Real estate "investors" freaking out over Cheesecake factory rent strike

They haven't announced any outright suspension, or even a reduction, of their dividend (last paid Mar. 6) to stockholders!
The stockholders are paying themselves first instead of their landlords!
Pure kek.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-25 The Cheesecake Factory Tells Landlords Across the Country It Won’t Be Able to Pay Rent on April 1.png (1496x844, 44.41K)

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For those unaware, real estate investors are usually massively over-leveraged, and they need rental income to make interest payments.
For whatever reason, banks extend credit on extremely generous terms for real estate investing/speculation--even to retail borrowers.

>For whatever reason, banks extend credit on extremely generous terms for real estate investing/speculation--even to retail borrowers.
“Whatever reason” ?

Artificially low interest rates and the moral hazard of constant bailouts from the federal government

>Artificially low interest rates and the moral hazard of constant bailouts from the federal government
No, I mean even relative to other industries, real estate gets much more leverage and on more favorable terms.
I think it's due to mistaken assumptions about real estate not being volatile, and tending to only go up in value over time.

Westerners live in debt up to their eyeballs. This was all inevitable.

If these landlords don't get rent, they'll miss mortgage payments, and eventually find themselves in foreclosure.

What is it with you redit trannies and rent this week?

The Cheesecake Factory is a huge company. They have money. This isn’t the same as someone in an apartment losing their job. It’s probably in the landlords best interest to work out a payment plan for back rent once this is over, though, because it can take a while to get a commercial space rented . That is NOT the same as free rent.

>Mar. 6
This dividend could have been used to pay April 1's rent.
Pure kek.

I'm not anti-landlord, but I just think it's funny that this company chose to pay at least one more dividend to shareholders instead of next month's rent.
And the real estate investors flipping their shit about $CAKE not having set aside cash for rent are hypocrites who should have set aside cash to endure a a month or two without rental income, and not used so much leverage.
They deserve to get rekt.

Ass blasted commie faggot shills.It’s the new you mad white boi threads. Sage in all fields.

>commie faggot shills
How am I commie?
I'm praising $CAKE management for maximizing shareholder value.

Ok boomer

I did IT work for a real estate management company during the recession 2008-2011 and every company, every business, every chain, from pizza hut to subway, was months behind on their rent. This isn't really a big deal.

>I closed on a rental with a mortgage under my name right before Corona, can't find tenants, what are my options?

Guess they just picked a poor investment then. ;^3

Then bam, Cheesecake Factory buys it out from under them.

What the fuck is a vertical
What the fuck is this faggot babble

Get out on the corner. Those dicks aren't going to suck themselves. Why did you buy the property if you don't have savings?

>The Cheesecake Factory is a huge company. They have money.
lol, my company is a huge company, and has no cash reserves. We are #fukt and we're still open for business

Explain this to me like I'm 10, and then explain the explanation, please.

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Why don't they get evicted/shut down?

>every company was months behind on rent

> when you can’t pay your rent you have a problem
> when nobody can pay their rent, it’s the landlord’s problem

Fuck the landlords, based Cheescake

most major retailers are going to skip paying next months rent - the commercial owners need those rent payments to pay off the other pieces of their ponzi scene. accordion effect maybe gets catastrophic because these retards leveraged everything beyond all value.
corona-chan is throwing sand into the global economic engine that underpins the big lie.

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> end of month

Here's your rent

Anything causing a catastrophic drop in real estate values, collectable real estate income, or both (coronachan), and these people are fucked.

LOL what are the property owners going to do, evict them? No other business is going to move in and occupy.

Better just work with your business tennants.


I only put 5% down for my rental property.

This and real estate is good collateral.

Happening all again

Yeah but we’ll never learn

he predicted again and he didn't know at the time of this interview.
Makes me wonder if this virus is a hoax to cover the banks
banks had to be bailed out last November and that didn't work


Cheesecake Factory fucking sucks anyways.

Maybe it's more likely that property is an asset that a bank doesn't mind repossessing and owning?

Lies. Their bread is godtier and their cheesecake selection is great. I don't mind paying $9 per slice since they are pushing 2,000 calories each.


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It's true.
Pizza Hut (if I remember right) even recently pitched a strategy to their investors that included just not paying the fucking rent, and this was BEFORE the coronavirus shit.

They snatch up the trapped equity.

This. It smells like a kike trick to gobble up property at ultra low rates.

Banks issue credit to the masses. When enough people default and eventually trigger a financial crisis the government comes in and bails all the banks out so the banks can issue more credit. They can do this forever it seems, as long as the masses continue consuming.

Cheese Cake factory is normie tier. Friends visit form out of town and want to go like it’s such a special place, go and it’s filled with loud hood blacks taking up too many tables. And they we’re out of cheeseburger wontons. Stupidly over populated menu quantity over quality

Because finding someone else to move in is difficult. An empty strip business center can be a death sentence for a commercial property owner because it just LOOKS depressing and no business owner will want to move in there.

Probably because if you kick them out it’ll be a bitch to find another tenant. If you kick out a grocery store then all the plumbing and equipment and layout is there and you pretty much can only rent the space out to another grocery store (or eat the cost of refurbishing it)

Hiw many trillions will the Fed have to print for real estate crisis 2?

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Living in Lancaster can be considered a pre-existing condition.

>Sorry this is bullshit. They must have an emergency operating fund of some sort They are clearly looking to get some free or very cheap government cash.
Yeah, they gave that to their stockholders.

>only niggers and deadbeats can't pay their rent
Hold my cheesecake
Never, ever, EVER forget that the same corporations which try to goad you into 'doing the responsible thing' will not hesitate to do WHATEVER is allowed by law if it benefits them.

During the housing crisis when people were being scolded for letting go of their homes by the banks, those very same banks were defaulting on multi-million dollar properties if it saved them so much as a dime.

Morality and responsibility are for a predominantly white, Christian, high trust utopia. They were characteristics of 1950s America. They are not part of today's mutt America.

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>For whatever reason
Because that loan is backed by an asset.

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Suck my cock leaf user ill help you out

ding ding ding go the digits

>Because that loan is backed by an asset.
Bingo. The bank doesn't care. If you can't pay your mortgage, they'll have collected your premiums and still have the underlying asset. It's a sweet deal. Plus, you're required to carry liability insurance and even $$$ flood insurance if the structure is in a flood plain. A very good deal for the banks, and frankly a good deal for the borrower, so long as they can keep tenants. I've been on a shopping spree in my area as prices drop. Blood in the streets, mother fuckers.

Obviously this virus is a cover-up for the banks/corporations/government fucking up the economy again.

It's also exposed how bluepilled Yas Forums is. There is a critical mass of poltards who actually believe the virus is a meaningful threat.

>The Cheesecake Factory is a huge company. They have money
That's not how globalised capitalism works.
It's much more often the case that the bigger the company, the more DEBT it has, not the more reserves.

Fuck the landlord class!

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>This isn't really a big deal.

Can't say that in the Corona era.

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money go bye bye