What did they do to you Tarrant

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In a perfect world, death by a thousand cuts.

looks like they've starved him.

that's reserved for communists

after 1 year away from Yas Forums he realized how much of a dick he was

he should have just said it was a fucking joke

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Hope you’re ready lads!

Subscribe to PewDiePie

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Was he put into solitary confinement? Prob went crazy with his own thoughts and broke.

I think the fbi got to him first. breaking911.com/breaking-fbi-agents-kill-domestic-terror-suspect-who-was-planning-mass-casualty-attack-due-to-covid-19/

General Population.

Raped daily by big Maoris benis


Probably not since he smirked when the read out the name of the convert.

>that face you make when you realize you threw away your entire life over an edgy meme

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bruh whats work

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He's in max security. Small cell for 23 hours per day. Not allowed internet access. His mail is filtered for memefags. Not even allowed to read any news articles about himself.
Faggot thought he was in Norway

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He'd have pled not guilty if he weren't still proud.

Think he gets bullied in prison?

No, firstly because he is in solitary confinement and secondly because he's far more muscular than most criminals.

To be fair, Brevik was able to go about his plans of trolling the court system but that is probably due to Norwegian prison being comfy. I do not know much about Kiwi prison but I imagine it’s not like Norwegian prison.

1 year down, only the rest of his life to go.
next he will convert to Islam

What’s the average kiwi prisoners physique?

Yeah when he went in he was. Look how sickly he looks now. He's emaciated

hows he gonna do that?

He's solitary but parry is no joke. There's some fucking animals in there

Imagine during his verdict hearing he makes a final statement saying he converted to Islam.

he would have had a better chance pleading insanity

Is it cause of the Maoris? I imagine that’s your guys equivalent to niggers.

>his smile
>his optimism

I guess they can take your smile after all

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He might not be eating much, prison food tends to be slop. But yeah they could be.

why are these guys always so dumb?

He was probably a big steroid abuser and now he doesn't have access and he's suffering from low T he will waste away

Kek. I always hated that meme.


I'm waiting.

It's all theater. He is neither in prison nor even in New Zealand. He is back in Tel Aviv awaiting further orders.

>Agents attempted to arrest Wilson when he tried to pick up what he thought was a truck bomb.
I imagine he was some newfag who believed there was a secret Yas Forums discord.

He isn't sad, its just the lighting and the angle, he smirks when they read out the name of an Islamic convert.

what a fucking idiot

I forget who but one of the faces had a photoshopped smile.

Yeah why did he pick NZ over a Scandi country?

Nigga looks like an ayy.

So what? Its just a meme. It was Brenton Tarrant's face which had been filtered so he was smiling, he doesn't smile in the livestream.


So close to Akerlund.

Kek imagine actually believing this.

Everything from skinny to fat to body builder. Same as yours.
Most of maoris and Islanders are built like a rock before they hit 40's

maybe cause his plane would have been blown up

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Just a prank!

>incel blames cuck muds for his kike slavers' sins
>meanwhile, visits Israel before he commits mass murder
>now, reveals his cuck colours


>kikes and muds live on
>surplus chromosomal 'tards go extinct

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He gets a new asshole ripped for him every time he has to go take a shower.

Yeah I know it’s probably my autism.

For the Muslims?
What face will you make when you realized you throw your life away for nothing?

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Is rape a thing in kiwi prisons? I always had the impression it was an American thing only.

Tell me more of your fantasies.

Not the same guy.

I'd imagine it was easier for him to get his gear in Oceania

He should have said he did it cause he was another type of Muslim, and they can't judge him for practicing his religion.

the only thing Brenton Tarrant is guilty of is murdering 51 muslims

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easier access to semi auto rifles

Oh wow they smuggled cell phones. Almost similar to American prision.

It's a thing in literally every prison.

You're an actual fucking retard if you believe this.

We are going to support the murder of Jews and good goys because you won't let us kill race mixers.



time will defeat anyone

Because aussies are automatically treated like kiwi's here and we had lax, laid back gun laws.
Guy was a fuckin pussy. His own country has literal jihadists. We have a handful of quiet bottle shop owners

Why didn't he kill himself? is spending life in prison better than suicide?

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