I guess we just passed the 1000 mile marker here in the US of A, frens. Deaths are increasing at an exponential rate. Anywhere between 400-500 will die in the next 24 hours alone. Then 750-1000 the next day. And so on and so on
I guess we just passed the 1000 mile marker here in the US of A, frens. Deaths are increasing at an exponential rate...
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We're all gonna die.
Congrats! I believe in you. You can make it to the top of the leaderboard!
people die everyday, who would of thought
>of thought
Even as ESL this makes me cringe.
finally the burger purge has arrived
With our obesity and poor healthcare system, which is already woefully unprepared to deal with this stuff, I have no doubt that we will
>poor healthcare system
I mean, our system prioritizes profits above all else. And many people will never go to a hospital or doc no matter how sick they get because the bills can be so astronomical.
The biggest irony is that most of the population will still believe the US is the country best prepared for this.
Daily new cases has dropped in Europe though :(
This reminds me of how cdc staffer user said a strain with a 65% death rate could hit the west but that the average of all the strains was 35%. Has anyone seen any new posts from him other than his original three threads? Pretty much everything he said has come true.
Yeah just look at a lot of the Americans posting on this board. I'm kind of curious, did coronavirus become partisanized anywhere else in the world? Here in the USA it became a partisan issue, with Republicans trying to downplay it and say "everything is fine" and the Democrats pretty much just telling the truth about it. Not that Democrats don't lie plenty themselves, but they're pretty much just being straightforward on this one, or if anything even downplaying it a bit, but not like Republicans.
It's basically a partisan thing here, though. Fucking disgusting that something like this became partisan here. And yeah, the Trump supporters literally think "this is a deep state plan from Democrats to discredit Trump" and "USA's health system is the best" and "we're number 1, muh obesity and diabetes will never kill me"
Nah, that's how you know he's a real ameritard
Yes, but it's all poor, elderly, and minorities. No one worth mourning.
>pretty much just telling the truth about it.
When millions of people in the US don't die from this, what will you say then. Wait a month and look at your self then and what you wrote and how you took the MSM seriously.
americans are fucking brainwashed. watch even the most critical snap to attention on july 4. remember, americans still also pledge to the flag EVERY DAY in school.
US is one of the only countries in the world where science is seen as devil-worship by 50% of the population until the born again morons need a heart transplant
the only thing rising exponentially is the amount of people tested.
the amount getting sick and dying is steady increasing.
people being tested= people scared; $ for health industry
Now, let me tell you why the Shangai Shivers ain't shit, just a bad cold. Because the normal flu will kill children and babies. The Ching Chong Cough never does. There are 3 world wide coronaviruses in circulation, and they have been since forever, they just give you the cold. Give the Kung Flu a few mutations and it will be just as harmless as the 3 others.Not even the flu, just a dry cough.
So I just read a danish article that refers to an italian study. The average age of 2500 dead of the coronavirus in Italy was 79,5 years old. The average age in Denmark is 80 and for men it's 79. Mostly men get infected in Denmark. In Denmark they keep telling us we don't want to see italian circumstances in Denmark. We literally closed Denmark down to stop old people from dying who statistically already lived longer then the average dane. What a fucking joke.
If you have an extremely dry forrest, it's best to start the forrest fire yourself then to wait for nature to do it, because nature will only make it worse. If you have a lot of snow on a mountain, it's best to start the avalanche yourself, then wait for nature to do it.
People do both of these things, starts forrest fires and starts avalanches preemptively so you have small forrest fires and avalanches,rather then to wait for nature solving it more violently,
If you have a healthcare system that insists on keeping every single old fuck alive as long as possible at every cost. Then it's just a matter of time before nature comes in with a harmless but novel virus that kills all the old fucks. If most of these old fucks had died 2 years earlier rather then be kept alive through a government funded healthcare system, you wouldn't have such a mortality rate in Italy which have one of the oldest populations in the world.
32 confirmed dead in Denmark. Average age of the dead is 80. Life expectancy in Denmark is 80. Achoo!
user.......The death rate from this thing is between 6-10% of all confirmed cases, if you just do a little bit of math. It's incredibly transmissible. The deaths that we are seeing, globally, and the rate of death, globally, is happening in a context where every single draconian measure has been taken to slow the spread and "flatten the curve". People are really just starting to drop dead now. It takes about 2 weeks for this thing to kill most people. That's why the death rate is so far behind. It's really just simple math. I know Trump supporters don't like this level of thinking, but that's why all of these doctors and scientists are trying to explain that this thing is indeed a big deal, and going to hurt the world very badly.
But I know my words are just falling on deaf ears, and it's too complicated and too much thinking for your typical Republican S M H.
and so on and so on
There is some politicizing in Spain, but nothing like the US. For one, Spain has a fairly neutral news media that reports facts.
One politicized issue here is the choice to not cancel the women’s day parade.
But generally everyone is taking it seriously, being honest, almost too honest about how bad it’s gonna be. I think that’s why everyone is behaving pretty well. We are expecting it get to get bad.
Yeah I hate it here, user. Take me into Denmark. I wanna move there. I'm white. Like white white. Like real white. I don't wanna be here anymore, this is a nightmare. Everyone is brutally narcissistic and entitled. You can't imagine the narcissism and entitlement. The entitlement always comes from conservatives, too, as they sneer at you and say "wow, ur so entitled"
people are saying a million is the high end estimate over several outbreaks, no we aint going to all drop dead, but a lot of people are going to die from the corona.
Yeah, I've met a few traveling burgers who realized the US actually is pretty fucked up. But you only realize this once you've been outside of your country for a bit and seen other places. Germany is pretty fucked up as well in some regards. But at least people are taking the pandemic more seriously. Except the zoomers, of course. But those people are terrible and retarded since the days of ancient Babylon.
So much truth not much happoooning much keks
Just look at US flags in the board man. Look at them. Unironic boomers. You can tell they are actually just spouting off Fox News or whatever. Look at this thread, I bet half the US flags still think it’s nothing. They look at the total deaths and think it’s nothing not even taking into account the massive growth of cases per day. That’s where this country is at. This is where a country where decadence is normal gets you. Just retards.
great analogy. mountains are routinely demolished so that unpredicted rock slides happen less frequently.
but not sure this is the same thing.
this seems more like a lab-engineered virus that kills off old people and gives global government an excuse to test out caging everyone before the big boogaloo.
Shut up nothingburgertard
Funny, cause I just had a discussion with a dane who heard the virus was mutating. He then jumped to the conclusion that it couldn't be ruled out one million danes cold die from a cold. He was probably an atheist and believed in science.
All virus mutate constantly by the way. The danish experts have explained several times that we are looking at 1600 to 6000 dead danes depending on what measures we take.
>One politicized issue here is the choice to not cancel the women’s day parade.
I WISH this was all we were politicizing.
On Fox News the other day they literally ran a chiron all day long, just stamped on the screen, that said only 14 people died in the last 24 hours. The actual number was closer to 200. Then one of their main personalities just outright said "the death rate is less than 1%" like WTF? Complete fabrication. Completely mathematically incorrect
Here’s one right now in the flesh. He’s pledged allegiance to trump or red team. That’s the entirety of his political views and he thinks that he is a free thinker. Jesus man just go back to facebook okay boomer?
>Deaths are increasing at an exponential rate
when is that gonna start?
just wait for it to really hit brazil
Nope. Death rate is around 1.5% which is still terrible when paired with the high hospitalization rate. Let it run freely for a week and a high percentage of the population will be sick in bed. Keep in mind that it takes three to four weeks to recover. That scenario would lead to an actual collapse when most people are sick.
so we'll simultaneously have thousands of people dying because exponential increase, while also not having enough beds/ventilators/etc?
Cheers. Spent quite some time in your country, and had a very pleasant time.
Would be funny if the same people are the "no whites anymore in twenty years THIS IS A GENOCIDE!! look at these graphs!" people.
where are they hiding the bodies?
Boomers don’t care about race, they are retards. I care about shit like that but I’m not a complete waste of space trash like every single person over 35 on this board. Boomers love their cheap labor and based niggers in red hats. I don’t. I’m a national socialist.
I think it's consumerism. That's always been my theory. Cuz consumerism breeds entitlement. Consumerism makes people falsely believe the world revolves around them, because IRL our capitalist world revolves around money. So this is where the "I need to speak to your MANAGER" mentality comes from.
Now you got these people, all they know is the world revolving around them and their dollar bills. Then some massive gamechanger finally enters the picture that doesn't give a fuck about their dollar bills, and "what do?". They don't understand that bad things can happen. Many boomers and entitled Americans, white ones especially sadly, really don't understand that bad things can EVER happen to them. So this entire disease business just doesn't meld with the threat centers of their brain. Those threat centers are pretty much turned off when it comes to anything that's really threatening. Yet they fire constantly when it comes to things that aren't threatening. It's backwards, and I guess it's also due in large part to all of these people just being hugely insulated from natural selection, consequences for their actions, consequences for being wrong, and any sort of real mass, large scale tragedy
Well, then there's a president who is constitutionally bound to serve his people, yet who lies to them daily, putting more lives at risk through false information and causing more panic.
It's a possibility. Unfortunately Brazil has another person in charge that will gladly ignore a crisis until it's too late. Are there actually any countermeasures as of today in Brazil to slow the spread?
Our bed capacity is stronger than most other nations, and ventilator production is starting to turn the corner like test kits did. If America as a whole is good about social distancing we should be fine.
a week ago
We have no proof anyone is even dying to the virus. South Korea found 86% of those who test positive show no symptoms. That means only 14% of people who test positive ever show symptoms. Think about it. How often do you show symptoms of covid-19? Runny nose, shortness of breath, headache, anything is a fucking symptom at this point. This virus appears to be doing absolutely nothing. This is so obviously a fucking hoax and I cant believe anyone is falling for it. The tests are totally inaccurate. It tests for two genes that aren't exclusive for COVID-19, and we have never proven someone to be infected with COVID-19. Individually, the genes result in a negative, because they arent exclusive to COVID-19. But if both genes are detected, it results in a positive test. So one false positive is a not infected, but two genes that were previously false positive means youre infected. If they were exclusive to COVID-19, we could just use one gene and call it positive. But we can't, because it could be a false positive. The question I'm asking is, how often does someone get two false positives? Every single person who tested positive could have received a false positive. There is no evidence anyone is infected with COVID-19. We have no way of knowing how often someone gets two false positives, because the tests have never even been proven to be valid. There is no reference to know how accurate the tests are. It's absolute bullshit. Nobody has been proven to have been killed directly by the virus. 99% of dead in italy had comorbidities. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs all have tested positive for corina virus, which is 100% impossible. Viral infections are specific to the DNA of the species. The chances of a virus mutating across species is astronomically small, has never been proven to happen, and the chances of it mutating across species multiple times is ZERO. All signs point to the tests being false positive. It's a fucking hoax.
2010 Yas Forums would've never fallen for this.
there's this really cool thing called the internet. if you haven't made it through primary school and learned what exponents are, you can just search online for what exponential growth is, and how it works. it seems like nothing is happening for the longest time, slower than linear growth. Then, suddenly, it turns almost vertical. it's people like you who deserve to die.
A lot of them are. I'm kind of one of those people. What happened in the USA fucking sucks. I live in a multicultural area and it does suck, bro. There are tons of racial tensions. But even still, I think people are stupid to vote for their race rather than their class. Here in the USA the people on our right-wing really don't understand that. Goes back to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. These people dismantled the economic leftism of our country, that worked so well for so long, all because they thought they'd "starve out those niggers". Surprise surprise, the "niggers" never got starved out, and the Republicans they voted for actually tacitly endorsed open borders behind the scenes, when nobody was looking, because all Republicans ever actually cared about was the interests of business
What's the endgame of the copypasta nothingburgers?
population control
The mortality rate in the US, has been between 1.2-1.4 consistently for over a week now. I surmise that it will continue with this trend. I have no reason to suspect anything different than what the data shows us. In all honesty, the mortality rate is probably much lower than that.
One big looming issue is the reinfection and second wave, reinfection is likely and that it will be way more deadly turning antibodies from this wave against the infected, shutting down their heart. I guess that’s why the borders are all shut. All they can do is separate everybody because if we are separate we can’t pass it on, can we?
>If America as a whole is good about social distancing we should be fine.
my sides, user
OK, keep me posted.
Average age of people dying from the Ching Chong Cough in Germany is 83.
That's still much, much worse than a flu.
Nah. A lot of people are going to die though because of how many unhealthy, old, diabetic, autoimmune disease/respiratory illness peoole we havr in this country
and that's only the confirmed cases. We are probably nearing a million actual cases. Which is good, that means we are building herd immunity. By Easter we should be at like 5-10 million and should start relaxing some of the restrictions, or at least temporarily relaxing them and then putting them back in place. And by mid-May we should have enough infected that herd immunity starts to actually make an impact.
Niggers and kikes most affected
Reinfection doesn't seem to be happening with coofid19. People are developing antibodies like normal.
Yeah bud. The numbers don't back you up. Neither to the experts. But you continue your basic arithmetic plotting exponential to infinity.
>Be part of the solution shill. KYS.
do you think all the ventilators in NYC are a hoax? if there really is a demand all of a sudden for thousands of vents, wouldn't that imply these people are infected with something, if not Covid19
It has more to do with old than white. Young white men know very well how bad things can happen to them. If you aren’t a trust fund white kid you are lower than trash in this country and people laugh at you for not being a god because they were told that white privilege meant that all white dudes should be CEOs at 25 and internalized it.
does anyone have one of those interactive time maps where the circles/numbers growi bigger day by day? like in da. movies?
Yes, I do love inflated as fuck numbers
Mexicans shouldn’t be here at all though, end of story.
ur faux interaction isn't fooling anyone
Yes, I agree user. But, I just checked it again, and for the first time in a while, it's 1.5.
it will be a fatsocaust
mcdonalds and computers doomed you all
It already has boom boom. You are 90 iq literally.