The US is now on pace to have the worst coronavirus outbreak anywhere

The US is now on pace to have the worst coronavirus outbreak anywhere.

Great job in dragging your feet on this Trumpfags. The death of 90% of these Americans was completely avoidable but unfortunately our president is retarded.

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It's pretty embarassing how nothing burger fags are trying to downplay the coronavirus when it's just a few months old. It's literally just a baby. A cute little baby virus.

1488 checked

Consider that liberals were going around telling everyone that they didn't need a mask...

Yet we have less deaths than nearly any country. I wonder why that is?

>3rd largest population in the world has lots of cases because they're not lying like China

>T. Retard who dropped out before high school

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>implying killing off the old, fat, and HIV infected is a bad thing
All according to plan

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Urban retards hardest hit. We’re good. How you Rats gonna win an election when 3% of LA, New ORleans, NYC, Chicago, etc. are all dead? Oh, that’s read. Democrats vote for decades after they’re dead. Not this time.

it's because americans are fucking disgusting, unhealthy pigs with all sorts of preconditions. our country will be left stronger without these tubby fucks.

Oh say can you shart

But you're wrong.
Are you a time traveler from January? The happening has largely been cancelled now that we've figured out that the doomsday models are completely bogus.

Where is the check??

Huge space in hospital + most ICU patients take 8-10 days to recover or die
Of course that all changes once hospitals are Italy tier crowded, which WILL happen
Hell we're going to have a mass exodus of Jew York infecting the rest of the nation soon

You can't compare the US to China, since China probably started this whole thing with 1-7 patient zeroes. The US was "lucky" enough to have an open border with China and received literally thousands of Chinks, hundreds to thousands who were sick
So fuck you, and your poor understanding.

what else do you expect from a melting pot :))))

>completely avoidable
because they already have a working cure but you retarded liberal faggots keep trying to hide it

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I live in a big east coast city. I'll give you one guess who isn't practicing 'social distancing'. Once again, America is this way because of niggers.

NYC should have been locked down, forcibly, 4 days ago, at the latest.
At the least, nobody should be getting on or off the island, and nobody should be leaving to go upstate.

>be American
>get corona

What kind of retard doesn't know China had MILLIONS of cases?

The "cure" that gives blindness and heart attack as common side effect? And only 1 successful case study with 4-5 failed ones? Ya no thanks, keep thinking I'm a liberal tho I guess migatard

THis statement assumes that this kills anyone under 50 with regularity. If this is just gonna knock off old people, then fuck it, let's get back to work.

I assure you that NYC's health experts totally didn't fuck up..

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>durr hurr hurr
>where mai trumpbux at

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The blindness is for long-term use with suppressing malaria. It shouldn't do that during short term use. The DRACO thing would actually cure this.


Exactly, the worst part is if America declares a shutdown in Jew York, they will give ample warning which will cause more people to flee sort of like northern Italy
You basically need to shutdown travel from the state before announcing it, which good fucking luck with Americans hubris of muh freedoms

DiS iS DrUmPfS fAuLt!

KYS cuckold

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I can't believe how low India's is, I thought this would wipe them out

>A country of 300 million has more cases than Italy
wow, you don't say
Our ICU beds per capita blows out the EU

Number 1

Too bad cold and flu season is almost over, retard.

On average it takes 20 days from infection to death burger. Imagine all the happenings in a couple of weeks, when all the idiotburgers that congregated at Walmart to buy 29038201 rolls of TP last week, will start hitting the hospitals.

you'd need to shut down airports and blockade interstate entrances in the tristate (CT/NY/NJ) area

Theory is with India and it's caste system, anyone that isn't in the upper echelons will just be tossed into the loo

it took 23 days since first confirmed case to first death here mutt

We were at about 100 dead a week ago.

We are now at 1,000+ dead.

We will be at 5,000+ dead next week.

At 10,000+ the week after that.

But keep posting frog memes on the internet.

Governor Cuomo and his team literally told people leaving NYC to ignore the WH instructions to self-quarantine for two weeks.
And now I find that their fucking Health Commissioner was telling people to catch Chink Flu in DimSum joints?
Fucking hell, bomb the bridges, crater the runways, shoot down helicopters, and keep these faggots from leaving, until it's under control.

Are you retarded? We're looking at the rate of infection, not the total number of infected.

That's a-bingo

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Our old fat boomers already living in prescription drugs and obesity are not a factor. Totally.

But who are the dead?

your mother, father and grandparents

we're fucked, bros........

Again absolutely, but think of muh economy, think how racist that would be. We American, you can't stop me from flying to Alabama to coof in rural towns, bigot

China is number one, they are obviously hiding how much is going on since being the originator of a global pandemic isn't good for its image and its attempt to ching chong the world.

>not understanding exponential growth and 10-20% needing hospital beds
but flu number bigger number than corona number

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Eat shit you leftist faggot shill

It's still early, I have hope

COVID-19 is spreading in Florida, Texas, and California despite the warm weather.

They spiked the TP with covid?!!

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They're mostly already dead, and to be honest, I love those left alive, but they're likely to go down the road of alzheimers, and that's some merciless shit.

That's because it's not hot. It takes high temps. It's only warm, perfect for this shit.

No ... do you recall shoppers social distancing? Cause from all the video I 've seen, you fuckers were busy infecting each other.

Oh, yeah. That's why the flu isn't a recurring thing, because it doesn't make it through summer. Silly of me.

you really love that bonus huh shareblue shill? Is it really worth it when dotr come to pass for that 50 cents?

I think we'll be fine. You guys might have a problem though

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The more dead, the better :^)

Oh no a few thousand very old people will die. Taking a cursory glance at the statistics of who has actually died from this exposes how much of an overblown hysteria this is.

It’s some sort of kike gay-op to grab more control of the economy, that seems rather obvious to me.

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>China just stopped reporting cases over a week ago.
>Normies actually believe it.

The Chinks might as well come in and conquer us.

Pic related is how I will feel when my mom is finally infected thanks to faggots too good to wear a mask for 3 weeks

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but what happens when they run out of loo space

Considering the size of our country and pop count we're doing phenomenal. What's wrong fag? Still upset evil America cant be blamed for the viruse?

>muh ACE II receptors

>It's been 80 degrees in those states last few days
Fucking kill yourself for still holding onto the muh weather meme

I see. You’re relying on wishful thinking. Got ya.

Poo in it.jpg
Joking aside I have no idea how India will play out, maybe they'll take the Iran route and mass grave the "unclean"

nigger it's in fucking Australia and Africa. kill yourself

People who died from the shock of a fake virus shouldn’t be mourned anyway.
Imagine succumbing to something that doesn’t exist because your sympathetic nervous system cucked itself. Just shows you how sensitive people are.

yeah but it's still winter there

death rate is not 90% shill cope harder.

Everyone eventually die one day. You won't destroy the most powerful empire on eath for a bunch of people. How many people die in vietnam for nothing ? What's the price of the USA ? Buy a ventilator and some chloroquine, if that doesn't work, there's no cure, people will die no matter what. The sooner the better.