Why isn't anyone wearing masks in public in the US?

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Dust masks don't block viruses.

american flu fault.

This event is the first time Americans have considered it.

How can we shame white people into wearing masks?

we can't find any becasue DRUMPHFS!!!!1

and Americans were told they don't work by the media so they listen like sheep.

Im wearing a mask if I have to be in public

because they don't really help prevent the wearer from catching the virus. They're to prevent people who are sick from coughing and sneezing all over the place, and the sick aren't out and about.

It does block you from touching your face.

Because this meme virus is a joke.

only chinks wear masks lol I don't want people to think I'm a chink

I’ve only seen two people wearing masks in public. They weren’t the N95 type either.

Too late. There aren't masks available. My plan is to be exposed early so that I can build an immunity before the hospitals are at capacity, or the virus mutates.

we arent pussies and we going for that herd immunity baby

Fucking retard

Because 90% of the people know this thing is a huge meme and don't give a shit.

I wore a mask out yesterday to the drs office. The nurse came out with a mask on and told me I really didn't need the mask. I asked her why she was wearing a mask. "Oh that's different."

How am I supposed to coof on everything with a mask on?

A mask won't save you. Only a 9mm will.

It cross bred with AIDS, you dip. Catch it and you're sure to die.

from where would we get them? They were sold out everywhere by the end of January.

Because everyone either bought all the masks or are price gouging them.


>no argument

The surgeon general told everyone not to. Then by the time people realized they needed one, they were unavailable.

That's exactly why I've been exposing myself every day at the grocery store. Hoping that I catch the non-AIDs strain first.

actually a lie perpetuated by the authorities to prevent a run on masks which would stop them from reaching the critical health services
the masks help, and you should wear them if you can, even makeshift ones like the dust mask

What masks?

Because it's illegal.


Because they've been sold out for weeks

>Catch virus

Chinamen hoarding all masks & ppe. Im not paying $80 per case on masks

Plus they arent that effective.

>mfw not wearing mask

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because i'm not a disgusting chink rat coughing and spitting all over the goddamn place

ive seen many people wear masks

n95 masks dont do that, surgical masks do that

Because they told their own population some bullshit about how they don't work. Tell that to all the Asian countries who were able to control their outbreaks.


Some are, you ignorant fuck.

>catch virus
>catch it again because it's not chickenpox, you dumbass

Because the Jew News told us not to.

u dont need a mask if ur not sick

>outbreak controlled in Asia
>spreads throughout the world
What is your definition of control?

>A non-water proof mask will stop a virus that is even smaller then water partials that stays in the air for up to 2 days and surfaces for even more

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They are bacteria filled garbage that doesn't protect you from shit. You still have your eyes exposed and your skin around your head. People wear them as a fashion statement honestly.

>OH dude look me meh! Cool mask. I'm virus aware and care about othfers!!

Also by using too much hand sanitizer and frequently washing your hands you are essentially destroying a lot of the good skin cells on your body that defend itself from a lot of foreign antibodies in the environment.

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Until our loved ones start dropping like flies, no on here is taking this seriously.

u mad huwite boi?

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Shut up nigger.

Only ANTIFA are authorized to wear masks in public (excluding Halloween).

It’s the same here. Been masked up for weeks personally. Self isolating and warning others. When it turned out I was right I expected that shopkeepers at least would mask up but no, not seen even one other mask. Noticed disposable gloves on a couple of people. The answer is that in the week leading up to the quarantine only the real pillocks were wandering the shops and high streets and they just have nothing going on. Everything went silent on the Friday 13th weekend and it’s been like 5am Sunday morning ever since so a lot of people were heeding the warnings and ducking & covering but nerks twats and npc’s were in the bliss of ignorance AS FUCKING USUAL. at least they might bump into evolution for it this time. Victim status seeking won’t save you, fuck’o’s

You don't shame americans, you make it cool. Good designs and styles will make it a fashion statement and maybe a little bit bad boy instead of faggot chicken little asian dick.

Bad ass, people want
>wolf brigade
Bad ass, people would wear
>princess white dress on face
Only trannies would wear that shit, and asian betas.

I ain't scared of no flu

Grocery store Wisconsin this afternoon.. 2 people..out of say 50-75 in the store..one of them was a younger mom with a smoking body... i only was looking at her because her jeans were very form fitting... niiiice... i didn't have a mask because i only have 1 p100 and i'd look like i'm nuts. I just hold my breath.

because mask bad mask only help stop virus from go out but all virus still go in you wear mask you bad donate mask now

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How do you recover if your body hasn't built immunity?

no, but the viruses don't magically float in the fucking air. They are suspended in droplets of moisture from your upper respiratory. Almost any mask will stop those.

t. someone who actually has a medical education

Boomers are wearing them here in Western NY

because nothing is happening

You need antibodies... ..best bet is to get in the ICU before it gets too full and get a prescription for chloroquine/zpack before they run out...all hit them up for some IV of Vit C or at least liposomal C... check out the nurses too. A lot of them are crazy horny during this pandemic.

>blocks your path

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you lie mask bad it do nothing at all 100% ineffective does not lower probability it actually increase chance of virus because you touch mask hand in your mask now or you bad

The CDC intentionally spread misinformation that they don't work to give themselves time to buy up or appropriate as many of them as possible to be distributed to hospitals.

Masks don't stop viruses from being inhaled from the air directly, but they do prevent you from touching your face, and they prevent sick people from projecting the virus. Both these traits greatly reduce the viruses ability to spread. Unfortunatley, we were told they are useless because it was decided more important that medical staff should have them. Now you can't find them anywhere even if you wanted to buy them.

Better start sewing.

Guess not everyone watches paranoia pushing news. They know the statistics

lol based

So i just came back from walmart and no one was wearing masks also the parking lot was full but there were 20 to 30 people inside

Why would you wear a mask? Afraid of flu?

because they cannot buy them even though they might not work.

Uhh... Doesn't your body make antibodies as part of the immune response? Isn't that how your body fights a virus? How can you recover without antibodies? As far as I'm aware, the majority of healthy people afflicted with the virus will recover naturally.

This. And it's bad enough that walmart is about to install sneeze guards at the registers. Instead of letting workers go home

Chinkoids bought them all up in January as part of the bio attack

Because they only work if you have a medical or nursing license.

Yeah mine was packed too... I'm only going in stores once a week now... i'm not risking some infected boomer breathing in my direction. I also only use self checkouts and scan my items fast pay and get the hell out of there... I got out of the car and 6 dirty mexicans jumped out of a full size ford pickup and i said..fuuuuuuck this and waited until they had entered the store and dispersed... no way was i breathing in that corn tortilla laced covid 19 breath.

What a fuckin cuck society yours


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you're telling me I have to give up my only source of protection to the medical staff that will use the mask ONCE to check on a patient and then throw them away?

why hasn't anybody invented reusable respirators that can be disinfected?

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I wear a mask in georgia. Oddly enough only blacks and asians wear masks. And whites just look at me funny, and I just wink at them.

Whites are fucking held back by their own pretentious pride, and have no self preservation.

Masks do work by the way. The media has brainwashed retards into thinking it doesn't.

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people act like if you get within 6 feet of someone with the coronavirus, you'll get it too

there's a lot of ignorance here and we're taking medical advice from people who think that housefans cause sudden death

Don't you need a respirator

Yes..exactly..you need your body to make them... it first makes IgM and as the disease progresses IgG..the key is to live long enough so your immune system beats its...but in that time you might need new lungs. or face plant because your heart gives out.

N95 respirators will stop the virus. Standard surgical masks will not. Why don't you do some research before spouting faggotry

>This. And it's bad enough that walmart is about to install sneeze guards at the registers. Instead of letting workers go home
Those guards are a great idea buddy boy; Costco recently put them in

Because Americans are very egocentric and live very image driven lives.

Wearing a mask doesn't suit the image of ourselves in this life that we've had carefully crafted for us, and that we craft ourselves.

LMAO funny but cucked

>You didn't do the math and fell for the meme, now you've modified your daily behaviour out of paranoia and faith in the media.

Corona remains active airborne for 3 hours. You say six foot rule goes too far? I say six foot rule doesn't go too far enough.

They are fucking useless. Only the N95 ones actually prevent anything.

t. someone who's worked in the medical field longer than you've been alive.

Or you may very well be completely asymptomatic, especially if you're young, fit, and are prioritizing immune support.

But yeah, if you're an elderly obese smoking alcoholic with bad hygiene and a shitty diet, you're going to have a bad time.

I've been wearing mine since it got pretty bad in my area. Just rotating out masks for necessary outings, like grocery shopping, etc. People were originally smug faggots about it and treated me strangely, but now they humbly accept that I am a mask-chad and they are a virgin open breather who is at greater risk.

Couldn't possibly be the country wide government mandated and enforced quarantines. Couldn't possibly be that the CCP are lying.

Because the USA is a state with the ego on overdrive. Wearing a mask is the ultimate surrender of your special individualism, what makes you unique. Why do people get tattoos, wear crazy fashion, have a 'personal brand'? Wearing a mask gets rid of all of this and makes you "one of the crowd." In these Asian countries, which are 'hive psychology' countries without this level of insane individual identity, it's not such a hard hit to their fragile self concepts.

That general theme mixes with social shaming/not wanting to stand out and appear weird. I guarantee you people who wear masks today in the USA supermarkets get dirty looks and insults. Hardly anyone can handle that level of social pressure. It'd be like walking around completely naked for the majority of people who care what others think of them, which is 99% of people.

>this thing is a huge meme
Yes, the thing that terrified (((them))) so unbelievably badly that they shut down the world's economies, their primary source of income. "Nothingburger" is the ultimate midwit take on corona. Smart enough to not go crazy and panic but dumb enough to believe what the politicians tell you rather than looking at their actions.

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I remember hearing that n95 are the only thing that works

If only one could buy one... Stupid China needs to send a fleet of 747s full of them.

What if I told you that there's another reason to wear masks, which is why Asia is doing it, and that is to prevent droplet transmission from asymptomatic carriers to other people? Have you ever heard of caring about other people? I hope you're not my fat black single mom/homosexual nurse if I ever end up in the plague ward.

I donate my mask hospital. Anyone wear mask now is ashamed.

It’s a nothingburger

>Because the USA is a state with the ego on overdrive. Wearing a mask is the ultimate surrender of your special individualism, what makes you unique. Why do people get tattoos, wear crazy fashion, have a 'personal brand'? Wearing a mask gets rid of all of this and makes you "one of the crowd."
This is easily one of the stupidest, most pseudointellectual teenage posts I have ever seen on Yas Forums.

I'm going to when I go out tomorrow.

shut the fuck up chinaman

Yes...Italy data shows vast majority have mild symptoms..or even none at all... Sure a few young will die...but mostly diseased old boomers...

blocks your path

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Whoever gives bad looks probably did the math and didn't fall for the meme, after they saw how astronomically low your chances of catching this shit are

Been wearing my mask in NY Long Island for weeks. Just now in grocery stores am i seeing older folks finally wearing whatever they have - from basic surgical masks to N95/P100s

Nah, I just go about flexing on people who said it was a nothing burger a month ago.

Fuck off kike.

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>the sick aren't out and about
>asymptomatic spread
Pick one. You don't know you're sick until you've already spread it around, so everyone should be wearing a mask outside just in case.

Imagine being so paranoid and delusional you think EVERYTHING the media says is fake. They could show you footage of a meteor about to hit the earth and you'd call it fake. You probably think the earth is flat too.
>you didn't do the math
YOU didn't do the math and clearly have no idea how epidemics work. 100% midwit
>lol TV said less dangerous than flu
>what's exponential growth?
>why is the whole world shutting down?
>must be a democrat conspiracy to hurt trump
>damn those demoRATS!!! *sips*

none available in any stores. There should be display mountains n-95 masks and sanitizers when you walk in but no elites don't like that,

>Couldn't possibly be the country wide government mandated and enforced quarantines
>Of the countries that don't have lockdowns

Why don’t you go to a nice crowded place right now then

Just decorate your mask dumbass

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Well you can just use a piece of cloth it works just fine to stop you from touching your face. People are idiots who believe the CDC instead of doing their own research. Also bosses are telling their employees not to wear them because it's spooky.

I went bowling tn

Jews income comes from interest based lending

Every country went in the red with the world's financiers


They're basically retarded