choice. A HARD lockdown mind you. But then again Americans are causing this to begin with by insisting on their individuality. I wouldn't want to be a Washington agent right now.

In a couple months I wont be able to reply to you. Because you will be dead, I will be dead or there will be no internet.

I said no hysteria

That is what I meant. It's already too late. Good luck fellow shitposters.

Honestly looks like New York is FUCKED

I'm not hysterical.

bruh, who the fuck cares about the election? by next week, Trump will be running unopposed. His approval rating on the virus shit is the highest of his entire presidency. He's getting more votes in runaway primaries than the entire voting base for the Dem candidates.
He won, you can chill.

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Very roughly:
> Stimulus will do nothing, as most of that money will be spent on rent and groceries (in other words: down the toilet).
> Everything stays closed because "COVID just suddenly got worse for us". Sporting goods stores stay closed - no more new guns or ammo
> Hyperinflation raises the price of 12 eggs to $75
> Unrest develops among the unemployed, because $1k is now a literal a joke in the new economy
> No small or mid-sized businesses can afford to re-hire anyone, everyone stays unemployed
> Chaos slowly erupts in large population centers, where the now lightly-armed and unemployed seek subsistence
> Martial law is declared across the nation and all arms are confiscated
> Private property is seized without any public resistance due to "landlord hate", and a communist-style assigned cohabitation policy is adopted
> A new blockchain-based currency is introduced for the whole world to share. All debts are forgiven as a part of the platform, so this is accepted without resistance as well.
> Everyone is required to be registered in a centralized system with a UUID associated with their account information, which includes their purchase history with the new currency.
> Outsiders are silently un-personed through starvation or "homicide".
> Thought police becomes a thing.
20 years later:
> Latency from processing additions the ledger of the blockchain-based currency is so great that transaction time affects the value of a commodity.
> The average IQ compared to 20 years prior is about 75. Competent software engineers do not exist, and none alive can explain why transactions are taking ever longer.
> Mathematics has become a lost art. Application of logic to solve any problem is treated as a sacrilege in any non-secular setting.
1000 years later:
> The Human race has completed its contribution to the great cosmic silence.

NYC and other hotspots will be in permanent lockdown. Non-affected places will open for biz. If you haven't gotten out of hotspot cities you're delusional as fuck.

I didn't believe it but now I do

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dun worry guy it's k

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according to what I know:
Trump called bullshit, then flopped
Third world country Bolsonaro doubled down that corona is absolute shit.

memo Trump that a turdworld leader has bigger balls than he does and I bet he lets the cat out of the bag
>US creation cause muh petrodollar
>Gates and Clintons

The US will kill us all and blame Jackie Chan

We've been saying this shit for decades, time to put our money where our mouth is. Let's just open everything up but NYC and Commiefornia and just let the virus take its course.

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a second hitler would rise to power before that

>Realistic predictions
In 150 days we might all be infected

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I don't think you realize what's happened with the whole gun rights situation. This reversed the whole fucking thing. My state got so many fucking calls, that the governor reversed his decision, and declared gun retailers as not just essential, but critical fucking infrastructure.
think about that. powerplants. garbage service. hospitals. food. and guns.
even in the liberal shitholes, every flabby armed, estrogen pumped little commie fuckwit lined up around the block to buy a gat.

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3 Million Hospitalizations occur in the US as a result of MVC's every year. Around 2% of those result in Inpatient/ICU level care

There's around 40,000 Fatalities related to MVC's in the US anually. Around 9% of those are kids under 18.

Roughly 10 Teens die across America everyday as a result of MVC's.

Why isn't the media screaming that we need to shut down everything because of Car accidents?

As an actuarial professional that deals in risk calculation daily I absolutely am going insane sitting here watching people lap up the absolute panic the media is driving you all into. You are basically being tricked by media jews into begging for authoritarian communism.

tl:dr: Yes, it's a bit worse for old people than the flu, but the media is playing you to trash your society and economy at the behest of their chink commie overlords.

If you have any doubt, simply ask yourself why it's only memeflags hyping the fatality rates...

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>In 150 days we might all be infected
We are already infected. It was a perfect time capsule virus. You have to admire the ingenuity of it. It's not the first time. It's a repeat of history yet again. See you on the other side.

12,000 emplanements a day between the US and China up until mid February. First cases in Wuhan were around Halloween. A few thousand people a day from Hubei arrived in the US.

You do the math.

This thing has been burning through the world since Christmas, chances are, large swaths of the population already had a mild case.

We're looking at far potentially more than 40,000 fatalities

Rural areas will carry on as normal in a few weeks, cities like NYC are boned. A few cucked liberal governors will keep entire states shut down because 95% of the states cases are in the state's major cities.

Eventually the truth will slip out this is mostly affecting minorites because of their sanitization standards, and obese people. I think the reason why the media isn't clucking over confirmed cases and showing off people with it is because they're all obviously unhealthy or not white.

Corona is going to affect non whites the most. Non whites usually live in overcrowded homes or apartments, have poor health and sanitation standards, won't listen to Trump's government at all about warnings or stay at home, etc. You already have Muslims in UK crying Muslims are being disproportionately affected. Do not be afraid. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones. About brown people and unsanitary conditions. If you're in a city, hunker down hard and ride it out.

Maybe if you assume it's different than every single other coronavirus and shows no seasonality and we fail to develop any therapeutics over the next few weeks...

I was definitely among the people who were initially concerned over it, i prepped.

But now that more testing is being done and more accurate numbers are being calculated, IMHO it would probably be okay for most people (outside of a few sections of NYC and the Nursing Home Populations) to go back to normal life at this point.


Im hoping that a quarter of the population in America gets wiped by the end of this

I think the internet will stay turned on, but it will just be bots talking to each other.

I got a prediction for a decade from now or shorter. Tensions between the US and China will continue to rise. Commies in academia and research fields will be exposed but at a significant cost. We might actually live to see a world war 3 but not with nukes. Also bio weapon release will become more common until were all forced to be randomly screened and have our blood constantly monitored

if this was the case, wouldn't we already have seen a massive surge in pneumonia-like deaths in the past weeks/months?

It’s gonna get real bad fast and that subject will, be dropped. He should keep his mouth shut until he knows what we will actually do.

3000 years from now,
when all our bones are dust.
Alien life will visit earth and the only trace of the once great civilisation is 2 bots on Yas Forums calling each other nigger.

kek, nigger

The storm is upon us

millions dead

Well, if all the niggers who are now spreading this as fast as fucking possible would just stay the fuck inside for 10 days, we could get through this fast, but of course, nigs gon nig and are rapidly moving this shit in a new direction because they're fucking animals with poor hygiene and no consideration for anyone but themselves.

Doctors say this shit will last a year at the least May come in waves, next being in the fall. and april will be the peak.

Florida started to climb rapidly as well.

every liberal shithole city will be a wreck for at least a couple years.

Double checked

Interesting statistic, Corona virus really only copies your risk of dying in that year.
So if you're young and fit you have no worries, if you have a condition were you have a 50% chance of dying in a year you have a 50%
of dying of corona,
so really all that happens is people likely to die this year are likely to die of corona, so no real increase of death
2,813,503 [normal number of deaths in the us a year]
however all these deaths in a short space of time things might get strained.
'BUT BUT BUT' the thing is this is happening in a very short period of time and it is pushing hospital beds and ICU so extra people may die from other world events due to the lack of resources.

Economically fuck nose.

Probably total economic collapse. unless we can accept that boomers at work will occasionally get the coof and die like it's no big deal.

no just retarded.

How does he keep growing stronger!?

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Christ will stop his shitposting and bring us to the new world

I can't believe this still has to be explained.
The danger of covid-19 isn't its raw death rate under ideal hospital availability. The virus is far more infectious than the seasonal flu. Without taking the current precautions proposed, this virus could, and this is not an exaggeration, get nearly everyone in this country sick at the same time. When you have millions of people needing hospitalization at once, hospitals literally do not have the room or supplies to treat everyone. Deaths that could've been prevented under better condition start happening. People who aren't sick with covid-19 but still need hospitalization for other illnesses or injuries start dying. Hospital workers inevitably start getting sick; hospitals, already overwhelmed with patients, become understaffed. The death rate snowballs further.
Anyone who keeps pushing this meme that it's "just a flu" and should be treated like such, I unironically hope you get it and I hope the last thing you see before choking for your last breath is the news on the hospital room TV reporting how well the DOW did that day.

We’re fucked until a vaccine happens.

Vaccine isn't possible, it's related to the common cold and nobody has ever made a vaccine for that even though it's been around forever.

>I can't believe this still has to be explained.
Really on Yas Forums, peak autist bot fed echo chamber, oh and nigger.

The common cold is a catch-all for a innumerable strains of vaguely related and frequently mutating viruses that have similar symptoms.
Covid-19 only has a handful of closely-related strains.
Take your meds.

>Vaccine isn't possible, it's related to the common cold and nobody has ever made a vaccine for that even though it's been around forever.
lol, china has killed us all.
>pic related is me rn
I always thought I'd die, either through suicide or something, around my 23rd birthday. Now I know it's really likely.
You healthy guys better scalp a CCP party member, just for me okay?

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